"Fear the Walking Dead" The Door (TV Episode 2021) Poster

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cbatukilic19 November 2021
Why is always my favorite characters have to suffer in TWD universe?... If I make a list, this would be a loooong list... Now I have only Daryl, Carol, Negan, Daniel and Morgan. Don't touch THEM!
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The Door has John Dorie at the helm, meaningful action and some of Fear's best drama
Holt34412 April 2021
TWD veteran Michael E. Satrazemis is back in the director chair for episode 6.08 which was supposed to be the mid-season finale for Fear's sixth season but because of the pandemic it serves as the mid-season premiere. It's a brilliant episode, the writing and directing is great and so is of course the acting but more on that below.

The Door isn't a conclusion to any story arc as it's a big and is told throughout the whole season of something that started in season 5. But what the episode does well, and well perfect even is how all the character development throughout the season and how the plot have developed, subtle or big. But for the people who have followed the sixth season, you will enjoy the episode, I'm sure of it.

This episode is all about John Dorie and the actor who plays him, the remarkable person and actor Garret Dillahunt. He have showed how great of an actor he is, and he does it again here. Morgan and Dakota have also a huge presence in the episode, Lennie James and Zoe Margaret Colletti does a fantastic job too but Dillahunt steals every scene he is in. If you like the good gunslinger then you will enjoy this episode as it delves deeper than ever before on who John Dorie is, the previous episode that did this was "Laura" which was a bottle episode of how John and June met.

The Door offers great action sequences plus meaningful drama and of course drives the plot forward in a big way. I'm just sad that we didn't get this as a mid-season finale as it was probably among the best episodes of the season, it took the showrunners two full seasons to really give us a season worth remembering but the character development throughout those two seasons is why this season and the anthology format works. I have grown to care about the characters as much as Ian Goldberg and Andrew Chambliss.
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The Door(Apr 8, 2021)
robfollower12 April 2021
Now that this is how to reengage your audience after a long hiatus. Zoe Colletti as Dakota is a tremendous young actor. Wow, she really brought it. I think she is going to be a big star moving forward in her career. To me I felt empathy for her character Dakota. What a troubled soul brought on by the horrible post-apocalyptic world and the stiffening toxic relation ship with her sister Virginia. The events totally got me by supersize. The show-runners wanted to shake up the drama , well...... Mission accomplished! Season 6 is tuning out to be very good television .
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Shocking, brilliant episode!
thesunshinestte8 April 2021
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Finally, Fear The Walking Dead is back with the highly anticipated 6B, and it all starts with a bang. Andrew and Ian hold nothing back in a glorious, emotional midseason premiere, one of the best episodes so far.

The episode begins with a suicidal John Dorie who struggles to adapt to an increasingly dark reality. The writers do a great job of making you feel the depression and hopelessness of the likeable cowboy, and you realize that not everyone is born for this cruel world. Morgan makes a valiant attempt to talk John out of his dark place, and this is where the episode really makes you feel all of your emotions. In an epic bridge scene, they clear out a bunch of walkers with the help of an unstable Dakota, played by Zoe Colletti who delivers a sensational performance, one of the best I have seen so far in the series.

John Dorie finally finds out that it was actually Dakota who was behind the murder of Cameron. This leads to a dramatic situation between the two, and what follows was completely unexpected for me personally. In an attempt to keep the secrets to himself, Dakota shoots John. Ice cold. A reality check that no one is safe in this universe. Michael Satrazemis knows how to direct an episode, this whole sequence was so incredibly well-done, not to mention the beautiful cinematography!

