Review of Puppy Love

Puppy Love (II) (2023)
Puppies bring them together, will it help them stay together?
31 March 2024
My wife and I became a Lucy Hale fan in 2018, when she starred in the TV series "Life Sentence". She starred as Stella, who in her teens developed a case of terminal cancer but had to re-imagine her life after she surprisingly became cured.

I became a Grant Gustin fan with his role in "Glee", he is a very talented dancer and singer. Then his lead role in the TV series "The Flash." He does a bit of singing in this movie.

Both Hale and Gustin are very good in their roles. Because the movie is very quirky, it would not have been enjoyable with lesser actors. I found myself thinking "If Seth Rogan and Amy Schumer had played the leads it would have been unwatchable."

Gustin plays Max, he has lots of issues, is a neatness freak, sees a therapist via Zoom, he has low self-confidence and usually prefers being alone in his apartment instead of joining a crowd. His therapist recommends, actually persuading him, to get a dog.

Hale plays Nicole who is pretty much the opposite of Max. One day she sees a dog looking homeless, in the afternoon she sees the same dog, so takes it in.

So the story requires that the two dogs bring the two people together, they immediately dislike each other and how the other lives, but as time goes by each finds things favorable about the other.

My wife watched it streaming on FreeVee on Saturday evening after our weekly steak and red wine dinner, with chocolate cake, of course. Some of this movie is hard to watch, at some points the main characters head so far off the rails. But in the end it is mostly enjoyable and sweet.
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