The Lizzie Bennet Diaries (TV Series 2012– ) Poster

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Elizabeth Bennet is Back!
bibbybibbybibby18 May 2012
Colin Firth's Pride and Prejudice series was made in 1995. Kiera Knightly did one in 2005. And while we all anxiously wait for what MUST be made in 2015, this vlog-style show is JUST what the doctor ordered! Everyone knows the characters, but this production really gives Elizabeth Bennet new life as a modern twenty-something with cute sisters and friends. It is just as it ought to be. Instead of balls and livings, there are weddings and student loans (Ugh! So true!). Any twenty-something can relate.

I sometimes find myself wanting MORE when I watch the Lizzie Bennet Diaries... specifically I want a glimpse of the elusive (and so far douche-y) Darcy. But there's something about Lizzie's narrative that makes me forget that only four of her characters have made appearances. Lizzie's opinions do the other characters justice and keep the retelling of the story honest. What twenty-something would invite a new acquaintance over to be on her video blog? Not I!
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Really great modern adaptation
Cremal4 November 2012
I love Jane Austen and someone recommended this web series to me. I was sceptical at first but it turned out to be absolutely brilliant.

In a hilarious modern adaptation Lizzie Bennet tells the story of her family, mostly her mother's quest to get all her daughters married to rich men (as per P&P) vlog style. Jane (practically perfect), Lydia (we're all glad she's too old to appear on Teen Mom) and Charlotte (their mothers went into labour in a Sense and Sensabily book club) often appear as well.

The cast are all great, especially Ashley Clements as grad student Lizzie and the fake vlog style works surprisingly well for a book that relies so heavily on so many characters interacting with each other.
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An ingenious delight
electric_skillet16 July 2012
I've not found one flaw with this series yet! It's nearing it's 30th episode and every time it leaves me with a smile on my face and an eagerness to connect it to Pride & Prejudice with it's cleverly written parallels. The actors are quite talented and versatile. They voice the characters, both from the book and from this adaption, to the most desirable extent. I almost can't believe that they're practically unknown actors at this point. I hope this web show helps to sky-rocket their careers, they deserve it! Directors/writers Hank Green and Bernie Su have hit the nail on the head with this one! Even though I know this story backwards and forwards; and enjoy trying to predict what they'll do next... I find myself surprised and elated at each new detail, twist, or direction they've decide to take the series in.
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Fails to Disappoint
Move over babies biting fingers, Rebecca Black, and dancing cats! There's a new sheriff in town! Hank Green's latest project, The Lizzie Bennet Diaries, a modern adaptation of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice, is the latest mini-series to make a big splash on the YouTube scene.

Since April 2012, The Lizzie Bennet Diaries has been telling the story of Lizzie Bennet, a graduate student studying mass communications, as she shares the details of her crazy family, romantic endeavors, and struggles to finish school and find a well-paying job through video blogs. Living at home, especially when your mother is constantly harassing you about not having found a wealthy man to marry, and going to school can be pretty stressful. Don't think it can get any more stressful? You're wrong!

When Bing Lee, a wealthy medical student, rolls into town and wins the heart of Lizzie's older sister, Jane, the Bennet household turns upside-down. Bing's stiff, critical friend William Darcy is also new in town and is getting on Lizzie's last nerve. Meanwhile, Lizzie's younger sister, Lydia, can't seem to stay out of trouble as she parties herself dry and pesters Lizzie constantly for a chance at Internet fame. Can Lizzie sort out Jane's love life, tame Lydia's party-loving ways, and avoid William Darcy at all costs? You'll just have to watch to find out!

Hank Green, the producer of the series, is a big name on YouTube already. Making his Internet debut with Brotherhood 2.0, a video blog project he started in 2007 with his brother, novelist John Green, Green has since created DFTBA Records, a record label inspired by YouTube musicians, educational YouTube series SciShow and Crash Course, 2-D glasses, Vidcon, the first YouTube convention, and many other great projects. He is also a musician and has released four albums available to purchase on iTunes. Green was featured on the promotional book tours for John Green's Papertowns in 2008 and The Fault in Our Stars in 2012.

Already being a fan of Hank Green's work for several years, I had no doubts that I would fall in love with the classic story of the Bennets in his modernized retelling. While I can't relate very well with Jane Austen's novel, I feel seeing a modern Lizzie makes forming both a mental and emotional connection much easier. As a fan of the film adaptations of the story, I can say that even the ladies claiming Colin Firth is the only Darcy for them will love this story. The talent and quality of the writers, actors, and technical crew are phenomenal. Half the time I forget that the episodes are based off a book from the 1800s because the acting is so realistic and the transition from book to modern screenplay is seamless.

