The Legend of Jack and Jill (2021) Poster

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Awful movie
miss_toucan23 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I think there are a lot of fake ratings here. I just can't see how anyone that wasn't involved with the film or best friends with cast or crew could rate this so highly. The characters Jack and Jill don't even really make sense.

Two children are sent in to the woods by their mother to escape a man that is after them.

They turn feral and for some reason lose the ability to talk and become deformed. If they were together, why would they not be able to talk anymore? Why did they become deranged killers? It was not as if they were left in the woods when they were two or three years old and hadn't developed speech well enough yet.

They were old enough to be able to keep communicating with each other throughout the years so shouldn't have any speech problems.

The makeup on Jack and Jill is really bad. They have very Neanderthal looking faces, yet as children they were completely normal looking.

This is basically a crazed inbred mountain man attacking hikers kind of movie. Once you've seen one, they are all pretty much the same.
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Quite laughable
Dottsylove16 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Hmmmmm, why the choice of cro-magnum man?? Anyway, a bunch of people go missing in one particular forest and we are taken on a journey with one of the missing family in search of said missing. Problem is the acting is a tad annoying and Jack and Jill --who were normal well speaking children turn into grunting cro-magnum creatures solely because they started living in the forest --What??? I mean I guess just for that laugh it's sorta worth watching but nahhhh. Just don't bother, the story stinks, acting bad and boring. So, it gets a 4.4-4.5 stars out of 10.
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I could have rated it a 1, but...
myleskilmister3 October 2022
Abby Casson Thompson is beautiful, just for her, this movie is worth a 3 for me.

The film is bad, the script could be acceptable if the performances had been convincing, I understand the low budget, but something better could have been done.

But again, Abby and her legs were the main focus I gave to the film, even a bad performance, her beauty makes up for it. The movie lacks emotions, Jack And Jill's makeup is very bad, it is not explained if they use a mask with human skin or if it is a deformity that happened to them over time.

Anyway, it's good to watch movies like this, to pass the time or just to have fun.
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Not a bad movie, I enjoyed it, here is a quick recap
dazzy7918 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So here is my brief review of the movie:

Jack and jill went up the hill To escape a mental asylum Jack went nuts And so did Jill They killed everyone around them.
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Tuned it off after 20 mins
K_Rad8828 March 2022
Couldn't handle the overuse of the word 'babe' and the awful acting.

Maybe I'll try again another time, but the first murder was subpar and I didn't want to waste my time if it wasn't gonna get better.
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Don't bother going up the hill
bettyboop-041865 May 2022
Don't bother going up the hill. This one is quite forgettable. An amateurish hillbilly fest. No scare factor and just the main actors walking Around with creepy looks on their faces.

Acting is beyond a joke.

Made it through 30 min and most of that was looking for gore. Didn't find it.

Save yourself time.
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Why IMDb, why
dlbott15 November 2021
Another incredibly bad cell phone movie. Your hint when writer, director same PERSON N film has not SINGLE person you ever heard of.

Avoid like it the ACTUAL plague.....
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Manchester Hansel and Gretel
leonardhalliwell28 September 2021
Only watched 30 minutes of it and I'm going to watch the rest without a daubt.

Being from Manchester I'm assuming this flick was made in the north west, not just by their accents but by the area.

I just love bad films and this one is well on track. I thought Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water. It's like it's supposed to be set in Arkansas or Louisiana with hillbilly murderers on the loose.

It's crap and I love crap movies.

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Its bad... very bad
amish-x16 November 2021
Imagine i gave you a 1st gen iPhone and you made a movie.. this is it - ignore the reviews left by the film makers family, its not worth your time, its not creepy, its not well write and the acting is laughable.
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I lasted only 10 minutes....
Was scrolling through prime last night and this cover caught the eye. I've been very fortunate with the horror section in prime lately and came across some absolute low budget gems like "The Halloween Party", "The Selling" "super Hot" and "Making Monsters". Each of these films work within their means and did their best to deliver a good compelling story with a limited budget. This did not, unfortunately. Its was just cliche after cliche after cliche so I gave it 10 mins and just couldn't watch anymore.
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Creepy feral Jill draws sympathy
greenbudgie31 October 2021
This drew me in from the very beginning with a reporter being stalked by two figures in the woods. This pair of huntsmen are the feral siblings Jack and Jill who had been driven by their mother into the fells of the Northern English wilderness. This had been done for their own safety and they grow up in the hope their mother will return to them. Hikers are going missing in the area 15 years after Jack and Jill's abandonment. We see five young hikers on a fell-walking trip with a pall of gloom hanging over them after tragedy has befallen one of their friends. Unrequited yearnings between the five is going on so none of them is in a relationship. The photography and music is just right as their slow and creepy journey continues. Also the gore is strong but bearable I thought and there are only a couple of mild profanities. Pick of the characters for me is Jill who draws such sympathy from the hikers and at first she seems to respond to their kind concern. She and Jack collect trophies from their hiking victims and assemble a ritual area of candles and a skull and a teddy bear. I really like this one as my choice selection for Halloween 2021.
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Three words: don't watch it
nickymorgan-5994612 February 2022
Summed up in the title, how imdb rated it 5.4 is beyond me. 1.4 at best, for the amusement in watching the prosthetics change in different scenes.

