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shokoffilm11 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
i never understand the ratings system. both smoqing and breathful are shown as 7 or more on the rating records (votes given)and we see 4 stars on the main page on the ratings?!please, either correct them or let me know how it works? thank you. i have seen both of these unique and daring films and do agree that each film by shokof is a new experiment to watch. breathful (regardless of acting as this one is not about acting at all), is a delight to watch from Directing to situations and the originality of perspectives ,concept and lines.i had a blast and loads of fun, while smoqing gave me all the different side and mood of shokof. a man of multi talent and wide perspectives for sure. his films are so original that one can only admire the courage it takes to think of them let alone to make them. i remember a statement by shokof at the premiere of the Breathful that goes like this; It is absolutely a nightmare to be able to make movies of different perspectives and it is more horrifying to have all the world against you making them. this was his remark to the question how he makes such films with extraordinary different perspectives to that of the main stream films and industry rules. one feels all that lust he claims is necessary to make films that are everything but business as usual. great mind, brave artist and much too fresh products to enjoy regardless of what he makes.
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all women cast and a sure to be another cult-classic
f-candice18 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
i saw the premiere of Breathful in Berlin. the crowd did not respond to the film, and the press was less enthusiastic, but as all other films from Shokof, i longed for originality and spectacular concept and cinema language with his signature before the film started. Breathful was wrongly shown at a wrong time (in my opinion) and certainly to a wrong crowd. this film has its ups and downs but only if one views it through the eyes of people watching standard films from the world industry. one should know that Shokof has never made a film for the industry and or by the industry, and is probably why he enjoys a following for being who he is and having made films his way over and over again. there is again nothing usual in this hilarious Gangster_Comedy with an all women cast. Two girls who are best of friends try to get rich in a swift drug sales action. Berta (played by Taies Farzan), and Fuss(Narges Rashidi)make a most joyous and unbelievable team in leading this comedy with extraordinary fresh elements and twists. Berta is the frustrated furious strong minded Latino type as Fuss is just there to make life easier for both of them. she is supposed to be the cooler of the two. However, and on the contrary Fuss only makes things complicated and constantly gets on Berta,s nerves throughout the story most comically. One begins to love their relationship even though they never connect as two good friends. there is something about these two that makes you want them to succeed, and love to watch them as they are obviously gorgeous women on screen(in my opinion they connect as a rarity women couples on the screen). Despite all their efforts,they can not sell the drugs which they took on a credit from Sigi (the Boss). They ask Sigi to take the drug back and forget the whole bargain. Sigi gives them 3 days time and this starts a ride of a life time in trouble for both girls. they go from stealing cars to robbing stores, and through many clients unsuccessfully to sell the drugs all throughout the film. their situation gets more complicated as Fuss dates Naomi who is Sigi,s daughter, and more so when they try to become artists (that whole art issue is out of this world). The movie has rare elements and characters have funniest names in cinema history ever; Vasline Basmati, Benny Hur, Buddy Rich,and Fuss doing best to match the meaning of her name for being a trouble all the time. Berta speaks with an unclear accent between Latino and Iranian(Taies Farzan is an Iranian German), and is a force all by herself whenever she shows up. the actings are never to be taken more than what they are as the film again breaks many rules in the books as do most films by Shokof. It is again a Shokof film that stands atall and not necessarily because every element in the film is perfect. it is on the contrary so loose,free, and daring, that it feels perfect. mastery of the film is that the Directing is incredible, and some amazing moments make this one stick as good as it can. i would love to see the sequel anytime, and with much the same cast soon. a 10 for all the great ideas, and for dedicating the film to freedom of women everywhere, and a salute to Shokof for keeping it original. the music is again a charm.
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an all women cast doing a Sensational job in a master cult-comedy.