Having met Hank Green on tour in 2012, I can say from experience that he puts forth a tremendous amount of effort and time into everything he does. His passion and enthusiasm for creative expression on both YouTube and all over the Internet is outstanding and apparent in each individual project he begins. Like his many other accomplishments, The Lizzie Bennet Diaries is bound to keep you coming back for more.

Green's latest project, The Lizzie Bennet Diaries, is a must-see series for everyone. A new episode, each between three and six minutes long, is posted every Monday and Thursday morning.
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bluebirdjolie21 May 2012
I adore this web series... every day I wake up hoping it's Monday or Thursday, and then am quite disappointed when it's not.... Lizzie's voice is perfect, and I love, love, love Lydia. She's exactly like my little sister, which is odd and funny at the same time. Also, I like how even though we've only met Lizzie, Charlotte, Lydia and Jane, I have an image in my head of the rest of the characters, especially their Mother. It's funny, modern and fresh. One thing.... can we meet Darcy and Bing Lee???? It's brilliant. Please, please don't be like sue other web shows I watched that just stopped halfway through. GREAT WORK, I CAN'T WAIT TIL THURSDAY!!!
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The awesomest delight!!
rachvid1210 July 2013
Being a huge Pride & Prejudice fan (and Jane Austen in general), I have seen every adaptation of the book possible. I was skeptical of this at first, since the "modern versions" have generally disappointed me. But what a delight!! I finished the whole series in 1 day. Couldn't stop watching once started. Every character is true to the book (in modern day of course). Jane's "perfection", Lizzie's "smartness" and Lydia's "craziness" have been well presented. Even Charlotte's character has been very well portrayed. There are some easy-to-guess moments, but they still made me smile. And the surprises!! I couldn't stop screaming and laughing. A must see for every Austen fan.

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emilyn2226 July 2013
I found this series after finding out about the vlogbrothers and their other projects. Being a fan of classic novels it was amazing to see such a wonderful adaption of this beautiful love story. Despite the characters having their footing in another century the bennet sisters and friends are so relatable to modern days you tend to forget that its just acting. I never knew that such great talent would be found on youtube of all places. I haven't heard about many of these actors but they are fantastic. I warn you though start watching it when you have nothing else to do because well, no lie, I watched all 100 episode in 2 days and Im not ashamed.
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Amazing web show, extremely believable
superlina957 August 2014
I've never read Pride and Prejudice, or watched any other adaptation, and before watching the Lizzie Bennet Diaries I had no clue what P&P was at all, basically (I'm from Sweden). So this is coming from someone who sees the show in a vacuum, for good or bad.

And the show is amazing. Really, really amazing. The actors are perfect for their roles, and in general are so very believable. It doesn't feel like watching characters, it feels like watching actual people. I have to remind myself that it is a show and not real, when I want to scream at the protagonist for sometimes being an a-hole towards the other characters. The characters, while often a bit over the top, are very relatable and you can really empathize with them. A special call-out to Mary Kate Wiles who does her role exceptionally well.

I think the format has a lot to do with it and also fits the story very well. The main protagonists impressions of the other characters, especially those not seen on screen, allow for characters that are at the same time over the top and very believable.

I'm on my third run of watching the show now, and I can tell you, it's not one wasted minute.

This is really a must see, even for us who have no cultural reference for Pride & Prejudice.
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A true internet classic
imagine-7278814 March 2017
When you look at the history of vlog style adaptations, let it be remembered that Lizzie Bennet was the one to start it all. There are a few movies that I will return to after a bad day and as soon as I discovered this series it instantly joined the ranks. The first 20 episodes will always be my favorite, but the Darcy episodes (with the handsome Daniel Vincent Gordh) hold a special place in my heart. Ashely Clements acting is *perfect* and Julia Cho, Mary Kate Wiles, Laura Spencer, Maxwell Glick, and Allison Paige all play their parts beautifully! I can't recommend this web series enough. Thank whatever internet gods exist for Bernie Su!
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I absolutely love it
esther_farias23 June 2016
I could give it a 10 but doing that is placing it in the same category as the 2005 and 1995 versions, and they both are so beautifully perfect to me.

The Lizzie Bennet Diaries is very well done and amazingly interactive adaptation of Pride and Prejudice, it is so loyal to the original book within the context where the story develops. I feel like they adapted the story very well to the 21 first century. Every character was so in character according to the era where it developed. They had to change the relations with some characters and get rid of kitty but it applies to the context of it all and how relevant they are to this story.

