Review of Humane

Humane (2024)
The worst horror movie of 2024?
27 April 2024
Caitlin Cronenberg's Humane is a sluggish attempt at social commentary wrapped in a messy, one-note thriller. Set in a future plagued by food scarcity, the film squanders its intriguing premise by drowning in its own self-importance. Despite a talented cast, the characters remain thinly sketched caricatures, devoid of any real depth or nuance. The plot meanders aimlessly, weighed down by heavy-handed moralizing and clunky dialogue.

While the film occasionally flirts with unsettling imagery, it ultimately fails to deliver any genuine tension or suspense. The violence feels gratuitous and disconnected, lacking the impact needed to resonate with the audience. Even the central conflict, supposedly a life-or-death moral dilemma, falls flat due to poor execution and uninspired storytelling.

Humane desperately wants to be a thought-provoking exploration of ethical quandaries, but instead, it comes across as pretentious and contrived. With its muddled message and lackluster execution, this film is a forgettable misfire that squanders its potential at every turn. Save yourself the time and skip this one."
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