"Buffy the Vampire Slayer" Hell's Bells (TV Episode 2002) Poster

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A wedding in Sunnydale is just bound to have problems
katierose2953 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I actually liked this episode more the first time I saw it, than I have in repeated viewings. I think its because that I originally assumed that Xander leaving Anya at the alter was just a temporary setback in their relationship and that they would get back together. However, the problems in "Hell's Bells" follow them throughout the rest of the series and the show ends without any real, emotional reunion for them. I guess that, technically, season seven is to blame for that, but I still transfer my feelings of disappointment and annoyance on to "Hell's Bell." The episode itself isn't really that bad, but it makes you so sad for Anya and so furious at Xander that its hard to really enjoy it. Still, this is an important episode that will play into the story line for the rest of the show, so you really can't skip it.

"Hell's Bells" revolves around Xander and Anya's wedding day. Things are spinning out of control as their guests endlessly bicker and the Scoobies try to keep everyone calm. Anya's demon friends and Xander's human family are at each others throats. Tara and Willow help Anya with her dress, while Buffy talks with Xander. Spike shows up with a goth looking date, which annoys Buffy... Just as he hoped it would. Dawn tries to catch one of Anya's wedding "gifts" which got loose from its box. Everything seems to be tense, but headed forward. Then an unexpected guest shows up. He claims to be Xander... From the future. He shows Xander a vision of a horrible future. If he marries Anya, Xander will be miserable and his life will be ruined. Terrified Xander flees the ceremony.

When the Scoobies find out that Xander's gone, they try to cover with Anya. They have no idea where he went, but they don't really believe that he's left her at the alter. When Anya finally finds out that he's missing she freaks out. Cornering the old man who claims to be "future" Xander, she demands to know what he said to Xander to scare him so badly. The man tells her about the "visions" he showed Xander. But it turns out that he's not from the future at all. He's really one of the men that Anya cursed in her vengeance demon days. Now he's a giant demon and he wants revenge. Buffy has to fight him. When Xander shows up, he tells Anya that even if the visions were fake, he can't go through with the ceremony. He isn't ready to be married and he tells Anya that he's made a mistake. He quickly leaves again. Anya is heartbroken and decides to return to her work as a vengeance demon.

There are some really great parts to this episode. I love Buffy and Willow's hideous, toxic waste green bride's maids dresses. Willow wants to switch to the traditional demon "burlap and blood larva" wedding attire. Buffy has to wear dangle-y green earrings. It's just hilarious. And I like Buffy's jealously over Spike's date. Just the fact that he was invited to the ceremony is great. Spike and Xander spend most of their time bickering with each other, but nobody thinks its odd that Spike is coming to Anya and Xander's wedding. In the daylight no less. It's a shame that he didn't sit down because I'd have liked to see if he self-identified as a guest of the bride or groom. I also really like the scene with Willow and Xander. The way they hug and say how much they'll always love each other, is really sweet and plays into the season finale. Finally, you just have to laugh when Buffy and Kraven decide to entertain the guests with a juggling act.

Really the entire episode is contrasting Xander's human family with Anya's demon guests. They've all gathered for the wedding. Halfreck and Clem, Xander's parents and his oft-mentioned Uncle Rory. Arguments rage about drinking and taxidermy and the Anya's guests' cover-story of a "circus folk" heritage. There are fist fights and charades and bitter shouting matches. In the end, it's pretty clear that the demons are far more "normal" than the humans. Anya is optimistic and ready for a happily ever after with her "best friend." She's not worried about anything bad happening. But, as Xander stares at his parents, he sees the real specter of his future. Their bitterness and anger scare him more deeply than anything that his fake future self showed him. He's terrified and he flees. Anya might have been a demon, but her past hasn't scarred her nearly as deeply as Xander "ordinary" human life.

On the down side, where's Giles? There's no way he would skip Anya and Xander's wedding. He loves them. They're his family and he should be in this episode. Nobody even mentions his name or provides an excuse for his absence. It's crazy. Also, I think Xander's injury in his future "vision" should have been a missing eye. This would have played into season seven and added another dimension to the story. Making everyone question if his "future vision" was completely made up or if his marriage to Anya really was doomed.

