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Fun, Nostalgic and Informative
Simon_Says_Movies13 November 2013
It's not often that one can trace back the origins of an entire genre to one body of work, let alone have that seminal entity still directly influence all its successors in one way or another. We can from time to time point out overt homages to a keystone effort or see themes and imagery blatantly stolen, but in the case of George A. Romero's Night of the Living Dead, we've simply seen a genre organically (and sometimes brilliantly) evolve within the confines of the trendsetter's mould.

Efficiently and entertainingly, Birth of the Living Dead takes us back to the late 1960's where times were tough, social divides were widening and where one nearly novice auteur dared to craft a horror film unlike anything audiences had seen before, and arguably, haven't seen since.

In viewing the first entry in Romero's "Dead" series decades after its first release, not analyzing what it must have meant at the time is an easy feat. For most watching it now, they'll be struck by how well it holds up, rather than that it featured stark parallels to the climate at that time, both intentionally and otherwise. Race wars at home raged, and so too did the Vietnam War overseas – the symbolism of unstoppable, remorseless monsters laying siege to one's home rung far too true in some cases. Birth of the Living Dead strips away these layers and provides us with a capsule of time when a movie became more than just a movie.

The film also intriguingly touches on the casting of African American lead Duane Jones, an addition to the crew that was purely based on skill, and who was not accompanied by changes to the script to address his ethnicity. This resulted in (at the time) a black man serving as the leader of a group of white folk who did not engage in slurs or anything of the like and instead played things out as it would between those of the same race, or if those prejudices did not exist at all. It was man versus the undead and man versus man at the same time, but not because of racism.

All of this insight would of course be for nought if Mr. Romero himself were not to wryly chime in on his experiences, thoughts on the actors, the filmmaking process and everything around and in between. At age 73 he's still as chipper and sarcastic as ever, and frankly is just a blast to watch on screen. Furthermore, his commentary of things he would have changed today and things he wished could have been accomplished then, help to flesh out a man who has spent his life in the industry.

If there was one major complaint I would have against Birth of the Living Dead it would be its slim runtime. While digestible in the best of ways, it could have dug a little deeper into the mythos of the film and the actual filmmaking process. It's a shame that many of the cast and crew have passed on since filming as their lack of insight into how the process went for them softens the bite of the documentary a tad, but of course I can't lay blame on something that cannot be altered, and as it stands it still paints a very vivid picture.

While slight in areas, I would certainly label Birth of the Living Dead as essential viewing for fans of zombie films, Night of the Living Dead or of the man behind the magic. It's overall an immensely enjoyable watch that should leave most fans, save the die-hard, with something new to mull over about one of the greatest horror films of all time. If at the very least it makes you want to partake in another viewing of the iconic flick, then that's good enough in my book.
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Another Look at George Romero and His Legacy...
gavin69422 June 2014
A documentary that shows how George A. Romero gathered an unlikely team of Pittsburghers to shoot his seminal film: Night of the Living Dead.

Despite my relative knowledge of the film, this documentary still opened my eyes to aspects of Romero's life I had not known. I certainly had no idea how important Fred Rogers was to the earliest days of his career!

The truth behind the connection of the film and racial violence is addressed. Romero says the "ghouls" were the revolution. Other times, the film's impact is played up as coincidence. The lead, a black man among white people, was cast because of his talent, not his skin. And then when Martin Luther King got assassinated shortly after the film was finished, deeper meaning was put upon it.
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Year of the Living Dead: Short but sweet
Platypuschow25 November 2017
This oddly short documentary gives us a history lesson on the iconic groundbreaking Night Of The Living Dead (1968) Though the interviews are mostly with Romero that is no issue for me as the man always delivers intelligent concise points on whatever he's talking about.

The documentary covers the films origins through its production and to the legacy that it created. Truly the movie was genre defining and a lot of what we see today on stage and screen wouldn't exist without its presence.

