Unmistaken Child (2008) Poster

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soul and substances... how can you tell ?
dumsumdumfai12 September 2008
Warning: Spoilers
By far, this doc is as standard as you get. And it has no gimmicks. Everything is chronological. No heavy voice over narration. It lets the story tell itself - the most traditional kind.

The camera follows the journey of a Tibetan monk in search for the reincarnation of his master. The pressure is overwhelming to say the least. He is given some clues and it is interesting to see the very argumentative confirmation process.

But the subject and journey is interesting. You see the crucial points coming, you anticipate them yet it is more than what you can imagine - simply because it is not dramatic - because most of the time, the people involved holding down some of their feelings.

This remarkable film seems to have followed a quest from 2001 to 2005 or 2006. and only ending editing 2 weeks ago. To have traveled so far for so long but presented a story with so much dignity and humility is an achievement in itself - to have a soul almost.

*spolier* one key passage (the director alluded to this as well) is the taking away of the child. and what the parent, particularly the father, commented on.

This reminds me of Weeping Camel' doc film I saw a few years back. It seems to have that same soul. The film does not call attention to itself but to and respect of its subjects.

Substance is not about quantity; and depth is not always complex - but maybe about a journey or a certain truth.

During Q&A the director also mention it took a long time for the Monks to trust what he is doing.
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Interesting, raises questions
kaiser10029 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I am a practising Tibetan Buddhist and take seriously the teachings of reincarnation, including the existence of 'tulkus', children who are the reincarnation of enlightened masters who have chosen to return to the world to continue to help other beings. Naturally, I was drawn to this film.

However, that does not mean I do not have criticisms of the tulku system, and Unmistaken Child does not flinch from showing all sides of the issue. Taking a child away from his parents at three years of age is a highly questionable act in my opinion, and it is clear that the parents have no real say in the matter. The monk is a very kind and faithful person but also seems to be kind of unbalanced from grief and his search borders on obsessive. The tulku certification process also seems too vulnerable to subtle manipulation and cues by the people who really want the child to be the reincarnation of the deceased master.

But to the film's great credit, it does not attempt to take sides, presenting a very different way of life, reality, and set of values than ours, and it is important to question the automatic assumption many of us make that our culture is inherently superior to others.

The cinematography is also outstanding and the landscape of the Himilayas truly stunning. The depiction of the peasant's way of life, virtually unchanged for centuries, is remarkable and an important cultural document as this lifestyle vanishes from much of the rest of the earth.
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Little Lama
GethinVanH11 January 2010
A very interesting documentary about the search for the reincarnation of a Buddhist Lama. Everything is shown on camera, including the search for the reincarnated Lama. The search eventually ends when a 2 year old is chosen to be the reincarnated lama. The process is quite interesting and I couldn't help but wonder what the 2 year old was thinking during the whole thing. Was it all just a game to him to identify his previous belongings? The parents of the little Lama are also torn between giving up their son and honouring their faith. I guess it's not a challenging prediction to guess which one they choose. The pain in their faces is obvious when they have to give up their son to a bunch of men in robes.

The little boy is interesting and intelligent but you have to wonder about his future and whether he really had any choice in the matter. There's no narration in the movie and both sides are shown pretty fairly. Occasionally the little boy does say things that makes him look like a Lama but then there are times which make him look like a little boy. Even when he's acting like a Lama I have a hard time not believing he's just playing pretend. He's 2 and doesn't really know the motivations of the adult world.

Take a kid at 2 and it's very easy to brainwash him and turn him into whatever you want. This is one of the nastier parts of what is otherwise seen to be as a very benign religion.
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Complex, beautifully made, moving and thought provoking
runamokprods2 October 2011
Complex. moving, thought provoking and beautifully shot, with a great score.

I struggled a bit philosophically at first while watching, since I've been trained in a more western tradition of Buddhism, and don't take the concept of reincarnation literally. And I had an even harder time seeing a tiny child taken from it's family with no say as to his fate.

But then I realized that the documentary – which is told without narration – isn't taking sides on whether reincarnation is real, whether this child actually is the reincarnation of the former llama (there are some moments that seem to actively raise question, where it looks like the boy may being guided to give the right answers). It's simply displaying a way of life and a tradition that has gone on for hundreds of years. One that includes the cruelty of separating a child and his family, but that has also led to such important figures as the current Dali Llama, who has done so much for world peace.