jahan-516 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This is may be the best movie(as a film static) by Shokof. this one tops all his heavy handed conceptually driven pseudo intellectual,Shokfesque Gem movies previously. this hilarious film is about two girls who are the most delightful pair (really an act by both Taies Farzan as the lead,,and Narges Rashidi)on the screen. one can probably not relate to the oddity of the film until perhaps past the first 20 minutes of the movie, where all different layers of the intertwined stories have settled and the ride to a sensational adventure to a most joyful adventure begins. The two stunningly beautiful girls (Taies Farzan resembles a wild Jamaican Sophia Loren with an afro, as Narges Rashidi is the more of the modern type)take a heavy load of drug from a mean drug lord (Sigi, played very well by Monika Schubert) to sell on a credit. as time passes they realize that they are not made for it , and so decide to bring the load back and ask Sigi to forget the whole deal, BUT, not so fast Jose. things start to go wrong every which way from that moment on in this extraordinary attempt in making a Real All Women Film (on locations) and in real street situations (on times even the pedestrians have been staged to be women)in Berlin, Germany. Then there is the Taxi_driver (called Benny Hur, played brilliantly by Souzan Alavi). Then, there is the killer girl played by a cult figure herself (Barbara Kowa). and then, there are one sensational situation after another . Shokof mentioned in a screening of the film that the film was based upon an idea he had developed in early nineties with his artist friend George Dokoupil where they made a trash film called: Ben Hur, The Breathless ,Taxi Driver in Casablanca. the film was to be a tribute to great movies made by great Directors of cinema, but then he developed the idea of re-making it and call it only Breathful (with respect to Goddard,s Breathless) and dedicate the whole film to the cause of Freedom for women in his home land Iran. To make things worse, Fuss falls in love with Sigi,s daughter Naomi who is played by a great looking Tina Mcervale in her first feature. She is a touch all by herself in the role and shades a great light onto this assembly of wonderful actresses from and or living in Germany. A most sensational section of the picture is when they follow the advice from Fuss,s old friend (Buddy Rich) played well by Marina Welsch to become artists. the gallery scene is out of this world. finally the two girls plus Naomi(boss,s daughter) reach the end of the rope in a shoot out scene facing Sigi the Boss and Co., and Vasline Basmati (acted greatly by Britta Horn).

the usage of amazing names alone is a cause to see this film. Their saving life angel (Benny Hur) appears after the shoot out to take their half dead bodies out of the scene, and in another wild taxi ride of their life. a true Cult is to emerge from the master of Cult Mr.Shokof. hats off. a 10 for being out of this world. o, i almost forgot to mention Mr.Shokof,s nose as special appearance to be the only male element throughout the movie where two Iranian women (Taies Farzan and Nargess Rashidi are both Iranian-Germans living in Germany)make all the fools of the nose in this coolest scene in any film ever.
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simply another funny out of his word shokof movie
fairbankslenny12 March 2009
i was at the screening of this movie in the USA.a big group of people laughed their heart out ever after the first 15 minutes of the film was passed and only then and when it was clear that breathful was meant to be an artistic popular statement about all genres of film-making with a serious undertone of bravado piece of filmmakng contributing this almost X rated film to the freedom of women around the world and more specifically for freedom of women in Iran from under what shokof calls a most inhumane dictatorial Islamic Republic Regim ruling his country (iran) at this time. shokof once mentioned in an interview that he would salute all women in the world even if they would be making the choice to do Pornos (which he mentioned as he most innocent and free minded films at all)out of freedom and their own will. his Breathful is another genius work done by a genius mind. the film can not be taken for real as the actors are all OFF their spots. the lines are even more off as in almost all shokof films. if there would be a rating for any of shokof films i would rate them JUST original as they truly do not fit any rating standards in the world. he is free like a bird when he does a movie. his freedom of directing and writing the script gives the most coward people on earth a hero to want to take a step forward and do anything after one sees a film by shokof. this is his strongest contribution where he proves effective as a hero by daring and being just out of this world with his works. contrbuting a film with two almost half naked beautiful Iranian gals (played amazingly by Taies Farzan and Narges Rashidi)to the freedom of women in Iran where women are covered from head to toe in veils is in itself all what the film Breathful and the title means to me.Braver than the word Brave itself. just great. a 10 for all the great ideas and courage and many incredible scenes of this jewel of Modern cinema.
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wonderfully bright, funny and fresh like waterfalls
maudfoley20 November 2015
i saw this film with a lot of expectations and it delivered.like most shokof films it is an exploitation film made with seemingly a low budget in Berlin, Germany with a few first timers in front of the camera but the film delivers due to masterful directing.it is in my opinion one of shokof's best works.it is so funny, so free, so ahead of time on many occasions but also filled with goofs and remarkable buster keaton type of scenes where one has to just know his works to appreciate the whole film.the film is loaded with gorgeous women from Taies Farzan to Narges Rashidi who in my opinion never shines better in other films and jasmin wagner, and almost everyone else who all gathered to deliver a hilarious comedy .i sure wished this movie could go on big screen, just so that the only scene with a Male part in it( shokof,s own nose) could be seen in an exaggerated manner as it is shot to be viewed that way.the film is stupid when it wants to be and incredibly fresh with turn and twists that can just only happen with a mind like shokof.it is a delight to watch. i am a shokof crazy fan and devastated with his touch on almost every issue he makes a film about.i for one am in eternal anticipation when his new work is out?a great tribute also to the freedom of women and all that goes with it.just loved it;the score is also great.
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shokofestan at its best
bolandep9 May 2009
its weird, its sexy, its all women, its loud, its funny to the bones, its another cult and its all another country, another planet called Shokofestan, as shokof creates his own beings with each and every film he makes. the girls are great. the story is as stupid as it wants to be and the dedication of the film can not be more great to a cause than that to women freedonm world wide, and most specifically the women in Iran where shokof is supposedly born. this and seven servants and magass, and ....are all a world part from anything we call movies. shokof is again philosophically funny in this most naive shokof film but yet, so brilliant that only those who have studied their books, and or experienced their life mysteries deep enough would and could enjoy the depth of the movie. just wonderful. another 10 to another movie from Shokofestan.