What this feature covers extensively as well is the race issues touched upon in the film and that were raging through America during the 1960's. This though nothing not seen before is informative and hard hitting.

Short, sweet and competently made this is a decent effort and a must watch for fans of Romeros work.

The Good:

Romero interviews are excellent

Well constructed

The Bad:

Tad short

Things I Learnt From This Documentary:

The guts and intestines being eaten by the zombies were real!
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A little more George, a little less of everyone else.
planktonrules26 July 2014
While I am certainly no fan to zombie films in general because the genre has been WAY over-saturated in recent years, I have enjoyed a few of the films and understand that they still are very popular and important films despite my misgivings about many of the recent films. So, because of this, the new documentary Birth of the Living Dead is well worth seeing and is rather timely. It is THE granddaddy of all modern zombie films—the one that led to subsequent generations of such pictures. In fact, it's one of the most important movies of the 1960s and it's one every film student and horror fan should see and appreciate. It managed to overcome its low production values and humble origins to become a cult favorite.

Not surprisingly, the creator of the original film, Night of the Living Dead, George Romero, is featured in this documentary. When he's being interviewed is when the film is at its best. His tidbits about the making of Night of the Living Dead are really interesting and I wanted even more of this than Romero provided. Additionally, a variety of experts are interviewed and they discuss what they love about the movie. Also not surprisingly, various clips from this seminal film are shown throughout this homage. Among the topics covered are the director's expectations as well as how he made the film, the impact of the film on pop culture, the reaction of the critics (both immediately after the film was released and later after many re-assessed the movie), the political and racial themes in the film (whether intended or not) and how the film was groundbreaking as well as how it mirrored the times in which it was made.

This documentary certainly is well worth seeing and I recommend you see it provided you first see the old film it's based on—otherwise it might be a bit confusing. However, it's not a perfect making of film and could have been a bit better. As I mentioned above, the inside information from Romero was great but too often various 'experts' (and I have no idea what constituted this in many of the folks chosen to discuss the film) talked a lot more about hidden social significance (something that Romero revealed is NOT always in the movie) and the times instead of talking more about the original movie itself and how it was made. Still, despite this, the film is reasonably well made and kept my interest throughout. For horror fans and film students, it certainly should be a film to watch.
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Very Good Documentary
Michael_Elliott25 May 2014
Birth of the Living Dead (2013)

*** 1/2 (out of 4)

Did we really need yet another documentary about NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD? Probably not but this one here is so entertaining and gives us some fresh looks on the subject that fans of the George Romero classic will certainly want to check it out. Director Rob Kuhns interviews Romero who touches on familiar subjects like his early career, how the story came up and the impact the film had once it was released. Where the documentary sets itself apart is that it focuses in on some of the more political moments in the film including what was going on in the world at the time. Vietnam and the Civil Rights are certainly discussed here. You might be saying that we've heard these stories before and that's true but this documentary manages to throw out some good information and even better is that we get some professional critics who discuss the impact of the film and their memories of seeing it as children. Elvis Mitchell has some great stories about the first time he watched the film and there's some great stuff dealing with how the distributor pretty much threw this film into kid matinées. There's even a great sequence where people discuss how everything zombie wise pretty much goes back to this film and Romero. Even more interesting is the talk of the lead black actor and the type of movies Sidney Poitier was doing at this thing. I really wish Romero would have commented on this part of the subject but he doesn't. With that said, this is certainly a highly entertaining documentary, although it does run a bit short at just 75-minutes.
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It's All Because There's No More Room In Hell!
strong-122-4788853 May 2015
(Classic movie quote) - "They're coming for you, Barbara!"

To fully appreciate and enjoy this documentary (that takes an in-depth look at the 1968 zombie-flick "Night Of The Living Dead" and the vast impact that it has had on the zombie genre ever since), I think one really needs to watch said-movie first in order to remain interested in this DVD's content.

