Zombie Town (Video 2007) Poster

(2007 Video)

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Semi bad
greenflea24 January 2007
This is not the worse zombie movie i have seem, nothing can be worse than Zombie Nation. There is a story-line and a plot, but the story been recycled over many times. There is a plague, turns everyone into zombies, and its up to a small group of survivors to wipe out the zombies. The hero's old girlfriend is back in town, they hate each other at first and at the end, they lovers. How many times, have i seem this story-line.

The scene at the truck accident is so fake, obviously they didn't want to use a real truck to keep costs down.

What thing, hits me in this movie, is that the main characters seem slow to act and slow moving. There is a battle scene in a warehouse, were the characters take their time in saving survivors, and shooting zombies who are fast moving. All the three main characters in this movie seem very slow people and take their time when doing anything.

This is not a movie to be taken seriously, just a brainless zombie movie, were there is much action, blood and gore, and a few boobs.
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movieman_kev27 September 2010
Jake, his nemesis, Randy & Jake's girlfriend must contend with zombiefied townsfolk (grandmoms and dogs mainly) in what was once a quaint and quiet, if backwoods town.

Imagine a cross between "Shaun of the Dead" and "Slither", but without the budget or wit of either aforementioned films. Although far from the worst 'Zomedy" I've ever seen (I'm thinking of trademarking that term by the way) But there's still nothing here to recommend it to anyone but the most hardcore obsessive zombie completionist (and even then only hesitantly)

My Grade: D
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Lacks a laugh track
em8907200215 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Thought this was going to be a horror movie, but it is more of a horror spoof along the lines of FEAST or SLITHER although not as good as either of those movies. The story is pretty generic: boy meets girl, then boy meets zombie, zombies proliferate and wreck havoc, boy and girl kill zombies and live happily ever after.

Yet, in this movie everyone other than the zombies appear to be braindead.

There is not much new here except the actors who appear to be relatively unknown, and if this is any indication of their talent they'll likely remain unknown for a long time to come. In several of the scenes the characters had delayed responses and exhibited schizoid behavior to the unfolding events which initially was just awkward but became progressively annoying as these stilted performances continued. Not only couldn't the actors handle their lines, but they couldn't even handle the props. Check out how awkwardly the lead actor handles the shotgun; it's surprising he didn't point the muzzle at his own face.

The special effects in this film are really lame. Some elements (like the leeches) appeared to be low budget knock-offs of flicks like SLITHER while other aspects (like the oozing blood) seemed to be borrowed from a third grade science project ---like those artificial volcanos that ooze a mixture of baking soda, vinegar and food coloring.

At some point in the production everyone involved must have realized that this wasn't going to work as a horror film so they started to throw in everything from bare breasts to bad jokes --- the problem is that they forgot to make the jokes funny (the breast were pretty lame too). Here, a laugh track would have helped to cue the viewer into when a joke had been told. Like, oh --- now I'm surposed to laugh --- good to know, thanks.

Overall it's a bad movie, but it gets three stars because it is somewhat entertaining as a horror spoof.
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Awful and JUST AWFUL
v_stojcevski6 January 2009
Wow...OK. So, after reading the little feud on here, I decided I had to see this movie for myself. This movie is HORRIBLE. I stopped watching it. I strongly recommend cleaning a closet instead of watching this movie, you'll be more spooked/entertained.

It's low budget with bad acting.

Whoever is giving this "movie" (because this is totally garbage) 10s is completely incorrect and should be disregarded.

I am in no way connected to any of the other reviewers.

Simply put, this garbage is not worth watching.

Very, very, very, very BAD "MOVIE".
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I stopped watching half way through
f-udgy15 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I hired the movie cause it looked like one of those really exciting zombie flicks that would have me on the edge of my seat, jumping up and down at all the scares. My brother soon caught sight of it and decided to watch it with me...

The first scene where the "zombified" hand is sticking up out of the ground, we both burst out laughing at how "un-zombie" like it was. The special effects were horrible, the plot line was standard and un-exciting. I mistakingly put this on the top of the to-watch pile.

About 35 minutes through I decided that I had enough of a bad movie and switched it off.