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great female film for a greater cause
bhillary3215 March 2009
i have never seen a female film.this was the first movie where women ruled the screen and in a spectacular genre of gangster -comedy where men have always been dominant.breathful is unique as ever with shokof directing perhaps his best film (from cinema point of view ) so far. i had a ball watching incredibly beautiful Iranian women filling in the leads and almost half naked throughout the film, and it was greater to see that the film was dedicated to the freedom of women world wide and most specifically to the Iranian women under the Islamic Regim of Iran today. that alone was good enough to sit and watch these two crazy great looking girls playing it out at each other for over 100 minutes (taies farzan and narges rashidi are the leads and magnificent as well). thereafter one can only take the hats off to another finest work in complete freedom of highest originality by the grand master director of most original film (cult is always associated with all shokof films anyway, but this one serves the title at best alongside his masterpiece of classic cults Seven Servants). the lines are incredible as in all his movies i have seen so far. the actings are free as a bird and fit the movie as they are, even though one feels they were perhaps better off if they had been Americans speaking English with an American accent, but then one could also ask Why should they?! it is a funniest 100 minutes i have seen in a long time and curatively put together in fast moving shots and wonderful scenes from Berlin where i have never seen in any other movies. shokof is a painter and it is almost always expected of him to be generous with magnificent locations, perspectives and odd angles for his camera. the film rides the audience through silly scenes and stories and gets one addicted to see how these two helpless drug dealing girls get in and out and back in and deeper into trouble for having started the whole thing on a wrong foot. it is highly recommended and a must if you are a shokof fan. a very big 10 for the whole concept, and everybody who did all to make it.
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I (Iranian Regime,M (media), Data.Base
daryoshokofo5 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Unbelievable but true. IMDB now is on my list of IRAN REGIME SERVANTS AND SERVICES for having unlawfully and illegally reduced and changed ratings of Shokof films openly. Oddly enough with such stupidity that a film which had a viewing of lets say 300 and rated a film above 7 suddenly and overnight showed the same number of visitors rated the same film 2.3?! Stupid but also perhaps obviously and purposefully so that I write such a note!? How and why does IMDB does such a disservice? ! Who benefits from such an open insult!? Political or private it just creates a state of affairs not far away from a barbaric regime with servants dumb enough to take acts of violence against some highly educated and cultivated society of people who honestly take their times to give their voices to such a page for promoting arts and cinema in a free state of mind. Shokof films will endure such regimes. Shame on you IMDB for becoming islam fanatic servant of iran regime. Shokof remains high on my list.
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ironically out of this world
torihoward211 February 2011
i like to start writing a comment about these ratings.IMDb seems to have goofed up here with all movies by shokof.you check the votes and it reads a 10 but then it shows a 3 on the info. page?! don't be fooled by the ratings for any of the films by shokof as i explain to you why you should not be fooled:breathful is funny.it is very courageous and like all great daring movies it is full of flaws if you wanted to comment on the film as a movie done the classic way, but, hey, who would ever care if any film by shokof could be what you expect them to be.if that be the case then you are in the wrong film watching something from the wrongest film maker on earth.believe it or not, with all the incredible unrealistic situations that this man seems to have had his movies made ,there are specific indications that a whole new generation of film makers have followed his path without even one reference to what daryush shokof films have achieved for making movies possible. breathful is no difference .it is a trash film at its greatest establishment.actors are all on the wrong side of awful but simultaneously you should know it is all meant to be that way.then and only when you really could understand shokof,s mind you would be able to understand that his movies are just gems.wonderfully bizarre, gravely underestimated and brilliantly courageous to be different.breathful is a simple story about 2 drug dealers who decide to finally give up selling drugs ,and live a normal life but there are just too many problems in doing so.2 great looking sexy Iranians (taies Farzan, and Narges Rashidi) lead this very robust ,refreshing gangster comedy to its fullest effect and are almost perfect in being terribly funny and dead serious (being completely stupid) and trying their best to make the viewer feel their pain, and laugh through it all as the viewer sees this delightful comedy. at times it is hilarious, but Taies Farzan makes sure you stick to your silence and take the whole thing seriously while Narges Rashid could care less about the whole damn thing and have just fun making remarkable stupid moments shine from her performance each time she shows up. breathful is not for everyone, but could really make your head spin if you are a fan of trash films done right in the hands of a grand artist. i strongly suggest you see it if you want to have a hell of a laughter and believe in absurdity be a must situation for a trash film masterpiece.don't let the ratings fool you and again this one gets a 10 from me.
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