Million Dollar Beach House (TV Series 2020) Poster

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too much talk, not enough house
mj_j26 August 2020
Too much talk and unnecessary conflicts between agents
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Michael is having a baby!
amycallen-5104128 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not exactly sure what episode I'm on...probably 5 or 6 but I am so tired of hearing that Michael has a baby on the way. I swear he's the only one to ever have a child.

Also they all act like they are in High School.
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Failed attempt for a male version of Selling sunset
tmitevskawebpresent29 August 2020
I came here to write a negative review, but it has been already done. Bad very bad.... Bro culture, nothing interesting, no hustling
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Unprofessional and petty agents
jtsirlin-2295430 August 2020
To sum up the experience of watching this show, it's painful. First, why is this a show with this particular cast? Second, who would work with these hideously unprofessional and immature agents? Third, this show should not be renewed because it just plain sucks.
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Where's Josh Altman to show them how it's done?
ms-shoegal27 August 2020
I love the Million Dollar Listing shows and was hoping this would be just as good. It's not. Within minutes you realise Michael is the token arrogant idiot. His analogy in the second episode about "push presents" made my eyes roll back so far in my head I finally saw what my arse looks like. This show has a little real estate and a lot of wannabe actors sitting around talking. I actually laughed when one said he was looking at cracking a total of a million dollars in commissions this year. Compared to the guys in MDLNY and MDLLA, that's chicken feed. These people are boring and halfway thru the second ep nobody has sold a property yet. Watch it if you need to get rid of annoying guests, this will bore them enough to leave.

We watched the whole season, just to see if anybody sold a property. So here's a few tips: * Have a shot every time Michael mentions (out of context) that he's about to have a baby * Have a shot every time Michael says " Nip it in the butt". (Nope not a typo, the man is an idiot. Make a mental note to never take life advice from Michael, because he's great at using sayings that are completely wrong. He uses big words that he clearly doesn't understand their actual meaning.

This show sucks and the only reason I gave it a two, is I enjoy looking at real estate.
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rynecortez26 August 2020
Don't waste your time with this show. The real estate agents, home sellers & buyers are all rich snobs. It's so hard to listen to these people.
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Waste of time. DO NOT WATCH
josiah-6793930 August 2020
Peggy sucks, Michael sucks and Noel sucks. Interior designers suck, potential buyers suck and the sellers suck. Turn the cameras off, no one wants new episodes of this mess
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Cringey high school drama
laurenw-2721730 August 2020
Who hires these people! This isn't even about real estate it's about drama amongst immature co workers. Ep1 they claim to be a team who helps each other through sales then they all talk smack about each other's work ethic.

Peggy and Michael drive me up the wall they are self-centered children. Everyones unprofessional, one of the interior designers literally jumped on a bed. Not sure how this show get made or how the brokers are successful.
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This is not about Million Dollar Beach Houses
asramukaka28 August 2020
I really hoped that watching this show would inspire me to do something (not sure what) But instead, it took me to a next level low. The cast is just blatantly dumb. They are for sure not real estate agents. Even a real estate agent for a 100,000 house does a way better job than these idiots. Please do not waste your time here.
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feel better about your non-million dollar house
ivko26 August 2020
So just starting with the obvious; this is a reality show that follows a group of realtors who work with really, really expensive homes in the Hamptons. A single commission on one of these homes is probably many times your annual salary, so needless to say it's an incredibly competitive field where realtors might spend tens of thousands staging a home to appeal to a particular type of buyer like "Wall Street financier" or "tech geek" and showing a home might involve throwing a beach party so that perspective buyers can see what it would be like if it was their house.

Fair warning, this gets a little long and rambling, so just jump to the last paragraph for the tl;dr.

According to the show, 80% of the homes in these high end markets are basically vacation homes for one percenters, so the home owners tend to be of a type. Wealthy, of course, but also used to being catered to and pampered. Polite, but in that polite society 'I'm going to smile to your face and talk about you behind our back' kind of way. Basically your stereotypical entitled rich person.

The realtors on the other hand, they're....well, they're just the worst. Being entitled is the natural state of being for rich people, but the realtors aren't rich, just wannabe rich. But dealing closely with wealth and privilege can cause those who wish they were wealthy and privileged to act as though it's all but a done deal that they will be themselves soon enough. They've met rich people and realized that rich people are just plain old humans; they compare those people with themselves and figure 'hey, why not me; I'm just as good looking and smart' and so on. Before you know it someone who barely graduated from high school will happily lecture others on, say, investment strategy, with supreme confidence.

There are, however, some interesting moments in the show. Beyond just the house porn, that is. One thing that you get to observe is how high-value properties are sold. Beyond a certain price, the value of an extremely high-end home is open to a certain amount of interpretation. Traditional real estate uses "comps", or comparables, to set a value range for a property. Age of the building, acreage, square feet, construction quality and material, etc. But that generally works because you can find other properties with similar qualities and observe what they sold for. With luxury properties it's not as easy because there isn't an agreed upon list of features with known values. What's the value of being on the beach? How about an amazing view? Or a unique architectural design?