Waste of a half-an-hour if you ask me
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Do not waste your time on this crap
williamagipson30 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This movie has the worst acting, the worst dialogue, the worst effects. I kept watching it for 30 minutes hoping it would get better. It didn't. I quit watching this movie and started studying for a test I will take a month later. If all movies were this bad I would have excellent grades. The two main actors came across as unsympathetic pricks. The high point of this movie is the camel toe that one actor's love interest is showcasing about five minutes after the opening credits. Even the soundtrack to this movie is awful. This production is shoddy. If they spent for than $50.00 making this movie, the investors were seriously ripped off. I could take an MP4 video recorder and make a movie on par with this. There is a scene where a police officer is walking in front of a tractor trailer wreck as it explodes. It is clearly blue screened like a skit on Saturday Night Live. They didn't even attempt to make it look realistic. But the worst part is as the truck explodes and a fireball erupts into a mushroom cloud, the policeman keeps walking and is oblivious to anything going on behind him. Fake Fake Fake. You can only take suspension of disbelief so far. I got this movie with a free rental coupon and I still feel ripped off. This is the dumbest movie ever made and the world is dumber because it WAS made.
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Rubbishy low budget zombie horror comedy.
poolandrews26 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Zombie Town is set in the small town of Oatis in Vermont where brother's Jake (Adam Hose) & Denton LaFond (Phil Burke) run a garage. They get a call to remove a pick-up truck blocking one of the outer roads, once there they decide to check a nearby cabin to see if the owner's of the truck are about but find a bloodbath & are attacked by a zombie which bites Denton on the shoulder before Jake shoots it dead. Jake heads back to town for help & tells Sheriff Lou Brubaker (Steve Nasuta) who is also informed that due to an accident the main road out of town is blocked & with various strange reports of people getting bitten by other's it becomes apparently that there is a zombie outbreak. As more & more of the town fall victim to the flesh eating zombie plague it's up to Jake & his ex girlfriend Alex (Brynn Lucas) to save the day & stop the infection spreading any further...

Written, executive produced, produced & directed by Damon Lemay this is another low budget horror shot on a camcorder & edited on a PC type effort of the kind that has flooded the market over the past several years with the advent of cheap professional camcorders & editing & special effects programmes for the home PC, I usually hate these poorly thought out, atrociously made & cheap looking films & while Zombie Town isn't the worst of the bunch I still thought it was crap. The film certainly doesn't take itself seriously & does try to have some humour in it but it's just not funny, the Sheriff being attacked while sitting on the toilet & the scene where the old ladies turn into zombies at bingo for me were just embarrassing to watch. Then there's the complete lack of plot, there's these slug like parasite things that turn people into zombies for no reason whatsoever. I mean they still survive & reproduce outside, there's no explanation of what they are or where they came from & it's just some random plot element thrown in there taken from Night of the Creeps (1986) &/or Slither (2006) that is never elaborated upon. Then there's the notion that these slugs pass from person to another because of bites, well how does a half foot long slimy creature pass from one person to another because of one small bite? Yeah, that is never explained either. The pace is alright, if you are a die hard low budget zombie fan you might like it but I just look for more in a film. The character's are slightly better than usual but that's not saying much & the film never really flows that well & I never thought the town was seriously under attack as we only ever see one or two zombies on screen at once.

The gore isn't that impressive either, there are a few bites, a rake in someones head, someones leg is cut off with a chainsaw, some melted zombies & there's lots of very watery looking blood splattered around, the likes of George A. Romero & Lucio Fulci were making gorier & more realistic looking zombie films 30 odd years ago so this really doesn't impress. It's certainly not scary, most of it takes place during the day & it's too badly filmed & put together to have any suspense or atmosphere.

Filmed in Vermont this has reasonable production values but still has that cheap low budget look about it that I really can't get into or like. The acting is varied, people pull funny faces & do their best but it's all rather uneven & a little camp at times.

Zombie Twon is a film about zombies taking over a town, that's it really & while the makers intended this to be funny it isn't, while they intended it to be gory it's tame & overall I wouldn't want to see it again & I am just glad I didn't spend any money watching it otherwise I would have been unhappy...
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What A Disappointment...Was This Supposed To Be A Comedy?*May Contain Spoilers*
AndyVanScoyoc9 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I have no clue what movie I watched because due to all the high reviews this movie has gotten, either there is another Zombie Town or the reviews are being left by the crew who worked on it.

