A cinematic experience without bite
15 April 2024
Intriguing on paper, but disappointing on the big screen, "Father & Soldier" from 2022, directed by Mathieu Vadepied, presents itself as a no-frills drama that seeks to harshly denounce French military and political rhetoric during World War I. However, despite its noble intentions, the film gets lost in a wavering narrative and lacks depth. Set in Senegal in 1917, the plot follows the story of Bakary (played by Omar Sy), a man who joins the French army to protect his son Thierno (Alassane Diong), who is enlisted against his will. The promise of a direct confrontation with themes such as war, colonialism, and exploitation seemed promising, but Vadepied misses the opportunity to bring to life a story that could have resonated with the audience. The film suffers from a lack of character development, with Bakary and Thierno appearing as mere archetypes rather than nuanced individuals. The father-son relationship, a central element of the plot, lacks authenticity and emotion, leaving viewers indifferent to their struggles. Omar Sy, despite his talent, seems trapped in a role that doesn't allow him to express complex emotions. The criticism of colonialism and blind obedience to orders is present, but Vadepied addresses these themes timidly and indecisively. The plot seems geographically vague, with out-of-context elements such as the presence of a North African desert fox in a setting that should be the European continent. Alexandre Desplat's soundtrack, while stirring, often seems out of sync with the narrative, creating a disorienting experience. The trench assault scene, while well-executed technically, fails to convey the urgency and tension that should accompany such a situation. "Father & Soldier" seems to miss the opportunity to delve into the crucial themes it addresses. The issue of forced recruitment of young Africans and their use in war, while relevant, is treated superficially and lacks emotional impact. Vadepied may have aimed for realism, but the result is a flat and unengaging narrative. In conclusion, "Father & Soldier" presents itself as a cinematic work that, despite its interesting premises, fails to effectively convey its message. The lack of character development, uncertain narrative, and timidity in addressing crucial themes make this film a disappointing experience, devoid of the depth and impact one might expect from such a work.
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