My favorite part of the episode: Anya practicing her wedding vow. From sex poodles, to sea captains, to, finally, heartfelt promises of love, it's all just great.
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ossie8523 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The wedding day has arrived! Xander has to deal with his father and mother not understanding about Anya's 'circus folk' friends, his cousin Carol stealing his cufflinks and his Uncle Rory's humour. An old man arrives claiming to be Xander's future self, he tells him not to marry Anya. Willow and Tara help prepare Anya's wedding dress, while she practices her vowels. Buffy and Spike are still trying to get over each other and Dawn welcomes the guests including Halfrek and D'Hoffryn.

Why It's So Good - Heartbreaking ending, as Xander's fears and general immaturity leads him to hurt Anya in a horrific way. It isn't so much ending the wedding, but how he did it. Xander and Anya aren't spared from this season of character torture.

Watch Out For - Out Of Towner Clem.

Quote - "There she is. To my wife. What would I do without you, beautiful? Wellllllll, for starters, I probably wouldn't need to drink so much, would I." - Mr. Harris.
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42 minutes well spent
brothersatan-12 November 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I have been a BTVS and angel fan since i was 6 years old and i know I will love this show forever if this was an episode in a different show it would be 10/10 but with BTVS i have to use a different standard

the comedy of this episode is great Xander's family and Anya's demons rioting and Buffy's reaction to it rolling her eyes was hysterical I thought the drama at the end was great, great acting on all front's.

I only have two small problems with this episode. 1. it seems to me that the reason Xander and Anya didn't get married wasn't because that is where the story needed to go or anything it seems to me the writers didn't want to push Xander and Anya that certain step further as if they didn't want to upset the status quo with changing the characters circumstances to that degree

2. also i didn't like that the demon/future Xander thing for a start why couldn't have it been really future Xander showing what the future was really going to be that would have been very interesting and gave a solid reason why they didn't tie the knot instead of just cold feet on Xander's part but i do like the idea of one of the punished men from Anya's past wanting revenge because at the end of the day Anya was evil and some of the men should be entitled to it cheating on a wife doesn't really deserve being turned into a demon and being tortured in another dimension, they killed the demon in the end which i don't really think was fair he was wronged and wanted revenge he didn't try and kill Xander or Anya he tried to break them up and then he hit Anya a few times in my opinion he deserved to get a little vengeance killing him with a piller to the head wasn't just, sometimes the writers and characters get a little carried away and don't really think about some of the moral issues

but thats just my opinion still a great episode in an amazing show
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Xander leaving Anja was the second worst thing happening in buffy
trottolinodani9 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Xander leaving Anja, was such a bad move. So useless, pointless. Very disappointing.
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Wedding Night... Or Maybe Not
Samuel-Shovel24 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
In "Hell's Bells", it is the big day for Xander and Anya. Everyone's families are in town, the demons have crossed over for the big event. Everything seems to be going smoothly (or as smoothly as to be expected) when an old man shows up claiming to be Xander from the future. He tells young Xander that he will be making a huge mistake if he ends up marrying Anya today. Through a magical sphere, he shows what the future has in store for Xander. Not liking what he sees, Xander flees the wedding to clear his head. The demon guests and the human guests begin to bicker; it eventually turns into an all out brawl.

Old Xander turns out not to be Xander after all. It's one of Anya's victims from her revenge demon days seeking revenge of his own. Anya and Buffy kill him (he's turned into a demon by now). Anya is relieved and ready for marriage now. But Xander now has mixed feelings over the entire thing and walks away anyways. Anya is devastated. Her old demon boss asks her to come back to work as the episode ends.

Well, it's been coming for a while I guess. All season it's been hinted at that Xander might not be ready for marriage quite yet and that turned out to be true. Even though Old Xander turns out to be a ruse, the encounter has unearthed fears that Xander has for his future. They turn out to be too much for him.

This episode feels like it should have a lot of emotional weight to it but it falls a bit flat for me. Sure, I feel for Anya when all is said and done but I thought this moment would seem heavier. It's offset some by the slapstick-like comedy of the wedding guests getting into a giant brawl. I did like the gag that all the demons claim to be members of the carnival. At this point, residents of Sunnyvale should be used to the appearance of odd creatures.

