Aattam (2023) Poster


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"Thank you for the tragedy. I need it for my art." - Kurt Cobain [+87%]
arungeorge136 January 2024
Debut writer-director Anand Ekarshi presents a gem of a film that's equal parts engaging, thrilling, reflective, tragic, and (spontaneously) funny. What starts as members of a drama troupe in Kerala casually spending a night partying at a patron's guesthouse quickly turns into a whodunnit crime drama with solid attention to detail. Stories are often just that.. stories. Lies are built upon lies. Selflessness gradually turns into pretense and selfishness. The crime happens to the only female member of the troupe. A version of her story is conveyed to all the remaining male members. There's so much intricacy in the storytelling, so much candidness. The writing (dialogues, especially) is superlative.

The decision to cast a bunch of (fantastic) newcomers except for the three (or four) main characters turns out to be a masterstroke. This way, it's easy to perceive each one of them objectively, along with their perspectives of what happened that night. Amongst the menfolk of the troupe, we see almost every variant of men there is. Or at least, fascinating shades of it. Some are old-fashioned, some are suspicious of their female colleague's demeanor, some find it hard to believe her story, and some have selfish motives. They exhibit differential shades of misogyny without even realizing it. The wronged woman (Zarin Shihab) continues to be at the receiving end of it all. She silently takes it in; there's no outburst or excessive display of emotion. Shihab is spectacular, and I liked the writer-director's choice to end the film purely from her perspective.

All the performers have done a wonderful job, pushing their respective roles to even greater heights. Vinay Forrt, especially, is amazing as the conflicted boyfriend with his own set of personal and professional dilemmas. The screenplay was so immersive that I didn't pay a lot of attention to the other departments (cinematography, music) and I'm going to rewatch this for the complete package when it becomes available to stream digitally. For now, Malayalam cinema couldn't have asked for a better start to 2024.
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Mindblowing (MAMI MFF #14)
nairtejas2 November 2023
Aattam (The Play) blew my mind and gave me so much to think about that I don't have to watch any movies for the rest of the year. I caught this at the 2023 MAMI Mumbai Film Festival yesterday and I'm still thinking about the irony of the plot where 10 men get together to discuss an incident befallen their sole woman colleague of a theatre troupe. It starts by building tension and giving us a peek into the characters and their idiosyncrasies and dynamics. Then it pulls you in with what seems like a group discussion with lots of talking and arguing. I don't know about you, but conversations in films always have my full attention and Aattam, above all, succeeds in doing that. It's so well written and directed that you feel you are part of the discussion. Absolutely seamless, that it also reminded me of Everybody Loves Sohrab Handa, another film with the same vein at the fest. It's basically a study of the feeble human nature. The final 30 minutes are sure to blow your mind too. Watch it.
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Figuring out who did it
sarthak88913 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Very similar to 12 angry men. Every person in the group tries to influence everyone else to his opinion, even by altering facts and hiding information. This results in the discussion becoming more and more convoluted and people lose track of what the problem they're trying to solve.

In the end, the person who suffers is the victim herself. She can no longer trust anyone in the group and to her, they are all the culprits. I really liked how, at the end, even when given a choice to know who groped her, the protagonist did not want to know since the damage was already done and she can no longer see the group the same way and go back to how things were.

There are the usual discussions and old ways of thinking common in our country: the girl should not have been drinking, not dressing provocatively, blah blah and a counter to these arguments from other people in the group.

Main takeaway is perhaps not using lies, telling people to tell things in certain ways to influence the discussion and convolute it more and more. Also, how being a victim in such situations is an irreversible process and you always carry that experience with you.
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A timeless classic
bablisarathekkan26 November 2023
Aattam is an eye opener. Probably the best movie I've seen in years put together. The movie and its direction has mastered the subtle art of tugging your inner conscience. One of those movies that you keep thinking about long after you've seen it. It has definitely changed me as a person. A classic for all times. The scenes in the movie are just so original, it's hard to think of it as a movie than real life itself. The lead actors, all 13 of them, have showed so much justice to their characters. The uniqueness in their individualism is a testimony to world class writing. Aattam is a must watch by everyone, not just Malayalis. Everyone.
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Well-crafted - Getting '12 Angry Men' vibes
appusnikhil12 March 2024
What a movie and what an experience! I can write thousand things about this movie, it was very engaging for me. The climax gave me goosebumps and I admire the courage of the creators for taking the movie in a new and unique route rather ending it plainly.

There were lots of tension going on throughout the movie and the creators take us through a long journey which never ceases to amaze us. I was constantly focussing on the dialogues of each and every characters to find something but the last few minutes take the movie to a different level which we could never expect and that was pretty surprising for me. This is because we are used to movies ending in a plain manner.

All the characters were fine tuned for the movie. Expecting more movies like this from Mollywood in the future.
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An absolute piece of art
tedsuperio6 January 2024
A fantastic movie that really takes the dark, self-serving, materialistic human nature and puts it out in broad daylight. This is a great commentary on virtue signalling, hypocrisy, trust, betrayal, hierarchy, and human values.