Honestly...this movie was bad. I won't say awful, I won't say terrible, but please...it was BAD.

I tried to watch this movie after being bombarded with the commercials for it.

I am a HUGE fan of Indie movie making and movie makers due to Hollywood's decline into the abyss--in the form of the crap they are pumping out today--and the recent run on remakes that were fine the first (or in some cases even second!) time around.

The first time I saw Zombie Town I turned it off a half hour into it, it was so bad. Then I tried to watch it again last night with a more open mind.

Sorry...not even my mind is THAT open and though I forced myself to watch it until the end, it got no better.

Many of the characters were shallow and one dimensional, the zombies ridiculous (I would have had to stand and laugh at them in the same situation...not run) the dialogue hokey and though the special effects were okay, some people like decent dialogue to accompany the gore.

The opening scene of the hicks in the hunting cabin was such low stereotypical "redneck" garbage that I was repulsed. Had I not been curious about the rest of the movie (regrettably) I'd have turned it off right there. What a way to open a movie! NOT!

For those out there who don't watch a lot of Indie movies, not all of them are bad.

There are many, many talented movie makers out there working with little to no budget whose movies will never see even TV release, (and that is sad) so don't believe everything you might read when it comes to this movie with the..."for a low budget movie it was great," excuse.

No...this movie was simply a bad movie that also happened to have a low budget...but I don't think even a large budget could have saved it.
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Fun zombie flick
daviejones19069 January 2007
I just rented this the other day on a whim and was pleasantly surprised. Plotwise it's pretty standard issue. Small, isolated town. Small group of survivors. Zombie hordes eating them one by one. You know how it goes. What separates this from some of the other zombie movies I've seen, however, is that the filmmakers seem to have a pretty good sense of humor about what they're doing. The characters are pretty funny (particulaly Randy) and some of the scenarios are definitely done tongue and cheek. I wouldn't say it's quite as over the top as Brain Dead, but it's in that vein. All in all, there are some good jokes, some solid gore, and some pretty ambitious action sequences towards the end. Perhaps a little slow getting started, but once it did I liked it a lot.

7.5 stars out of 10.
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cyberdeck200022 December 2013
A waste of film that should never have made it past the cutting room floor. Or even better, it should not have made it past the first person reading it.

1. It's sad if there really are the number of evolutionary dead ends implied by these crappy films that really inhabit this country.

2. No matter how inbred, ill-bred or just plain stupid; if a person was that badly injured, they would have been taken to a hospital, not a jail.

3. I live in a town where the police have a large share of complete slime, but even here, the police can prioritize a dog being attacked and a multiple murder with an injured man on the ground.

4. The zombie scenes are amateurish and (the worst insult for a scary movie) boring.

5. This review is after the first 33 minutes of this useless waste of ... pretty much anything I can think of.

Do people making these films have any pride? How about self respect? Brain cells? I gave it a 2 because as bad as it is, I've seen worse. The glut of complete garbage actually boosted this film from the -1 it deserves.
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Just what I look for in an undead movie
no-mad18 January 2009
I stumbled upon this movie in the video store. I blew off the dust and took it home. It started out like a straight dead movie then morphed into more of a spoof.

I don't look for great special effects. I don't look for deep meaning. I expect enthusiastic participation and a good attempt at making an internally consistent story.

This movie had the things I look for. The story is not new but internally consistent. The acting is not great, but everyone was doing his or her best. The effects were gory enough.

There was nothing missing from this movie. Anyone who gave this less than 10 stars doesn't get the whole undead/indie movie scene.

There was one character who reminded me strongly of Dwight Schrute from "The Office." Because of him, I'd give the movie an extra star if I could
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Nothing like zombie mayhem to put a country town on the map.
lost-in-limbo22 April 2007
Jake and his brother Denton have taken over their father's garage business, and they called upon a job to pick up an abandon vehicle out near the woods. It belongs to some locals camping in the woods, so before taking it, they check if they are still in the area, but they come across a cabin with dead corpses and one feral occupant with a craving for flesh. This starts some sort of strange infection, where his brother was bitten and suddenly it's effecting the whole tight-knit community. With no noway out of the town, because of a massive accident blocking there only way out. It's up to Jake, his ex-girlfriend Alex who has just arrived in town and cynically gun-proud Randy to stop what seems to be mysterious parasites turning the local citizens into blood-thirsty zombies, before they escape into the wider population.

