"Secret Agent" The Ubiquitous Mr. Lovegrove (TV Episode 1965) Poster

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Is David Stone Patrick McGoohan?
CoastalCruiser9 January 2016
As I post this entry, every one of the other four preexisting reviews make reference to this episode being reminiscent of Patrick McGoohan's subsequent series 'The Prisoner'. In this Wizard of Oz style episode, characters from real life (ambulance crew, et al) are juxtaposed into a dreamlike fantasy that leaves Drake wondering which end is up. Somehow he copes.

But it's true. This is the most Prisoner like episode of the entire run of the Danger Man series. Besides the similarities pointed out by the others (like a #6 on Drake's apartment door), what jumped out at me, beyond the whimsical funhouse-gone-wrong motif, is the scene about halfway through with Drake banging his fist on the desk of his supervisor Mr. Lovegrove in frustration. Prisoner fans of course know this scene is mimicked in the opening credits of The Prisoner. The unnamed but soon to be 'Number six' angry man is fed up, he's had enough, and tenders his resignation.

Now, we don't have to look very far to locate any number of Danger Man/Secret Agent episodes to find a John Drake disenchanted with his superiors. Just watch the ending of "It's up to the Lady", with Drake standing frozen at the airport terminal after the escaped bureaucrat he just recovered is snapped out of his grip to face the trial that was promised not to occur. Or the end of "Yesterday's Enemies", when the spy who came in from the other side is assassinated by M9 rather than returned to England as promised. And of course there is the masterpiece "Whatever Happened to George Foster", where Drake's entire organization abandons him when he attempts to dislodge a corrupt industrialist from the country whose government the man is trying to overthrow. It's just business you know.

Drake was in fact just the kind of spy to be to be intercepted and sentenced to a term on a remote island when he had finally had enough of that demoralizing system!

So did the theme of this episode become something of a template for The Prisoner? Is fist-pounding Drake launched from here into the Village as Number 6? In later interviews McGoohan insisted that Number 6 is NOT Drake. That assertion is mitigated though upon learning that due to the legal ramifications of the show's creator Ralph Smart owning the name "John Drake", Patrick may not have been in a position to confirm the connection between the two characters.

None the less, we the audience *know* the answer, don't we? Number 6 IS Drake! So, just as McGoohan was inspired to shoot The Prisoner at Portmeirion Village in Wales after discovering the location in the very first Danger Man episode "View from the Villa" did the actor in a similar fashion take inspiration from Danger Man episodes such as 'The Ubiquitous Mr. Lovegrove' when creating The Prisoner? It certainly can't be any more than mere inspiration because after all, McGoohan didn't write the Lovegrove episode.

Or did he? The writing credit goes to a 'David Stone'. But who exactly is David Stone? If you check IMDb, Stone has almost no writing credits, EXCEPT seven 1 hour Danger Man Episodes (including "Whatever Happened to George Foster"). Who is this guy that wrote mostly for Danger Man? My take is that David Stone may well be Patrick McGoohan. I posed this question in the IMDb forums, and someone pointed out that McGoohan did in fact write, and that when he did he would often use a pen name. So is Patrick McGoohan to David Stone possibly an analog of Samuel Clemens' Mark Twain?

Perhaps instead of asking; 'Is Number 6 Drake?' (of course he is), we should instead be asking; 'Is David Stone Patrick McGoohan?' If so, we would indeed have a direct connection between the two series. :>
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The secret agent who haunted himself
ShadeGrenade30 August 2011
Warning: Spoilers
In his book 'For My Eyes Only', director John Glen says that this 'Danger Man' episode sat on the shelf for a while, going unscreened because it failed to make any sense, until he shot new material, turning it into a kind of personal nightmare for the 'John Drake' character. It begins with our hero on his way to a new assignment. Swerving to avoid a couple of boys who have stepped into the road to retrieve a football, he crashes. What follows next is a very unusual episode in the series, as the unconscious Drake dreams he is under investigation by treasurer 'Mr.Lovegrove' ( Eric Barker ) for using Department funds for gambling purposes. Drake visits the Almack Club, a London casino, and finds himself treated as a regular even though he has never visited the place before. The club's owner, 'Paul Alexander' ( Francis De Wolff ), says he has Drake's name on a cheque for £500. Drake claims the handwriting is not his. As the mystery deepens, the agent is tormented by mocking laughter and the face of Lovegrove appearing everywhere.

