Green Border (2023)
Raw and Real
7 May 2024
Green Border (2023) is a heavy, emotionally charged film. Divided into four distinct parts, the movie unfolds entirely in black and white, employing shaky, handheld camera work that gives it a raw and immersive feel. Although there are a few shots that remain steady, the camera's unsteady movement primarily emphasizes the feeling of urgency and fragility that is inherent in the story.

The film is an intense human experience that feels unrefined, capturing the harsh realities of seeking asylum, politics, and the moral dilemmas surrounding humanity and human rights. Its structure is clear, providing a sense of location and time throughout the film. The editing is meticulously timed, though some scenes could benefit from being longer to deepen their impact.

The score is almost absent, save for a melancholic, slow violin orchestra that occasionally surfaces. The sound design relies on natural elements, incorporating background noises and environmental sounds to ground the viewer in the grim reality of the characters. The absence of a traditional soundtrack adds to the film's raw, relatable nature.

What sets this film apart is the authenticity of the performances. There's no acting, just reacting, making the emotions on screen feel incredibly genuine. The story itself is fragile, touching. The writing is thought-provoking, especially in the third and fourth acts. It doesn't shy away from showing the truth about the situation.

While the pacing is great in the first two acts, it drags in the latter half, particularly in the 3rd and 4th act. The tension peaks in the first three acts but wanes a bit slightly in the final act. Nevertheless, it still depicts the horrors faced in the film. The film overall is a process, with no clear resolution, leaving viewers emotionally drained and empathetic toward those in difficult situations.

Green Border is an untypical film that challenges viewers with its raw portrayal of human struggle. Its handheld cinematography, authentic performances immerse the audience in a fragile, emotionally draining journey. The story's moral ambiguity, coupled with its thought-provoking writing, leaves a lasting impact.
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