Nice! I'm glad I took the chance with this quite recent low-budget zombie splatter treat. Before getting it, I had it in and out of my hands, but I thought what the hell and it turned out rather enjoyable. All the prominent staples (and influences) are there; nauseating gore, flash of nudity, shots to head, zombie munching and icky zombie make-up effects. Romero's legacy definitely shines through, but the use of parasites brought up the 80's horror film "Night of the Creeps". Which I think this one owes a lot to. On that point, I see it playing out more like a homage, then a plain rip-off. Sure the senselessly blunt and token story is derivative with it's same old plot devices and developments (nothing like zombie slug-fest to ignite two old flames), but a thick dose of telegraphed morbid humour and smart-laced one liners were a welcoming inclusion. The plot doesn't matter too much. Comic cheese basically fills the amusing script, always timing itself for its next snappy one-liner and unbelievably ridiculous reactions. The origin and intentions of the parasites are cloudy drawn up, which might be a downer for some.

Damon Lemay keeps the action pretty lively with many grisly details and few suspenseful jolts that do work, even with the surprisingly workable mock attitude to proceedings. Make-up effects are well captured, and while the computer generated effects look dodgy (truck accident), but they don't do any harm and are truly forgotten when the unpleasant zombie action breaks out. Camera-work sometimes can get trapped on zoom, but its frenetic style has control. Some interesting colour filtering strikes up some atmospheric visuals, and the adjustable soundtrack mixes it's country twang with heavy metal aching to the suitability of the scene. The performances might be amateurishly overacting, but they brought the right feel to their characters. The leads weren't bad. Dennis Lemoine gives the film it's punch with his dry remarks and gung-ho approach as Randy. Adam Hose in a blithely restraint turn is agreeable as Jake and Brynn Lucas is plays the gorgeously brainy chick Alex with decent amount of aplomb.

Not bad, not bad at all. "Zombie Town" might not be original and one to ponder on, but this fodder is enthusiastically made by genre fans who have seen too many zombie films and there's nothing wrong with that. This Indie film is well worth a look.
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Zombies unite!
ctomvelu127 February 2010
Great title, OK zombie flick.Two brothers run afoul of the hungry undead while on a tow truck run. Parasites are the cause of these zombies, much like in NIGHT OF THE CREEPS. Decent action, creepy zombie makeup and some gore although it could have been a lot worse in that last department. Without checking, I am guessing this was a first effort by those involved, possibly spun off of a student film. The young age of most of the actors and their unpolished performances, to put it mildly, point in this direction. There is a sequence near the end that put me in mind of both NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD and RESIDENT EVIL, and is just as suspenseful. Try it, you may like it.
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Awesome Zombie Indie
indepfilms30 September 2010
This movie is perfect for it's genre. It's a fantastic zombie movie. I highly commend the producers and directors for attempting such a project. It isn't easy to make a film, and this one has suspense, thrills and interesting ideas. It's a great take on the Zombie movie. There are three things you need in a zombie film: blood, gore, and zombies. (And combining all three is the triumvirate of accomplishments.) This film, as far as I'm concerned, wins. I look at some of the reviews for it like Movie Man Kev and I think he is just on IMDb so he can pretend he is smart by attacking films he couldn't make. Don't listen to the other reviewers. If you're a zombie fan, then this is worth a watch.
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Well worth a watch.....
teslaman27 November 2007
I just saw this one last night and prepared me for the worst before crankin' on the 'ol DVD-player. Actually this is not bad, not bad at all in fact. Yes it surely belong in the low budget layer but despite a few shortcomings in different areas it comes out on top.

So let's see...the quality of the image is clearly camcorder like(but could be far worse), a little stiff acting here and there, a few plot holes and various other small things work against it but fortunately doesn't manage to drag it down to the bottom. It appears that the actors and production crew has really tried to do their best despite lack of experience in certain areas. It feels very sincere, me thinks.

This movie is clearly inspired by a few other "classics" like "Night of the creeps"(The leeches), George Romero's Zombie movies(namely Tom Savini's elastic flesh ripping) but i would really say that overall this movie reminds me more of the style of "28 Days later" than some of the old Zombie classics.

