The Dead and the Damned (Video 2011) Poster

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It could have been far worse...
paul_haakonsen7 April 2012
Initially just by the DVD cover alone you know what kind of movies you will be in for when you pick up this movie. But still, being the zombie aficionado that I am, I just had to watch it regardless.

The story in "The Dead and the Damned" or "Cowboys & Zombies" as it is titled on the DVD cover and in the actual movie, is some prospectors uncover what appears to be a meteor and brings it into town, attempts to crack it open and something green spews out. This green haze turns the prospectors into, yeah you guessed it, zombies! However, this puzzled me, because in a very short time the prospectors were quite decayed and decomposed, but still they remained their agility and ability to jump, run, sprint and do acrobatics.

However, the movie actually have good production and good cinematography and that shines through the movie and actually makes it worth sitting through.

The zombies, well I prefer shambling zombies that are unable of running and zombies that doesn't sound like marauding lions from the sound they make. That was a real bummer in the movie. The zombies also had that classic, low-budget-way-too-gray make-up on their faces, and for some reason their blood was green. And I just loved how the blood would spray up into the air whenever a zombie was shot, and then the blood simply just dissipated into thin air. That was just hilarious.

Effects-wise, then "Cowboys & Zombies" wasn't actually too shabby. The zombies, aside from the lame sounds and the gray-skin, actually looked decent enough and the effects were alright. The setting of the movie was also quite good and believable, aside from the poor choice of music, which seemed really unsuitable for a horror western.

I have sat through a lot of low-budget zombies movies in my time, and "Cowboys & Zombies" is actually on the better end of the scale of low-budget zombie movies. There are a lot of zombie movies out there far worse than this one.

And what was up with the guy on the DVD cover? I don't believe I even saw him in the movie! Epic!

Mixing cowboys/westerns and zombies have been done before. And in my personal opinion, it is not really the best of combinations. That period of time just doesn't work well with the living dead.
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Cheap mediocre cash in
peteranderson9759 August 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This is a very cheesy film that seems to have had a name change to cash on in on the Cowboys and Aliens summer blockbuster release. It was originally called the Dead and the Damned but I think the name change suits this low-budget zombie film

We meet our hero right in the middle of a gunfight that looks as convincing as any Wild West Show. Our hero is bounty hunter Mortimer (David A. Lockhart) and he is desperate for cash ( I have to confess that Mortimer's soft high voice did cause a giggle when I first heard it). The clerk paying him for delivering his latest catch tells him about a large bounty for an Indian (Rick Mora) who has been accused of rape and murder is wanted alive. The authorities know where he is but other bounty hunters who went after him never came back.

Mortimer heads to Jamestown, a prospecting town in the California mountains. There he finds out where the Indian is and then our hero buys a woman called Rhiannon (Camille Montgomery) from a sleazy guy selling women on the street. So far and no sign of zombies but that changes soon.

We next see a women washing herself topless outside and Jebediah is leering at her from behind some bushes. He gets caught when his father calls for help with something he has just dug up. It is a strange spherical rock with slits in its side and a glowing green core. They load it on a wheelbarrow and wheel it to Jamestown. Once the whole town has gathered round to look at the rock Jebediah's father starts whacking it with shovel. Green spores pour out of the slits and covers everyone gathered around. Naturally it is these spores which turn people into mindless flesh-eating zombies.

Meanwhile Mortimer and Rhiannon get the top of the mountain and look down on an amazing sea of cloud stretching out below them. Mortimer ties Rhiannon to a stake in the ground as bait for the Indian, while he hides in a tree and plays with his gun before going to sleep. But the Indian is not the sex mad crazy we'd been led to believe and he sneaks down, steals the bullets from the gun of the sleeping dweeb and cuts Rhiannon free with his axe. After a fist fight which Mortimer only wins by pulling a dinky little girly Derringer from his boot the Indian gets captured.

You can guess that it's not too long before they all have to work together when they discover that woods are full of zombies. One thing the two men don't do very well is keeping the unarmed Rhiannon safe from harm and every time Rhiannon is left on her own she gets attacked by a zombie. Mortimer may express guilt about putting her in danger but that doesn't mean he does anything useful about it. There is one part were they get back to Jamestown and they make themselves safe inside the saloon because the windows have been boarded up. While that is true they seem to neglect that the saloon has saloon doors which don't do much to stop zombies. There's a German bounty hunter prowling around the area too but he does nothing useful and his character just seemed pointless.

