And I thought the first one smelled bad...
20 April 2024
Get that line? I cribbed it from The Empire Strikes Back. Why not? Every single idea in this terrible, boring, too much slow motion film is cribbed from another. Star Wars, the Last Samurai, 300.... The list goes on and on and on and on and on and on. Why so much repetition? Well it equals all the Snyder Cultists insisting how great a filmmaker he is. Here's a Clue: He and Shymalan should never be allowed money ever again to make a movie. A galactic empire needs to loot a planet of grain? Really? That's right from the Seven Samurai where the bad guys are coming for the harvest. I can understand this in medieval Japan, but a GALACTIC EMPIRE? The dialogue in this mess is beyond corny. Beyond bad. Beyond beyond. Snyder doesn't have an original idea. I don't know how much Netflix sank into this trash, but this must be where their decision to move away from big budget came from. This is just a laughably bad movie. It almost makes Sucker Punch - I still want my money back for this - look good.
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