Viewing this now, one is reminded not only of 'The Prisoner', but the opening episode of the B.B.C.'s 'Life On Mars'. After seeing the latter for the first time in 2006, I predicted an ending in which Tyler ( John Simm ) would wake up in hospital, to be greeted by the sight of Annie ( Liz White ) dressed as a nurse. Quite a few 'Carry On' stars in this - Eric Barker, Patsy Rowlands, and Peter Butterworth, the latter playing an 'Avengers'-style killer known only as 'Umbrella'. His partner, 'Briefcase' is played by Mike Pratt, future star of 'Randall & Hopkirk ( Deceased )'. Adrienne Corri smolders her way through the part of hostess 'Elaine', while 007 fans will recognise Desmond 'Q' Llewelyn as 'Charles', the doorman.

When first shown in 1965, it attracted complaints from baffled viewers despite the obvious framing device to show it was all a dream.
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Casino Surreal
henri sauvage26 June 2009
Speeding on his way to the airport, secret agent John Drake (Patrick McGoohan) swerves to avoid a couple of young boys chasing a ball and loses control of his car. After a devastating wreck, the camera lingers on his shattered dashboard clock, stopped at exactly 12 noon.

The rest of this story is supplied by Drake's subconscious: A duel of wits in which the hobo he passed on the road right before his accident morphs into the suave, sinister (and much better groomed) music lover and casino owner Mr. Alexander (Francis de Wolff), whose unsavory deeds range from attempting to blackmail Drake to passing secrets via microdots on gambling chits.

What's impressive about this episode is the way it's framed from the first as a dream, and evokes the alternating logic/illogic of a dream state quite nicely, without succumbing to the temptation of going wildly overboard. Just a subtle, gathering wrongness (like every clock you see during the episode shows twelve o'clock) and unsettling discontinuities (such as the title character, Mr. Lovegrove, who -- to put it mildly -- wears many hats in this story) leading to an appropriately bizarre and manic crescendo.

Adrienne Corri is Alexander's sleekly sexy and unfailingly sarcastic assistant, Elaine; the inimitable Patsy Rowland plays "Mrs. Farebrother", a casino habitué who supplies comic relief, as well as some timely help and advice. And Desmond Llewelyn ("Q" from the Bond movies) brings his perpetual air of disapproval to his role as the casino's doorman.

In both style and substance, this is a fairly unique entry in the "Danger Man" series. In fact, it strongly reminded me of the sort of mind games and skewed sensibility which would become a standard for "The Prisoner". (Incidentally, the Australian band Dead Can Dance appropriated the title of this episode for a track on their 1993 album "Into the Labyrinth".)
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Rare Whimsical "Danger Man"
aramis-112-8048805 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
SPOILERS AHEAD: For people who started watching "The Prisoner" first, "Danger Man" is not so much a disappointment, than a constant search for clues for identifying John Drake as no. 6.

This episode, a rare whimsical episode of "Danger Man" that has a (later) "Prisoner" feel in its humor, stars features comic actor Eric Barker (in Britain). Also in the cast is James Bond's "Q."

Clues for the later "Prisoner" include a children's ball flying through the air ominously similar to "Rover." This is one of my top ten "Danger Man" shows and shows what the show might have been if it adopted a more "Avengers" ambience.
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"Q" Makes Appearance in Danger Man
radiomann22 November 2018
One of my favorite shows as a youngster, I found "Danger Man" on Charge TV accidentally and immediately recognized the musical score, and intro and closing credits ("High Wire", officially named), although it had been 50 years since I'd last seen the show in the U.S. as "Secret Agent". In this episode "The Ubiquitous Mr. Lovegrove", we see the appearance of Desmond Llewelyn, or "Q", of logistics and product development in the James Bond movies. He appears recurringly as the doorman to the casino, and later as one of the emergency responders to Mr. Drake's car accident when Drake finally comes to. He had only appeared in one or two of the James Bond movies by that time, "Q" being somewhat disdainful of the playful nature with which 007 treats his inventions, but otherwise quite a list of credits in English TV. His face under the doorman's top hat and long overcoat is quite unmistakable.