The film is not totally terrible but it is full of lazy clichés. It's watchable if you think you can bear another low-budget zombie film.

Rating 5/10
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So bad is was good
horn-rh6 January 2012
Really, what dd you expect? This was an indie film done by mostly local people with tiny budget. You go into this film without much expectation and it doesn't disappoint. Perez has put together a showcase of his talents as a young filmmaker and this film is merely him cutting his teeth. He shows promise with the action scenes, but the story line is generic. The actors ... well ... let's just say it seems the cast and crew had fun making this. The post-production effects are elementary, the make-up actually inspired (the high point of the film) and the boobs are, well, epic. What can I say; I'm a guy. If your goal it to watch zombie movies, make sure this one is on your list. You can make it fun by having a drinking game related to the anachronisms (I see plywood ... drink!).
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Attempt to cash in....
aventer-17 August 2011
Title was changed to cash in on the popular Cowboys and Aliens. Maybe the screenplay as well because the film starts out as a standard bounty hunter tale. The hero has an odd high-pitched voice totally incompatible with his character. Then we throw in a bimbo he "buys" from a wild west pimp, a bit of gratuitous partial nudity which is okay I guess but slows down the action. Its kinda tedious and slow for an action/horror movie. Lame, unconvincing dialog further hampers the entertainment value. Oddly, the costumes, props and set are pretty good. Maybe the extras were real reinactors at some restored historic park. Unless you just love anything about zombies, you might do well to look elsewhere for tonight's entertainment.
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There's gore in them thar hills!
BA_Harrison30 May 2012
After a pair of miners crack open a strange meteor, alien spores infect the townsfolk of a small mining community, turning them into ravenous zombies. High-pitched bounty hunter Mortimer (David A. Lockhart), noble Indian brave Brother Wolf (Rick Mora) and winsome wench Rhiannon (Camille Montgomery) attempt to escape the area before becoming zombie chow.

Originally called The Dead and the Damned, this was retitled as Cowboys & Zombies for its DVD release, no doubt in a desperate attempt to associate itself with recent Hollywood blockbuster Cowboys & Aliens. Those dumb enough to confuse the two films should count themselves lucky, though: its budget might have been a fraction of the Daniel Craig/Harrison Ford movie, but Cowboys & Zombies actually proves to be the marginally more enjoyable effort.

Unlike Cowboys & Aliens, which given its huge budget and A-list talent was a huge disappointment, Cowboys & Zombies actually lives up to expectations ie., it's a poorly acted, shot on a shoestring, goofy B-movie horror that hasn't a clue what to do with its initial premise (the film meanders aimlessly before ending abruptly) but it at least manages to deliver blood, guts, zombies, and good looking, big breasted gals shedding their clothes, which is better than 118 minutes and $163 million worth of dreary, poorly written, CGI enhanced drivel in my book.
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Review of "I was Damned to watch it"
r-veach5 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
The best part of this movie was the boob shots and the latex make up effects. The story was pathetic, the acting was as bad as if I was doing it. The ONLY original idea that I liked was a woman ghoul who could not see because she was disfigured and bloody and she had to sniff her way to get her woman prey. That was very cool. As far as sound, Foley work, that was not too good also. The sound man seemed to not take in to account the corners of a room. Some dialog was boxy and hard to hear. The American Indian actor was good looking, way too good looking and clean cut and spoke back and forth between a fake Indian accent to a California accent. I actually got up from the half way point of the movie and kicked my self in my own ass for renting this movie. I was so depressed that the series "The Dead Walking" was finished, I needed a zombie fix!
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good news for small-budget filmmakers...
dbfish66-457-77334223 August 2012
I have only watched half of this movie as of the time this review is being written.

according to IMDb, this film was made with a budget of $30,000 (thirty thousand, not million) dollars.

if that is correct- then FANTASTIC results for the money spent.

I agree with most of the other reviewers: C-grade acting, D-grade script, but the film looks and sounds great.

so again, good news: if you have $30K, and if you have a bunch of friends who want to work cheap, and if you are talented enough to tell a good story, then this movie will be an inspiration.

