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Impressively Cruel and Depressive
claudio_carvalho23 December 2007
In 1942, in Vilna, the Nazi annihilate 55,000 Jews and squeeze the 15,000 survivors in a seven blocks ghetto. The twenty-two year old sadistic commander Kittel (Sebastian Hülk) is assigned to administrate the ghetto in the capital of Lithuania, becoming the master of life or death. When he finds the gorgeous Hayyah (Erika Marozsán) sneaking with one kilo of beam stolen from the German army, he sentences her to death; but when he is informed that she was a former successful singer, he decides to activate the old theater and promote shows in the ghetto. The Jew Chief of Police Gens (Heino Ferch) uses the theater and a sewing factory to save as much lives as he can; in his ambiguous position, he kills Jews to save lives of others.

"Ghetto" is an impressively cruel and depressive movie. The first point that impresses the viewer is certainly the cruelty and sadism of Kittel. Sebastian Hülk has an awesome performance in the role of the despicable Kittel and deserved a nomination to the Oscar. The screenplay does not spare the reality of the lives of the dwellers of this ghetto and their fight to survive in times of war, including the beginning of their resistance. However, it does not show the final destruction of the ghetto after a failed uprising on 01 September 1943 organized by the first Jewish partisan unit in Nazi-occupied Europe (the "Fareinigte Partizaner Organizacje" - the United Partisan Organization). The beauty of Erika Marozsán and the dramatic and conflictive position of Gens brilliantly performed by Heino Ferch, are also amazing. The music score gives a touch of class to this great Lithuanian production. My vote is seven.

Title (Brazil): "Ghetto"
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Good, but...
Ritz8321 May 2006
I saw this film when I spent some time in Vilnius. Not long before I head spent some time in the genocide museum in the Lithuanian capital and I was fascinated by there history, especially during WWII. Since this movie was spoken in English, and everyone was talking about it I went to see it in one of the big theaters.

It added to the experience to be in the city where the story took place, but regardless, it was very well done, it just seemed to be unsure whether it was a musical, play or war movie. That made it very original but also confusing at times. I see it as a lighthearted approach of something good during very bad times. Meaning that the tone of the movie switched often and took the audience of guard, which is a great thing, but it should have been done more subtle.

I must add that the acting was superb, and my hat's off to Hülk, great performance!
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Strong and thought-provoking film about Lithuanian holocaust with cruel deeds and terrible images
ma-cortes15 February 2012
This is an emotionally tale and very decent drama about the terrifying existence in Vilna ghetto including suffering , grisly executions , theatrical happenings , starvation and other grisly events until a terrible ending . Based on Joseph Sobol's play ¨Ghetto¨ recounts the last days of the Vilna Ghetto Theatre company . German troops entered Vilnius on 26 June 1941, followed by units of the Einsatzgruppe or death squads . Germans rule over Vilna and close Jews at a ghetto . It is commanded by the twenty-two year old nasty officer Kittel (Sebastian Hulk) in charge of the ghetto in the capital of Lithuania . When he finds the gorgeous Hayyah (Erika Marozsan) taking some beans from the German army, he condemns her to death; but when he is informed that she was a previous successful singer, he decides to activate the old theater and promote spectacles . The Jew Chief of Police named Gens (Heino Ferch) uses the theater to save people and makes a sewing factory . Unlike in other ghettos, the resistance movement in the Vilna Ghetto was not run by ghetto officials . Jacob Gens, appointed head of the ghetto by the Nazis but originally chief of police, ostensibly cooperated with German officials in stopping armed struggle.

This is a portentous drama about Jews suffering in the Lithuanian holocaust . Very good performances from main cast as Heino Ferch as Jew chief police who save as much lives as he can and Sebastian Hulk as sadistic Nazi who kills relentlessly and a gorgeous Erika Marozsan as Jew singer suffering the anger from villain commandant. Filmmaker Audrius Juzenas correctly directs a spellbinding portrait about the holocaust based on true facts .

