The Trayvon Hoax: Unmasking the Witness Fraud that Divided America (2019) Poster

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The Fix That Started A Movement
CCRider0130 January 2021
Great thumbs up for all the detective work done by Joel Gilbert, shining a light on the Trayvon Martin killing in a way that the MSM, due to their lack of principals and Leftist mindset on race related issues, is unwilling to even consider. The documentary does need an edit though (especially some of the middle section parts that could be trimmed or even cut completely), which would make the story line more compelling and tightly paced. This is the kind of documentary that deserves a wide audience on platforms like NetFlix, but would the Netflix's of this world have the courage and principals to do so?
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Mixed Bag
RIK-222 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, huge well done to Gilbert to bringing these new allegations into the public domain. However, I am baffled that this hasn't come up before and if true, how poor was the investigation from both the Police and the defence team.

Having watched lots of wrongful conviction stuff on Netflix, I am starting to think that the American justice system is probably the worst in the developed world. The prosecutors just seem to decide someone is guilty and then fix the facts around that. Whether they are culpable seems largely irrelevant.

However, there were problems with this documentary, for it to be more credible he should have got some views/opinions from others involved in the case, giving them an opportunity to react to these new revelations. I don't understand why he didn't set up a real interview with Diamond to see what she would really say; show her the texts and ask her to confirm she was the real girlfriend.

Why didn't any of the prosecution or police offer an opinion on what happened. On the face of it, how did the Police not do the most basic of investigatory work to find out who lived at the original address? How about actually calling the number and seeing who answered? How about finding witness who knew who the "real" girlfriend was? The phone records clearly contradict the statements from Rachel Jeantel, why was this brought out in court?

Are the police now investigating Rachel, the mother for perjury? Are the police not investigating the prosecution for inventing a false witness?

As I mentioned well done for putting in the effort to bring these new allegations to light, but as a documentary it really needed more counter view. I am not into American politics, but I didn't really see the need to push the Democratic / Liberal media angle. Fox News is clearly very right wing, so you can't say that all media is left wing.
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Proof of "Political Correctness" run amouck
west-918456 December 2019
Unfortunately, this important motion picture will be widely condemned by those who did not see it. It does not fit well into our "politically correct" world.

As a retired TV news anchor and investigative reporter, I was very suspicious of the alleged facts presented in this movie when I first heard about them. But, as I delved deeper into the story and presentation, the realities all began to fall into place. Each fact presented is underscored with extensive documentation, and sadly, it's all true.

It is easy to see this movie as just a proven condemnation of a family falsely trying to deny their son's responsibility for his own death. In some ways, one might expect a family to do that. But when the film presents proof the family, their lawyer and the media went far beyond that, and tried to defraud their way into profit from that death, this picture becomes a wake-up call for all of us. Producer Gilbert presents documented proof false witnesses were used to try to convict Zimmerman, and many people, some in official positions, were in on the hoax.

The bottom line is that justice was perverted at its most basic level, and a young man named Zimmerman was almost railroaded into prison so the family could make money and satisfy the political needs of a few corrupt politicians. Those are strong accusations but in that sense, this movie is more frightening than any Steven King terror thriller, because it's all too real.

The movie will probably be roundly condemned by those who have not seen it, because it is definitely not "politically correct." That is a shame, because we all have much to learn from this producer's work. This picture is not just about Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman. In a much broader scope, it's about all of us and our very frightening politically correct society.
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When the Facts finally come out! Why so long?
bigdogtim7-418-69404412 December 2019
This movie reveals the truth about what really happened to George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin. I just don't understand why the police couldn't collect this evidence in the 1st place, when all this was going on and I'm certain that things like this happen all the time, no matter what color you are. The fact that Al Sharpton was involved was enough to let me know that there was truth hidden deep down, because he and Jesse Jackson seem to always show up to stir the pot of Racism! Both are supposed Reverend's, but of what God is the Question, because they do Not serve Jesus Christ, who endorsed Brotherly Love, no matter the Color of a Man's skin color.
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Painstaking and engrossing.
Bill-i-am27 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Mr. Gilbert had the map to a goldmine with this much suppressed information, so much orchestrated misinformation. So much corruption!

This documentary exposes how the establishment govern-media complex drives a narrative to bulldoze over the truth. And they do it in plain sight, cheered on by the ignorant masses.

The truth about Trayvon could not be spoken, because it was politically incorrect to acknowledge who and what he was. What he aspired to be. The tragedy of Trayvon Martin occurred in the months leading up to his death. It's highly likely that his death prevented countless future victims, had Trayvon continued on his path.

A lot of us knew that Rachel Jeantel was a much did not add up! But I don't think anyone suspected that Rachel was the HALF-SISTER of the real two-timing Diamond who spent so much time on the phone with Trayvon!