Bad acting Bad story Bad directing.
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Should we go around or hike up the hill?
nogodnomasters31 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
In the opening scene we see young Jack and Jill escape with their mother from a mental institution. Fifteen years later people are going missing around the hill where they live. Five people go for a hike in this area remembering a friend who committed suicide. There is some minor internal dram as she loves him and he loves him and he loves the other her and used to be with the other one. If was pretty boring as was the whole suicide discussion which was worst than boring. It was boring and depressing. We do see a new shiny pail in the beginning, which has nothing to do with the story. There was minimal blood and the stabbing penetration was not seen, just the movements. I guess England doesn't have spring loaded prop knives.

Guide: No swearing, sex, or nudity.
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It Don't Get Worse Than This.
strungout-120 April 2024
When you start watching some independent movies that were done on a small budget they are not going to be great. Especially horror films which are a much loved genre. I always remember cheapness such as The Wicker Man. Of course, this became a cult classic made on a shoe string budget. One could easily class The Ritual as a great piece of horror movie making on a cheap budget. So it's fair to say that you shouldn't judge a horror movie by its bank balance. That being said, The Legend of Jack and Jill absolutely takes the biscuit when it comes to utter rubbish. By the way, the original nursery rhyme originates no later than the early 18th century, Not this century as the movie suggests. I watched this movie due to Netflix giving it a very respectable 4.3 out of five.

Lets move forward.

The music score is annoying and dreadful.

The makeup is even worse than the music score.

All the adult actors are pitifully bad.

I won't pick on the cameo by the two kids as this was the best acting in the entire movie.

The story line was a joke.

Whoever wrote the script might want to rethink their career.

The characters were stereotypical. Either the women never thought to pick up a weapon and for some stupid reason always ran into one of the killers.

The men were even more stupid and at points in the movie, apparently deaf.

The side story was boring and pointless.

And finally, the best part of this movie was when the credits started rolling.

I really look for some good in a movie, even if I don't care for it. Be aware, there is nothing good lurking in the depths of this one.

The very best thing I can say about this movie is, please don't get it mixed up with the 2011 Jack and Jill which is a comedy starring Adam Sandler.
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Cack and Jill.....
FlashCallahan15 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
A group of five friends head into the countryside on a hike in memory of their friend Lucas who committed suicide.

It is particularly difficult for Eden who was involved with Lucas.

They learn that there have been a number of disappearances of people around the area.

As they set up camp, they are prey to Jack and Jill, the feral children of an asylum escapee, who attack and kill all whom they see as intruders on their territory.....

Well, it's the curse of the DVD cover looking really good in order to have lots of unknowing buyers thinking that this will be something else. You know the ones, they have blurb on the covers saying things like 'This is the best horror movie to have the title Jack and Jill', and 'A must see, it's a real film'.

And my gosh, is not another high concept horror film with a really bad out come. And this has two sequels. At least the person playing Jill didn't turn up for the sequels, as she probably found work in a bar or something (N disrespect to people who work in bars).

It starts off with a prologue featuring people screaming Jack!! Jill!! A lot. They get separated from some people for some reason, and then the film starts proper.

We get a bunch of unknowns going on a camping trip in honour of a deceased friend, and they have a little banter with one another. And it's terrible.

The majority of the film is the group of friends maundering about the quite nice scenery, but it has a whole 'woe is me' essence about the film. The group are terrible, the acting is below par, but it's what we expect from films that have a nice cover, only to be complete pants.

The titular duo pop up every now and again looking like extras from a Romero rip off, and when they meet the group, the group pretend to hold weapons to their chest, and spit out fake blood.

If you want a night where you pick a really bad film just to laugh at, this isn't for you. The film takes itself far too seriously, and it would have been a whole lot better if the titular pair has a few one liners when they show up, which is pretty rare.

It obviously has a marker, as it spawned two sequels, but for the life of me I don't know why.

It's boring, and really terrible.
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How quickly will I forget this?
bowmanblue25 April 2024
Okay, I confess... I've left it almost twelve hours before getting round to reviewing 'The Legend of Jack and Jill' which basically means I've almost completely forgotten everything about it.

I think I was consciously invested for at least the opening two minutes, where I saw a woman forced to abandon her children (Jack and Jill, would you believe?) in the British wilderness. Skip forward to when the kids have now grown up and they're mutated killers and there's a bunch of young adults about to take a hiking trip effectively through Jack and Jill's back garden, so to speak.