I also have to give the showrunners credit for having the balls to make such a decision. I'm sure this was not easy, but trust me, this opens up a world of potential, interesting possibilities for the series in the upcoming episodes. How will June react? Will it once again trigger a frightening response from Morgan? Will Alicia have guilt for trusting Dakota? Do we even know Dakota, is she really a psychopath? And not least, can the two groups coexist in the future after this? I'm incredibly excited about the way forward. This bodes extremely well for the rest of 6B. (9.5/10).
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FTWD's Best Episode Yet
Nick631558 April 2021
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Writing, Cinematography, Soundtrack, Action Sequences, Emotion all 10/10. One of the saddest and most shocking deaths in the Walking Dead Universe. After watching it a second time I picked up on foreshadowing and the lingering main theme of the walking dead and that is how a character can change so much based off how the world turns in to but those that don't adapt don't make it... we saw this happen to Tyrese in the Walking dead and that episode also stuck with me. Although, the decision to kill off a fan favorite like John is upsetting, it's authentic to the grim and dark world of the walking dead. John never really adapted to this world and when he came close to becoming someone he isn't it altered him completely making him depressed and suicidal. His death did have meaning. And John did play his part in the world, like Rick he did all he can to help those around him and create a family. But everything's better now because he played his part.
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The most depressing episode of TWDU?
itsame_kaia9 April 2021
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I don't think any other show in history has as big of a turnaround in quality seemingly out of nowhere as Season 6 of Fear. Even The Walking Dead proper never sunk to the lows of Fear Season 5, and while for the most part the main show has also experienced a return to form in it's 9th and 10th seasons, there is something about this season of Fear that makes it extra special. Not only has virtually every aspect of the show improved - story, dialogue, cinematography, visuals, character development, pacing, etc - but it's also managed to recapture the spirit of what made TWD so special in the first place, that key ingredient that's so hard to pinpoint and hasn't been felt in the franchise to this degree in a few years, at least.

But there were still some aspects of the show that weren't immediately remedied. Coming into this episode, it'd been 32 episodes (or two full seasons) since the show last killed a major character, with Madison. That's the longest any TWD show has gone without offing an MC, which is especially jarring considering the insane body count of the third and initially fourth seasons of Fear. This helped contribute to a major loss in of stakes and consequences within the show. Throughout Season 5 especially, it felt like nothing really mattered because everyone made it out of whatever dangerous situation they were in, all the while adding more and more members to the main group.

That was one thing that made Fear stand out from the main show: because there's no source material or comic to reference, we have no idea what direction the story is ultimately going in, or how long characters will be around for. This helped bring the fear to Fear, as with the third season especially characters would be suddenly killed in brutal, realistic ways often with little foreshadowing or preparation.

Then comes "The Door." The episode that changes everything - more specifically, it cements Fear's return to the roots of what made this franchise so intoxicatingly investing to begin with. We start off with John Dorie, the friendly, optimistic, candy-loving cowboy whose decision long ago not to leave a strange stick-wielding traveler alone was what introduced us to his story, having returned to his cabin with plans of ending his life. In an extremely short period of time, he has both seemingly lost everything, and has finally realized that he simply does not belong in this world. He is too good, too light; while his skills with guns have kept him alive this long, there is nothing within himself that can allow him to adapt to this world the way most of his friends have. More specifically, he's seen what Virginia's rule does to people, and doesn't want any part of it. His readiness to hold a loaded gun to his chin at the start of the episode may seem jarring at first, but he's driven to something as drastic as suicide a lot easier than many other characters because he is not built to be as strong as the other characters we know.

One such character is Morgan, who sees how low his friend has gotten and several times in the episode tries to appeal to John to keep fighting. June is still alive, and in fact John has lost very little in the post-apocalypse compared to many others. We've never seen him have to deal with losing someone close to him, aside from Janis earlier this season. This is when one of the most depressing revelations of TWDU is uncovered: John had already lost everything before the world ended, not after. His father left him, his mother is gone, and in the last days before the fall he secluded himself after he felt he'd failed his community by killing someone who did not deserve it. He used wholesome childishness, optimism and a hokey cowboy gimmick to keep himself going, and when June washed up unconscious on his shoreline, he thought he knew why he'd chosen not to give up - why he'd chosen to live as an active contradiction to the world around him, despite having already been torn down so badly by even the old one, let alone this terrifying new one.

