Elf Bowling the Movie: The Great North Pole Elf Strike (2007) Poster

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This will be short to review this movie
vuk91-73-48917218 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
*spoiler alert* Because this whole movie simply fails at being a movie, a Christmas special, and has terrible ideas. They could have made a bible based movie about how Jesus became Santa Claus in secret. Or just tell the true tale or something. Also, it's elf bowling we are talking about... Did a flash game from the mid-to-late nineties call for a movie? How many flash games deserve a movie adaptation? And if so, why this one? And if this one, for some reason... How did they even get to the conclusion? I do not understand some movies.. Really I don't. This is like Kis Vuk and Food Fight at once, for Christmas. And worse, a poorly primitive game's adaptation. Two hours too long without any worth watching it. And I just don't know how to say how bad this thing is. Yes, Christmas is a celebration hard to make good movies for, and I swear I rarely see a Christmas special that does. Making Santa Claus a pirate, giving him a brother who cheats and commits crimes for 400 year straight, and still nobody even considers it when letting him challenge S.C. twice. Illogical Story again. And the visuals could be way better too. When this thing came out? 2007 was the year when Ratatouille came out, and that was visually appealing, with a story that was actually made for human consumption. I don't think the Easter Island idea was serious too. And the magic orb... don't get me starting on it...

In short: No!
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Completely pointless, mindless, and boring
gschrive876 October 2007
We rented this movie cheaply through Redbox and I'm glad it's only a dollar a day so I didn't waste my money. What more can I say except that I almost fell asleep several times while watching this movie? It had no plot and the musical numbers were terrible. It even stunk as a family movie with sexual innuendo and just overall crudeness. I didn't laugh even once throughout the whole movie. It wasn't very original and the same plot devices were used over and over ad nauseum.

When we watch a movie as a family, we try to decide whether the rental would be a future "buyer" or not. This was voted hands down as NOT a "buyer".

Maybe the video game this movie is based on is good -- I've never played it -- but this movie goes down as one of the top 10 worst family movies ever and definitely the worst Christmas movie I've ever seen!
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It must take effort to make something miss the mark on so many levels.
brailsford9 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I remember being a teen and someone emailing my dad this game around the end of the 90's, it wasn't terrible, it was a tad addictive back when better games still required fairly good video cards... that said jump ahead 10 years almost, yeah there's a gba version I'm ashamed to admit occasionally I'll play but for the most part like the rest of the world I'd forgotten the game. Jump ahead about 7 years now I discover someone made it into a movie around the gba games time frame... I'm left wondering "Why?"u

To put whats wrong with this movie I ask you, Do you remember telephone? The game that was often played in kindergarten where a teacher whispers something in one ear for the message to be in turn whispered into another kids ear to the last kid finally reads out the message. This in turn almost always leads to something major lost in the transmission of the message.

This seems to be the case of the Santa Clause Mythos in this movie. Santa Clause is inexplicably a pirate who steals toys, so that he can secretly throw them overboard hoping they will somehow end up in the hands of orphans. He has a brother who is also a pirate who seems to have an addiction to cheating worse then Dick Dastardly back in the wacky races.

Santa bowls his crew over gold coins for some reason and wins but the parrot reveals that there's been cheating been going on so him and his brother get tossed into the water where they freeze, somehow the end up at the north pole where an elf uses his magic ball to revive them. They then reveal Santa is the chosen one, white beard. Eva then falls in love with an eva gabor look alike when she makes him strudel which he apparently really likes. Then him and his brother get in some real stupid argument drop the magic ball knocking over 12 elves revealing they enjoy being knocked over like pins. Santa starts delivering toys since they enjoy making toys and for 14 hundred years this goes on, finally santa marries ms. clause and asks his brother to move out who in turn goes to rule over the penguins and plot against his brother... I could go on but i think I made my point at how ridiculous this adaption is.

My biggest gripe with this movie is at about 80 minutes, bowling only makes up possibly an 8th of the film if that much and the bowling scenes are all pretty much the same, Santa bowls, Dingle Bowls, Dingle is revealed to have cheated after he wins. The victory is awarded to santa. Thinking about the plot actually can hurt your head so I wouldn't recommend it.
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Seriously? SERIOUSLY?!?!
bobbie-warren9 December 2009
Warning: Spoilers
T from the US must be either employed by Rex Piano (awesome name, by the way) or on some heavy psychotics. This movie was terrible.

