Origin (2023)
Annoyingly silencing the true "Origin"
29 March 2024
This is a really annoying movie to write a review for.

First, the information it provides is of excellent level.

However, in between this information, the spectator is pushed into emotional states to open him to accept with little resistance what follows in the next scenes, in which we are only shown the relation of individual anecdotes of discriminations against Indian untouchables, Jews, and African slaves.

This goes on to imply our responsibility for inheriting a house that we now occupy, full of cracks that will not fix themselves. We bear the weight of the profits of hundreds of years of discrimination, because our ancestors accepted silently institutionalized hierarchical caste systems. So far, so good.

"And a roof that must be replaced" However, the film avoids discussing the roof. We have all been victims of caste systems more or less. And it all started on the roof. From Kings and Monarchs, individuals of different bloodlines, who are still not allowed marriage outside of their castes. Not a single word about the true "Origin".

I live in a monarchy where honoured individuals avoid eye contact while looking down and shaking hands with the Monarch, who must be addressed as "Your Highness". This is merely another anecdote. However, such an anecdote is missing from the movie.

And this blood concept extends down the social hierarchy; in politics, people are not truly allowed unless they have been chosen and declared worthy to be part of their ranking by proving themselves through years of low-level services inside the party. I witnessed this first-hand, yet I refused to be a part of their upper caste, for the only reason I have always been aware that it is a form of inacceptable racism.

Judges prefer lawyers; doctors marry doctors; and teachers fall in love with teachers, rich people marry rich. And they occupy parliaments and democratic institutions, protecting them from unworthy influence and thereby rendering them non-democratic.

"Patterns of social behaviours that are in place so long it looks natural, when it isn't, cast is everywhere yet invisible"

Accepting castes is a strategy to dominate and defend what we have. Aren't we all content to tolerate our own discrimination because we know and feel that there are those on the street so numerous who have a lower social status?

It is all too simple to merely focus on the lowest class, as the movie does.

So I chose to give it a low rating, not just because the writer's emotional passages are monotonous and manipulative, but also because of what the film says and does not dare to say out loud, which was its obligation to do.
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