Sydney in Sydney.
11 May 2024
This is a rom-com that takes advantage of the cuteness of Sydney Sweeney and Glen Powell. There is a comment in the middle of the movie about him being too old for her and in fact Powell is about 9 years older than Sweeney.

It starts in Boston, at a coffee shop. She goes in asking for the rest room but is told that it is only for customers actually making a purchase. He is in line, the next to be waited on, pretends they are a couple and thus she is a "customer" and can use the facility. This event serves to have them meet. Briefly.

Then later her sister, a lesbian, is going to Australia, for a wedding to her girlfriend. The whole wedding party, including families, end up on the same long flight to Sydney. He and she end up on the same flight and things develop from there.

My wife and I watched it at home, streaming. We enjoyed the quirkiness of it and the funny situations. Sweeney and Powell play well off each other. The scene, where they were on a cliff facing the ocean, with their hands down each other's pants to try to convince the others that they were really a couple, is very funny.

However there is one big distraction. The script has all the characters over-use the F-word in situations where there is no cause for it. It seems just to have characters use salty language. It quickly became a distraction, families and friends in real life do not speak that way at congenial gatherings. My wife and I both say it takes the movie down a notch.

In spite of that we were entertained. Sydney Sweeney and Irish busker Allie Sherlock resemble each other so much it makes me wonder if that are related. After all Sweeney is of Irish ancestry.
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