Hello Sydney, what's your favourite scary movie?
23 March 2024
Well, not this of course as it is a romcom, or just romance as the comedy is few and far between. The scary thing is how she might be perceived after this, (hopefully not just a sex object with very little talent) although I can't comment enough on the subject at this present moment in time. The reason for this? I'm yet to experience much of her content, currently Sydney Sweeney seems to be more and more popular with her recent appearances on Saturday night live and promoting of the film 'immaculate'. She is even popular for the supposedly god awful film Mademe Web I have also not viewed. However I'm sure my ignorance will eventually be overloaded with her upcoming offerings or maybe I'll delve into what has been and gone. Alongside Glen Powell you have enough hot chillies to entice both male and female hormonal adolescence. Since saturday night live I've been hearing Sweeney being hailed "hottest woman in the world". Scared yet? I Baywatch babes are already throwing in the towels . I very much doubt the studios are worried as this is a no brainer for making money even if it's an easy watch, less thought provoking kinda flick. Sweeney is embracing her youth bringing home the money and putting it aside for projects in the pipeline, I can assure you of that. Immaculate in appearance, no pun intended and as shallow as this film can be on the exterior, I see something in the interior, Sydney Sweeney can act! She has some rewarding charm within her acting skills and a certain chemistry with Glen Powell, even if at times he appears like he is just reading his lines.

So what is this really about? It's a love hate relationship that is predictable from the get go, far too silly to be taken seriously. The writing is ridiculous and flawed at times meeting each and every low expectation imaginable. Let's face it folks anybody putting this on from a male perspective wanted to see Sydney Sweeney in as little as possible, like I don't know maybe a bikini, and every female vice versa would like to see less on Glen Powell. Which is exactly what they got. I doubt anybody watching this came to see an award winning romcom. Bea and Ben go through the rounds from faking it to making it with scriptwriting from Llana Wolpert and Will Glunk. Will Glunk has directed films of a similar taste such as the likes of 'Friend with Benefits' and 'Easy A' and the film is loosely based on a Shakespeare called 'Much Ado about nothing'. The are many nice moments such as the Titanic imitation on the boat as well as Bea's plan to deceive the newly weds by playing them at their own game and faking her relationship with Ben. There is also many poorly executed moments due to such a week script. Often the supporting characters just feel like they are the to set Bea And Ben on there way, rather than having any development of their own. In fact I'd go as far to say none of the characters have much of a journey or really even learn much. The score is a pretty standard or even below par attempt when all is said and done using the repetition of "feel the rain on your skin" to the point of overkill at the climax. If you like either of the leads you will probably manage the entire duration due to such strong eye-candy. Sweeney is very charismatic although I can't help but feel her talent is somewhat wasted here. Luckily for her most won't care as she has other qualities to keep most fully engaged.
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