So where does this leave the group? Tara and Willow are split up for now. Giles is back in London. Now Anya and Xander are apart. Everything is breaking apart at the seams! The whole constant seems to be Buffy and Dawn and even they have had their sisterly issues this season. A general bleakness hangs over this season overall, between the gang's relationships, the Trio's general bizarreness, and Buffy's revival from the dead. It probably makes everyone nostalgic for the old high school days.
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Seriously...where the hell did Xanders bravery go?
Boromir287 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
After all the things Xander has done through this show, and after all the problems he has had with his parents, it would have been SO good to see him stand up to his family's way of behaving and assert himself as a strong, loving family man. Instead he's turned into a wimp. I wish that they just let them elope and find their own piece of heaven. Schmaltsy maybe, but some of the scobbies deserve happiness.

Just imagine how powerful a support he and Anya could have been to Buffy. Their stable and unprejudiced love is exactly what she needs. Instead the entire Scooby gang seem to be doomed to eternal misery.

With this and "Normal Again" every character seem out of character. And it's really getting rather annoying to watch.
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Jesus Christ this series is depressing...
roryhughevans7 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Does anyone else miss the days when you couldn't watch Buffy for ten minutes with laughing raucously or feeling uplifted by some demon ass kicking. Season six just seems like one miserable event after another until you're not surprised Buffy's turned into a miserable snivelling wreck who cries every ten freakin' seconds. Tara and Willow broke up because Willow got addicted to magic, Giles left, Buffy was dragged out of heaven, Dawn turned to shoplifting, Buffy and Spike launched themselves i into the most depressing relationship ever committed to the screen and now Xander and Anya's relationship comes crashing down in the most pointless, unnecessary piece of TV melodrama EVER.

Buffy has seriously lost it's way. Now all the writers seem to do is dream up new ways to make the characters miserable. When huge shocking twists rocked the characters before they were rare events, so the shock factor was huge and left you reeling and with a genuine sense of sadness. Now there's so many miserable and depressing "twists" that they almost seem predictable and I find myself rolling my eyes...
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Stupid. Writers ran out of ideas.
mattbreen21 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Bad writing ignoring 6 seasons of the characters (seems to be a season 6 theme).

Painful to watch these people just acting so out of character. And in such painfully stupid ways.

It's like the writers said, we need to do something bad to these people - and so they have them act totally against so much of what had been established over the past seasons.

The episode had a few laughs, but it was mostly just painful. Xander's family was supposed to be funny - but were just obnoxious.

Sad to see the writers mess up the characters.
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Pure Soap Opera Nastiness
webmaster-639-47667430 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I loathe this episode with a fiery vengeance. It's nastiness for the sake of it, pure, vicious, spiteful melodrama with no reason for it, a decision to break up one of the strongest relationships in the series for absolutely no meaning other than to do so.

I've neither been a Xander fan or hater, but I realised what was wrong with this episode and the run up to it; it's out of character for him. When you look back at what Xander has accomplished over the previous five seasons, this is not someone who would have done this. "I like the quiet", the character who made Angelus back down, hit Glory with a wrecking ball, worked out how to defeat the undefeatable Judge, launched himself at Spike without a moment's hesitation when he thought Spike had broken the chip and so many other things (seriously, if you look at what Xander actually did in seasons 1-5, he's surprisingly awesome, and all his character development was just casually tossed away) would not have behaved this way. He'd have done something. Possibly something stupid, but not just casually backed down. Even in "The Replacement", when Scruffy Xander was nothing but his doubts and insecurities, he was still willing to kill rather than lose Anya. If Scruffy Xander would fight to keep Anya, and Suave Xander would fight to keep Anya, why the hell wouldn't Xander Xander be willing to do so?

This is one reason why seasons 6 and 7 are dead to me. Don't watch after "The Gift"; it's just not worth it. Every happy good thing that season 5 ended with was destroyed in this godawful mess of a depressing season, during which the writers systematically ruined every major character's life in some way, more often than not having them behave out of character. The more I rewatch the earlier seasons, the more it looks like the writers had plain run out of ideas by this point and were scavenging from soap operas to try and hide the fact that couldn't come up with a decent big bad for this season or the next.