And, in turn that leads to bigger, important questions about how we raise children. If we never forced children directions against their will at times, we might never have some of our greatest figures in religion, leadership, arts, etc. But in doing so, do we also in some way harm the soul of that child? Where is the line between freedom and tradition?

These are important questions, and the film raises them with skill and grace, without attempting to force an easy answer.

It's also the very emotional journey of the young monk charged with the difficult and uncertain task of finding the reincarnation of the man he loved and served for many years. Whether your beliefs, you can't help but care for this charismatic and vulnerable monk on his physically, emotionally and spiritually challenging journey.
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A film of unexcelled beauty
howard.schumann20 September 2009
In a year when films that glorify sadistic revenge fantasies and psychopathic violence against women are celebrated, Israeli director Nati Baratz's documentary Unmistaken Child is a tribute to a director and a young Buddhist monk who are willing to share with the world a journey of love. The film concerns twenty-eight year old Tenzin Zopa, a Buddhist monk who left his family at the age of seven to become a disciple of a Tibetan Buddhist master, who then takes on the responsibility of searching for his master's reincarnation when he dies at the age of 84 in 2001. Though Tenzin is devastated when he loses his teacher, Lama Konchog, and feels inadequate to the task ahead, he agrees to search for his master's reincarnation out of a sense of duty to pass on his master's wisdom to the world.

After a senior monk with an astrological gift determines that the child was born in the Tsum Valley of Nepal, and that the boy's father's name begins with "A, Tenzin sets out on foot on a four-year journey to seek the "unmistaken child", not knowing if he will be successful. Accompanied by Baratz and his camera and with permission from the Lama Zopa Rinpoche, he visits villages in the same area in which he grew up, inquiring as to whether families with a child of age one to one and a half years lives in the village. He interviews children, parents, and grandparents, asking many questions and testing each child to try to find out if the young child is unusually attracted to the master's rosary beads.

When he travels to Chekampor Village which was his place of birth, he meets relatives including an aunt who tells him that there may be such a child in the next village whose father's name, is Ahpe. En route to meet this boy, Tenzin comes across Genshe-La's retreat where he first met his spiritual teacher at the age of seven. Saddened by the dilapidated condition of the retreat, Tenzin sheds tears but his spirits are buoyed by the sight of the child who waters the same apple tree daily that was planted many years ago by Konchong and clings to the rosary beads. In a moment that is pure magic, the little boy is brought to a monastery where he is able to identify personal items such as a hand bell and drum that were used by Kongchong.

The most intriguing part of the film, however, is the unfolding of the relationship between Tenzin Zopa culminating with their meeting with His Holiness the Dalai Lama. The Dalai Lama is the only one who can determine whether or not the boy will be accepted as the reincarnation of Lama Konchong. This test is just preliminary however to the crucial meeting between the boy and his parents and it is a test that both Tenzin and the family face with bravery and good humor. Shot in the villages and countryside of Nepal, Unmistaken Child is a film of unexcelled beauty, both physical and spiritual that left me with a glow that lasted for days.
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Amusing, sad, but true
NetflixZZZZ7 March 2010
A young monk was given the sacred task of finding The One - the reincarnated child of his master who recently passed away. It proved almost too confusing and stressful for him: "Because I never planned for my life, you see. Everything was planned by Geshe-la: You are going to do this, you'll do that. So I always say 'yes', just follow, and I didn't think at all about what is going to happen next." Yet he came through, following the signs, guidance from older monks and his instincts.

An interesting character study indeed, of a simple, obedient youth who came from a humble village at the poorest corner of Earth, grew up in a convent, ended up shaping a world event through sheer devotion of religious faith. This is no laughing matter - this zealous personality actually believes everything he dreamed and imagined as the godly truth.

One interesting scene that's perhaps the most revealing moment of the film, is when this monk after hours of meditation, appeared spiritually enchanted by the harmonious nature, told the camera: "Everybody would dance, every nature, tree would dance... Such as this flower, so beautiful, happy and free." He unplugged the flower from the back of his ear and started mimicking dancing movement, then suddenly realized the flower would live no longer... so he said: "But sorry anyway, I... I took permission from the tree."

