Could be better
17 April 2024
Netflix's Code 8: Part II follows the story of the cousin duo, Stephen and Robbie Amell, who return to the sci-fi world after a few years from the original film. The sequel follows the story of Connor Reed, who goes on the run after being involved in an incident that led to the deaths of cops. The film also intertwines Connor's world with Garrett Kelton, who has taken over Lincoln City's drug trade. The film introduces 14-year-old Pav, a teen girl, into both characters' lives, which disrupts Connor's plan to stay out of trouble. The sequel comes after a planned spinoff on Quibi fizzled when the streaming service closed down. Code 8: Part II is a sequel to the popular franchise, where 4% of the population has powers. The police closely monitor these superpowered individuals, rather than becoming heroes. Director Jeff Chan and his crew deliver strong visuals, adding new powers and a small budget. The sequel features the Lincoln City police department using drones and humanoid robots, Guardians, to keep Powers, the franchise's marginalized superpowered community, in check. The sci-fi elements have been improved in the sequel, with a side-by-side comparison showcasing the franchise's sci-fi elements. The Lincoln City police department replaces Guardians with new robotic K9s, providing kinetic action sequences and a suspenseful moment early in the film. Meanwhile, Robbie Amell's Connor is impossible not to root for. After letting his mom die in order not to take someone else's life in Code 8, Connor puts himself back in danger when he doesn't need to so that he can save a scared girl. While Amell does not tap into the humor he excels at in the hit series Upload, the actor makes Connor a kindhearted lead. Amell is at the top of his game for the movie's most emotional moments, anchoring the sequel's energetic action sequences with hard-hitting drama. Code 8: Part II does a great job with the franchise's returning characters, though they're not the only ones to shine in the sequel. The movie has an easy-to-hate villain in Alex Mallari Jr.'s Sergeant "King" Kingston. Mallari played a minor role in Code 8, with the actor returning to show his skill set in the sequel, making King charismatic at times and utterly evil when the curtain is pulled back. Sirena Gulamgaus also plays a key role as Pav, who is both charming and fierce. The character, who is crucial to Code 8: Part II's story, never disappoints.
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