A Secret Handshake (Video 2007) Poster

(2007 Video)

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Amateur Hour
lumocolor6 May 2007
This a strange little film. Every aspect screams "amateur" - the acting quality is a tiny notch above porn, the script trips into cliché at the worst moments, the direction is clumsy, the lighting (when they use any) veers between daylight or an 80s soft-rock ballad video. However, the story is great. I didn't see what was coming (truth be told it would be hard to predict) but there were clues planted along the way when you look back on it.

Whether this all makes sense is another matter, but maybe that's the point. I enjoyed watching it - it was wanting to know what happened at the end that kept me going, even though all through it I kept thinking "This is so bad..." The last 60 seconds of the film, however, should have been cut, as they ultimately spoil it.

Give this story to some new writers, director and cast, and it could have been a hit.
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Grainy footage and Convoluted Plot line
D-Sligar11 May 2007
OK, I decided to give this one a go just in case it turned out to be a decent film; though I'm not sure how such misleading comments happen to find their ways to the frontpage of many movies I an curious about, most seem written by someone involved with the film. Anyway, onto the film.

Footage was downright grainy, though the sound quality wasn't too bad, there for a while I thought I was watching something from the 70's. The acting wasn't too bad, though I have to venture to guess the lead role was probably the writer of the script (his acting was the worst). The script was quite disjointed, and many times you'll find yourself asking "Just what the Hell is going on." Even by the end of the movie there are a lot of holes. Some writers try to get away with doing this by saying that it's up to the viewer to fill in the holes with their own ideas; I say that's just a load of crap.

You can get an idea of what the movie is about simply by reading the plot summary; you won't get too much more out of the movie itself, though it did have some strange points. What would I compare this film to? How about a mix between Primer and The Attic Expeditions (awesome flick, much better than this one. Check it out!!!), some movie it isn't like are: Crash, Identity, Unknown, etc.; it wants to be like these but falls short. I will give it a few thumbs up because it kept me fairly interested and it did pick up toward the end, though nothing is really explained.

Bottom Line: Not bad, but could have been done much better for the same cost. How about bringing some of the plot threads together so the audience isn't totally confused, you lose them that way.
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Watch it if you want to see a scary moment.
Hattawi11 May 2007
I did not understand this movie at all. While I was watching, I was trying to explain what is happening. I reached a point while watching that I thought there is just no explanation at all. Is it voodoo magic? then played by who and why. Split personality, drugs etc..

I said to myself if this movie is the type of movie that can show you anything and at the end, it leaves you with no explanations and so open ended, then this is a bad movie and is a complete waste of time to watch.

It has a single scary moment that made my hair stand, which gives the movie some credit, otherwise, avoid this movie if you like logical movies that make sense.
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not watchable in one step
therefdotcom4 May 2007
i just rented this for the weekend and i guess this will take me the whole weekend to watch it, because i will have to watch it in at least 3 steps.

why? because it is so freakin badly produced!! the story really sounds interesting, maybe everyone who has not spend already $5 for renting the DVD should stick to the book. i really tried to watch this, but after 15 minutes it was just too hard for me to stick to it.

the acting is way less than amateur level, the sound mixing is just meaningless, camera works is awful, the lightning is a joke as it is completely random and to sum it up it is impossible to watch. i have seen TV productions for local cable stations that beat this by miles. what kills me the most and ultimately drove me to turn it off was the acting. i could have lived with all the major flaws, just for the stories sake, but the acting is unbelievably bad.

where did the half a million dollars go? Darren Aronofsky's pi was made with 60.000 dollars and beats this movie one every level. $ 500.000 for this movie? for what? hopefully someone buys the script and makes another version of this movie. as i wrote i will force me to watch this through the weekend, because the story really sounds tempting, but this one ain't gonna be easy.
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Perfect cure for insomnia!
stocky10200023 May 2007
I have never been fired up enough to make a comment on IMDb but after watching this movie I just could not help myself. This film (if you can call it that) is easily the worst travesty in cinematic history and believe me I have seen some bad movies in my time. There is only one reason for anyone to ever watch this film and that is if they are having trouble sleeping as it knocks you out faster than an elephant tranquiliser.