At the start of the episode, the only thing stopping John from pulling the trigger on his own life is the dead who keep stumbling up to his property. He can't keep them out because his home has no door. Perhaps, though, there's more to it; perhaps he uses the dead wandering up to his property as an excuse to hold off just a little while longer. The last time he was at his cabin, the love of his life washed up on shore. Perhaps subconsciously John is hoping beyond hope that he will find another reason to keep going. Near the end of this episode, John makes a discovery: it was Dakota who killed Cameron, leading to the death of Janis. Both he and the audience discover that, if John was a living contradiction to the world around him, Dakota is a direct product. We haven't had the chance to dive too deep into her psyche just yet, but based on this episode, she does not believe in the sanctity of human life; she is similar to Lizzie from TWD in some ways, in that due to the world falling apart during her formative years she has extremely warped ways of viewing things compared to most people in our world. She views people as tools; she believes people only use each other to get what they want, for pleasure or to achieve whatever goal they're after. She doesn't appear to be a traditional psychopath; but when John discovers what she has done, she hardly hesitates to pull the trigger and end his life for her own preservation.

In his final moments, John's optimism shines through one last time. He knows Dakota is not alright, but after a brief moment of anger he appeals to hope. He promises to keep the secret to himself, and quickly realizes that Dakota might be his new reason to keep going. Very suddenly he sees a broken child - like himself, in some ways. He finally understands that if he was lucky enough to find his reason to live in June, then she might be lucky enough to find the same, even after the world has broken her down so much. And maybe, in turn, he would also discover his reason to live.

But Dakota shoots him. Point blank in the chest, in the middle of his pleas to a perceived sense of humanity, one that the world has made sure to does not possess, at least not consciously. John's optimism may believe they are similar, but the world they live in promises they are not. "It doesn't all have to mean something," she says, before pushing him into the water.

Upon seeing the photo of him and his father from years ago, and against all odds, John swims to the surface and pulls himself onto a floating piece of debris. He utters one of his father's mantras - "It's not too late" - and floats down the river. He continues to float until he, too, washes up on the shore of his own cabin, only this time, it's June who finds him, and he is not alive.

John's death was the first in TWDU in years to truly shock me. Once he was shot, I started to physically sweat, and for a moment when he resurfaced I nearly believed the impossible: that he would survive. I never imagined losing John, especially so soon. He was one of my favorite characters on the show. I didn't cry during the episode, like I did during TWD's Season 7 premiere, or during a certain "final" episode in Season 9. But I was left feeling something I hadn't felt in a very long time from a TWDU show, not since I first binged the first 5 seasons of TWD in 2015. I'm not sure I can quite put it into words, but I'm unbelievably glad to be feeling it again. This episode, to me, solidified Fear's return to form, and it (alongside last week's "Here's Negan") reaffirmed my love for this franchise. There aren't many people that care about this world or these stories anymore, at least not nearly as many as there once were, but I truly believe they are missing out on some of the best TV out there, even if it sometimes takes a bad season or two to get back to the good stuff.

In the end, John was a broken child, needlessly murdered by another broken child. Rest in peace John; you'll be sorely missed. Welcome back Fear; you've been sorely missed.