Jeantel perjured herself. Crump and Parks suborned perjury and conspired to obstruct justice, along with their other financial and political frauds. These people are criminals who need to face justice. It's astonishing that this information has been so available for so long, and that the Trayvon Martin fairy tale is still what most people believe.

See this documentary. Ask yourself: what ELSE are they lying to us about?
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These facts needs to be spread far and wide: I expected a lot less and was pleasantly surprised !!
galactichumans28 September 2019
I was pleasantly surprised to see that this independent documentary was a high quality production: well researched, well documented, and well conveyed to the audience. The facts conveyed in this film should outrage everyone as to the blatant lies that are perpetuated against the People. The sad part is (as always), that George Zimmerman was charged with a crime and it was all based on lies; the establishment cares nothing of the lives it destroys in the wake of its agendas. The message in this film needs to be spread far and wide! In this day and age of instant information, it is refreshing to see independent journalists and researchers such as Joel Gilbert increasing in numbers to bring the truth to the People rather than the lies spread all over corporate owned media. The truth always prevails.
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Exposes Political agenda who promote hate for power
closethem10 December 2019
I fist hate that innocent people lost greatly and a young man lost the most. I did not look at this from a race angle, I agree with many people that the color of ones skin does not indicate status, good, bad the character of a person. Like so many incidents in our world what they want us to believe vs what is true many times was set in motion for a agenda or financial gain to a small group. How people jump to conspiracy theory and chose to believe the elite, politicians, etc over fact and common sense blows my mind. We know those who fill political seats and government are not the ones to bet on when your asked to trust them. Now we have more people who were drug into this based off promises and these are the ones suffering while those responsible accomplished their goal. We do not need to feed hate we need to feed kindness and realize who is dividing the people.
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Entertaining, brilliant expose of a sham prosecution with enormous consequences!
Menow23 October 2019
As a long-time criminal lawyer, I've seen lots of weird ploys and surprising developments in cases over the years. People resort to all sorts of subterfuge when disinterested, honest justice, a principled application of reason and law to the evidence won't get them where they want to go.

I once had an expert in a murder trial duck out of testifying by sending a letter to the court saying that he was double-booked across the country when really he wanted to visit his mistress (he was found in contempt). I've seen prosecutors withhold critical exculpatory evidence, cops lie but also defendants and their witnesses lie, lie, lie, sometimes rather elaborately at that.

But I've never seen anything quite like this. And definitely never in a trial of such momentous significance.

Joel Gilbert does some excellent, clever detective work here to uncover the staggering fact that the prosecution's star witness, Trayvon's purported girlfriend who was talking with him on the phone in the moments preceding his death, was an impostor! The trial centered around this girl's testimony and it was a total fabrication.


The film is gripping. You see how Gilbert thought this out, carefully tested his hypotheses and, well, I won't spoil it for you. The movie plays like the best imaginable CSI episode except for two things.

One, it's real. These are real people -- or real "fake" people to be more accurate - and it's fascinating to watch Gilbert carefully expose their ruse.

Even if this story was about a relatively insignificant trial, it would be a striking portrait in human machinations and the kind of mischief people resort to to try to trick lady justice.

But it's not an unimportant case and that's the second point. The Zimmerman / Martin case had cataclysmic impact on race relations in America. Black Lives Matter emerged in a texting conversation of a few disgruntled black women who couldn't believe that Zimmerman's acquittal was a possible fair verdict.

To the contrary, the guy should never have been charged in the first place.

Joel Gilbert has done something spectacular with this investigation. This story deserves maximum exposure, the sooner the better. The Trayvon case rocked America. But the trial was a farce and the truth not just neglected but suppressed. This movie brings it clear out into the open.
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The truth unveiled
gutgezogen19 December 2019
Nicely directed and filled with nice shots in front of an unplugged computer.
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One of the most important films on the subject of race politics
hedric13 June 2021
The Truth about Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman case is finally revealed by a meticulous look at the evidence and reveals the culpability of the Race baiters and Leftist activists.

This brilliant detective work of Joel Gilbert really uncovers the cynical manipulation and lies that these excretable people stoke racism with. The worst people in America use the blood of black Americans to lubricate their campaign trails with the ferocity of cannibals after fresh human meat.

This story is relevant still today and deconstructs what encompasses a race hoax and how the Democratic politicians use black deaths, and require blacks to die to justify their terrible policies and keep themselves in power.

A must watch!
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jriver-5635618 September 2021
WOW-This is a must watch. This will open your eyes to a world that we known was being ran by corrupt government and politics but seeing it like this and the Facts and court documents is mind blowing. But like everything else nothing will happen to the family and the government for the Fraud they have commented.
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