It is not hard to imagine what would become of that adorable, bright, innocent little "unmistaken" child. Any amusement I might have felt earlier was completely overshadowed by sadness and grief, after watching the 2nd half of this extremely objective and unflinchingly passive documentary.
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Meditative quest for life
alpysbaeva_m31 March 2019
What does loyalty mean to you? For Tenzin Zopa, the central character, who we follow as the plot of this documentary uncovers, it definitely means a lot. Moreover, loyalty and faithfulness to his master Geshe Lama Konchong is central not only to the narration of this movie, but to his even individual character. Lama's Heart Disciple's quest to find his master's reincarnated body touches you upon multiple vectors it takes: depth of personal relations between Tenzin and Lama before he died, and after with his reincarnated self; numerous Buddhist traditions that we see following Tenzin on his quest; and central to this movie the peaceful meditative state you are to acquire. Despite the central to Buddhism notion of non-attachment, this movie shows the close connection between Lama and his disciple that they acquired during the 21 years of their solitary retreat, and that Tenzin continue keeping with his reincarnation in the body of a little boy. The personal details of their relationship are what makes the character of this movie appealing and alive. Non-attachment central to Buddhist tradition is based on the belief that our attachment to things and people in this life is caused by ignorance that our life is suffering and aimed at keeping us in the samsara. But from Tenzin's confession that he couldn't resist from crying upon the departure of his Master, we realize that even skillful believers cannot overcome their human nature. Although his sorrow did touch my heart, it is his story about plucking the flower in his Master's ear during his meditation, and Lama's consequent return of this flower to Tenzen during his sleep is what melted my heart. We later see that friendship, spiritual love and loyalty that Tenzen acquired for his master being his attendant is being transferred to the little boy that turns out to be his master's reincarnation. The way Tenzen always carries the boy in his hands or on his shoulders, the way he looks at him, plays and talks to him cannot leave you indifferent to the life they're about to have. Many celebrations and ceremonies shown throughout the movie uncovers a lot of details about the Buddhist traditions. Movie starts with the funeral ceremony of Geshe Lama Konchong, where we see the procession of Buddhist monks accompanied by the music and mantras. Then we see the body of Lama wrapped in many clothes as it was described in Death of the Buddha Sutra, and the consequent fire and smoke that was taking it. What really got imprinted in my memory is the image of one of the monks who was looking at the fire as if he was burning in it himself, and also the rainbow that showed up on the sky after the ceremony, which is very symbolic to the reincarnation process that was about to begin. At the celebration of the Tibetian New Year and seeing some Buddhists wearing yellow hats, we understand that this is the Gelug- This Tibetan Buddhist school was founded by Tsongkhapa, also known as Yellow Hats School. This knowledge would be also useful for us to understand Tenzen's close appreciation of nature, as Gelug follows the Mahayana tradition. Then we are to observe one of the most central to this movie ceremony that intends to check the authenticity of Lama's reincarnation. Obviously, as a very sceptic viewer the little boy's choice of Lama's things was hard to believe for me, especially, because his father/brother had to take and guide his arm during the procedure. But later, when the boy shows at Lama's and his picture and then points at himself and says that these 2 people are him, then I started to believe. Although one might raise concerns about this boy's absence of choice over his life and his family's loss of their child, I don't agree with that, because I think it is an honor for their child to be chosen to become a future Lama. Speaking about the meditative state that you acquire once you start watching the movie, it is the nature and the music in this movie that calms you down and help you "tame the mokey" a.k.a. your consciousness. Buddhist close connection to the nature, and compassion towards all beings, as well as Buddhist emphasis on the cyclic nature of the world is evident in monk's discussion of blue, white, flowers that will cover the field in the summer, but which hadn't flourished yet because it's not the time yet. Then he moves to describing plants move caused by the wind as the dance moves: "Everybody would dance. Every nature tree would dance". And then when the bamboo tree is moved by the wind flow, he gets very excited and happy saying that "Here, here! It's dancing!". Then he shows the flower that was attached to his ear praising its beauty, happiness, and freedom which aligns with Mahayana Buddhist tradition of praising all beings as sentient due to them being comprised of Buddha nature. But he is fast to apologize and explains that in order to pick up the flower, he asked permission from the tree. And the music that accompanies all of these beautiful and using Tenzen's terms "free and happy" natural sights just makes the watching even more peaceful and pleasant. Overall I would definitely recommend watching this movie even if you have very limited knowledge of Buddhist traditions as this movie does a magnificent job of bringing the central to Buddhism vibes of peace and balance. But I need to caution that it requires a little bit of effort to follow the movie as unlike the modern movies it doesn't hurry in uncovering the plot.
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Can Society Demand Our Children Of Us?
inquiryetc12 June 2011
To what degree do we have a duty to society at large? This is one of many questions that are likely to stir in your mind when reflecting on this film. What more could you ask of a documentary except that it expand your knowledge of the world and make you think more about what you already knew and what it means, all while showing you inspiring footage of some of the most dramatic landscapes our planet has to offer?

