Review of Mad God

Mad God (2021)
I've seen nothing else like this. I'll say that much.
12 March 2024
Written & directed by Phil Tippett, a veteran movie special effects guy who's worked on franchises such as "Star Wars" and "Jurassic Park", this is a walk on a *truly* wild side. It's a stop-motion animated odyssey into a bizarre and freaky netherworld, as a character called "The Assassin" descends into the depths of Hell, clearly with an agenda in mind, as they work from a rapidly deteriorating map.

Even on his worst nights, Tim Burton probably didn't have nightmares quite like *this*. I'll say right now that this visually oriented picture is *not* for all tastes. Some people may feel that the "story" (such as it is) lets them down, with not much to engage them other than the grotesqueries on display. It's definitely an animation film for adults - it's dark, twisted, and very violent at times. It also tells this "story" through a succession of images rather than a conventional narrative. The viewers will notice that there's no real dialogue (as we understand it) to speak of.

This magnum opus for Tippett was *many* years in the making - he began it in 1987, and finally finished it in 2020. While I personally wouldn't call it a great film, it's so *interesting* and *provocative* to look at that it did hold my attention. That said, it's good that this has a relatively brief run time of just over 84 minutes.

I enjoyed it, and would recommend it to people looking for something way out of the ordinary.

Seven out of 10.
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