I implore anyone that is considering renting this movie to spend an hour and half doing something more fun with their time (like castration or dinner with the mother in law) Shot for under $500,000 (I would guess it was shot for under $100) the acting is non-existent and at the end of the film I was still looking for a plot. In short anyone that had a hand in making this film should do the industry a favour and quit before they torture the public with more of this tripe.
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Bad Bad movie
iandhot1 July 2007
Bad Acting, Bad directing. The cinematography is really haphazardly done with no consistent linkage from one scene to the next. The acting is extremely fake for all the actors. I reckon the only good acting done was the bloody tongue wiggling on the floor. There is definitely no flow in this movie. Furthermore, within the first 5 minutes of the movie, one will definitely know that the movie has been done on the cheap. With all this negativity, I have to say that the leading actress who is Jacob's wife is extremely good looking and if I have to say so..she doesn't seem to fit the role as an actress. She seems more like a model who's confused. Jacob the lead actor does a disgusting job especially when shown tied up to the bed. His acting seems extremely fake. I don't recommend watching this movie unless you've seen all the movies in this world and are bored stiff.
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Very Confused!!
apbx685 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
A very hard film to comment on for a few reasons....

The first thing that really hits you is that this was shot on a tight budget, not that this should put you off from watching this, it just takes 15 minutes or so just to get used to the acting and the way scenes "jump" into each other, though without giving to much away this really adds to a feeling that everything is almost dream like and not reality, though I am not sure this was intentional.

If you are willing to stick with this the story really does keep you wanting to reach the end, as the film twists away very cleverly, unfortunately for me it was just to clever (or just didn't make sense at all!!), I simply did not get it and have to say I was just left thinking "what??!!??" which was disappointing as I was really getting into it.

Please do not let the 2 out of 10 put you off, there is "something" to this film, and I am sure there are a few who really will enjoy this indie picture but I just didn't get it.

I am really interested to see some peoples take on the ending!
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RenderMeRandom4 May 2007
This movie was t e r r i b l e! The acting was...*shudder*. And that's a shudder in a bad way FYI. The receptionist at Jacob's workplace was probably the best act in the entire film. Jacob's relationship with his hot, young wife is far from believable, and the "scary, suspenseful" scenes made me laugh out loud. The love scenes looked like something from a softcore porn channel (oh yes, I know)

Better acting can be found in the Incident in Lake County.

If I could bash this movie any more, I would. I just lack the vocabulary, grammar, and time

*shakes head*
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Irony is your black turtleneck.
myloveincruz4 May 2007
This movie feels like it was a senior art school project conceived and executed on too much acid. If it had been 15 minutes long I might have appreciated it as amusing but thankfully it went on long enough to exhibit every possible limitation of writing, acting and directing ability that this team could share. With a bit more effort at emotion on the "actors" parts, that is if they weren't just friends of the director, it could have claimed to be camp. I guess I watched the whole thing, while asking myself why many times, because I couldn't give up hope that there was some point to my torture only to be rewarded with an ending just a couple steps up from it was just a dream, on the triteometer. And what's up with both the director and writer having the same first name: Harsha? Is that Hindi for, 'Don't make a movie with a someone who's also named Harsha'?
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not a good movie where it is showing you should run the other way
salem_mafia9 June 2007
i watched a little bit of this bad movie. it seems like someone with no skill made it in there basement with a small camera worth 25 cents.

this movie sucks renting it for a weekend watching is like giving your weekend away. it has a bad plot a bad beginning and bad actors every one in it seems as though there just trying to get into the industry. truly if the people in this movie ever make it any where. when gossip shows look back at there career this will be a sad point in it. i wouldn't even want my name on this movie im sorry for those whos name is on it.