Through interviews (with, among others, a 73-year-old George Romero), as well as vintage film clips and stills galore, the viewer gets a behind-the-scenes look at the making of this classic, low-budget horror film (whose costs totalled $114,000) that was solely responsible for rebooting the tired zombie-movie genre, and, to date, has earned itself over $30 million.

Naturally, there are people out there who want to read hidden, political messages into this film's gruesome, little story, especially since its protagonist was a black man who, at one point, actually resorted to slapping the face of a white woman.

For the most part - I did not feel, in any way, let down by this 76-minute documentary. In its generally good-natured way, it certainly delivered the goods on a truly haywire movie that literally terrified me silly when I first saw it on late-night TV as an impressionable kid.
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Engaging documentary exploration of the making of a classic
Leofwine_draca19 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
BIRTH OF THE LIVING DEAD is a fun tribute documentary exploring the making of George Romero's low budget horror classic, NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD, exploring the things it was influenced by as well as the genre it influenced. The main disappointment is that none of the cast or crew involved with the making of the film provide comment other than Romero himself, but the director is such an engaging personality that it doesn't matter. Plus, plenty of modern filmmaking-related figures are happy to talk about the movie too.

This documentary works so well because it explores the political context surrounding the film's making. Riots, the Vietnam War, race relations, and gun violence all play their part and are discussed here. It's the type of documentary that makes you look at the film in a new light, and the bits about the casting of Duane Jones in a non race-related role are particularly interesting. I find that when documentaries like this are made with such obvious love and enthusiasm for the subject matter they're impossible to dislike in turn.
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Documentarian Rob Kuhns' valentine to George A. Romero's seminal zombie horror film 'Night of the Living Dead'
george.schmidt14 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
BIRTH OF THE LIVING DEAD (2013) ***1/2 Documentarian Rob Kuhns' valentine to George A. Romero's seminal zombie horror film 'Night of the Living Dead' gets the richly deserved revered treatment by dissecting the cult classic 45 years after its unleashing to an unsuspecting populace and influencing cinephiles for future generations and filmmakers everywhere. Interviewing fellow pundits like executive producer (and fellow filmmaker) Larry Fessenden, critics Mark Harris and Elvis Mitchell, producer Gale Anne Hurd (who admits echoes of NOTLD in her post-zombie-apocalypse sensation THE WALKING DEAD), and Romero himself who recollects the shoe-string budget, lack of initial general interest upon the film's release and the tidbits of giddy fanboy insider info on how he got the chiller made. Kuhns wisely incorporates film footage of the 1960s political ongoings and social strata that the film more-or-less unintentionally evoked as themes/messages to show just how timely/less it truly was. Fun and insightful and perfect for those die-hard fans of the undead.
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Fine doc on iconic horror
SnoopyStyle10 June 2014
It's 1968. Pittsburgh filmmaker George Romero introduces the world to the flesh eating zombie. He started working for Fred Rogers on Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood. Then Romero recounts how he gathered a group of people to develop and film the classic horror. It's a real indie at a time when indies had no money.