The first comment I have was that the plot was lagging, redundant, and portrayed every single character as severely delayed. I respect that the game itself didn't give much to work from. You hit elves with balls, big deal. However, the fact is, bowling is a boring game. And the fact that the elves were incapable of figuring out that Dingle was cheating raised red flags for me, since that was sort of his shtick. It took far too many unnecessary divergences from the actual plot. I believe that the author, Martin Olsen, was inspired by Shrek, but couldn't quite make it. The script combines fart jokes and sex jokes in a way that simultaneously makes it inappropriate for children and dull for adults. Never mind that the only two female characters are a heartless gold-digger and a schnitzel-obsessed housewife, since sexism is still alive and well.

Then again, I should have known better, since the advertising on the back of the box hinges around "We have guys from Rugrats and Aladdin!"

That movie sucked.
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D_Burke6 December 2011
"Elf Bowling" is probably one of the worst Christmas specials ever made. It lacks the charm it is supposed to have, the animation is terrible, and it is not funny at all. All this added to the fact that it was post-produced to tie in to a popular downloadable video game.

In fact, all bowling elements of the film made no sense to me. Sure, the video game is fun. I know because I've played it. However, how can you have Santa use elves as bowling pins and make both the Christmas special endearing and Santa not look like a masochist? This movie's answer to that question is apparently by making the elves actually LIKE being knocked down by a heavy bowling ball. As long as Santa is rolling that ball, it's a compliment, I guess.

The way you can tell that "Elf Bowling" and all bowling elements were added to the film at the last minute is just by looking at the title: "Elf Bowling: The Movie- The Great North Pole Elf Strike". If you take anything related to bowling out of this movie, you still get a story that's predictable, and characters whose actions fly in the face of logic. Adding bowling to the plot is just clearly contrived.

Apparently, in one of the stupidest Santa origin stories ever, Santa Claus (voiced by Joe Alaskey, who also does the voice for Grandpa Lou in TV's "Rugrats") starts out as a pirate (yes, a pirate!) whose fellow shipmates make it their duty to steal toys from orphans. When Santa has a falling out with his brother, Dingle Kringle (voiced by Tom Kenny, the voice of Spongebob Squarepants), they end up both accidentally walking off the plank. Because they happen to fall off the ship in the North Pole, they end up frozen and floating off to a land inhabited by toy-making elves.

While the brothers initially plan to steal the toys the elves made, Santa warms up to the elves. Dingle, however, does not. Santa goes on to take over the workshop, while Dingle, in plain sight of Santa, wants to take over the toy making operation. First he wants to keep the toys for himself. Later, he wants to deliver the toys to all the children in the world with invoices attached so he can profit. INVOICES! As if kids would actually pay them.

Do you see any room for bowling in this story? Somehow, they manage to wedge it in, and it sticks out like a sore thumb. Also, Dingle, being the bad guy, cheats in the first game, then is caught by the elves. They have a rematch, and Dingle cheats again, unbeknownst to those same elves. Talk about "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me"! For plot convenience's sake, the elves never seem to comprehend Dingle's evil schemes, even when he flies them to Fiji. The elves are not supposed to be stupid, but their lines like "What the cranberry sauce are you doing?" make you wonder.

Despite the veteran, talented voice actors they recruited for this special, this is just a very cheap way to promote a video game that did not need this movie to promote it. It had already been downloaded 100 million times (literally) before this movie came out.

Everything about this movie felt cheap: the writing, the animation, and even the sole black elf who spoke intelligence-insulting jive talk. I did not enjoy it, and I doubt kids will either. However, it may be best used as an actual bowling pin so you can through a bowling ball at it.
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That Saberspark video was good.
This movie is like a chick flick except instead of smoking babes, dude, it's a munchkin and fat guy. *cries*

Seriously, this movie is garbage. Don't watch it
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Only good for one thing...
nolanalbers19 September 2019
Its a good in joke between your friends. Oh, and I guess don't ever ever do anything remotely similar to this.

There can be only 1 elf bowling movie.
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Have I already seen all the good animated movies?
ericstevenson12 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
It might not be Christmas but...wait what am I saying? All the stores have their Christmas stuff up anyway! Anyway, I feel bad for not knowing anything about the Elf Bowling flash game that this was based on. I've written over 16,000 Newgrounds reviews. You'd think they would have it! Anyway again, this was based on a flash game which from what I heard was nothing about bowling with elves as the pins. They decide to change this to make Santa a pirate for no reason. What do pirates have anything to do with Santa Claus? And what they do have anything to do with bowling? They took an idea that was already a weird version of Santa and made it even weirder. Oh, and the pirates only appear for the first four minutes in the entire film.