... Hey, even Kevin Smith started with nothing.
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Unspeakably bad
q32modulate6 October 2012
Bad production, bad script, bad premise, horrible deus ex machina type ending. And quite possibly the worst acting I've ever seen, especially from the lead David Lockhart. This guy is the WORST on screen cowboy ever. He needs both hands to pull the hammer back on a revolver. He walks like he's got a stick up his butt. I don't think his voice ever changed at puberty... he sounds like he's on helium the whole time. I dunno. I stayed up and watched it on the Horror channel because I'm in the middle of writing my own cowboys versus zombies script and when I saw this was coming on, I thought, "Oh crap." But I have nothing to worry about. At all. Avoid this.
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It's Deadwood - With Zombies! ...... NOT!!
gbkimberley1 November 2011
It's a very cheap, very badly acted waste of time that seems to have been put together by a bunch of Wild West theme park employees during their lunch break. It's not even bad enough to be funny.

1/10 but only because we can't give 0.
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riding the wave
goenrique21 August 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Riding the wave of the movie cowboys vs zombies. Lead actor sounds like a girl. Acting was terrible and badly directed with weird Montagues. Director need to do his research on the old west. Wanted poster is print out in the old west? I went to sleep about 10 min in. I tried to watch it again but the music was horrible. Songs were PItchy and badly written. The guy singing the songs reminded me of reject from American idol, one those guys who thinks he can sing but sounds like dying bird. If someone really cares about this guy they would tell him the truth. To bad this was directed so poorly, could been a good movie,zombie vs cowboys is a good idea.
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Nothing special but not terrible.
poolandrews11 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Cowboys & Zombies is set in 1849 & starts as a bounty hunter named Mortimer (David A. Lockhart) sets out to find & capture an Indian named Brother Wolf (Rick Mora) who is wanted for rape & murder but has a $1,000 reward on his head. Mortimer doesn't have much trouble finding where Brother Wolf lives & uses a woman named Rhiannon (Camille Montgomery) as bait to lure him out into the open, meanwhile in a small town called Jaemstown the locals are puzzled over a large green glowing rock that they find nearby, as they try to break it open a strange green gas full of spores escape & infect the entire town who turn into flesh eating zombies. Mortimer manages to capture Brother Wolf & handcuff him, heading back to town with Rhiannon the three are attacked by the flesh eating zombies & quickly realise that they are everywhere & that they must work together to survive...

Edited, written & directed by Rene Perez who also gets a co-credit for the music one has to say that while Cowboys & Zombies is far from great it could have been worse I suppose, originally called The Dead and the Damned the title was obviously changed to Cowboys & Zombies to cash-in on the big budget Coyboys & Aliens (2011) which was released at the same time. What we have here is a script that takes the western & horror genres (which, according to a recent study are two of the three least successful film genres when it comes to making money with the other being thriller's) & mixes them together, it doesn't even try to do anything particularly new with the genres either. I mean the story about some bounty hunter in the Wild West capturing & trying to bring in a prisoner for money is nothing new neither is the flesh eating zombie film, is it? To be fair to it the script does a reasonable job here, at a thankfully short 80 minutes it moves along at a decent pace & while there's no great reasoning behind anything the character's are slightly better than usual although the fact that the captor & his prey team up & work together is totally predictable & the ending isn't what you would expect. The script takes itself pretty seriously, while many of these genre mash-ups plant their tongue in their cheeks & lay on the slapstick & silliness with a trowel Cowboys & Zombies plays it fairly straight which will appeal to some but maybe not to other's.

The whole film looks quite cheap but I suppose you have to give the makers some credit for trying to make such an ambitious film, I mean the western setting & period clothes & props to the zombie make-up & gore effects. It all costs money & to be fair while Cowboys & Zombies doesn't have that big budget Hollywood slickness the majority of it looks alright & could have been worse. The zombie make-up & gore is alright but nothing more, none of the zombies are ever really seen in close-up & I am sure that was deliberate. The gore is sparse, there's a ripped-off leg & arm, someone's heart is bitten out & there are a few bloody gunshot wounds but not much else.

According to the IMDb this had a budget of about $30,000 which is low even by low budget horror standards, the fact that the makers managed to make this on that low amount is impressive in itself (if it's true...), forget about the DVD cover as well Cowboys & Zombies is not Deadwood with zombies & there's no tough looking guy with a beard & rifle. The acting is alright, nothing more nothing less really.