This comes up in an episode where a home is being listed for $35 million. As is common in these kind of markets, realtors at the firm will help close a coworkers listing by reaching out to their contacts to see if they know a potential buyer. If their contact buys the building, they have some agreed upon split of the commission between the listing agent and the buyer's agent. But it's a little more complicated than just closing a sale. A realtor acting as the seller's agent has a little pull in swaying the home owner towards a bid, but they also have their reputation at stake. Push a seller towards a bad offer to make a sale and it might work or it might anger the seller, who stops seeing the realtor as "on their side". This is of particular value in the insular world of people who own multi-million dollar homes.

In the episode, one of the realtors is the listing agent for the $35 million home, a home he helped the owners purchase a few years back. One of the other realtors wants to bring in one of her contacts to get a walk through. It turns out her contact is a young man who himself represents a range of clients. However, she's picking at the price even before her contact has seen it. And sure enough, her contact also comes in with the intention of picking away at the price by "neg-ing".

Neg-ing is where the intermediary comes in and looks for problems or reasons why the property isn't that great with an overall goal of lowering the price, usually because the intermediary gets paid by saving their client money. This is a bit of a judgement call because wealthy buyers do often have representatives that check certain details, but one of the classic neg-ing hallmarks is asking insanely detailed questions that have less to do with checking the quality of the building than they do with developing a list of all the supposedly important features the property doesn't have to use as part of your argument when you start negotiating on price.

In the episode the intermediary asks whether the headboard on the bed has charging jacks built into it, implying that newer headboards often do. Just try to imagine, if you will, a buyer looking for a home in the $30 million+ range, and try to estimate how the charging jacks in the headboard will factor in importance to their purchasing decision. It's all a trick anyway; if the headboard had had jacks he would have said something about how most wealthy home owners wouldn't want the fine woodwork of the headboard marred by cheap phone jacks.

The episode presents the listing agent realtor as being in the wrong because he's kind of pompous (because he's the worst) in his interactions with the other realtors contact. But I suspect his attitude stemmed from the fact that his instincts were telling him something was off when she started picking so aggressively at the price. In truth, I rather suspect that the realtor for the neg-ing guy likely only uses this contact for when she's not the listing agent or she believes the seller won't give her any repeat business (estate sale, etc.) because she's also the worst. She doesn't care if the other realtor damages his relationship with the homeowners, and neither, frankly, does the real estate agency, since they can just replace him if his contacts run dry. Just a little tip if you are ever selling your home; unless you have to sell quickly for some reason it's usually financially better for you to leave a home on the market a little longer than to accept a low-ball offer, even if your agent is pressuring you to accept the offer. Statistics show that realtors selling their own homes tend to leave them on the market a couple months longer and get something like an average of $10000 more (according to Steven Levitt, I believe).

Bottom line, you probably won't identify very well with the people on the show unless you happen to be someone in the privileged position of being able to purchase one of these homes. If that's the case then congratulations and if you've enjoyed this review I'd really love to use your vacation home during the off season if you're just leaving it to sit around empty. Otherwise prepare yourself for a lot of very privileged people who don't think they're privileged, even as they shop for multi-million dollar homes they will use for something like four weeks out of the year. The homes are gorgeous because of course they are, truly top notch real estate porn, but it's cheap enough to watch and dream.
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Terrible show
brooksherle28 August 2020
I actually couldn't even finish the series, the cast annoyed me too much. It was like watching a little group of Highschoolers. I don't doubt they are great people but they are not cut out to be on a show, let a alone be selling multimillion dollar homes in the Hampton's. I thought everyone was unprofessional and I hope they watch themselves and realize they messed up their personal reputations. When I buy a house in the hamptons I will definitely not be calling them up.
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Kate-Parks21 March 2021
Noelle was unprofessional and incompetent, you can't possibly argue about that. Pointing out that he is black on the other hand and them calling the whole show racist; that kind of IS racist! Remember the Martin Luther King Quote: "I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character."
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Peggy ruined it
kevencordoba3 September 2020
Interesting watch, though I'm here for the homes even how the realtors interact amongst themselves is entertaining.