The only thing I will complain about a little bit is how tiresome it gets during the whole Lydia thing, I feel like they could have reduce the number of episodes of Lydia and added a little bit more of the Darcy that we get at the end of the book in one or two more episodes. But the show was perfect, personal favorite characters apart from Darcy:

Lydia--- Amazing Adaptation Fitz--- Seriously guys there is no way you can't love this Fitz Elizabeth as Mrs. Bennet--- On point, so much like the book but still relevant to this century
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A fun modern adaptation!
aquazoo-7850123 December 2019
This is a fun and well done adaptation of Pride and Prejudice, with great chemistry between the characters. In the many productions out there, I like to pick the "best of" particular characters. Lydia and Georgiana are more interesting because they are much more developed in who they are and what they do. The Lizzie Bennet Diaries has the best George Wickham ever. Wow, there's a face that could launch a thousand bad decisions! And just when you thought he couldn't be more vile... well, you have to watch and see.
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Wonderful adaptation
musicalfreakgurl11 November 2019
When I found out that they had done P&P over and it was free to watch on YT, I was skeptical at best. But I sat down one Saturday and binge watched the entire series in one day.

Because it is that great!

Not only is it captivating but it is true to Jane Austen's original but with a new age spin. The chemistry between all of the actors is fantastic! That bleeds out onto the screen.

The script and director is as equally as fantastic. It's not hard to see just how much the writers and producers took care to make sure that it was faithful enough to get our attention, and become the next best thing in adaptations.
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A visionary web series and adaptation
I_Ailurophile28 April 2021
Jane Austen's 'Pride and prejudice' is a timeless, essential classic with universal themes and narrative beats. Nonetheless, 200 years later, many changes in society may make some aspects of the novel difficult to parse. Enter 'The Lizzie Bennet Diaries': It stands strongly of its own accord with or without knowledge of Austen's masterpiece, and is a truly outstanding web series.

It seems a little silly, at first. While I recognize the popularity of "YouTubers," vlogs still seem like a rather niche online trend. And watching someone talk directly into the camera can feel weirdly awkward when we're on the other side of the screen, looking right back. If any potential viewers have similar hang-ups about TLBD, though, I speak from experience when I say that it handily puts them to rest very quickly.

There's so much to love here. The bare simplicity of modern-day vlogs, mostly recorded by Lizzie Bennet with appearances by other characters, conveys the narrative without any need of a massive budget for lavish sets or costumes. In adapting Austen's book to a time, setting, and framework that's more relatable and accessible to contemporary audiences, the location hunt for country houses, grand manors, or period-appropriate dance halls is replaced with homes or office space borrowed. Yet being toned down in appearance does not at all dull the strength of the tale being told.

Period romances like 'Pride and prejudice' aren't entirely unlike high fantasy such as 'Lord of the rings': Stories set in a time and place so far removed from our own, with very different social standards if not societal structure, that it's almost like reading a fairy tale. The core of 'The Lizzie Bennet Diaries' is in distilling the essence of the drama and giving it a twist that even if still outside the regular experience of viewers, is in the very least more understandable. Modern college students on the cusp of graduating and setting out on their adult lives, and well off contemporaries who have either inherited or already created their own great success, are more familiar to today's audience than landowners, their marriage-age daughters, and privileged or even titled powerbrokers of an even more unattainably superior and archaic social class. If Austen's novel was a few steps away from being an "ordinary girl meets a prince" love story, TLBD by comparison puts its characters on relatively more equal footing. And while a few characters are omitted or altered from their counterpart in literature, their personalities remain well intact.

The modern settings and wardrobe, to say nothing of the episodic vlog format, seem less sophisticated than big period piece productions like 2005's adaptation with Keira Knightley, or the superb 1995 TV miniseries starring Colin Firth. But make no mistake, a great deal of hard work and dedication were poured into 'The Lizzie Bennet Diaries,' and that includes the great cast.

Ashley Clements stars as chief protagonist Lizzie Bennet - a young actress whose passion and charisma makes her perfect as the middle Bennet sister. Those qualities match her skill in front of the camera, and since TLBD she's also demonstrated her capability elsewhere as writer, producer, and director. There's also Mary Kate Wiles as the wild, rebellious youngest sister Lydia, and Laura Spencer as the impossibly sweet yet timid oldest sister, Jane.

While the trio of redheads features most prominently in the cast, there's no 'Pride and prejudice' without Mr. Darcy, and Daniel V. Gordh perfectly captures the man everyone loves to hate. Gordh expertly gives an even, stoic, stone-faced performance as Darcy that one can very easily interpret as indifference or arrogance. Then still, among so many others there's Maxwell Glick as irrepressible Mr. Collins; Craig Frank as the endlessly affable Fitz Williams; and Allison Paige as Darcy's impossible to dislike younger sister, Gigi. I could easily sit here and gush about every character and the cast member that portrays them; all perform so well in their roles with such distinct personalities.