Cowboys & Zombies is a western & zombie film mixture that still feels unoriginal, the lack of any great gore or scares doesn't help neither does the uneven tone in which the first half is almost pure western while the second is almost total zombie horror. Not terrible but not great either.
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Awesome Zombie Flick!
christydiv12 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
You know I've watched this movie several times and it still holds my attention the whole way through. It is intriguing and exciting and despite the low budget it delivers. I think there could have been more of a story line but David Lockhart, Rick Mora and Camille Montgomery give awesome performances. For a low budget film I was delighted with the details of the zombies especially the blind one. It has many great scenes and even though limited in the scenery and props the suspense and blood spatters were realistic and well done and made up for that other stuff. The scene showing Brother Wolf's demise was heart wrenching to me because the whole way through you are rooting for these men to win against the zombies. The movie had it had more special affects and a more involved story would have been all the boost it needed. The movie was awesome itself a great zombie flick that I don't mind watching over again. The ending wasn't that good even though ironic it could have been explored a bit more. This move was well done and casting was perfect they all were on the same creative wavelength in their scenes and their teamwork was awesome. If you like zombie flicks I recommend it most definitely keeping' in mind the film had a limited budget and limited special affects. Watch it with an open mind and you won't be disappointed.
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Much more entertaining than expected
kannibalcorpsegrinder3 February 2017
Living in the old west, a cowboy attempting to hunt a savage killer instead runs into a small town on the frontier menaced by the living dead raised by a fallen meteorite and must put his mission on hold to battle the swarm of creatures overrunning the town.

This one was a lot better than expected. A lot of this one's positives are based on the second half when it gets to the zombie- based goodness which has a great deal to like about this one. The idea of the meteorite spewing the toxic fumes that turns the town is a nice one, making for a somewhat enjoyable concept that plays well with the western-based setting, which makes for some fun times here as this one goes for the nice action scenes of the creatures attacking in the town and out in the woods where they first encounter them. Those first encounters, from the interruption of the shootout to the creek brawl and the chase through the open plains, are quite fun and really set this one up for the action-packed scenes in the abandoned town where the zombified townspeople come out to launch their attacks. From there, it leads into all the fun of the zombies' ambush in the saloon where they come across the different creatures patrolling the area resulting in all the barricading efforts and different escape attempts hiding in the rooms and hallways from them trying to get at the group, the shootouts along the main street of town, the run-ins where they have to clear the creatures still around as well as the big final battle out in the countryside where the woods filled with zombies get blasted quite gruesomely in rather entertaining sequences. Before these, it still has some rather enjoyable Western-style fun with the nice shoot-out and brawl that opens this one as well as their later fistfight in the woods that's really enjoyable, while the frontier- town setup and the lifestyle shown gives this a solid introductory world to fall into. With all these scenes giving this one some nice suspenseful moments as well as giving this plenty of gore and a great look at the zombie make-up for the creatures, there's plenty to like with this one as it has some enjoyable qualities. It still has some problematic areas here, which concerns the rather ham-fisted way the zombies are introduced here as the fact that there's just no real easy way for the film to make the zombie apocalypse make sense here. It's just not all that well-developed here in terms of generating a cohesive feel with the western-genre and the zombie genre mixed together here, and overall it's quite weakly mixed together here since it's somewhat confusingly mixed together. Likewise, the fact that the zombie behavior is somewhat odd and different than what most will be expecting here as this one does play around with the rules, not transferring the condition through a bite and running after people formulating plans instead of just aimless shuffling which makes them somewhat different than what most are used to. The last problem is that the low-budget qualities here are on full-display and makes for a somewhat distracting appearance due to the CGI work and the laughably inaccurate period setting here which gives away the fact that it's not there at all. Still, this one did have some decent work about it.

Rated R: Graphic Violence, Nudity and Language.
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Zombies & Indians
BakuryuuTyranno23 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is quite atypical of zombie films, yet retains the essence of "Night of the Living Dead". It's different because it focuses on three characters, without the usual redshirts.

But like "Night of the Living Dead", it's focused on the interaction between the characters.

However, the extended action scenes of the protagonist gunning down shambling zombies mean its ultimately an exploitation flick and nothing more.

