22 April 2024
There are some beautiful things about this film. The photography is one of them. The music is also fitting. The rest is meh.

I guess one could dig deep and try to find as many meanings as one wants into this movie and that is certainly something that we should cherish. Spoon-feeding movies are not the solution. However, I'm pretty sure we can find a balance between an on-the-nose flick and this.

It is categorized as a comedy/drama/action/adventure, depending what website you check. Truthfully, if you have the sense of humor of a 12 year old, I can see the fun in it. However it becomes old quite quickly. When it comes to the drama...I don't know? When something bad happens is because the creatures are just stupid.... And when it comes to action or adventure? The most action-like moments happen off-screen and how can there be any sense of adventure when there is no sense of purpose. Meaning, direction, discovery, and desire?

There is no momentum, there is nothing going on but eating, having sex (or trying to), and pooping. I guess these are all worthy things to explore in a film, but making a feature film out of this is a bit ridiculous. I could this being a short film from some filmmakers trying to establish their style and showcase their skills, but a feature film? What for? We had at least a dozen eating scenes and none were substantially different than the others or had any particular implication.

I still give it a 5/10 because, as mentioned at the beginning, it is a movie that looks and sounds good. Too bad there is no story or rhythm or anything going on really.
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