It's a documentary and it's nice to have Romero tell his story. None of it is too surprising. It's like Romero doing the commentary for his movie. It's also a great underdog story of independent filmmaking. I could do without the modern influences and less of the talking heads dissecting the movie moves. I rather have more stories about the making of and the stories of the people around the movie. The social commentaries are fine but it's rehashing old territories. It takes up a lot of movie. I like the part after they finished the movie and I love the stories of the little kids watching the movie.
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Uncompromising integrity...
poe42621 April 2014
NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD was the very first movie I ever bought (on Beta, for $50) and when I took it home to watch it- alone-, it spooked me so bad that I had to call up a buddy and have him come over to watch it with me. (And that was AFTER I'd seen it several times in theaters- at a midnight showing and on a double bill with the remake of INVASION OF THE BODY SNATCHERS.) It remains, to this day, one of my all-time favorite films. Like the boxing documentary CHAMPIONS FOREVER, BIRTH OF THE LIVING DEAD delves into the turbulence of the 1960s that might've played a part in the overall FEEL of NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD. (And it's an even more valid approach to a fright film in THIS day and age, with the Middle Class literally having been CONSUMED by The Greedy Politicians and Lawyers who own and run this company- er, country...)I've long wondered why someone- the original creators themselves, for instance- hasn't made a movie about the making of a horror classic like NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD. The behind-the-scenes contretemps (as chronicled in many a book and article and behind-the-scenes commentary over the years) would no doubt make for an interesting (and funny) film. Hell, I'd even settle for an audio autobiography by Romero: he has the easy-going conversational style that would make for a fascinating evening's listening. NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD still resonates with power because of its uncompromising integrity. Elvis Mitchell sums it up nicely in BIRTH OF THE LIVING DEAD: "It's completely terrifying- and the perfect ending." The bonus features on the DVD should've been incorporated into the documentary itself: an extended interview with Romero, a Monroeville Mall zombie walk with the late Bill Hinzman, and the audio from the June 6, 1970 Museum of Modern Art Q&A with Romero.
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exactly what you'd expect
jellopuke3 July 2019
Nothing fancy here, just talking heads explaining a story. This could have been a youtube doc or a dvd extra, but if you're a fan, it's nice.
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Terrific Documentary
Easygoer1010 October 2019
I love this film. Made in 2014, it covers all of George A. Romero's career. Everyone from him, Fred Rogers (aka "Mister Rogers"), Andy Griffith to Martin Luther King. It is hilarious and interesting to say the least. A must-see for the horror genre; especially George Romero.
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Detailed and informative...
paul_haakonsen1 December 2013
Being the zombie aficionado that I am, of course I had to sit down and watch this as well.

Despite being a documentary, then it was fun to watch, because you do get offered a very nice and detailed look into the makings of a movie that has defined a whole genre of movies to follow.

It is clear that George A. Romero, the man and the myth, was a passionate front-runner for the zombie genre, and that without his timeless masterpiece, then the zombie genre would most likely have been something else entirely today.

If you are not overly a fan of the zombie genre, then there is very little for you to find of use in this documentary.

This is in every meaning of the word a true must watch for zombie fans out there. It is also innovating and inspirational, and might just spur on other directors in the making with a passion for the zombie genre.
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Wow.. very disappointing!
envisiondentallab22 January 2014
If you read the "storyline" description of this Documentary you would assume it's about the production of the film "Night of the living dead", and yes we get maybe 15 minutes of some interesting tidbits on the investors and players involved BUT the remaining 60 minutes is pure drivel. I give it 3 stars for the 15 minutes of somewhat entertaining stories. It loses 7 stars from the somewhat laughable metaphoric connections to the late 60s in terms of racial violence and the Vietnam war. They could have spent 5 minutes on how it was somewhat unusual to cast an African American in the lead at the time and how some of the shooting visuals looked a little like riot and war footage. Instead we get an hour of Vietnam and race riot footage and trying to connect it to different scenes in the movie. The taglines and plot descriptions on various websites like IMDb and vudu look like it's targeted to 'Romero' fans but should only be shown in a political science class and that's a stretch.
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A DVD Featurette… unholy expanded
joker-45 August 2015
Like it or not, George A. Romero truly is the father of today's horror cinema. The original "Dead" trilogy – NIGHT, DAWN, and DAY – accomplish that simple truth in unveiling a very human metaphor wrapped in the grisly package of blood-letting entertainment. And why not celebrate the man and his accomplishments? Perhaps dig deep into the motives and industry tales of movie-making. Perhaps that is what Rob Kuhns set out to do with his BIRTH OF THE LIVING DEAD documentary. Unfortunately, the data unearthed in BIRTH OF THE LIVING DEAD could have been a solid DVD featurette. Instead, an additional 40 minutes of repetitiveness was added, dragging the film down as a lumbering, undead walker.