All in all we get a nice package with lots of pretty well executed gore, some nudity, a love story, some stupid and/or illogical decisions by our heroes and a few funny moments; both intentional and unintentional(How about the sheriffs toilet visit, great!).

So if you're going to watch this little movie don't expect award winning material here, just take it for what it is and you'll have a good time.

I can tell you this, these guys and gals has made a far superior movie than our notorious friend Uwe boll did when doing "House of the dead" and this team made it with far less a budget than Mr Boll. Clearly you have to have talent to make a movie not just money.

I tip my hat for the team behind "Zombie town" for making a good solid "Zombie" film which should please most other fans of this genre. I hope to see more from them.
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Earnest Homemade Zombie Flick
bababear29 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Brothers Denton (the sensible one) and Jake (the unfocused one who will find a larger purpose in life as the story progresses) run a gas station/repair shop in a picturesque little town in Vermont. Jake has absolutely no mechanical ability or interest in doing that job, so business isn't good.

They get a call to check out a pickup truck abandoned on a rural road. Walking up to a cabin they find blood all over the place and Denton is seriously injured when a zombie attacks them.

Jake goes back to town and finds former girlfriend Alex, who's graduated from college and come back to town to do scientific research. They alert the sheriff.

A huge wreck has blocked the only road in or out of town. They find Denton. who's a raving lunatic. Denton is locked in a jail cell (goodness knows how they got him there- his being transported happens offscreen).

Denton dies unnoticed by anyone and slug-like creatures come out of his body- two exit through the space where his left eye used to be- and the invasion by these strange creatures begins in earnest.

The people aren't zombies in the classic sense, but you don't know what else to call them. One nice little old lady was bitten by her dog and she suddenly turns homicidal at a bingo session, biting the arm of her friend who just called bingo.

Soon there are zombie teenagers, at least one zombie dog, and zombie grannies running the streets.

It's up to Jake and Alex and a small band of survivors to save the day before the monsters overrun their town. Along the way Jake will rediscover his feelings for Alex and, almost miraculously, finally understand how to work on the engine of a commercial Chevy van.

Credit writer/director Damon Lemay with not taking this too seriously. He has a limited budget, most of which goes for some really nasty special effects makeup. The story borrows from many sources, from EAST OF EDEN to NIGHT OF THE CREEPS. LeMay dares to have fun with the material, and he has some surprisingly good performers to do his bidding.

The character called Randy could have been a one-dimensional macho killing machine who comes in handy in a bad situation. A manic young actor named Dennis Lemoine takes the part and runs with it. He plays the character as having incredibly bad hair (as do most of the male characters) and has a field day kicking zombie butt from one end of town to the other.

Once people have been taken over by the parasites there's no coming back for them, so he cheerfully dispatches people he's known all his life- including his Aunt Ruth and his third grade teacher- making wisecracks all the while.

The monsters are finally defeated by a plot device borrowed from THE DEAD PIT that wipes out the vast majority of the monsters. As Jake and Alex- the lone survivors- walk into the sunset there's some ambiguous movement in the foreground that sets us up for Zombie Town 2.

I'll be looking forward to it.

Parents' note: This richly deserves the R rating. Graphic and gross violence, profanity, and a rather surprising nude scene.
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Enjoyable zombie romp.
parry_na18 July 2020
There's no messing about in this modestly-budgeted zombie extravaganza - only minutes in, and there's enough blood and gore to keep everyone happy; apart, that is, from the victims of this unspecified outbreak.

This is a lot of fun. The characters are lively and likeable and although this certainly isn't a comedy, there are moments of humour that engages throughout. As a result, we are never given the impression we are to take things too seriously, even during some pretty nasty, well realised set pieces.

The isolated town could have been plucked from 'The Blair Witch Project', which gives it an autumnal atmosphere. Adam Hose, Brynn Lucas, Phil Burke and Dennis Lemoine do well in the main roles, but the real star is the story which retains a tongue-in-cheek quality throughout and delivers some moments that are difficult to forget.

It would be very difficult not to have fun with this. My score is 6 out of 10.
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The neighbours are restless...
paul_haakonsen24 May 2012
What happens if you take the best things out of movies like "Slither" and "Shaun of the Dead" and mix them together? Well, you would end up with something that looks a lot like "Zombie Town".