Adding more details over largely described on the movie referred 'the Vilna ghetto ', the events happened on the following manner : Vilna Ghetto was called "Yerushalayim of the Ghettos" because it was known for its intellectual and cultural spirit. Before the war, Vilnius had been known as "Yerushalayim d'Lita¨ (Yiddish: Jerusalem of Lithuania) for the same reason. The center of cultural life in the ghetto was the Mefitze Haskole Library which was called the "House of Culture". It contained a library holding 45,000 volumes . Jewish groups organized events commemorating Yiddish and Hebrew authors and put on plays in these languages . The Vilna Ghetto was well-known for its theatrical productions during World War II. Jacob Gens (Heino Ferch), the head of Jewish police and the ruler of the Vilna ghetto, was given the responsibility for the starting of this theatre.Performances included poetry by Jewish Authors, dramatizations of short stories, and new work by the young ghetto people. The Ghetto Theatre was a great source of revenue and had a calming effect on the public. A total of 111 performances had been given by January 10th, 1943 and a total of 34,804 tickets were sold. The theatre was renovated to accommodate a bigger audience and create a better-looking theatre for the public eye. This theatre permitted the non-Aryan race to display their power through plays and songs .The last theatrical production, The Flood, was produced by the Swedish dramatist Henning Berger and opened in the summer of 1943, in the last week of this Ghetto's existence. This play, set in an American saloon during a flood, featured a group of people who banded together during a time of danger and need. In early 1943, the Germans caught a member of the Communist underground who revealed some contacts under torture and the Judenrat, in response to German threats, tried to turn Yitzhak Wittenberg, the head of the FPO, over to the Gestapo. The FPO The Fareynikte Partizaner Organizatsye (United Partisan Organization) was able to rescue him after he was seized in the apartment of Jacob Gens in a fight with Jewish ghetto police. Gens brought in heavies, the leaders of the work brigades, and effectively turned the majority of the population against the resistance members, claiming they were provoking the Nazis and asking rhetorically whether it was worth sacrificing tens of thousands for the sake of one man. Ghetto prisoners assembled and demanded the FPO give Wittenberg up. Ultimately Wittenberg himself made the decision to submit to the Nazi demands. He was taken to Gestapo headquarters in Vilnius and was reportedly found dead in his cell the next morning. Most people believed he had committed suicide. The rumour had it that Gens had slipped him a cyanide pill in their final meeting.During roughly two years of its existence, starvation, disease, street executions, maltreatment and deportations to concentration camps and extermination camps reduced the population of the ghetto from an estimated 40,000 to zero. Only several hundred people managed to survive, mostly by hiding in the forests surrounding the town, joining the Soviet partisans, or finding shelter among sympathetic locals.
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Holocaust "Import:"
Globo43618 December 2006
This movie has apparently not been released in the US, but I found it available on DVD in Beijing, of all places. It takes place during the war in the ghetto in Vilna (Vilnius), Lithuania and shows the brutality of war, with a Nazi leader forcing Jews to perform as actors, and using the Jewish police to carry out orders. It is somewhat melodramatic with some comedic elements, but overwhelmingly brutal. I don't know is this is based on a true story or fictional. The acting was generally good, with some high and low points. There have been better holocaust films, but as one of the genre, this one is not too bad. The film was in English, but was likely dubbed. Amazingly it was a Lithuanian-German production, which in itself is somewhat ground breaking.
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Dark comedy-musical about the holocaust,,,
lsatim31 January 2008
A different and unusual take on the holocaust. "Ghetto" is almost a dark comedy-musical, if you had to put it into a category ( if such a category exists...) I don't think it's fair to compare it to "The Pianist" or "Schindler's List", because this film really does it's own thing. Not everyone's cup of tea, but then I wouldn't really consider this a mainstream film. There were elements which really brought Yiddish theater to mind, in a clumsily beautiful and poignant way. I was appropriately entertained, moved and depressed, so I enjoyed this movie very much, but again, not everyone would want a movie to elicit that combination of emotions. There were some very beautiful scenes, in terms of cinematography, and despite some distracting, less than natural lip-synching, I found the music really beautiful. This film is worth watching, as long as you do so with an open mind and an appreciation for originality.
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Loved It
AndyBrotherton5 February 2008
I stumbled across this film by accident. And boy am I glad I did. I was hooked from the very start. A superbly made film. A great script, story and camera work. And the lighting is very good.The story is about a lot of Jewish people living in a ghetto during the 2nd word war in Lithuania. The main plot confuses you with the story of a German officer,who you can't tell or not is trying to save the Jews in the Ghetto. He was/is an artist and so he is drawn to the Jewish artists within the ghetto. They form a theatre while the Russians get ever closer to liberating them. And well I won't say any more and won't spoil it for anyone. Just watch it. It is an awesome film.
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Very Good movie even than Pianist
fakong20 May 2006
First of all, I had to say if you don't finish it you would never feel its goodness. Pianist described the Warsaw Ghetto from a pure view of a Jew. Schudler's list described from a view of a German with Humanity. Both are not enough. This movie shows a German (Nazi) Officer's mental struggling between evil and an artist. Between ghost and human. The same time, a Jew police of Ghetto also struggles mentally the same way, protecting and saving Jewish lives by killing and taking Jewish lives. If you were educated for a long time that the Jew are not human beings, and your nobel duty is to vanish them, but finally you found what you have been taught and told may be wrong. How pain you would be? The same thing as if you are a Christian, you found the Gospel of Juda is true?