To its credit, BIRTH sets the stage of 1968 America, when NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD was released, quite well providing key insights to the civil rights movement as well as to the fact that NIGHT stars an African American. Likewise, the documentary gets right into how – and why – the film was made and some of the issues and trickery Romero and his crew employed during production and editing; Romero himself is presented as both jolly and candid.

Then the film rinses and repeats. And repeats. And, oh, did you forget that NIGHT starred an African American? Well hold on tight, you'll be reminded in just a few short minutes as horror film director Larry Fessenden will tell you how great the original film is and repeat the lines verbatim for the camera.

Granted, the docu's subject is NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD, but that topic alone screams out for accompaniment. There was absolutely no mention of the 1990 remake, nor the 2004 remake of DAWN. And obviously the most apparent of Romero's offspring – THE WALKING DEAD – is only shown as a background image.

Kuhns showed the historical relevance of NIGHT, but only provided the merest taste of its social impact, a taste that was sorely missed.
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Fascinating look at one of the most influential films of all time
Red-Barracuda7 August 2016
Very, very few films can truly claim to have wholly created a new sub-genre. George A. Romero's Night of the Living Dead (1968) is such a rare beast. It is truly the year zero moment for the zombie film as we understand it today. Sure, there had been sporadic examples of zombie films before Night but they all focused on a decidedly different type of thing. The early zombie, both in cinema and literature, was a sort of sleepwalking being in a deathly trance. Romero's film was the first example anywhere to postulate the idea that bodies returning from the dead would be rotting corpses who relentlessly pursue human beings in order to rip them apart and eat them. Nowadays, of course, zombies are simply everywhere. In the last decade in particular the idea of the Romero zombie has become so well known that it is a cultural reference that practically everyone understands. For this reason, it goes without saying that Night of the Living Dead is easily one of the most influential and important horror movies ever made. And that's only part of the reason why.

Birth of the Living Dead is a very good focus on the making and impact of this seminal film. It looks at the social climate of the time and considers how this influenced the making of the movie. The late 60's were one of the most dramatic periods in American history. The counter-culture was in full swing but about to come crashing down, political distrust was widespread, racial tensions were resulting in violence and the deeply divisive Vietnam War rumbled on ominously in the background. All of these elements and more led to the crumbling of the Hollywood studio system whose movies no longer connected with the rapidly changing times, this of course led to the brief but glorious New Hollywood years where many personal and left-field films were made by the big studios.

While all this was going on a bunch of inexperienced film-makers from Pittsburgh were putting together a low budget horror movie, so low budget that it was being shot in black and white. This very fact was a serious obstacle back then given that the move to colour was pretty widespread by 1968. But this independent film went against the grain in other ways too. For one thing it had a black lead actor. Not only that, but the film never even made any reference to this and dealt with it in a matter of fact manner, making the decision seem all the more bold. This may not sound like much now but in the 60's it was still quite a hurdle and ultimately transgressive. Also, the film brought in a unique seriousness to its b-movie material. Everything is played completely straight. The influence of the European New Wave can be detected in the television scenes of the news reports detailing the carnage. They are messy and naturalistic in a manner like an actual news-feed; this of course added to the urgency and realism and magnified the fear factor. With this more serious framework, Romero introduced graphic violence which added to the overall terror. Gory violence had been a staple of some schlock horror of the earlier 60's in the form of the films of H.G. Lewis and his imitators but these films always essentially had their tongues in their cheek. Romero removed the humour safety valve and so the visceral violence is all the more terrifying as a result. We have zombies eating human remains and a little girl bloodily murdering her mother in full on sequences. The film even had the nerve to end on an incredibly bleak and ironic note with the hero Ben being killed at the end when a gung-ho mob shoot him thinking him a zombie. But this hero also had survived by doing the one thing he advocated against the whole film, so this was a film that presented the viewer with many questions and gave few easy solutions.

