Season 1, Episode 6
Cat and mouse,or mouse and cat?
6 April 2024
Tom's nightmares and spooky visions did appear in this episode ,which includes two of them ,dealing with his victims raising from the dead (a wet Dickie) or still sleeping in his hotel ( Freddy); anyway ,even though he's totally immoral ,the death of Dickie will haunt him in the whole saga ;even though he would commit more murders,this one was the one he was never really able to get over ( in the fifth and last volume -perhaps the weakest though- he hears his so called voice on the phone) .Another obsession : the fear of the police ; the end of the first volume, in spite of the denouement, deals with that.

The presence of Freddy's lover (?) ,Max ,amounts to nothing here; the viewer will like best the Colombo-like superintendent who plays cat and mouse with Tom (and the other way about is truer) .Playing two characters at once is not an easy task ,and the screenwriters ,faithful to the novel ,do not need two extra-characters like Minghella (Meredith and Peter ) to perform his conjuring trick.
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