Xander and Anya marrying would have created interesting possibilities for character growth, especially for Anya, but by this point in the season it's become clear that the writers not only have no interest in fostering new character growth but have been actively ignoring all that happened over the previous five seasons.

If you like depressing realism, watch the news. If you like depressing unrealism where no-one has a happy life, watch soap operas. If you want some fun escapism about a young woman with superpowers fighting demons and vampires, which by its very nature has no truck with realism, watch seasons 1-5. If you want to finish a series depressed due to crappy things happening for no reason other than the fact that someone likes awfulness, watch this season and season 7.
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Happily ever after?
Joxerlives19 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
The Good; Love Buffy's stalling (who knew SMG could juggle?). How beautiful is Anya in her wedding dress? Although her facemask makes her look like some sort of matrimonial superhero?

The Bad; What a shame we don't get to see Xander and Anya's bachelor/bachelorette parties. Surely all of Anyanka's magic was undone when Giles smashed her necklace. By it's nature a depressing episode due to it's ending.

Best line; Buffy; "So anyone here from out of town?"

Women good/men bad; Anya's vows don't promise to obey Xander because he's not a sea Captain (Hello sailor!). Xander's dad has a nastily misogynist rant against his wife in particular and women in general.

Jeez!; Xander killing Anya which thankfully isn't real

Kinky dinky;

Uncle Rory latches onto a nubile young waitress. Virginal Dawn is offered "Hymen's greetings" by D'Hoffryn. Dawn describes Spike's date as a '"Total skank!" Xander's dad likes Buffy's 'chassis' and wonders what's under the hood? Anya wants to be Xander's 'sex poodle'.

Captain Subtext; Willow refers to noted bi actress Marlene Deitrich. Will says that Xander looks great in his tux but quickly adds that she realised she was gay. Halfrek and Anya seem to compete for D'Hoffryn's affection like two little girls with their father but he informs them 'I love all my demons equally'. Willow and Tara end up under the table together (and they haven't even been drinking)

Apocalypses; 6

Scoobies in bondage: Buffy: 8 Giles: 4 Cordy: 5 Will: 3 Jenny: 1 Angel: 4 Oz: 1 Faith: 3 Joyce: 1 Wes: 1 Xander; 1 Dawn; 3

Scoobies knocked out: Buffy: 17 Giles: 12 Cordy: 6 Xander: 11 Will: 8 Jenny: 2 Angel: 6 Oz: 3 Faith: 1 Joyce: 3 Wes: 1 Anya;3 Dawn; 2

Kills: 1 demon for Xander Buffy: 104 vamps, 55 demons, 6 monsters, 3 humans, 1 werewolf, 1 spirit warrior & a robot Giles: 8 vamps, 2 demon, 1 human, 1 god.

Cordy: 3 vamps, a demon Will: 6 vamps + 3 demons +1 fawn.

Angel: 3 vamps, 1 demon, 1 human Oz: 3 vamps, 1 zombie Faith: 16 vamps, 5 demons, 3 humans Xander: 6 vamps, 2 zombies, 2 a demon, Anya: 1 vamp and 1 a demon Riley; 18 vamps + 7 demons Spike; 8 vamps and 4 demons Buffybot; 2 vamps Tara; 1 demon Dawn; 1 vamp

Scoobies go evil: Giles: 1 Cordy: 1 Will: 2 Jenny: 1 Angel: 1 Oz: 1 Joyce: 1 Xander: 4 Anya; 1 Dawn; 1 Alternate scoobies: Buffy: 7 Giles: 4 Cordy: 1 Will: 3 Jenny: 2 Angel: 3 Oz: 2 Joyce: 2 Xander: 4 Tara; 1 Dawn;1 Spike; 1

Recurring characters killed: 11 Jesse, Flutie, Jenny, Kendra, Larry, Snyder, Professor Walsh, Forrest, McNamara, Joyce, Katrina Sunnydale deaths; 93

Total number of scoobies: Xander, Willow, Buffy, Anya, Spike, Xander demon magnet: 5(6?) Preying Mantis Lady, Inca Mummy Girl, Drusilla, VampWillow, Anya (arguably Buffy & Faith with their demon essences?), Dracula?

