Buried in Barstow (2022 TV Movie)
Sure, I'd like to know what happened.
5 May 2024
Why does Joy's boyfriend, who needs to impress her mom so they can get money from her, talk to Hazel like crap?

When will loser Travis stop worming Joy to get her college money? Why doesn't Joy get another job if she's having such a hard time at the diner?

Why haven't the cops busted up all the teenagers' coke parties?

Why is there a total disconnect between Hazel and her daughter about Hazel's background? Joy is a big girl now and is gonna start figuring things out.

Why is Elliot, who was found guilty for drunk vehicular manslaughter, out of prison so soon without probation?

Why is Hazel hiding in plain sight two hours from the Strip?

When will Hazel start adding vegetarian and health food items to the menu?
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