Yes, there is absolutely no reason at all to make Santa a pirate. It's even more pointless than you think. Anyway, Santa has an evil brother named Dingle in this movie. Somewhere around 600 AD, he started delivering toys to all the people in the world. Well originally it was going to be he'd deliver them every day, according to this movie. He convinces the elves to narrow it down to just one day a year. That's incredibly stupid. Nothing important happens to Santa Claus for literally 1400 years. It's only at this point that Santa decides to kick Dingle out because he's still been committing crimes for over a thousand years. Took him long enough, I guess.

Dingle tries to take over Christmas by challenging Santa to a bowling game where he cheats and gets disqualified. He doesn't get punished for this, so this is all completely pointless. In fact, you could have literally ended the movie right there are that point and nothing would have changed at that point. This movie is so bad it even gets the dates wrong. It keeps saying that Dingle has been around for 600 years even though he's been there for 1400 years. Can the writers of this movie not even count? There's a later part where they say they're off by six billion toys, but then they say they're off by eight billion toys. Was no one paying attention to this movie in the slightest? Dingle causes the toy factory to blow up which creates a wave freezing Santa who for some reason is making a "Home Alone" face. He relocates to Fiji and finds this woman who wants him for his money. She serves no purpose in this whatsoever. Santa returns and challenges Dingle again. He cheats again and gets disqualified again. What'd they even do this? They should have known the exact thing would happen before.

Oh, and there's this magic orb that this one elf named Lex uses. It turns out he actually had the magic in him the whole time and didn't need the orb! Then how is Dingle able to use the orb? It was proved the magic came from Lex, not the orb. Oh, and Dingle's girlfriend is defeated by feeding her strudel. Yes, seriously. They were somehow able to make billions of toys in only a few minutes at the end. Either that, or they did it with Dingle's help which is also dumb considering he's supposed to be the villain.

This is one of the worst Christmas movies, worst animated movies, and worst video game movies of all time. I haven't even mentioned how the CGI is horrendous. Every character looks like a melting marshmallow and the CGI looks like it was made in 1994. When you see the characters close up, they come off as even scarier. Okay, I guess this isn't as bad as "Santa And The Ice Cream Bunny", but it's close. I am so glad I'm here to warn people of the films of any kind you should avoid. Dang, I wrote a lot. So many online critics have reviewed it and it's easy to see why. Half a star
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The late video game adaptation nobody ever asked for
mitsubishizero23 September 2020
This was for a game that was way past its popularity at this point. Nothing about it ever comes together. The story has potential but it's not all that interesting, the characters are meh though the rivalry between Santa (Joe Alaskey) and Dingle (Tom Kenny) is somewhat entertaining.

The animation isn't the worst but it certainly looks cheap. The textures look rubbery which's strange when they have to emote in some way like smile. It goes without saying but this's a movie you can definitely skip. It's got nothing for kids or adults so it fails to entertain in both departments.

If you're looking for so bad it's good than this might be for you. If not, definitely cross it off your wish list.
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Based on one of the worst videogames ever.
goldentiger-4444225 December 2018
Seriously how did this film get greenlit? What were the producers thinking/smoking? There is no real reason to make this. I can fathom films made based on Mario, Sonic, Donkey Kong, or Star Fox but why this? Seriously it was based off of Elf Bowling an online game in 1998 that was renowned for being among the worst. Yet it worse because the story is barely based on what flimsy material it is and there's so many lame scenes and bland song and dance numbers that stretches the time making it not only longer but seem longer than it really is. It all starts off with Santa as a pirate and his brother Dingle getting kicked off their ship, freezing, and thawed by elves. Dingle wants to be in charge and challenges Santa to a game of bowling and Dingle wins by cheating (using penguins in place of elves). Then the plot turns south with the elves being moved to Fiji and involving talking statues. Then a rematch happens and oh heck is this beyond stupid. The characters are ugly and one dimensional, the animation lacking, the story is abysmal beyond comprehension, nor is the dialogue or voice acting worthwhile. If any good came out of it, it's that a Halloween sequel was cancelled due to this lame excuse of this movie's even lamer performance. If anyone is going to make a movie based on any videogame, base it on something well known and good. This should be a chapter in how to not make a movie.
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like a chicken flick
katkamper4 August 2019
This is like a chick flick but instead of smoking hot babes its a munchkin and a fat guy
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So bad it's Good
GravityLoudHouseLover116 December 2020
Elf Bowling The Movie: The Great North Pole Elf Strike is a Christmas Movie from 2007. It's consider one of the Worst Christmas Movies by a lot of people. I first heard of the Film from Mr. Enter back in January 2015 when he reviewed it. Anyway the Film is Garbage but it is so bad it's good. The Movie is about Santa Claus was a originally a Pirate & he & his Brother Dingle who want steal the toys but ends up Getting Immortality from the elf's. Anyway the movie is so bad it's good 6/10
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I'm an elf made man
nogodnomasters20 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Santa and his brother Dingle are Irish pirates who steal toys. Through a series of events they get rescued by elves who also have penguins. (Penguins at the North Pole!) Santa gives up his evil ways while Dingle tries to hijack Christmas. The film is off beat. There are some themes for adults that kids might not understand such as "tequila body shots." There is also a scene where Dingle is playing cards with the penguins and he is in his undershirt (strip poker?).