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Good Story
ryannorfolk8 May 2007
Good Story poor acting, but don't let that stop you watching this film. I thoroughly enjoyed it. The finer details are hidden with twists and turns and there's a jaw-dropper at the end. The acting is very much B Movie acting, but that fades into the background as you try and work out what is going on with the story. The cinematography was OK, script was OK, what really makes this film stand out is the story (which I don't want to go into to much details and spoil it for anyone). This film is defiantly worth a watch and I'll be keeping my eyes on Harsha Gijre (screenplay), to see what else he can come up with. Does anyone know of anything else he's been involved with? There were quite a few foreign names in the credits, so he might have done something before in another country.
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Hard to rate
wmboos4 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This is a very hard movie to rate. On the one hand the acting and cutting between scenes is amateurish at best, on the other it's a pretty good story with a couple of pretty good twists that I didn't see coming. I'm pretty sure that this will be a low rated movie because of the amateurism prevalent throughout and that's a shame. The movie isn't scary or gruesome although there are a couple of scenes that make an attempt at gore. The obvious fakeness I believe was either due to budget constraints or because this isn't supposed to be a slasher film and it's an effective way of making that statement.

I wouldn't waste my money by seeing it in theater, but if you're bored and want to see something different it's worth a rental, or a purchase from the Wal-Mart bargain bin because it really is a pretty good story and it is pretty well told. The ending left me wondering. I checked the spoiler box yes, but that doesn't mean I'll tell you how it ended, suffice it to say that on reflection it makes perfect sense but should have been expounded on for another minute or two.

6 out of ten for the story.
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This movie makes absolutely no sense at all.
comet_10429 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
The first thing that I noticed about the movie is the bad acting. Specifically Robert Olding and Jessica Landon. Robert Olding was a tad bit better than the rest of the cast but not much. Jessica Landon seriously needs to take some acting lessons. The rest of the crew can follow. Danielle Bitton looked like a soft porn starlet. The second thing that noticed about the movie was the scene jumping. One scene jumped to the next and made no sense. I felt like quitting the movie because of this. I decided to stick with it to see if the ending would tie the plot together as it usually does in movies that make absolutely no sense. This one didn't. The Polaroid taken of Jacob and Carmen being married absolutely did not jive with the ending showing Jacob being on death row for 12 years because he molested Carmen and accidentally kills her as a child. I am as confused about what was really going on in the movie at the end as I was in the beginning. If this movie had better actors, producers, directors and writers to change the terrible script it could be a real box office hit. Oh and change the name to something that jives more with the movies instead of "A Secret Handshake". The movie plot never revealed how this came to be the name of the movie.

Martin Scorcese should give Harsha Wardhan some serious directing tips.
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One of the worse movies
angajatul14 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
In a top 100 best movies this one would be on 2826351281 :). Everything is awful,from the starting credits,the acting,the music, subject etc. The way it is filmed reminds of a high-school movie/2nd hand horror movie, and the lines seem to be written by a guy that watched 20 teenager movies, 10 horror ones and some documentaries on Discovery Channel. If you want to torture some relatives that came over to visit you or you want to scare some friends with your movie taste this movie is perfect....just say that it is your favorite movie and ask them to watch it ,and after that you will not hear from them too soon. I always thought that "Dog Soldiers" is a bad movie....but this one is even worse. As a conclusion.....press Stop after the first 5 minutes of the movie and try watching something else.
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A hidden Gem
gotxooma2 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Alright, first of all this is no Memento or similar types. Its an ambitious little film and its low budget. This combination usually results in a disaster and this one maybe an exception, just about. I came across this film at an underground cinema screener in West Mumbai, India and the little audience in attendance was completely intrigued throughout the film and continued to discuss the story after the end credits. It's an unusual film in the sense that it's very restricted (characters, locations, production value etc.) and very incessant (It's ambition to not veer off the one man's story). The film starts slow and draws us into Jacob's troubled married life and then takes a turn, shifts, turns again, spins, catches breath and repeats until it reaches the climax where its a free fall before the resolution. There is no point in going into the actual story as this one is the kind where you must experience and/or feel it. I am truly frustrated by this little film as there is unarguably "something" about this film that touches/disturbs the viewer but it feels not entirely realized at the same time. It's rare that so much emotion is shown between a married couple within the thriller genre in American films and maybe that's why this feels like a "foreign film". It's a very David Lynchish in its approach and while it manages this very well, little bit more budget and production design would have made it more accessible to a much wider audience. I would watch out for this Writer-Director future work.

Ultimately if movies like Memento, The Machinist, Primer and such movies are your cup of tea (reference to a great add on in the film ), you'll enjoy this in spite of all its flaws.

A generous 7 out of 10 for the brilliant effort.
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