Simply told, cleanly edited, with little cinematic analysis and no pedantic voice-over Unmistaken Child presents a fascinating view into Tibetan Buddhism very worth seeing.

And unless you have a trip to Nepal or Tibet scheduled for the near future, see it on the largest screen possible. The dramatic landscape plays a very strong supporting role to the true dramatis personae - the culture nurtured in its valleys beneath the roof of the world - and the social reality that unfolds in this unique region.
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Not "visually stunning"
PaoReno313 February 2019
Unfortunatelly the quality of the picture is now quite bad. Filmed 11years ago its like watching VHS recording at some points. Camera is shaking making some shots look amateurish (not on purpose though). The story is fantastic though. I wish someone would remaster this film so we can enjoy it in better quality.
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Interesting and Beautiful!
razmatazern1 June 2010
Unmistaken Child is a beautiful film! Traveling along with Tenzin Zopa through the hills and fields is very enjoyable. It felt like I was actually there, experiencing the journey with him.

I thought it would be impossible for a single man to find THE one little boy that could not be mistaken for anyone other than the reincarnate of Geshe Lama Konchog. However, while watching the film, I began to believe that Tenzin was actually capable of the task that he was assigned. He knew what he needed to do to accomplish the task, and he had loads of patience and determination to find the one little boy.

Learning the process of searching for the reincarnate of the deceased lama is very interesting and beautiful.