Elf Bowling is not as exciting as dwarf tossing. Never bet of elf bowling as it is a sport that can be easily rigged.
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A drunk version of Elf (2003)
gabrielle-0478528 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, my first question is why. WHY WAS THIS MOVIE EVEN MADE?! Who thought you could turn a 90's game into a disastrous mess of snow and ice!

Tom Kenny, what happened to you, buddy? You were a success in Spongebob, but now you've moved on to doing this!? WHY?!?!?!

Elf Bowling isn't good in any way. I only gave it a two because some of the moments in the movie were...actually funny.

The story is nonexistent, the animation is cheap, and the characters are not only empty, but they all look like they're made of outdated clay! Also, song numbers?! SERIOUSLY?! YOU GUYS HAVE SONGS IN HERE TOO?! This so called Christmas flick is not your average holiday tradition!

Now, all you little kiddies run along and watch A Charlie Brown Christmas and maybe you'll actually learn something about life!
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A cashgrab 9 years late
aequalsproductions27 December 2018
Just another mindless cash grab meant to cash in on a game from 1998 with a dead fanbase. The movie is not very good the character look-like their made of Playdough and the "jokes" in this movie range anywhere from cringeworthy (at worst) to might get a smerk out of you (at best). The worst part this movie is just when you think they're about to wrap up they introduce an entire new part of the plot takes up the other 40 minutes.
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Holy Happy Holidays, Matey!
williemangago1 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Well, what a gutter ball this film was! Someone decided to make an Elf Bowling movie and I still don't know why. With other video game franchises, I can at least see the appeal of making a movie. Final Fantasy got a film, Resident Evil got a film franchise, and even Alone in the Dark got a film. While said movies ended up falling flat, they at least had potential to make a good story since the games were intriguing. This, though? This has got to be one of the most pointless films ever! The game version of Elf Bowling didn't really have a complex narrative, so how does one convert that in a film? Apparently by making the Christmas equivalent to FoodFight. Let's take a look. Story: Even by the standards of Elf Bowling, the story is quite weird. It's an origin story of how Santa became the symbol of Christmas. That's not the weird part; there have been some great or timeless origin stories like Santa Claus is Coming to Town or Klaus. The weird part of this one is Santa's original job... piracy! Because... Irony? Well, Santa was something of a compassionate toy pirate who secretly gave back what he stole, kinda like the Grinch, and this gets him to fall overboard and end up in the North Pole where he meets elves who happen to enjoy being bowling pins. Speaking of strange kinks, the parallels between this and FoodFight become clear when one gets into the sexual innuendos. Yes, there are innuendos where, for example, Dingle suggests Santa keep his hot strudel in his pants. Something about some of these jokes made me chuckle a bit just because of how unexpected they were. Most of the other jokes were worthy of either a jeer or just bored silence. But it's not just sexual innuendos and elf bowling that make this strange. There's a part where, after Santa's workshop is sabotaged, they go to Fiji where they get hypnotized. Apparently a reference to how one of the games took place at the beach. I'll give them that it's pretty unpredictable, but not in a very good way. They even have a magic jewel that does anything the writers want. A literal plot device. 2/5 Animation: You may be expecting me to say that the next parallel between Elf Bowling and FoodFight is the animation. I will say that's not quite the case. The designs of these landlubbers are pretty dang bad, don't get me wrong. Pretty much everyone looks like plastic, but some of them have more realistic faces than others, making for an uncanny design, and many of the extras seem to not know what to do with themselves. They even just perform armpit flatulence for no reason. But the animation on the main characters can be considered standard compared to FoodFight. The animation is a bit jerky, but not broken motion capture jittery, and the characters don't have as much disturbing faces as Foodfight did. Plus, Elf Bolwing has some decent expression for what it is. That said, there's nothing really standout memorable about the backgrounds; Basic PS1 era water, Basic PS1 era ice, and basic PS1 era island. I guess you could say this could be what Elf Bowling may have looked like if it had PS1 cutscenes. 