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dayelme8 April 2021
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I didn't see that coming my heart is broken over John and when June came to heal him and he already turned that was heartbreaking, I'm gonna miss John 💔
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Great and extremely exciting episode!
contatobegames8 April 2021
The episode has, in short, a slower pace, with good dialogues but that can be uninteresting for some viewers, but here we have punctual action scenes that are incredibly well done and an EXTREMELY EXCITING AND SHOCKING climax!
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Great 6B start
randymv8 April 2021
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I'll say right now, this episode is going to contain a lot, and i mean A LOT of bad reviews only because John's death, i kinda understand why, John IS one of my favorite character from the whole TWD universe, but his death had to be done, after 2 season of pure non-sensical stuff, i'm glad to say, season 6 still being strong, i really want to finish this show because is getting so good again. The whole scene underwater was so beautiful and yet so sad, the irony behind John wanting to die and diying without wanted, the last scene with June, it is just an awesome and really sad episode.
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brentwilliams12 April 2021
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Why do you keep killing off the best characters? It's not even shocking anymore. I used to appreciate it but the allure has worn off.
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Hi... bye bye FTWD
panamenito15 April 2021
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Since 2015 I always used to say that this show was much better than the WD because of many things. Big fan of FTWD. However, after seeing this episode it was Like the last straw that broke the camel's back. First of all, Clark family is history and later MORGAN show has no sence at all. I Will stop giving rates and review for this show. Bye.
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Wow... gotta say I did not see that one coming...
brgordon-4164813 April 2021
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The first episode I have ever rated for Fear and there is a reason for that. After watching so much Walking Dead and Fear The Walking Dead sometimes things can feel like its under a formula and be pretty predictable... then they do stuff like that! Holy **** I did not see that coming and I am left genuinely depressed......... R. I. P John Dorie (not like the fish) the 10 is for you buddy.
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tomfeddema13 April 2021
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A great season, but scared for what's going to happen. This episode really gave me Nick vibes and I hope I'm wrong. Again a show favourite is really unexpectedly being killed off and it feels like they don't really know how to react to it, just like in the past (Nick and Madison). Garrett Dillahunt wanted to leave the show, so there is no blame for him being killed off (although I wasn't satisfied the way he died) but I'm scared the show will go downwards after this. I hope they'll do it the right way this time. Episode was alright and this season is great, let's hope it stays this way.
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Last straw
madpoe31715 April 2021
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As this episode was going on I thought to myself "no matter how much of a dumpster fire a show can be, if there is a character I feel for, I'll follow them through the flames". John was one of the only redeeming characters about this show. What a poor decision but at least I don't have to watch this show anymore.
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MeteStark8 April 2021
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This episode is amazing in every way. Action sequences are fun and full of thriller. After 6 extra episodes of The Walking Dead, this episode is a masterpiece.

Morgan is being Morgan like always. I saw John different. After leaving Ginny's settlement, his mental health changed and he is a different person now. Dakota started good but then she shot John and become the villian. I think Zoe Colletti played well and i liked her role talents. I hate Dakota now but i think she is a great character for the show.

Killing John like this is bad but it doesn't mean that the episode is trash unlikely it was the best episode ever. I like this episode and i hope next episodes is going to be great like this. I liked how Fear the Walking Dead's changement.
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Nooooo, why?
mattcurtis-5045914 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Melancholy, emotional, expertly done.

Really sad to see one of my favourite characters killed off so suddenly and unexpectedly but what a great story and what great acting.

Rare to see a "spin off show" continually overshadow the original. A true gem.

Keep up the good work.
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Best episode in years
johndaverson8 April 2021
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WOW, this episode had it all! Fear is back, arguably stronger than it's ever been. If they can keep this up, season 6 is on track to become the best season yet. John was the golden retriever of this show, too good for this world... Rest in peace, you'll be deeply missed.
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hassanmahmood_adi9 April 2021
Amazing episode, great acting all around. Also the most heartbreaking episode of the series.
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Very good episode
marvinstang12 April 2021
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This was really good! Reminded me of some good old TWD episodes. Really surprised almost everybody was there at some point!

R. I. P., John :(
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arthur-832009 April 2021
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The episode was very well done, I hope they make the right decisions by killing John.

The next episodes maybe will be awesome or very awful.

Fear is back.
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The bitterest of consequences
lostjedi12 April 2021
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If you feel a shot to the hert on a tv episode like it just hit you, then someone must have done something right. In this case, they did. I knew what was coming, because Johns storyline, which was about the best the TWD universe ever brought us, was told. But hope against hope, you still wish somehow, from somewhere, the universe would play a great trick, make him come back, make the good come back. It did not, it was the right decision. When we were introduced to John, we already learned he was not made for this world. So either the world had to change (a bit.implausible), or he had to repeat his previous mistake (which he was about to), or he dies.