But without including spoilers I can't explain why "Cowboys and Zombies" doesn't work. The real problem is towards, we learn important information about the male protagonists and then, one is abruptly killed, the other dying soon afterwards. It comes out of nowhere and makes the story feel kinda pointless.
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Silly movie
dwarven_tavern16 August 2011
Warning: Spoilers
The very first thing that's noticeable about this flick is that the actors don't seem to have much experience with firearms. OK, not that bad of a detail, I mean it's not like it is a cowboy, shoot 'em up movie, or a zombie movie...wait a minute! After that, the protagonist, the leading man, kept reminding me of Michael Jackson with his uber high pitched voice. That's okay, it isn't like he's playing a really manly character, like a cowboy, or a zombie killer and...hey, wait a minute! If you're going to cast a manly character, please keep him away from the helium! The writing was garbage, the scenery was obviously recently built, maybe a recreation village of civil war reenactors or something, and the story line was only in place enough to show some glorious hooters, which was the only redeeming feature of this flick.

And while we're on the subject of voices, let's talk about the amazing Tonto, or village person, the Indian. Against the backdrop of the cloudless sky of the great American West, the notorious wanted Indian stands proud with his hair gloriously blowing in the wind as he cleverly hides from justice. Wait, he hides from justice by standing up on a outcropping of rock posing with hair blowing in wind? OK, but at least he had a manly voice to go with those rugged and amazingly clean and obviously brand new clothes he wore, but wait! He spoke to the hero (using the hero term very, very loosely) and his deeply spiritual native American voice was inexplicably replaced by the single most Californian uber-proper English speech, right out of a way-too expensive acting school. He also had a sibilance in his S's that would make a SNAKE jealous. This is no Indian! I thought to myself.

It probably cost a buck eighty to make, and the writer and director didn't deserve a dime of it.

I couldn't stand to watch more than ten minutes without fast forwarding through to the mundane and disappointing end. I can't comment on the acting because there wasn't enough acting among the entire cast to actually form an opinion. It's like trying to explain what space smells like.
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"Cowboy Vs Zombies!?"
SombeeKillah28 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
A meteor lands in Jamestown California in 1849 during the gold rush. It is found by miners who think it has emeralds inside because of the green glow so they decide to crack it open and what happens is it releases a gas -like spoor which turns the town population into blood thirsty zombies.That's it, plain and simple.

It could have been a great story but this was ultra low budget and basically has no name stars in it. Their was a subplot of a bounty hunter but you really don't care for it especially when the so-called hunter has a whiny voice! Not believable for one minute. The women in this flick just have to act scared and helpless and oh yeah,show their breasts every chance they get! Ha ha!

All in all, it was not bad. In the beginning, you think oh no not another zombie wannabee movie. But as it starts getting to the end it actually gets a little better and by the time it starts to grow on you, it ends rather erupt with a open ending, leaving room for a possible sequel!??

Like I said , had they had a better budget and better actors, this could have been a true classic to the Zombie franchise.But all in all a tad way better than the other so-called zombie flicks I have been seeing lately. A good movie to fun with by having a drinking game related to the anachronisms in it like: (I see breasts ... drink! , I see Zombie bite....Drink!) It's worth at least one viewing but no more than that.
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Worst Zombie Movie in the History of the World - But BOOBS..YUK
drama5914 December 2011
OK..did the director go to a Mall and say "Hey- Who wants to be in a movie?". I don't think anyone in the cast has ever acted before and if they did then I am sure someone must have said "Don't quit your day job". YIKES this is a bad movie. This movie is perfect for a 12 year old boy who wants to look at breasts. You get the really big ones to the small breasts.. (give me a break) The plot is dumb..the movie is slow..the actors are horrible...special effects aren't bad though. I paid $1.29 with my Red Box Rental and I am sure I paid $1.00 too much. This movie is MAYBE worth .29 cents....probably not.....I am a big fan of Zombie Movies..but WOW..NOT THIS ONE! The Chief was the only decent actor in the bunch. Was this suppose to be campy...well..maybe..but it did not work. HELLO Mr. Director..I would actually watch my movie before I released it. BAD BAD BAD......enough said.
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All the tools, poor execution
LordBlacklist27 December 2013
When one comes across a movie like this, you tend to lower expectations to a pretty base level. Zombie action, some scares, low budget cheese, and an overall good cheeky time.