The story takes place in a small town where a small trio of people suddenly find themselves outnumbered by the living dead and have to make a stand for themselves if they want to survive. Ravenous zombies are turning the citizens of the town into cannibalistic murderers.

The approach to the zombie infection being caused by a parasitic worm that attached itself to the host was unusual, but much similar to what was done in "Slither". Whether or not you like that thing is individual, and personally I am not much fan of that approach. But hey, don't get me wrong, it wasn't a bad thing, because it did work out well enough in "Zombie Town".

Moving on to the zombies. Well they were, in overall, actually quite nice. Some had good make-up and prosthetics. So it was nice to see this amount of detail (and gore) in a low-budget zombie movie like this. And then that leads us to the blood and mayhem; well, gore-hounds, you will not be disappointed watching "Zombie Town". There is a lot of blood, gore and guts in this movie. And it looks great and prepare yourself for a lot of flesh tearing. Thumbs up on the gore alone, it was great. Oh, and whether or not you like agile zombies that run around chasing the living, well that is also a matter of preference. I, personally (and for those familiar with my zombie movie reviews), am not a big fan of zombies being all agile and running around like sports athletes.

The people they had cast were really coming together for a good performance. And it was obvious that they had actually taken time to put together a good ensemble of actors and actresses for the movie. Quite often, you see low-budget movies collapsing in epic fails because they have cast people unable to act their way out of a brown paper bag. But for "Zombie Town", then they had gotten some really great performers, who really helped the movie come to life. Most memorable was Adam Hose in the lead role of Jake.

I loved the scene in the beginning of the movie where the people inside the cabin were fending off the zombie trying to come through the window, and one guy was using a broom to jab at the zombie. First of all, the jabs were so weak and half-hearted, the stick was nowhere near hitting the zombie. And then suddenly out of nowhere the zombie grabs the broom and pulls it out of the guy's hand, which prompts the man to faint. Wait, what? Yeah, he fainted from that. I didn't know that having a broomstick taken out of your hand would cause spontaneous unconsciousness. But now I do; a nice fact for later use in life. That scene just cracked me up.

"Zombie Town" is great entertainment for a low-budget zombie movie. It has all the ingredients for a great movie, and with a bigger budget, it would have been right up there with Romero's movies. If you are a zombie aficionado, like me, then treat yourself to "Zombie Town", it is well worthy a place in any zombie fan's DVD collection.
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reviewing zombie film #497246760659648
godinamachine26 April 2022
HEY EVERYBODY ITS ME, (4) !!!! And today we review ..... night of the creeps 2 ??? Electric boogaloo ????

SOOOO apparently somewhere this film got called night of the creeps 2.0 ..... and for good reason it follows the same idea ...slugs enter you....uh.....and you become a zombie ...now in nature there are actual fungi that inhabit bugs and drive them insane , then those bugs climb the highest plants and stay there until they die and release spores of the fungi to start all over.... SO i mean for an invasion plan .... slugs to make zombies IS a pretty sound tactic ......AND we have seen this idea in MANY other zombie / zombie like films and sci monster films like this since the original night of the creeps back in the 80's SO that film left quiet the impression it seems

BUT this isnt a sequel ......well not officially at least

and please note from 2007, this is the director/writers only film, and thats sad because this is actually a decent little romp of zombie fun over all ..... sure the acting is rough and the over all production is .......average at best .... BUT its for sure a fine attempt and a REALLY good first film .......here we are pushing 20 years later and think of where he could have been by now IF this is his first one !!!! Too bad man ....

it seems at an hour and 22 it probably got cut for gore and maybe titties even (youtube rules i get it ) so watching it for real probably would make it better even ........

the acting is .... meh , newbs it seems but not bad, on par with most indie / low budgets no no complaints , about as expected really

FX are decently done over all ......i mean for what they did , they didnt try to do more than they could it seems and thats a smart choice, sometimes less really is more, knowing you cant pull off million dollar FX means DO NOT TRY TOO ..........instead keep it simple ... blood and done if needed lol.....and it pays off better than tryhard and fail hard ....

lighting was all done REALLY well, they used alot of natural lighting so always smart choices there BUT when they didnt you can tell they knew how to match things up pretty good so again good job ....

just all around good job ...........i wish this film sucked more so i could make fun of it BUT its pretty decent so ........dang lol...

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