This episode certainly has elements that remind one of the future "The Prisoner" short series. This isn't quite unique, in the episode "Don't Nail Him Yet", Mr. Drake tries to get in the head of the culprit and wear him down as he does to one or more of the many "Number Two" characters in "The Prisoner".

There is sometimes speculation that the theme song "Secret Agent Man" was written with the follow on series "The Prisoner" in mind. The sentence in the chorus, "They've given you a number, and taken away your name", would seem to lead one in that direction. However the songwriters P.F. Sloan / Steve Barri composed a quick lead in when several studios were approached by CBS TV, and this short version with the famous guitar riff was expanded into the full length song "Secret Agent Man". It became the series theme song in the United States only, as by that time the series Danger Man in England had already run its course. At the time several James Bond movies had been released and "spy" themed TV shows were quite the rage in the United States and in England by ITC, and the phrase "giving you a number" is thought to refer to Agents being assigned numbers to hide identity, such as 007. There isn't any evidence or statements by the late Mr Sloan that the future "The Prisoner" had even been raised at the time they wrote the intro for "Secret Agent".
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Foreshadowing of the Prisoner
Panglossage24 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
To add to previous reviews, several scenes in this episode contain elements that reappear strongly in the Prisoner.

The casino figures prominently (as does the femme fatale) much as did Mme. Ongadine and the gaming table in "A, B and C" at which No. 6 (Drake) may be gambling his future. The casino is an apt symbol of the risks Drake constantly faces; threat of exposure, failure, disgrace and death. Constantly scrutinized and re-evaluated for any sign of treason, or the slightest willingness to entertain the merest suggestion of 'going over' to the other side, Drake is always betting - and always watched.

The ubiquity of Lovegrove in this piece strongly conveys the sense of constant surveillance Drake must feel as a 'travel agent'. In fact, the implication in the Prisoner that No. 6 may actually have simply been going on 'holiday' (the tropical photos seen being stuffed into a briefcase in every opening sequence seem to fit this view) may be innocent enough. But it being a Cold War, it was entirely likely that his superiors had every reason to view their No. 1 'travel agent' 'going on holiday' (i.e. not on official business) with grave concern. Such actions would be impossible to interpret as benign, or to dismiss lightly.

Not only is Lovegrove ubiquitous, but in one action piece, Drake is engaging in fisticuffs with .. himself along with several other flashes of himself briefly in the place of other characters. This calls to mind several Prisoner episodes with strong elements of conflicted or hidden identity, particularly the " Schizoid Man" and most famously, "Fall Out" which I dare not describe here ;-)

Some passing observations. - Drake enters a door prominently labeled '6' and is greeted by a very short footman, or Butler. - When examined by the doctor (Lovegrove), the eye chart is reversed; not so when the real doctor is taking the initial call. - The corridor of laughing busts is strongly reminiscent of Town Hall. - The repeated use of timpani in the soundtrack is a dead-on 'Rover' cue. - Two thirds of the production end credits could be transposed directly to the Prisoner with almost no revision!

The episode does have numerous technical and story flaws, and would be easily dismissed, except for some of these items which point clearly toward McGoohan's *next* assignment.
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It's more like an episode of "The Prisoner" than "Secret Agent".
planktonrules9 March 2014
"The Ubiquitous Mr. Lovegrove" is a very strange and surreal episode and it doesn't fit in with the style of the series at all. Interestingly, it IS a lot like a show from Patrick McGoohan's next series, "The Prisoner". As an episode of "The Prisoner" it wouldn't have been too bad, but for "Secret Agent" is was awfully weak.

Drake is driving along the English countryside on his way to London. However, when a kid's ball flashes into the road, Drake is distracted and crashes. What follows is an odd nightmarish story where Drake finds himself staying at a gambling casino and a man is trying to blackmail him, as he KNOWS Drake is a secret agent and he's threatening to expose his real identity. But the story is much more--as people later appear and disappear and the story has a strange other worldly feel to it. What's happening? Is Drake losing his mind or is he on LSD or what?!

"Secret Agent" was a very good series---a very literal series. This strange episode just doesn't fit at all and is weak because of this (though the stunts were very nice). However, if you want to see 'Q' from the "James Bond" series, he does make an odd guest appearance.
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