Scoobies shot: Giles: 2 Angel: 3 Oz: 4 Riley; 1

Notches on Scooby bedpost: Spike has a very goth date for the wedding, a parody of the Spikettes? Giles: 2; Joyce & Olivia, possibly Jenny and 3xDraccy babes? Cordy: 1? Buffy: 4 confirmed; Angel, Parker, Riley, Spike. 1 possible, Dracula(?) Angel: 1;Buffy Joyce: 1;Giles, 2 possible, Ted and Dracula(?) Oz: 3; Groupie, Willow & Verucca Faith:2 ;Xander, Riley Xander: 2; Faith, Anya Willow: 2;Oz and Tara Riley; 3; Buffy, Sandy and unnamed vampwhore Spike; 1 Buffy

Spike; good or bad? Tries to make Buffy jealous but eventually leaves with some dignity

Dawn in peril; 8

Dawn the bashful virgin; 7 "Hymen's greetings!"

What the fanficcers thought; What were the bachelor/bachelorette parties like? Try 'The Last Night'

Questions and observations; We finally meet Xander's family. Unlce Rory is a drunken letch (Irish coffee for breakfast?) but quite likable as is his cousin Carol and her daughter, his parents by contrast are wretched. Dawn's notoriously big mouth once again makes an appearance. Is the demon right? He was a philanderer but that's hardly worthy of being tortured in hell dimension? Buffy wears an 'I survived' T-shirt in the final scene with what looks like a dragon on it? (although technically she didn't survive the dragon, she died and was brought back). What about Giles? Surely he at least sent them a card? What about inviting Tito or Oz or anyone? One interesting theory I did hear is 'Was D'Hoffryn behind it all?'. Did he secretly want Anya back in the fold and bring the demon to ruin her wedding deliberately? Marks out of 10; 5/10 not too good
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Wedding nightmare
Realrockerhalloween5 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The lowest point of the series as Anya & Xander's wedding day approaches only for a demon from her vengeance days to appear to break up wedded bliss. Xander is shown a possible future of his life where he throws his back out so he can't work, his kids hate him and his wife berates him at every turn. Its only enforced as he watches his parents arguing and not wanting to 42nd up like them calls it off. In a way I wanted them to be married to give the series some happiness amongst the gloom, but if someone isn't ready to exchange vales then its a great idea to call it off. Still it hurts my heart to see Anya"a happiness crushed as she walks down the aisle in her wedding dress and the years pouring down her face.

Another aspect is Spike bringing a date to make Buffy jealous. I'm so tired of his tricks to manipulate Buffy into sleeping with him and I'm losing all my respect for the characters. I know the theme is life is a big bad, but its laid on to thick making it unjoyable. Even season 2 has heart breaking stories yet it felt fresh and exciting while this is dragging and depressing.
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"Til Death Do Us Part...That's What Really Cracks Me Up" -- Tony Harris
skay_baltimore4 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
BtVS meets Runaway Bride. Or groom. Or whatever.

Just when you thought it was safe to head back into the murky mucky waters of BtVS because you'd already hit rock bottom...this episode comes along and demonstrates that new lows are a specialty when it comes to this series. What were the writers, directors, and actors thinking?

I WANT BACK THE 42:14 I wasted watching this rancid excuse for a TV show. (Either that...or I want what the writers/directors/actors were smoking, snorting, shooting, inhaling, and/or drinking.)

Would-be watchers...do yourselves a favor: read this review, and save yourselves 42 minutes of your life.

Xander -- who seems to have blown up like a Macy's Day Parade balloon -- and Anya -- are about to get married. Xander's drunken obnoxious family and some of Anya's demon friends are in attendance. Things go about as well as you would expect -- which is to say -- not very well at all. "Future" Xander arrives (a former victim of Anyaka's vengeance), shows Xander a phony "Ghost of Xander's X-Mas Future" vision of his life with Anya. And even after this guy is exposed as a fraud Xander decides to leave Anya at the alter anyway. (Dissing a former Vengeance Demon is not very bright, but then again, neither is Xander -- past, present, or future Xander.)

Buffy's prophetic statement to Xander as she's tying his bow-tie pretty much says it all: "You and Anya give me hope. It's like...you two are proof that there's light at the end of this very long long nasty tunnel." Unfortunately...the light at the end of the tunnel turned out to be attached to an oncoming train.
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