Unfortunately whenever Peggy is on camera the show instantly turns into a bad reality show. Even more unfortunately the show casts the one person of color as the bad guy (which he wasn't at all). Totally unprofessional behavior by Peggy.
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Please pass the motion sickness bag to me
aladill27 August 2020
Homeowners in the Hamptons will run to other real estate brokerages after watching these unprofessional realtors with unappealing, self-serving dramatic muck. Lack of leadership fuels the never ending chaos and dilutes the credibility of Nest Seekers. What a shame because the homes are beautiful and enticing.
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This Is No Selling Sunset
sellstuff27 August 2020
This show has the worst cast. Almost everyone is new to real estate and is trying to sell multimillion dollar properties. No professional Realtor would make such idiotic mistakes. If you're dumb, at least be entertaining. The one guy can't even commit to a pronunciation of his own name. It is so boring - the equivalent of watching Mike Pence eat a mayo sandwich.
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The cast should not be allowed to breed!!
Richard_Vine1 September 2020
Dreadful show focusing on a bunch of under-achieving social misfits. They have the charm and personality of spoiled, self-centred egomaniacs. They seem to know nothing about pricing or selling property and you really feel for the owners and buyers who are forced to deal with these dregs of society.
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This is not selling sunset
mparsos-7960126 August 2020
This is very very poor. We just finished 3 enjoyable seasons of selling sunset so decided to give this a go. Its like "the apprentice" no experienced 30 somethings chancing their arm. Absolutely terrible. Turned off half way tru ep2. Rubbish.
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Mungo231 September 2020
What a bunch of insufferable immature man babies. This show is almost unwatchable.
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Cannot make it through
lolly677 September 2020
This is nothing but a show of people acting like they are still in high school. Back stabbing, two-faced, people who are so insecure about themselves they try to control everything. My opinion is, they all need to grow up a lot more. Most people can see right through the front and that will never gain a buyer's or seller's trust.
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It's a reality show focusing way more on the cast than the homes
setokaiba23811 May 2021
This is not a show focusing on the properties or giving any real information about the beach homes being sold in the Hamptons. Instead it focuses heavily on the reality show drama among the team of four 30 somethings who haven't been in the game long enough or learned the trade well enough to sell homes at these price points. These guys were definitely not ready to venture out on their own and really should have been interning for someone with experience so they could learn the trade. The team consists of:

J. B. - A relatively uninteresting guy who is going through a mid-life crisis at 29 apparently? I guess his eggs are drying up.

Mike - A guy with the voice and cartoonish personality of Kevin from The League who is stressing about how he's going to afford the gold plated diapers he seems to think his baby will need. Remember when Kanye said he needed to start making a ton more money when Kim was pregnant with their first child? It's an average Joe version of that.

Peggy - A woman who reams Noel out for nearly losing her a potential client, then immediately starts trash talking him to his client because it's only Noel who needs to be professional apparently.

Noel - A guy with all the attitude and zero ability to accept any input from people who obviously know more than him, including the buyers.

Oh and some baby-faced guy named Jimmy shows up periodically to brag about all the sales he's been making.

While there is some light drama to be had, it is disappointing that such lovely homes aren't being showcased to their fullest potential and we're not getting a true look at the tricks and trades of the Hampton beach house real estate market.
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Cast Correction
thecorradikid29 August 2020
First off, the broker pictured is NOT JOEL Roberts, he's NOEL Roberts (from Nest Seekers) Second, the title is actually a misnomer. You can't find a million dollar beach house in the Hamptons. They start at SEVERAL million dollars, especially if they are right on the beach, regardless of which (Hamptons) town it is. Brokers complain they "work hard". hard work is painting a house 20 feet up on a ladder in 90 degree temps. It is NOT hard work going to beautiful locations showing potential buyers breathtaking homes. The saving grace to this program? Viewing those exclusive properties ... they are magnificent!
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Fast Forward Control not Fast Enough
captainpat14 September 2020
I've hurt my thumb fast forwarding through this crap. I keep shaking my head and simulating sickness - and I live alone. I thought Noel was okay until he set the price of a house at 35 million - probably 30 million too much. The egos on these dudes is massive - what a mob of wankers. I'm interested in houses - not the lives of the turkeys who are trying to sell them. Sex doggie style in Episode 1. really?

Do real estate agents really kiss that much?
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Love it!
eline_holm26 August 2020
I love the show and the cast! Can't wait for more episodes.
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shanemitchelljones27 August 2020
This show features incredibly trashy thirtysomethings working in an industry - luxury real estate - that they clearly don't understand. This is not going to bode well for their brokerage. The entire productions comes across like a satirical trailer park version of "Selling Sunset" that was accidentally filmed in the Hamptons.
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Who is hiring these people????
kylecraig29 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Fair warning, I didn't make it through Ep. 2 so maybe it changes but....

I don't understand how this group of Realtors ever gets a listing, especially after this show airs. Noel/Nole literally doesn't even know his own name and has been selling real estate for 5 minutes before deciding it's time to take on The Hamptons. The show just glosses over him saying that he has very little experience. If you own a multi-million dollar property, don't you think you'd ask the agent about their experience in selling super luxury homes before listing with them?

Bro 1 and bro 2 seem to have no idea what they're doing, especially JB. When they "bro hug" and dap each other up on a showing in front of clients....cringe. It's a million dollar listing fellas, not the locker room. Show some class.

Peggy seems to be the only character who brings any value to the company or the show. She's charismatic and has more experience than the others do and has a built in referral base by selling in Manhattan. If I'm her, I'm hitching my wagon to just about anyone else before the guys that she's with.

Client communication is seemingly non existent in the first two episodes. Hard to believe that people continue trusting this real estate group after seeing their immaturity and lack of experience on full display.
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