The writing and the direction are really well done - the movie feels real, and you find yourself getting emotionally invested in the plot. The relatable subject matter also helps in the engagement, and while a movie of this sort often runs the risk of coming across as quite preachy - Aattam never falls into this trap.

But what sets this movie a class apart from the rest is the quality of the acting. Every single cast member has done a phenomenal job. I found myself hating, sympathising with, and being disappointed in the characters at different points through the movie - and the fact that this movie brought out such strong emotions from the audience is testament to the skill with which each actor portrayed their characters.

Overall, this is a movie that makes you think long and hard about what you would have done if you were put in a similar situation, and this leads to some good introspection.
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Best movie in recent times
brawlmedia14 March 2024
This movie should get 11/10 for its dialogues. It is sheer perfection. The movie stands out as one of the best Indian movie of last 5 years. It's a breath of fresh air to the actual cinema lovers when there is someone out there respecting the art of filmmaking. The movie has shown ways in which a movie can be made without getting bored for even a second.

You all don't waste time reading my review, just go and watch it already. Pure cinema.

Don't mind the next few words. This is just to fill up the space.

After a theater group's party, their sole actress is subjected to a crime from one of the men. Stories unravel, suspicions surface and clamor ensues as a meeting is called to reach a consensus.
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Well made
naveenkrishnanh12 March 2024
Loved this movie ! Film making at its finest - each dialogues, framing, pacing, cinematography, score, acting all are top notch !

The premise is crafted with such panache that everyone and everything is believable. The inner workings, failure and limitations of humans, greed over righteousness, subtle misogyny all are depicted so very well ! All characters are shown barely - it is all shades of grey - there is no hero or villian and victim is not powerless or helpless.

Wonderful and the pre-climax with twist was beautiful and the climax was satisfying !

Highly recommended - much watch for all, who are into serious movies.
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Simply outstanding
ramseyrame12 January 2024
I would not be lying, If I would be calling this the best movie I have ever seen in my life. It jas got multiple layers, exposes a ton of human shortcomings. You will walk out of the theathre with some answers but more questions. Question about yourself, the society, morality, human self-seving nature and what not.... It subtly projects tons of issues that is wrong with the society and yet those issues are not the central theme. It is like an amalgamation of a Agatha christie novel and Refinald Rose writing.

It is a wholesome experience, screenplay, story, direction, acting everything top notch.

Lucky are the ones who would get the oppurtunity to watch this.
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One time watch
balanvivek17 March 2024
I Heard a lot about this movie calling it a masterpiece classic ,I don't know why it's so overrated it's a decent one time watch nothing great to laud about .A meeting is called to understand each ones opinion about a incident which happened .From start to finish it's full about reaching to a conclusion and in between it becomes total boring .vinay fort is brilliant in the film the way he has carried the role, direction is also good .screenplay is very average it's full of conversation and takes place almost in the same location .we have the group sitting inside and then going out to discuss on the same topic .I believe the movie could have been trimmed by 20 min and make it 2 hrs which would have been impactful .it's been dragged unnecessarily only showcasing male hypocrisy which becomes irritating after a certain point in the film .it's my honest opinion .
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Dance to the tune...
dxviper6 January 2024
In account to recent events in an prominent industry of artistic performance, this movie says it's story on several perspectives of people on one particular act committed. Gripping us in a mellow way through the after events of the act, all is great in the movie, however it comes to a mellow tone in the craft, the actual and real events were disgusting, unbelievable and the decision making was terrible and downtrodden in nature.

The movie in it's dramatics put everything in front of our eyes. What's true and what's not? Man's moral compass abides in which direction. Does the ultimate truth really matters or truth is just relative in nature?
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ramesh-8065125 March 2024
When i saw some memes and IMDB ratings I thought its going to be a good watch started watching movie with my friends and i suggested after 10?min og movimy friend asked me, are you going ruin the day ?

I kept giving him hope and end up being disappointed What a waste of time Such a poorly written screen play The plot is actually kind of ok The way they portrayed is such a aweful thinking I dont know how many time they said about the incident happened to a girl Instead of being accused by the co artist She should have gone to police This such a aweful flim i have watched in my life If your time is precious Do not choose to watch this crap I dont know what this director was tbinking about audience And the climax is 🙄
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Film that won't have complaints from MRAs or Feminists
mmc-5783220 March 2024
Many films claim sexual assault is a grey area but eventually end up settling for a narrative that's convenient. But this film doesn't yield to that temptation till the last frame.

If 12 angry men was a trilogy with each part conjoined to make a film it would be Aattam (it plays out like a theatre play with 3 acts). Am I comparing this with 12 angry men? No,I am saying Aatam is far better. There are some many beautiful conceits set up in the first half paying off towards the end.

2 main themes that stuck out to me were that the film throws light on why asking questions does not automatically indicate that the survivor is being doubted. Secondly, if a survivor does not want to confront the perpetrator, forcing them to do actually just makes things worse. They are allowed take decisions that may not make sense but they are still entitled to do so. I don't know if I am overthinking or if the director thought through these themes.