I think everybody could find something interesting about this film because it's an insightful look into the world of reincarnation and Buddhism.
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"Unmistaken Child" review
yerkinazatov31 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
What do people who is not the member of the Buddhist culture think when they hear about the fact that the senior Lamas of the Buddhist world are always reborn and they in their next life (child) are found and provided with their power and position in society from the previous life? Does that mean that all senior Lamas including Dalai Lama are living much more than one human life? Or is it the artificially created concept to tranquilize the common people? The film of the Nati Baratz named "Unmistaken Child" shows the process of finding the reincarnated child of the previous Tibetan Lama by his attendant. The film has many excellences starting from the representation of the Tibetan Buddhist tradition from one of the most closed and isolated cultures of the world and ending with very great work of the film director since the film makes the viewers to feel worry about the Tenzin Zopa since he has took the responsibility that is more important than his life which is correctly selecting the child who is the true reincarnated child of the previous Tibetan Lama Geshe Lama Konchog. What is more, the film makes the viewer feel as if they are truly taking part in such an important Buddhist Tradition as finding the next Tibetan Lama. On the other hand, in this film review I want to pay more attention to the limitations of the film. Therefore, in this review I will talk about the limitations of the film such as its ambiguity for the people who are not aware of the Buddhist traditions and concepts. One of the most important limitations of the film in my point of view was absence of communication of the main hero (Tanzin Zopa) with the viewers. The film's genre is documentary so that it should be assumed that the viewers of the film can be from any point of the world and with variety of levels of knowledge about the Buddhist concepts and traditions. For instance, after about 30 minutes from the start of the film and after some visits of the Tanzin Zopa to the houses with around 3 year old children several questions can arise in the film viewers. Questions that were formed in my head were what were the criteria for selection of the monk who will search for the next Tibetan Lama (other than spending many years with previous Geshe Lama) and what are the criteria by which the Tanzin Zopa is selecting the reincarnated Geshe Lama? The main character is the monk named Tanzin Zopa commented the happening during the film but very rarely and it was very difficult for me to understand the happening and what are the reasons for all of them. I have some knowledge about the Buddhist Concepts and Traditions but for the people who lack this knowledge this film will leave many unanswered questions. In addition, almost all of the conversations of the Tanzin Zopa with parents of the children and with other monks or Lamas are in their native language and not translated into the International English language. Therefore, viewers can only guess what they are talking about. Understanding these conversations is very important for the viewers since they could answer the questions which could arise in the minds of them such as how could the parents of the child such easily agree to give their child to the monastery? As long as I understand the reason for the parents to easily give their child to the monastery was their strong faith in their religion. However, there could be other reasons which could be clearer if I could understand what is the Tanzin Zopa talking about with them or if Tanzin Zopa would comment about it during the film. To conclude, even if the positive sides of the film overwhelmed the negative sides, there were some important limitations which I discussed above. These limitations of the film are its ambiguity for the viewers since the main hero most of the time did no comment about his actions and films ignorance of the fact that viewers can be various types and lacking any information about the Buddhist concepts which could explain the whole picture of the situation taking place.
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Mistaken Monk
vandreren23 March 2023
It makes me laugh to see all the pandering western dilettantes fall all over themselves praising this appalling, outdated practice. In short, the film follows along as a small boy is senselessly taken from his loving parents by a monk and sent to a Buddhist monastery. Why? On the, let us say questionable, grounds he's the reincarnation of a recently deceased monk from a nearby monastery. A child is forcibly removed from his parents' home because of a mistaken monk's pathetic attachment to his old, dead guru. Rather than deal with the loss of his mentor like a rational adult, understanding that death is simply a part of life, the needy monk commits a cruel act of abduction. Through willful self-delusion, dogmatic superstitious mental gymnastics, and the power his state religious institution, the mistaken monk is able to procure the child on the grounds that his old mentor, upon death, took wing and spiritually transported himself into the body of an already living child. Delusion, attachment, dogmatism, selfishness, manipulation, abuse of power. I thought these were supposed to be the things Tibetan Buddhism was fighting against. I guess the fact I'm a "dragon/capricorn" is what makes me so skeptical and closed minded. Hmmm, where's Mars right now? What does that crow sitting on the fence mean? I dreamt of a one-eyed dolphin talking backward on the 13th. Should l play the lotto Tuesday, Thursday, or never? More importantly, what does Richard Gere have to say about it? What if it was his kid? Seeing how the parents were spotlighted and pressured was infuriating. Seeing the pain in the mother's eyes was heartbreaking. Hearing the boy cry as he was led away from his home for the last time is something I will never forget. Or forgive.
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Unmistakable Beauty
imdb-oldhat29 August 2009
Unmistaken Child documents another world. It is a world where events that seem to be the products of belief are actually experienced. A deceased saint chooses to be reincarnated; his devoted assistant is asked to locate a child whose body is now inhabited by the saint. Worlds of knowledge that most of us call superstition are brought into play. What is most astounding is that everyone involved in this challenge agrees that the mission and the saint himself, in whatever form he appears, are sacred, and that finding and bringing him to recognition is, as the young assistant says, "a thousand times more important" than anything else.

Nati Baratz, the Israeli filmmaker responsible for this amazing movie, started out to make a film about a group of Tibetan Jews. That he was drawn into filming the search for the reincarnated saint and willing to devote over five years of work to that effort is testimony to the power of attraction presented by the monks whose search is documented. That some of the highest spiritual leaders alive today, including the Dalai Lama, allowed Mr. Baratz and his crew to film their intimate meetings and sacred rituals testifies additionally to the deep trust these leaders invested in the filmmaker.

We the audience can only watch, perhaps in disbelief, perhaps in reverence of the devotion to task - both the task of locating the reincarnated saint and the task of filming the arduous search. Nothing is asked of us as we watch events unfold. Detail by detail, everything is revealed in its own time. Baratz patiently shows us another way of being, one that challenges and at the same time embraces our Western logic driven frame of reference.

Is this film evidence that those who hold the great spiritual knowledge of the East are willing at last to share their knowledge with us? Or are we simply being shown the chasm that divides us from that knowledge? Has the time come for humanity to awaken from its eternity of sleep? Or are we simply being shown another cultural reality? These are some of the questions viewers might ponder after seeing Unmistaken Child.
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A Crime Against Humanity
MHeying777-18 June 2011
Before watching this this well-made documentary I had been interested in Buddhism, but now have lost all respect for the Tibetan form.

The film follows a Buddhist priest from village to village and he inquires about likely candidates, examines and tests, looking for "special" traits, until finally he selects one who is clearly advanced in comparison with the others, bright-eyed and intelligent--a precocious toddler whose parents are clearly distressed, as is the child, when he is finally removed from his loving parents to be raised by monks.