Ironically, or even poetically, it actually was the world that killed him, in the incarnation named Dakota - I fear (there we have it) it might be true, the teenagers who grew up in this world may be its greatest danger.

Here is the point about John: He would never have managed to coimmit suicide. He would always have found an excuse to go on one more day, alone in his hut. But as likable as this character was, he was back to where he came from, again, and there was no chance and not point in continuing his story, to drag it along endlessly just because he's a fan favorite. That, I must admit, is courage. Thanks for saving John Dorie, for not submitting him to endless.suffering, because that was all the world would have had for him.

The revelation of Dakota being the one who saved Morgan is only consequent and logical, too. She learned that life is worth nothing, and people are only good for manipulating them to do what you want. You want your sister dead? Fine, here's your perfect.avenging angel, just use him. John was a nuisance, but good enough to defend you on your journey - until he knew who you are.

So it all comes together nicely, great acting, great shots, great conclusion to the John Dorie storyline. Depressing? Sure. But everything else would have been wrong in this world.

Another review said this was a nice ending. Actually, the person got a point. I honestly do not know how they can top the John Dorie storyline in Season Six, and I myself tend to reduce the series to him, somehow. I'm not sure whether I care enough for any of the other characters to keep me going, but I will give it a chance. After all, I survived season 5, somehow. ;-)
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Terrible. What are the writers thinking?
sz5427 April 2021
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Not sure what the writers were thinking with this episode. Cheap way of killing off one of the few good characters left on the show. He deserved a better send off! The entire episode was a waste of time for a terrible ending. Shame.
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AMC + ruined this for me
5555interstella9 April 2021
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AMC + ruined this for me, I'm from the UK & someone posted the big episode spoiler online for me, so I had to watch it as soon as I could. It was a great episode but it could of been one of the best of the big twist hadn't been leaked still tho 10/10 even if it was the best character on the show... hopefully the show is still good.
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The reason Garret Dillahunt...possibly spoiler-ish?
boomer-kris27 August 2021
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The truth about killing off John...Dillahunt asked to be cut loose. He evidently came up with the idea for his death. I get the people who are upset. My favorite characters currently are John and June. I look forward to seeing Dillahunt in other roles. He's an amazing actor and he always makes an impression no matter what the role.
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The 10 is for John Dorie!
ohmap-977-66481012 April 2021
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I considered the episode excellent because of John Dorie. Calamity Jane's sister went and shot the best character on FTWD other than Morgan. Why? She said he knew too much about her killing people that Calamity Jane liked.

I thought Morgan trying to save John Dorie was a good effort. Morgan is in the "cleared" stage in FTWD. This means he "has" to do the job of saving EVERYONE (which means cleared from the old Walking Dead days.) Morgan would clear an area meaning he made it safe.

I may have misheard, but I could swear that that Calamity Jane's sister said she was the one who saved Morgan that day. I find that hard to believe...but whatever! It is just a show! Knowing how Morgan was miraculously saved with a gunshot wound to the chest, I was hoping the same for John Dorie. I was hoping that June would walk up to him with a Band-Aid and apply it to his chest and all would be fine. In almost all other cases, this was done on FTWD, but not in John's case. Why? Who knows! He was a white male; he wasn't portrayed as LGBTQ+, so maybe the writers just thought they too many people like him and killed him off.

Calamity Jane's sister reminds me of Charlie and how she killed NIck. That was also a senseless killing of a character. I would have rather had NIck fighting a hoard of zombies, but NO....they had to kill him off by a deranged preteen girl with mental issues.

OK...Morgan is all that is left for me at this point! I am serious. Unless they can bring in new blood from the Walking Dead the show is gone! I would suggest adding Princess and King Ezekiel and Eugene. There are plenty of women on FTWD for Eugene to lose his virginity and learn to talk like a normal person again. I was hoping Princess would take care of Eugene's virginity, but she was too busy being schizophrenic.

Alas poor John Dorie, we knew him well! The only way the show could have been sadder at the end would be to play "It's a wonderful world" by Louis Armstrong as June shoved the knife in his skull.
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