The 30,000 dollar budget is apparent, but not as much as you'd think. There's some good bang for the buck, but not nearly enough bang. We'll start with the lead actor. Forgoing all subtlety, he's AWFUL. Most of the laughs in this came from cringes induced by his ridiculous and amateur performance, gun handling, smirks that scream "I look like a cool action hero to myself" only to look idiotic and embarrassing to the audience.

There is some gratuitous nudity that likewise illicit some groans here and there. It's as if the filmmakers did not realize that with the production value they had, a GOOD zombie cowboy movie could have been made. If you're going at it from the view that no matter what you do, the movie will be crap, then at least make it entertaining crap.

There must have been several 15-20 minute stretches in this movie where characters fall victim to the "we must sit down and tell our sad story" syndrome, when due to the level of acting, or lack thereof, a greater focus on the action and horror would have been preferable whereas to not make the audience feel like they've been ripped off in the end.

That said, there are two scenes that come pretty close to showing how this could have been a GOOD little low budget genre mash-up and both of those scenes involve the main actress encountering zombies (a standout being a creepy hide and go seek scene that belongs in a better movie). What both of these scenes have in common? The horrible lead actor is nowhere to be found. Also these two scenes (due to their isolation from his awfulness) seem to have been filmed after the fact (after shooting was completed?) to fill out what is already a pretty short movie.

All in all, don't let the cover fool you. There's not much action to be had here. Just long stretches of characters talking about back story that would have been better left in the subtext in place of what your audience was told to expect: Action.

The good: A few inventive zombie make-ups, a couple genuinely creepy scenes with the main actress escaping zombies, and some nice location photography.

The bad: Most of the performances, the music, pacing, and lack of action.

The ugly: Every time the main actor shows his face or opens his mouth. He really is that bad.
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Cowboys and undead
BandSAboutMovies20 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Directed by Rene Perez, who wrote the story with Barry Massoni, The Dead and the Damned is about a meteor causing a zombie infestation in the West of the past. Mortimer (David Lockhart) is a bounty hunter out to capture Brother Wolf (Rick Mora), a Native American accused of sexual assault. To lure him into his trap, he brings Rhiannon (Camille Montgomery). Yet they all have to work together when miners try to break that rock that crashed from space.

Also known as Cowboys & Zombies, this has a sequel called Tom Sawyer vs. Zombies. There's also a third movie, The Dead and the Damned 3: Ravaged.

In case you wondered, yes, this is the same Rene Perez that made Death Kiss, the film that introduced the world to Charles Bronson lookalike Robert Bronz. Perez also made two recent movies that I know I'm going to have to watch, Pro God - Pro Gun and They Want Us Woke Not Awake - that I also realize I am going to hate with every piece of my heart.

This movie also has most of the cast wearing modern cowboy boots with rubber soles and Levis from the 21st century. It also has the tagline "It's Clint Eastwood meets George Romero as undead, flesh-eating gun-slingers roam the Wild West." Yeah. That tagline.
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Never touch green glowing things
unbrokenmetal29 March 2013
'The Dead and the Damned' tells the story of a bounty hunter who chases an American Indian, but when he returns with his latest prisoner, everyone in town has turned into zombies since they found some green glowing alien thing. The two enemies become friends, as they have to fight the zombies together and - naturally - save a pretty blonde from being eaten alive.

I didn't expect more than a brainless shoot-em-up, but actually this a rather good movie for the small budget. There are dialogs that make sense and give the characters a background story. The camera shots tell you that these guys know their movie history (for example, using wide angle when someone points a gun towards the camera, it gives you that 'Clint Eastwood uses a Magnum 44' feel). It may seem funny that the main character always takes so long to reload, by the way, but that only shows that most other movies are not very realistic in that respect, you know, six-shooters with 10 bullets. The zombie make-up surely is cheap and pizza-like, but they reminded me a bit of the zombies in Umberto Lenzi's "Nightmare City" in the way they looked and moved, and that's a trash classic. So, all in all I don't think I wasted my time. German DVD is entitled 'Django vs Zombies' and that title looks really cool on my shelf, even if slightly misleading.
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This is bad medicine
nogodnomasters10 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The movie opens with a silly close range blood squirting shoot out. Mortimer (David A. Lockhart) is a bounty hunter. After collecting his bounty he opts to go after an Indian (Rick Mora) wanted for raping a "white virgin." (I don't write this stuff.) Others have tried and died. He lives in the woods. Mortimer buys Rhiannon (Camille Montgomery) a reluctant woman to come with him to use as bait.

