From the Earth to the Moon - Brilliant Imagination
22 April 2024
Jules Verne and HG were the two greatest science-fiction writers in the history of the genre; no one else is even remotely close to these two individuals. There have been subsequent very good sci-fi writers (Asimov, Garland), but none in the same category as Verne and Wells.

I found the film to be profoundly prophetic and extremely entertaining for the most part. There were some scientific missteps (as in being fired out of a cannon and a few others But there were many more accuracies than inaccuracies about the scientific principles and items that would not be invented for another eighty years by men like Einstein and Oppenheimer. What a briiliant imagination Verne had! How anyone could give ANY of his works (either in film or in literature) less than a very high rating, is well beyond my understanding. Did they expect the film to be scientifically precise by 21st century standards, when it was written in the 19th century? Please.
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