You can probably guess what happens next. One by one our 'heroes' are picked off, blah, blah, blah... The problem is that I'm guessing I'm not the only one who has practically forgotten everything about what they just watched in a matter of hours. This movie is totally forgettable. It's problems are that you won't care about the people being killed. Nothing wrong with that in itself. It wouldn't be the first slasher film where the people you're watching are little more than 'meat sacks' waiting to be slaughtered. The trouble is that there's nothing that interesting about the killers either. Add to it that if you're hoping that there might at least be some inventive kills and gore, there isn't. The kills aren't that grisly. The acting isn't that sharp. The make-up you could probably do yourself if you're going out for Halloween and the overall premise of the killers being (horrific) incarnations of a popular nursery rhyme really isn't explored. Seriously, if you called this film 'Woodland Mutant Killers' no one would ever say, 'Wow, this is like a slasher version of that old nursery rhyme.'

I can't believe anyone who sits down to possibly watch this hasn't seen a slasher film before. You're probably at least slightly into the genre. Therefore, you've seen better. You probably have better DVDs in your collection. Just put one of those on.
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The nursery rhyme Jack and Jill by way of "The Hills Have Eyes"
Wuchakk14 March 2024
Several Brits in their 20s decide to meet and hike the remote Gilmore Pass to commemorate the suicide of their mutual friend. The problem is, many hikers have gone missing there in recent years. Havoc ensues.

"The Legend of Jack and Jill" (2021), known as just "Jack and Jill" in America, is a low-budget Backwoods Brutality flick with a cast of unknowns. It combines elements of "Bread Crumbs" (2011) with the basic plot of films like the future "Mercy Falls" (2023).

It worked for me for the most part due to the relatively proficient filmmaking and awesome location cinematography featuring dry stone walls that snake the hilly landscape, as well as the reverent tone with a moody score reminiscent of the song "A Deeper Kind of Slumber" from 1997. Also, the female cast is quite good with voluptuous blonde Abi Casson Thompson (Lulu), raven-haired Sarah T. Cohen (Bernice) and brunette Heaven-Leigh Spence (Tamsin). Meanwhile Antonia Whillans plays the titular Jill behind grotesque (cheesy) make-up.

Unfortunately, the flick drops the ball by including an unnecessary side of eye-rolling fruity twaddle. Get real.

The movie runs 1 hour, 30 minutes, and was shot in the hills of northern UK somewhere between Yorkshire and Orkney, well north of London by over 200 miles (I couldn't get more specific info).

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A highly enjoyable adaptation on the story
Hoping to cope with their life, a group of friends decides to visit a special site in the woods where they can bond and reconnect with their friendship again, but when they stumble upon the legend of a pair of homicidal siblings haunting the grounds killing anyone who enters must fight to stay alive.

On the whole, there's quite a lot to enjoy with this one. One of the best qualities on display here is the film's rather strong usage of the central nursery rhyme to provide a launching pad for the story to unfold. The initial backstory of the pair, here given the extra incentive of them being born from a homicidal mental asylum escapee who wandered into the hills and was never seen again despite the horde of missing persons' cases that are reported in the same area, serves as the perfect accompaniment to the group of friends who come along looking for their chance to seek closure. Looking to use the trip as a way to put their unresolved feelings to the test while attempting to carry out a return to past glories, complete with recapturing their former interests and relationships while also looking into a friend who's in the area, generates the kind of solid and workable storyline at the center of the film. As well, there's also quite a lot to like with the group coming into contact with the murderous siblings when they start to become hunted by the duo. The opening scene featuring the reporter coming into contact with them sets up an intriguing and somewhat suspenseful stalking sequence, much like the later ambush they pull on the sisters looking for the missing woman which sets up the later tactic we see they pull off. When they start to target the main group as they wander through the woods, the repeated tactics and suspenseful stalkings go along nicely with their behavioral tics involving the bonding they do with each other or the scenes where it looks like they are keeping them hostage before viciously killing them that enhances the brutality quite nicely. It all leads into the solid finale where the family chasing them through the woods and the nearby structures feature some decent stalking scenes and some vicious kills that provide quite a lot to enjoy with this. There are some drawbacks to be had here. The main factor to be had against it is the somewhat sluggish and slow-burn pace that takes place here. This one goes on way too long with the endless scenes of the group trying to figure out what their purpose for the trip is as it takes a series of turns through the various relationship signs and what's going on there that it takes quite a while before anything horrific starts to happen. That isn't bad to see play out but when there are multiple attempts to get with the proper couple because they're discussing who's supposed to be attracted to whom it takes away from the stalking and ends up stretching out the running time as well. As well, with the misguided finale that tries to build an emotional resonance off of the titular nursery rhyme but instead just rushes through everything without that connection, there are some slight drawbacks employed here.

Rated Unrated/R: Graphic Language and Graphic Violence.
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