'The Lizzie Bennet Diaries' is filled with the same lightheartedness and drama that characterizes Austen's novel, albeit presenting many story beats in a fresh, modern way. Hand in hand with the overall tone of the series, there's comedy here, but it is at turns also heartwarming or heartbreaking. One thing to note, not necessarily as a criticism but more as a caveat for those who tend to react strongly: the vlog format in particular lends itself to sometimes making episodes a bit overbearing. Whether a scene is overly playful and cutesy, notably sentimental, or just altogether awkward on account of the interpersonal drama on hand, sometimes TLBD is a bit much. Yet I think that only speaks to the skill of its cast, and to the unique power of the selected framework, that it can make us feel these moments so keenly.

Everything about the series is done so very well that I can't name a specific fault, yet even if I could, the brilliant novelty of the presentation would more than make up for it. TLBD isn't just a singular sequence of videos by Lizzie: Beyond a straightforward storytelling perspective, the venture also treated us to Q&A videos of viewers interacting with Lizzie, or interstitial content from Lydia, Mr. Collins, or Gigi. Characters even had their own Twitter accounts to keep up with the progress of the narrative. This is famously the first web series to in 2013 win an Emmy for the new category of interactive media, and it 100% deserves that honor.

The online world especially moves so quickly that it's hard to believe 8 years have already passed since 'The Lizzie Bennet Diaries' came to a close. But its relatability and excellence have not dimmed. Whether you're an Austen fan or just a casual viewer, TLBD is an essential web production.
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A Great Introduction
Lia-74937rs17 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I can't say this series is without flaws, in taking steps to modernize there are aspects of the story that get lost, and as interesting a concept as the video diary format is, there are certain scenes I'd quite like to have seen on screen.

Issues aside? I had watched Pride and Prejudice once before watching lbd and I had no clue what was going on, and when i watched it again after i understood much more easily.

It's funny and goofy, the acting is good (oh how I love Lydia in this), and its accessible! It's lots of fun and I've returned to it more than a few times when the mood struck me.

I also have to single out their Darcy, because he is hysterical. When Lizzie is at pemberly and gigi tells her Darcy tucks his chin in when hes uncomfortable but Lizzie thought it was just how he held himself because he's always so nervous around her, then you just can't stop noticing it every time he's on camera. Darcy is an absolute delight in this rendition.
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I think Jane would approve...
gee-1514 April 2023
"Pride and Prejudice" has to be one of the most reworked, revamped, and reconceptualized of Jane Austen's books. And with good reason. Its characters are compelling, the writing is witty, it deals with universal themes and it's funny! I think this is why I would have to call this web series one of the best of the modern "retellings" of Pride and Prejudice. It takes those themes of blindness, hubris and self awareness and overlays it onto the video diary of a young graduate student named Lizzie Bennett. And the series is witty and funny in its own unique way.

The series isn't perfect. The character of Lizzie comes across as a bit abrasive at times. It's also stretches credibility to believe that individuals would have these incredibly personal conversations and revelations in front of a camera (though in our reality tv saturated society, maybe that's not such a stretch). In addition, the problem that befalls Lydia is certainly relevant but also illegal. Instead of handwringing, they could have just called the cops or sued or something. Finally, I understand why it was done but the story is a just a bit weaker for not allowing us more direct interaction with the wonderfully comic characters of Mr. And Mrs. Bennett.

But the pros outweigh the cons. First of all, the performers are all excellent. Ashley Clements is, for the most part, offers us a decent Lizzie Bennett, critical, prickly, a bit self absorbed but with enough self awareness to recognize when she has done wrong. As for the rest, I don't think there was a weak actor in the bunch. I really enjoyed Julia Cho's Charlotte Lu who ends up being the countering voice of reason to Lizzie's emotionality. Laura Spencer IS Jane Bennett. And kudos to Mary Kate Wiles as the wild Lydia. The first time I watched the series, I didn't know there were a series of Lydia videos designed, I believe, to flesh out her character a bit more. However, when I watched them I realized that they were a bit superfluous. Wiles is so good in her portrayal that you don't need the extra videos to understand why she ends up doing some of the things she does.

And can I say how BRILLIANT it was to hold back on showing Darcy until his confession scene? By the time, the actor shows up, I imagine first time viewers are DYING to see him. A little bit goes a long way! (Particularly with Austen). I'm not a connoisseur of web series but this has to be one of the best out there.
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