2/5 Characters: As I said before, this movie has some weird antics in it, but what would those jokes be without some "zany" characters to push them? The problem with Santa Claus being a pirate isn't just because of how it goes against his usual character; let a satire be a satire. It's just that he keeps talking like a pirate even after he retires that role and dons his iconic suit. It seems strange, and it makes more sense with his brother Dingle, the evil ice salesman from the game who's also a pirate here, yet he doesn't sound much like a pirate. Lex is the owner of the aforementioned magic ball who doesn't seem to have much of an established personality, and... there's even an African American elf who speaks like either a rapper, a dimwit, or both. Which reminds me, there are a few recognizable talents voicing these characters. Tom Kenny is of course an iconic voice actor playing as Spongebob and Ice King; Joe Alaskey played Tommy's Grandpa and Daffy Duck, and Jill Talley played Karen from Spongebob. I'm pretty sure most of the budget went into them, because they did a decent job playing their parts, but very little went into the script, aside from, again, some odd dirty jokes. 2/5 ongs: Why? Why did this need to be a musical?? This is a movie about bowling! Where did these songs come from? And what's worse is that these songs are awful. You have a terrible pirate chantey with no sense of composition. You have the song about how Elves Better Be Happy that is grating and sung by one of the most creaky elves ever portrayed on film. You have Tom Kenny singing some of the most awkward songs in the movie. The first song he sings about mutinies isn't that bad and kinda jazzy, but there's also him doing a hula about Fiji and bikinis and seaweed, and even worse, a song about slavery... Nope! I want nothing to do with that! 1/5 Conclusion: This is one gift that keeps on giving, and I don't mean that in a good way. What it gives is a surreal story about Chris Kringle, substandard animation, characters who range from bland to disturbing, and songs on par with some of the worst Christmas Carols ever. If you find entertainment in sudden sex jokes and alright voice acting, I guess you might find it so bad it's good, but if you prefer to retain your sanity, I think it would be best to rethink getting this as a Christmas Gift. Because Elf Bowling the Movie is worthy of 2 pins in a 7-10 split out of 5.
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An honest review
harrygunstone25 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The missile knows where it is at all times. It knows this because it knows where it isn't. By subtracting where it is from where it isn't, or where it isn't from where it is (whichever is greater), it obtains a difference, or deviation. The guidance subsystem uses deviations to generate corrective commands to drive the missile from a position where it is to a position where it isn't, and arriving at a position where it wasn't, it now is. Consequently, the position where it is, is now the position that it wasn't, and it follows that the position that it was, is now the position that it isn't.

In the event that the position that it is in is not the position that it wasn't, the system has acquired a variation, the variation being the difference between where the missile is, and where it wasn't. If variation is considered to be a significant factor, it too may be corrected by the GEA. However, the missile must also know where it was.

The missile guidance computer scenario works as follows. Because a variation has modified some of the information the missile has obtained, it is not sure just where it is. However, it is sure where it isn't, within reason, and it knows where it was. It now subtracts where it should be from where it wasn't, or vice-versa, and by differentiating this from the algebraic sum of where it shouldn't be, and where it was, it is able to obtain the deviation and its variation, which is called error.
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One of the hardest movies to sit through...
rain_bow956 September 2019
I never heard of the elf bowling games until like last year, and I came from the 90s. The game clearly looks ridiculous and like nothing really happens, but it also looked kind of funny. Not technically something that would be made into a kids movie though...