When you reach the point, the Jew Police is taking "the third child" from each pair of parents for killing while assigning "the second child" to some parents with only one. You will feel what a "job" he is doing. And I can never imagine if I have a job like this.

Strong Recommended.
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An insult to one's intelligence
kickapoo2-512-5532813 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Oberscharfuehrer Bruno Kttel, as the rank would suggest, was a member of the SS....then why is he wearing a Wehrmacht hat and uniform? And this is only the beginning of this fiasco of a movie. Can anyone who knows anything about the period imagine an SS officer and his cronies, both German and Lithuanian, holding what seems to be drinkee-winkies with Jews? Oskar Schindler spent a few days in jail because he gave an avuncular kiss to a Jewish woman. In regard to physical relations between "Aryans" and Jews, called Rassenschande (Race Shame), Kittel and cohorts would have face imprisonment or worse for what's whimsically portrayed in this film. Kittel may have played the saxophone but it was on the local radio station and not wish Jewish musicians and comedians.

If there was ever a movie that deserved a "0", it's this one.
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Good, but could have been better
immarkkim-27 June 2006
This movie is different than most of WWII related movies. It is not as serious as other movies which makes it unique and perhaps worth watching. Although it has fairly good storyline, it is definitely not as strong as movies such as the Pianist. There is no strong character growth and it is hard to tell who is really the main character. However, it is interesting to watch how the story incorporates drama, musical, and some light humour all into a war-themed movie. I was bit disappointed in the acting, especially the voice acting. The audio almost sounds like as if it was dubbed because the voice you hear does not really go with the character. I would have rather liked if they just spoke in German, not in English. One of the main reason I watched it was because of Heino Ferch. Unfortunately, his acting seems bit artificial when compared to his acting in der Untergang and der Tunnel.