It is very rare that a film about sexual assault will not have complaints either from MRAs or feminists. And to do that is no ordinary achievement.

Bottom line: How you respond to sexual assault (survivors/ friends of survivors/ perpetrators) reveals so much about you more than the act itself.
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12 Petty Men!
chand-suhas19 March 2024
A theater group named Arangu is thriving with the addition of a film actor Hari, who has replaced Vinay to be the play's hero. Anjali is the sole female in the group and the main female lead. To celebrate the success of their play, they are invited to a luxurious hotel. That drunken night leads to sexual molestation of Anjali and she suspects it to be Hari while confiding about it to Vinay. What follows next is the men from the theater group, trying to discuss the possibility of expelling Hari as a retaliation while their hypocrisy, dual faced characters, greed and judgemental behavior gets exposed.

This dialogue heavy gem is yet another addition to the Malayalam cinema that effectively deals with a sensitive story and presents it with exceptional narrative. As the first hour is dedicated to introducing each of these characters and their background, with almost all of them hailing from lower middle class. Vinay and Anjali are in a relationship but he is not ready to make it public using his impending divorce followed by his jealousy towards Hari for losing the hero role in the play. This sets up the story and the subsequent drama to unfold later on.

Adding to this is the mystery of who actually did that heinous act and with the men discussing over various possibilities without firmly taking sides, start exposing their petty nature, until Anjali enters the house to join in on that discussion and I cannot stress enough how effective the scene building is, throughout the film. The dialogues aren't superficial and those lines are sync with their personalities and mindset. The way all of it culminates in that terrific climax, where real world isn't capable of meting out justice, art does. Director Anand Ekarshi on his debut has definitely shown immense promise with his craft and starting with Zarin Shihab, the dozen supporting cast, have given commendable performances.
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Showing 12 artists real faces
suthakar_429630 March 2024
I'm thrilled to write this review of this film since it has such an incredible script, and it allows us to assess our own mentalities. The character development is the central theme of this amazing movie. The tale begins slowly, but you never get bored because of the excellent writing in the conversation and cinematography. In the end, they reveal the truth about us and the environment in which we live, which makes for a really well-written screenplay.

The movie's actual plot revolves around a girl who presents to a group of men's group and something happens to her. Everyone is trying to find out what happened, but nobody is understanding how she feels at the moment or how they are seeing me beyond all of this foolishness. They ended with a well-written dialogue that I won't discuss here. Please watch the film to learn more.
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kbnitinnair18 March 2024
The Malayalam movie AATTAM is a classic which reinstates your confidence in Malayalam cinema and their capabilities. The plot is awesome and the charector portrayed by actors are each peculiar in itself.

Initially one may tend to take the movie casually since it starts off slow only to realise the beauty lies in each and every dialogue of every actor. Simple expression, minimal but well timed background score and complex human relations have been depicted superbly.

The way the story drifts amidst human emotions and greed and how one lie leads to another to ultimately breakdown the truth despite keeping some mystery at the end is simply outstanding. A brilliant work! Kudia to the team AATTAM!
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Stumbled across a gem today
ashtamiraj14 May 2024
I had not heard of this movie but had decided to watch it casually. But within few minutes into the movie I was captivated by it's naturality and the story build up. And I was happy with the way the climax was neatly and tastefully done. It makes you think ... isn't this exactly how the society responds to a woman's truth?

It's a movie created with an actual feel rather than other female issue themed movies created just to satisfy critics and activist because what the female lead did to the situation felt realistic rather than made up.

Even though I read afterwards that it's loosely based on 12 angry men, I felt that the movie have a distinct uniqueness that is true to itself.
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Perfect Drama
thannyvishnu2 April 2024
Well well well! Aattam is one of the finest drama in Mollywood. Well written and perfectly executed one. Anand Ekarshi deserves a big applause for this movie. Even with it's simple way of story telling, the movie does makes the audience engaging through out. Apart from few artists, most of them are not a regular mainstream or established actors. But kudos to them, sure that audience has never felt any drawbacks. I feel disappointed to miss this experience in theatre. In the end the director wraps the movie with few interesting questions to the audience. Personally I like those kind of endings in a drama. It is good to leave something for the audience to think of from the movie. If you love dramas go for it. Great work.
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Brilliant Screenplay, Writing and Natural Performances
rforrahul2497 April 2024
A Brilliant attempt with great attention to detail to the screenplay, laced with natural performances providing a real insight into the society and their biases which get exposed when selfish motives are in question A must watch for all movie lovers

The lead actress Zarin has portrayed the emotions of the character in a very subtle yet convincing manner All the cast did justice to their roles

Kudos to the director and writer who keeps up hooked and personally I felt the ending was real good

The name "Aattam" does justice to the whole concept of this movie and it is commendable how each and every character is well written and detailed During the first half you may feel a lack of pace however this is absolutely essential and is balanced by a gripping second half

Overall one of the best movies produced this year by yet again from the Malayalam Industry which is known for its unique, real and heart touching stories !
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