I found it on Amazon Prime Video with it's glorious 1.7 glory rating, but I figured I'd check it out...not once but twice. Yes TWICE!!! The movie was so boring that I couldn't even stay awake during its hour and a half long duration. The plot is stupid (to be honest, I still never knew what the damn plot was), the pacing is annoyingly slow, and none of the characters are likeable. Not only are the characters unlikable and unfunny, but their stupidity gives me a HORRENDOUS headache. The villian of the movie, Dinkle, had been a sly fox for 1400 years, and when random stuff happens, NO ONE FOR SOME REASON THINKS "OH MAYBE IT'S DINKLE AGAIN!!" But that would make too much sense and the movie can't make sense because then it will be too short, AND WE CAN'T HAVE OUR MOVIE BE SHORT!!

This is a damn Christmas movie based on a deadass video game, but I literally forgot about the so called "elf bowling" plotline...(sigh). The animation is tolerable and not too insulting despite the characters looking like creepy early CGI models...wait what year this came out again? Meh I don't care. The voice acting is not terrible, but it IS annoying. Every character, except maybe Lex (the magic ball elf), sounds incredibly annoying. That's more of my personal nitpick because I've heard less annoying voices in Spongebob Squarepants...(I made the reference because Tom Kenny plays Dinkle...).

This is a kid's movie sure, but this is not something I would recommend parents to show their kids. Not only is the movie terrible, but it's also an insult to children's intelligence and it's very boring. I personally think this was made for money, because the creators did not care. I'd taken creepy stop-motion Christmas specials before this anyday.

Oh there's sex jokes somewhere in there too...
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A true social commentary
gertrudefromgermany7 December 2018
It really opened my eyes about the War in Iraq. Santa's brother might be the greatest performance in the history of animated film. The penguins.
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Greatest movie I've ever watched!
ElfBowlingMovieFan6623 December 2018
Elf Bowling the Movie: The Great North Pole Elf Strike (2007) was a heartwarming and excellent adventure for the entire family! We all enjoyed it very much and the kids were happy to see their favorite characters do the Elf Bowling! I liked this movie very much. I liked it because seeing all the elves and the Santa Claus made me very happy. This was a very unique movie, it was not similar to other titles; I promise. I will be buying 2 more copies on Amazon to give to my friends!

please give me my wife back you demons heres your 10 stars
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Good game, good movie
lorandgyorgy-966717 May 2020
The game was fun, so is the movie. It has many amazing voice actors.
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pretty good movie
aguythatdoesnotexist27 December 2018
To sum it up in one sentence(without any spoilers): It's like a chick flick except instead of smoking babes, dude, its a munchkin and a fat guy.
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Ugh... Sorry
kavijohnchauhan8 September 2021
I know this movie isn't loved, and people say this movie is bad, and it is the worst Christmas special ever, but hear me out.

The plot is unique and something hard to find in most animated movies now a days, it has under 10 troupes/cliches, which is very rare in modern movies. (Also, adventure time came out in 2010, and this came out in 2007, so the penguins are not ripping off adventure time)

People complain about the voice acting and the animation, I would say that Tom and Joe did fine, and the animation, it is not the worst, there was effort put in, but it was towards the textures of the characters, if it was put towards some other aspects of the animation, I think it would be fine.

To make sure this wasn't just a guilty pleasure, I watched this with my siblings and cousins, and they found it hilarious, and they want to do a play based on it

I would also like to say, if you aren't convinced, this can just be seen as an "it's so bad it's good" movie.
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Fourth greatest movie of all time!
joeroboston26 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Elf bowling:the movie is so nostalgic for me it surpasses even the polar express! But nostalgia is not the only reason I love this movie,It's because of a sudden twist that Santa clause,one of my idols,was a pirate! Hard to believe isn't! Anyway,I'm sure your kids will love watching this on Christmas Eve! The elf's were adorable,best version of them,and Sean hart did an underrated great job as lex,Santa's head elf! Tom Kenny(spongebob)did a good voice for Santa's evil brother dingle! I never played the games but this made me love the elf bowling franchise! Great movie and my fourth favorite!
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This movie is the best, made me happy again =D
elfbowlingismydad3 April 2019
When i was a wee little lad this movie was held in my grandfathers safe inside of his room, he got the movie from a small Vietnamese family back in some wars, idk what wars, it was probably on PC though as my grandfather knew what he was doing. Well once he died with his millions, in his will he left me with his prized possession... Elf Bowling the Movie: The great North Pole Elf Strike. Now my family left me and moved to some sort of exotic country with their newly found riches. While i went back to my flat. I got very emotional during the movie as the movie reminded me of my grandfather. This movie is what is keeping me going,

Thank you Elf Bowling the movie: The great North Pole Elf Strike...

Thank you
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