Overall, it is a good film that could have been better.
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If you want to see a good movie of this type, you should check out Schindlers List or The Pianist. If you haven't done that already
dirty_dozen8616 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I think the movie had to much singing in it. It's about a woman (a Jew) who steals the heart of a Nazi army officer and due to her beautiful voice, which gives him great amusement, she saves innocent lives including hers. I thought Ghetto would be like Schindlers list or even more the Pianist . This movie never even came close to the movies mentioned above. If you like opera in different way you would probably like this movie. Well, I did not and had to push my self to the limit to see it to the end. Some parts of the movie were pretty intense and cruel, nevertheless there was to much singing in Ghetto to get my attention.
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Unique take on WWII
anastasia_ks14 November 2007
I saw this movie in Mexico City, of all places, on Cinemax. At first I wasn't sure what to make of it, but I think that's why I liked it so much. You were never sure who to trust; who was good and who was bad (though, obviously, the Nazis were easy to categorize as the bad guys). The movie is really about Gens and the position he is in between the Nazis and the Jews. It really isn't clear whether he does the right thing; indeed, it isn't clear that there IS a right thing to do. In this way I thought the movie was more three-dimensional than "The Pianist," in which we know that our hero is an innocent victim. Here, Gens could be an innocent victim or he could be a ruthless opportunist. Or he could be both. In my opinion, that is what makes a character interesting.

What impressed me the most about this movie, however, was the music. Please, if anyone could find a soundtrack for it, let me know. It was a great combination of opera, swing, and tango, and captured the passion and drama of the times. While it could be argued that "The Pianist" was, in Adrian Brody's own words, about how a man's love of music saved him during horrible times, that movie had almost NO music at all. This movie is a much better illustration of the theme of music and art being mankind's salvation.

To me, a good movie is one that makes me think, one that rattles around in my head long after it ends. This movie passes the test, as I've been thinking of it on and off for several days. Yes, it is an odd blend of humor, drama, and horror, but I thought its uniqueness and depth made it a great film.
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Drama about theater during war
naurimas-121 April 2006
The activities of the Jewish theater are depicted in an interesting way in the brutal environment. It is shown how the people learn to appreciate theater, forget problems and enjoy art which brings spiritual calmness.

At the same time you can see the struggle and sad things of the Jewish nation in the ghetto and struggle against the Nazis.

The passionate, but one-sided love story between the Nazis officer and the actress, singer of the ghetto is interesting to see and reflect upon.

I liked about this movie was an interesting love story between the Nazi officer who loves the Jewish actress, singer of the ghetto.

The movie was based on the script of the famous Jewish play writer Joshua Sobol.

Again, the title of the movie is Ghetto (2006).

It is coming to Europe, during the last week of April it will be shown in the UK, later in Netherlands. I hope you will see this movie.

It is somewhat similar as Spielberg's "Schindler's list" because of the episodes when the German saves many Jews.

Also it partially reminds of Roman Polanski "Pianist", because in this movie, the German officer tries to preserve music during the painful time of war.
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The end explains it all
haftervan31 January 2008
Very good work, i must confess i've not seen another work of this director beside this movie.

The good. The main characters are very well shaped, the artist crew, it-s so real, i have several friends that are actors, dancers, and singers, and the environment is so alike, i can see the director really knows how it is, how it feels. The Nazi guy, is the main actor, so sensitive and so unsure of what he is really doing, he was just 22 for god's sake. The end is magnificent the final performance of the main actor!!! the masacre, and at the end, there is no need of act, there is no need of keep the appearances... he could really choose what he wanted, her music and left the teather for the actors entrance.

The bad. When the girl singed looked fake, she did not breath as a singer does, she should have worked on making that look real.
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Vincentiu1 November 2012
from a group life. from sketches of escape. from a time. or, only, as skin of a baby cry. it is a Shoah page but in special manner. because the innocence and guilty are not Manichean toys. because the subject is science to survive. not only for Jews. it is a film about art. but , in same time, it is testimony of fall. and the real virtue is minimalist stile. a ghetto, a spoiled young German officer, a governor of community, a beautiful woman , a puppeteer and his special puppet. and a theater, rumors of war and need to control situation. it is not Schindler list. because it is better. it is not a picture of a great crime. only story about people in crisis may be a poem. but last scene is more important to be literature. it is a momento. or only mirror. for lost time. for present time.
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