"Boy Meets World" First Girlfriends' Club (TV Episode 1998) Poster

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Good Ep!
chrissyelizabeth-1456324 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I like this episode because it shows how much Shawn cares about his relationship with Angela but I also don't understand it, because we haven't seen Dana since season 3 so she doesn't have a legitimate reason to be upset with Shawn, with Libby I don't understand it because once again we haven't seen her since either late season 3 or early season 4 but all that happened between her and Shawn was a kiss and he never made her any promises. However the one I have the biggest issue with is Jennifer because she dumped Shawn not once but twice not the other way around and during their time as a couple she tried to destroy Shawn and Cory's friendship. But instead of remembering the facts accurately all three girls act like Shawn was the one in the wrong when they essentially kidnap and hold him hostage by luring him to the boathouse and handcuffing him to a ladder and putting tape over his mouth, so he is forced to miss his Valentines Date with Angela. So these three teenage girls actually commit a felony and get away with it which is just ridiculous.
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Racism, domestic violence, and kidnapping
alexanderharris14413 February 2014
Wow talk about a f'd up episode. Let's start with the racism. While yelling at Topanga, Angela calls her a little white girl. Imagine if the roles were reversed and Topanga called Angela a little black girl. It would be a media frenzy the next day. Now let's move on to the domestic violence. When Topanga sees Cory for the first time after reading Lauren's letter, in a fit of rage, she slams him into a locker knocking him to the ground. Imagine if Cory was mad at Topanga and just decided to slam her into a locker. Finally there's the kidnapping. What the heck was that about. Shawn is a dog, so three girls decide to trick him into going to the boathouse. They then handcuff him trapping him in the boathouse. Nobody seems to care that this is a felony
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The falls down
salhy-4088215 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This episode is by far one the best I saw until now. It happens just to much things and the beauty is that all of them was portrayed not in all black or white way but in multiple greys which made them so realistic and added on the justest of the matter. Let's begin with Cory and Topanga. I have to say that lying to her about the kiss was q really bad move mostly for the way she discovered it. I'm not at all happy to see Cory all miserable but he can't just actually propose to forget everything and start over because that's not how things works and denial is always exploding into your face soon or later so I feel Topanga. I don't know how things is gonna turned out between them furthermore but for sure when you cannot trust the person you could have bet your head on, it's difficult to forgive, not impossible but still hard and really painful. I think it's gonna take more than an episode to sort that out which make it really realistic and interesting. Now let's talk about my favorite ones. I have to say the fact he want to change the dynamic of their relationship is not that bad, to the way they did and the reasons behind it. I explain myself : they started their relationship really in a wobbly way, well in the same way Shawn always started any of his "relationship" meaning almost instantly and with the two weeks rule. Then, the expire day arrived and they stopped as decided but quickly and for the first time, he realized he wanted more than just two weeks with her and so do her then he chased her out desperately until finally reaching her. He already was talking about love to her really intensively for the little they knew about each other... or so they think. After the two weeks date rule, what they felt for each other was already that intense and that's not unrealistic at all. If you think about it, you can connect and fall for someone in less time than that, it's rare but it did happen that you click with someone almost instantly even more than with someone you have known for years and in a incredible high level. That's inexplicable and add to the beauty of it. They don't realize it but they already friends, I could even say best friends. Chemistry never lies and couldn't be that intense without the presence of a big friendship between them, they just don't see it but for sure now that they want to give each other time, they're gonna realise it really quickly. Anyway, (and I'm surprised to hear that coming from him considering that is my way to consider love) you cannot talk about true love without mentioned friendship because, or at least for me, love is friendship, friendship is not necessary love but love is definitely friendship plus love feelings and attraction, respect and that indescribable thing which makes you want to look at the person until you'll die. But if there's no friendship, we can't talk about real love but just a fling and that's unarguable. I'm really surprised he's thinking that way and pleased too though Also, he did recognize not being able yet to say things and actually be sure to accomplish them which is totally normal as he never really experimented love and commitment. I'm practically sure she's on the same if she was doing the same as he was before meeting him meaning cooling things off with all the guys she dated every time it was getting to serious. Relationship is based on truth, communication and understanding, if one of them three is missing there's any chance to make it work. Well, here we can definitely say they get everything to be endgame.

Now I have to say, the 3 girls didn't have any right to holding Shawn captive in a house and then proceeding to bring his current girlfriend in, spit on him in front of her, spit on her for staying with him, and when Cory got involved to defend Shawn, spit on him about his break up with Topanga and bringing her in just to hurt Cory when both of them didn't have to be involved in the first place. It was just a wretched, pure evil thing to do. He could have pursuing them for that and with reasons. He didn't do anything reprehensible towards any of them. First, Debby was a fling he got during a double he got with Cory when a girl was trying hard to have him and well Debby was just there and she made out with Shawn, that was it so I don't see what he has to apologize to. But the funnier (and I'm very ironical in that one) was Jennifer. She definitely had no right to be there. She was abusive, vindictive, bitter, manipulative, mean, she did nothing but hurting Shawn. She ditched him once and enjoyed seeing him laid down on the floor as a dog to have him back 30 seconds after. She kept him from Cory, and Topanga and try as hard as possible destroying what he has with Cory without even trying to hide it. She always wanted him to herself as he was her possession and then she dumped him again, and still she has the nerve to say he hurted her?!!!. She's a total psycho and a hypocrite knowing all she did to him. She should be the one to apologize. Only Danna could talk on this one because before Angela, she was the only potential serious relationship he got with someone even if it was for a really short time buuut still he ended up quickly with her and well I can understand she was upset about it but he didn't cheat on her or was abusive in anyways to her or lied to her whatsoever. His only crime was to end up with her quickly and even if I get the fact she was hurt, it's his right to end up something he didn't want to come along any further. I mean he never assaulted them, he never cheated on them, he never abused them, verbally or physically, he just broke up with them quickly realising he didn't like her more than he was expected to and even come clear with if he actually told that before cooling things off and no matter how horrible of a person they believed he still was, didn't justify kidnapping him to prove a point, and destroying both his best friend and his current girlfriend in the process. Hopefully, Angela didn't fall for that crap, not for one minute, and she didn't care what kind of person he was to these girls, she just loves the person he is and that's all it matters. I definitely love Angela as a character, aside to be sentimentally connect to Shawn. I think she's really fun, kind of wild and really authentic and loyal and I really like her friendship with Topanga. It's not seems forced just because she's dating her boyfriend's best friend but because they really connected. She's kind of turning into one of my favorites along with Eric, Shawn and Feeny.
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Valentine's Day
Dog-River29 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I'm all for Cory and Topanga, they were meant to be together. I think Lauren is an interesting character though. Too bad they didn't make her a love interest for Eric.

While this is not my favourite episode, it's still enjoyable overall. I was always annoyed with the 3 girls literally kidnapping Shawn and thinking it's okay to handcuff someone against their will. Just think if a guy did that to a girl. It's not okay in either situation. That being said, I loved that Angela didn't let those girls change her mind about Shawn. They're really sweet together and Shawn had matured quite a bit. Jack and Eric scenes are always a treat as well.
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Boy Meets World in Hindsight
ksmart7312 June 2020
My biggest issue with watching this episode now is the blatant sexism used against women to create a very catty/narcissistic narrative centering around Shawn and his past. This is, of course, just a TV show, but for someone to perceive the world in this way creates a disconnect because it is so delusional.
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