Lady from Louisiana
3 April 2024
Bound for New Orleans, young attorney John Reynolds falls in love with Julie, a high-spirited southern belle. But their Mardi Gras romance is ill-fated, for his mission is to end the town lottery, run by General Mirbeau, Julie's beloved father, and when he decides to see Reynold's way and when he learns of his employee's (Blackie) duplicitous dealing, he gets killed, shot by Blackie's right hand man.

The Lady from Louisiana sounds like a western, but it isn't - it's set in circa 1890's New Orleans, and the location, costumes and extravagant period detail is sharp as is the dialogue and the plot. Don't expect too much action, just a solid story with some melodrama. The subject matter about lottery is interesting and fairly relevant. John Wayne and Ona Munson have a good chemistry.
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