The documentary interviews many of those involved in the making of the film. We get to understand the financing problems and the way that everybody involved had a variety of roles in the creation process in order to save money. We also learn how difficult it was to sell the movie afterwards, even exploitation distributors AIP only wanted to release it if it had a happy ending added. When it did eventually get a distribution deal it met with initial hostility and only later did many actually understand it. It was ahead of its time in truth. It also is notable for falling immediately into the public domain for not having a © mark on it, leading to the film-makers who made this incredibly influential work not making a cent on it! This film details all this and much more, it's essential viewing for anyone at all interested in this most important of horror movies.
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Not a complete waste of time but it's not a lot of fun either.
Hellmant8 January 2014
'BIRTH OF THE LIVING DEAD': Two and a Half Stars (Out of Five)

Documentary on the making of the classic 1968 zombie film 'NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD'. It was directed by Rob Kuhns (making his feature film directorial debut). The movie features interviews with the director/writer of the zombie masterpiece (and it's many sequels), George A. Romero, and many others involved with the flick as well as several film aficionados and movie experts. I found it to be very informative but kind of boring.

The documentary goes through the history of the entire production of 'NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD', starting with what Romero was doing before he even came up with the idea for the movie. It uses footage from the film (as well as other zombie flicks and TV shows it's inspired) mixed with current footage of people talking about the movie. Some of the people interviewed include actors Larry Fessenden, Elvis Mitchell and writer/producer Gale Anne Hurd. The interviewees talk about how ahead of it's time the film was as well as how it created an entire genre of movies (the zombie flick).

'NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD' is obviously a great and classic film that did start a new genre as well as spawn some equally classic and groundbreaking sequels ('DAWN OF THE DEAD' and 'DAY OF THE DEAD' are two of my all-time favorite horror movies)! It is interesting to learn about the film, and how it was created, and this documentary is very informative but the whole way it's put together and presented is not very interesting or entertaining. It feels a lot more like a special feature, on a special edition DVD, than an actual movie (especially at it's 76 minute running length). I'm surprised this movie was released in any theaters at all. Not a complete waste of time but it's not a lot of fun either. It's definitely worth watching if you're a die-hard fan of the movie and/or the genre though.

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TeenVamp15 February 2023
With all of the behind the scenes footage and documentary footage already in existence this 2013 documentary is really unnecessary. The best thing any die hard Night of the Living Dead fan can do to learn more about EVERYTHING involved in making this classic is to listen to the TWO audio commentaries available on the criterion blu ray. I believe they're also on older dvds. The commentaries are from 1993 or so and SUPER informative. One is with 5 cast members and the other is with Romero, Russo , and other producers and folks that helped get the movie completed. This documentary is very misleading in trying to give Romero 100% of the credit. It took DOZENS of people to make NOTLD what it is. Romero didn't even write it but the documentary would lead you to believe otherwise. The documentary also tried extremely hard to compare NOTLD to the civil rights movement. Something Romero and the others involved in making NOTLD have always been strongly against! They make a huge deal about Duane Jones being black....something the filmmakers have always been against as well. This is a totally unnecessary fluff piece.
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More info
BandSAboutMovies10 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Director and writer Rob Kuhns does a great job in this of not only explaining why Night of the Living Dead is so important, but getting fans like Larry Fessenden - who executive produced - to tell why the film is so beloved. Of course George Romero shows up - John Russo declined, so they say - as well as film critics Elvis Mitchell, Jason Zinoman and Mark Harris, as well as industry heavyweight Gale Anne Hurd and Bill Hinzman, the first zombie from Night, as he takes part in a zombie walk.

You probably have heard every story and seen every doc there is on the film that began modern horror as well as gave Pittsburgh its title as the zombie capitol of the world. That said, this has some nice animation and the story directly from the main creator. Maybe there's even something in here you haven't seen. I mean, there's a teacher who shows the film to his kids and explains zombie physics to them as well as some of the children who saw this on a matinee - the same old Roger Ebert wrote about - and gets them to tell how they grew up after seeing zombies chow down on those doomed and barbecued folks back in Evans City.
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