Any belief system that promotes the taking of children from perfectly good families is utter barbarism. Such cruelty cannot be defended nor condoned on any level except domination and mind control. How better to subjugate a people than to take the best and brightest of their children and brainwash the public into believing this is for some divine purpose. Such a practice is repugnant to the extreme.

The child's selections of beads and trinkets is proof of nothing but a precocious ability to read queues from the facial expressions and body language of those surrounding him. It was theater staged to subjugate the gullible.
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What Faith Is
ianhyphen19 April 2011
In Unmistaken Child, Baratz paints his viewers a very clear picture of the role faith plays in the lives of modern Tibetan Buddhist "Clergy".

I use the word "paints" above because beauty permeates the film in every aspect; from a deep look into the Eastern culture to the psychosocial intermingling of love, faith and family. Altogether, The film offers an astounding experience.

My only qualm with the film is the lack of a realistic amount of counter "evidence". After some time, I couldn't help thinking that the young costar's behavior was a little too "on point".

To counter this, Baratz does little explaining and opinion stating. Thus, the viewer's cognitive and emotional interaction with the film come quite naturally. Creating his or her own opinion of the scenario, the viewer is engrossed in a wellspring of previously unexplored trails of thought. One begins to see the film, not as evidence of some truth, but as a window peering into the truth of another.

If Eastern culture, spirituality, or real life drama interest you in the least, watch Unmistaken Child ASAP. It is available to stream on the leading online movie rental website :).
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Finding yourself
kamblesmailbox5 December 2021
Deeply moving film. The silences speak, perhaps even more than when the characters do. It's about a boy discovering who he was/is and what his swadharma is. Just as one would imagine, this process of discovery isn't easy - not for any of the people involved in it. Yet, it's essential.
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An inspiration for Buddhists
gollancz16 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
***SPOILERS AHOY!*** Writing as a practising Buddhist, I saw this gem on TV late one night (it was actually shown on BBC4 as 'The Baby and The Buddha', so watch out for it). Other reviews commend the beauty and emotion of the film, the breath-taking landscapes, and while these are all indeed true, it was the 'affirmation' that touched me most. Let me explain what I mean...

Firstly let me apologise for putting such a heavy Buddhist slant on this; I'm hoping there are like-minded people out there who can appreciate what I'm about to say! If not and you're just curious, thanks for looking!

OK, here we go.... Watching the child react to being given the Rosary Beads that were his in the previous life, and how he puts them around his neck and won't be parted from them; his reaction to the finger drums, the bells etc of that earlier life; how he shows an unshakable confidence and authority when granting blessings to his disciples, and so on. I found this to be very jarring to watch, and it has been an enormous inspiration to my Dharma practise (following the Buddhist Path).

Us 'Westerners' have and will always struggle with the Buddhist belief of Rebirth, and the conditions that naturally arise from this (such as the existence of the 6 Realms, Mother- Beings, etc), but this superb film spells out to us that these aren't just mystical traditions, but ACTUAL occurrences. What better proof do our inquisitive and questioning minds need?

Think about it. If you watch the film with a sincere heart, you will become convinced that the child is indeed the Buddhist Geshe reborn, or a 'Rinpoche'. Therefore, rebirth at the end of this life will definitely happen for us all, and it follows that it HAS happened to us countless times before. My Wife struggles with a lot of these concepts, but now I have actual proof to wave under her nose! It's up to us 'Westerners' to suspend our disbelief, and embrace this seemingly far-fetched idea as actual fact. That is why I feel that this film is so important.

In the film, Geshe-La was reborn in a Human form because of his life-long devotion to the Three Jewels; if we follow the example ourselves and practise Dharma purely and sincerely (as lay-persons like me, not necessarily as fully ordained Monks) then we will surely be reborn in the Human Realm, and have the precious opportunity to continue our Dharma practises.

So, that's what I meant when I said that I found the film to be 'affirming'. It strengthens one's faith in the Buddhist belief of Rebirth, which then inspires one's study of Dharma, and in taking Refuge in the Three Jewels.

Amazing stuff. Every Buddhist should own a copy. Go to Amazon and click the buy button RIGHT NOW!!!! lol

Thanks for reading :-)
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