"Highlander" Band of Brothers (TV Episode 1993) Poster

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Grayson, a great antagonist. Darius, one of Duncan's mentors is introduced. Epic fight at the end. The gang heads to France.
reb-warrior1 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Grayson is a very old immortal killing the proteges of another peaceful immortal, Darius. Darius(in France) is a monk who never leaves holy ground and is against wars and fighting. This is what he tries to instill in others, including Duncan. Grayson has made it clear he will go after Duncan and a mortal, peace activist Victor Paulus. Grayson and Darius were once best friends in an army. Darius was a general. Darius was at the gates of Paris 1400 hundred years ago about to take the city when he killed a very old peaceful immortal. Darius changed and became peaceful. Grayson felt betrayed by Darius.

This is the first indication that an immortal can potentially take in the light or the darkness of another immortal.

Grayson actually has a similar style to Duncan with a ponytail(later on), tastes in art & antiques and style of dressing such as a long coat and turtleneck sweaters. He's also Scottish. He even likes Tessa whom he tries to intimidate and whom he was going to use to get to Duncan. Tessa cleverly manipulates him by saying that he is afraid to fight Duncan. He changes his mind about using Tessa after that.

Duncan goes to the island and is all "Rocky Balboa" mode training in nature with Richie there with him. I loved their scenes together and their conversation. Duncan is worried about Grayson. Since Grayson is so old he is more powerful than Duncan. Duncan flashes back to the Napoleonic wars when he first meets Darius. Darius helps treat a soldier with medicines. Keep your eyes peeled in other episodes when an older Duncan is in other wars but is not a soldier, and instead opts to be a medic, peacekeeper, and abolitionist.

Duncan stops Grayson from killing Victor Paulus twice with useless reporter Randi hot on his heels. Honestly, she wasn't really needed in this episode. Tessa and Richie head to France where Duncan will join them later.

Duncan and Grayson finally fight. Grayson seems to be winning at first, and even proclaims "there can be only one." But Duncan fights on and eventually takes his head in what was an epic fight. Even Duncan gave a look of surprise that he was about to defeat Grayson.

Grayson smiles right before Duncan kills him, when he says "there can be only one." Why does Grayson smile? My thoughts are that Grayson actually likes Duncan. He even says as much in an earlier conversation. I think he respects his fighting ability. I think he was glad that it was Duncan, a fellow Scotsman, who was going to be the one to take him out and not someone he didn't respect. I gave the episode a 9/10.
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One of my favorite non-famous episodes. Warning: Spoilers
_______-------HIGHLANDER: THE SERIES-------_______

Season 1. Episode 13.

Band of Brothers.

One of my favorite non-famous episodes.

Grayson, a violent immortal is searching and killing all the disciples and proteges of his old friend, Darius. Darius used to be a great warrior and one of the most powerful and ambitious generals in the Old Europe, and suddenly, he decided to change his ways, becoming a peaceful and religious man; a monk, actually. Grayson felt betrayed when Darius opted for peace and has kept anger against him since then (more or less 1400 years ago), so he´s decided to kill all his disciples and proteges, both current and old ones, including of course Duncan, and a modern pacifist called Victor Paulus.

There is yet one more very interesting point in this episode; a part of the HIGHLANDER´s canon that is not mentioned often in the series: the fact that all the power and in theory all the knowledge of an immortal passes to the immortal that beheads him/her altogether with his emotions. Legend says that Darius became peaceful after he defeated the oldest immortal of his time in a sword duel, inheriting him his knowledge and peace...what could happen to Duncan if he beheads someone as vicious as Grayson and that has been alive for more than 14 centuries?

Thanks for reading.

IMDb Review written by David del Real.

Mexico City. Mexico.

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Paris, we are going to Warning: Spoilers
We see Darius for the 1st time, and a old enemy of Darius is killing off all his friends, those he has touched over the yrs, doesn't matter if they are mortal or immortal, Darius had made a diff in many lives over the centuries.

Mac saves the life of a mortal friend of Darius with a bunch of reporters around, as Victor Paulus is famous for his humanitarian works. Randi is one of them, she sees Macs car and hides in it, Mac gets in "HI" as she pops up, he wide eyed looks around "need a ride", gets out goes around opens her door she gets out, he goes back around get in and she does too, and he closes eyes bops his head 3 time on steering wheel (did like the comedy of this scene) all this is while she is asking what the story is and the "outfit" he works for is great would almost make her feel safe. He tells her she wouldn't believe him and that it really wouldn't mean much to her. As she finally out of car and he drives away, he says hope I see you again...she is wait what you mean you wont see me, leaves her thinking that over.

As the day for Paulus to speak is there, Mac saves again, then tells him of mutual friend, reporters clap as Paulus enters and the old enemy Greyson, leaves "angerly", Randi follows asking about the attempts on Paulus life, he says nothing and leaves, as during that brief exchange with Randi was handed not from Mac.

Big fight, of interest, this big fight is seen/talked about in a future epi and Mac wasn't thought to survive it. We finally see Paris, love they way Darius comes out 1st then Tess with Richie not far behind and Darius "guiding" Richie away to tell his story...and Duncan telling Tess he "likes being kept" and about the famous barge...
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Last appearance of reporter Randi Macfarland
danrs0000089 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I cannot add anything to the excellent reviews already written about this episode. I only want to mention that this was the last appearance of actress Amanda Wyss who played the reporter Randi Macfarland. I actually had hopes that this reporter would have become more involved in Duncan's world and would have become a rare trusted mortal to Duncan. MacFarlane is a Scottish name so why not? Too bad there was not at least some friendship between this reporter and our favorite immortal. Looking at the filmography of this actress you will see an impressive history, around 99 acting credits. Interesting when compared to Adrian Paul's filmography, about 67 credits.
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Highlander grows the beard
skteosk27 April 2024
This is often cited at the point where Highlander really gets good. There have been decent episodes up until now but this one does seem to raise things up a notch. Sadly, its weaker elements revolve around Tessa, who gets first another unnecessarily gratuitous sex scene with Duncan and is then the focus of an incredibly weak final scene which, instead of addressing what's just happened, seems more interested in setting up the status quo for the rest of the season. But she does get one electric scene facing down the villain, so maybe we shouldn't be too critical.

It's said villain who elevates this above what has gone before. James Horan gives Grayson a sense of power and control that we haven't seen before. One of the oldest Immortals in existence and one who has full control over his emotions, at least outwardly, even as he seeks revenge on his former mentor Darius by destroying his life's work. Duncan, controlled in their early meetings while effortlessly defeating Grayson's schemes, nevertheless shows real fear for possibly the first time in their final confrontation, with this seeming like the closest he's come to defeat.

We have our first appearance of Darius, who'll be back in For Tomorrow We Die. If Grayson shows the arrogance of age, Darius shows the wisdom. Perhaps a bit too wise, as his philosophy struggles on contact with the real world. Even Duncan, who respects him immensely, can't bring himself to live the way Darius does.

And the last appearance of Randi (although she'll be credited on The Lady and the Tiger, for reasons unknown). She gets some great scenes with Duncan here and it's a shame their repartee and grudging respect won't be built on. It's a shame too the episode doesn't give them a proper farewell: Duncan being teleported to Paris between scenes is a bit abrupt!

And for trivia fans, Peter Diamond who appears as the brigand in the flashback was the very first person beheaded in the Highlander franchise, as the Immortal killed by Conor MacLeod early in the original movie!
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