Meanwhile there is a subplot of a meteor being found in a farmer's field with fluorescent green stuff and no Steven King. The farmer has a daughter (Heather Montanez) who does take a bath...and like any good circus, the big top is worth the price of admission. The meteor turns the town's folk into the fast moving zombies as opposed to the raise from the dead variety.

I liked the metal soundtrack. We've seen worse acting. Many are first time actors. The special effects or make-up was very stiff. The dialogue wasn't great. The buttons on the women's blouses never seemed to work either.

No f-bombs, no sex, nudity (Camille Montgomery, Mandy Pauline, Heather Montanez)
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82 minutes is so FUN !
seckinlergafri7 August 2017
The Dead of the Damned (also known as the title: Cowboys vs Zombies) is a thriller science fiction horror film directed by Rene Perez the film was released on July 26, 2011. About a murderer he was assigned to hunt down an Indian man who had killed and raped a girl living in a town called Jamestown located in California. With the help of a woman named Rhianna they were together looking for the man. Elsewhere a meteorite rock falls and causes the city's inhabitants to turn into a bloodthirsty terrible creature. But the man, and the Indian, as well as the woman named Rhianna help each other to exterminate the inhabitants of a city that has turned into a monster. This movie is so exciting. The 82-minute film set in the city of Jamestown in California in 1849, a casual acting, but the movie is so stressful, it does not take much time to create a tension If you like watching a Zombie movie then watch this movie !
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Cowboys are bad actors....
Deliberate_Stranger21 October 2012
I had no real expectations about this movie. The title 'Cowboys and Zombies' says it all. I was pretty sure It's some kind of Asylum project but it turned out to be completely independent feature made for extremely little money(IMDb says 30k). Having no expectations I was pleasantly surprised. Sure It's not really a good movie but at least It's watchable. The only thing which makes it hard to watch is acting. Being a low budget movies fanatic I'm used to shitty acting but what we have here is beyond amateurish. Leading guy(can't say actor) is a joke, he's playing tough as nails bounty hunter but his voice sounds like 5 years old kid and he's laughable through whole movie. Nothing good can be said about the others(Indian, girl and German) but at least their voices aren't funny. So the acting sucks BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIG time but when it comes to the other aspects It's way better. Special makeup/effects are very well done for a no budget movie. There is quite a lot of graphic gore which looks nasty, zombie make-up is quite good. Editing and cinematography is quite OK for a budget, there are some boobs as well. The other thing that looked amateurish were shootouts. They rather reminded western shows from theme parks than real movie shootouts. All in all, I had a decent time watching this even with an amateur actors ruining the show. OK to watch once for gory stuff and decent looking zombies.
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very enjoyable
scoutuk9 September 2011
after the watching super 8 last night and struggling to stay awake through a group of stupid kids running around a one horse town this film made a refreshing change yes it is low budget but that is part of the appeal and the guns well i reckon they are the most realistic sounding guns that i have seen and heard when you remember its what they had in the real wild west zombies looked good and just enough story line to keep it entertaining right to the end, well done and certainly worth a watch. i have found many films like this are more enjoyable than the so called big movies which for some reason get rave reviews no matter how bad they are, a movie is about some time out from reality for relaxation and entertainment and this is both, well done what happened to the horse lol
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much better than I expected
man-who-watches-crap24 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This was great, much better than expected with a cliché title like that. Follows the classic western plot of bounty hunter with a past and a purpose chasing wanted man who is actually innocent. They of course end up teaming up, though the end is surprising. Various horror movie gratuitous nudity shots, spying on woman bathing, and running through forest with top falling open, all classic horror scenes. As I said, I was really surprised at how good this was, although it should be noted that he left town on a horse with a full stripe on it's face, then camped with a horse with only a star, but had the full stripe when he reached town again. They were also different colours. I didn't notice, but my wife pointed it out to me. Also the bush tracks were often graded roads and some had wheel tracks. Better than some of the crap I've watched lately.
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