A sad Terminator Rip Off
13 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I wish I could just leave the review title, but no, I have to fill in 500 characters. And then some.

Gregory Hines should have ran or at least tap danced his way from this movie. Too many things wrong.

This Dutch main character was in real life, far too young in to have so many letters in front and behind her name, more than the general has ribbons as said by Gregory Hinds about her titles and PhDs, yet she tried to play a much older woman with a hot body. Apparently, in the 80s, she was supposed to be a Dutch sex symbol. Hardly. In her youth she was a gymnast. Here, she just looked like a cheap 70s porn star, and acted much like one, cheap and fake.

The fact that ye olde U. S. government wouldn't have put a nuclear device loose in a test weapon makes this movie stalled from the pits. That it was being tested on human soil in civilian settings with said weapon is even more stupidly plotted.

Then there was only one Caucasion fenale model. At first, there was a Caucasian male model who was canceled. This makes no sense in a real world situation. Sure, you can speculate their could have been more models, but there couldn't have been because the model made was a clone of the woman who was in charge of her creation and also had her memories, flawed memories at that, which also wouldn't fly in any weapon in any nation's arsenal.

I guess we're supposed to also believe that when an android gets damaged, it's supposed to take memories into context, but it didn't. It got hormonal. Also, why would the clone cyborg have memories to steal an uzi, go steal a red mustang, obtain only 250 9mm rounds, go to a sleazy motel/bar, get in a sexual situation with a rural cowboy/lumberjack/truck driver, and then remove his privates with her mouth? Or would the clone intentionally try to kill random people? These were mostly hormonal actions. The rest would be actions done by the clone of a female street walker. None of these would have been in the memory of the Dutch doctor the memories came from. Just an all around mess.

Let's get to the rest of the mess. Cops facing a known armed and dangerous fugitive, the flight to New York, the mustang beamer wreck, Gregory Hines supposing to be a sharpshooter, but shows up with probably one of the worst firearm setups possible, the inability for anyone to be able to shoot this android, cyborg, whatever you want to call her, through the eye, it's unfathomable.

One of the biggest bloopers in the movie was the air bag deployment in the BMW. While the 1987 Mustang used in the movie didn't have air bags (that was only standard equipment from 1990 on), people in the bloopers state so many things about the BMW air bag being deployed from the color to deploying from a rear end collision. There surely wouldn't have been an air bag deployment, not because of the collision point, but because, just like the Mustang, BMW 325i didn't have airbags until 1990. This was a 1984 BMW 325i in the scene. Air bags have been around since the 1920s, but the first one in real use was in a 1973 Oldsmobile. They weren't standard equipment in pretty much any vehicle until the 1990s. So, for the producers of the movie to use this as a minor plot device to show how psycho and hormonal a cyborg was, is totally unbelievable. This mindset persists on throughout the movie. Let's make things up that are totally unnecessary to the plot and purely garbage for the movie to plod on.

Then, you have poor old Gregory Hines in a roll that no one could play. While he has played cops and military personnel or arms dealers in the past, he never did it well. For him to play the best choice the U. S. had to take on the world's most top secret weapon is the biggest laugh of this movie. Let's ask Gomer Pile to take on Vladimir Putin. That would have been more realistic.

Then the only person who can kill the cyborg is the creator herself by shoving the blunt barrel of Hine's horrible weapon choice into the cyborgs supposedly armored forehead. Come on. This is Nickelodeon cartoon writing.

The creators of the Terminator films were probably laughing at this sad attempt of a copycat. Who knows? It bombed so bad, it probably flew below their radars.

Best thing is to avoid this poorly written, badly cast, and horribly directed hodgepodge.
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