"Gen V" Guardians of Godolkin (TV Episode 2023) Poster

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Gen V - Season Finale
arwanpacridge3 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I don't usually write reviews on IMDB, but I wanted to voice my opinion since I thought this episode did a lot to further the newer Boys plotlines but didn't feel like a full culmination for the characters, and left me a bit lukewarm on the ending. The action was all good, I think the sharp turn in character that Sam and Cate do felt a bit jarring but I appreciate how it contrasts the morals between both supes and anti-supes. I'm a big fan of that contrast since we see the stance from both sides, and see the impact of extremism for a cause. The massacre was a fitting way of drawing these moral lines. The ending though, felt jarring and I wish we got more from Marie especially. It's just that the show did such a good job of making these characters engaging to watch and the actors really sell it, I wanted more clarification on Marie's sister when reaching the finale but it's saved for season 2 I guess. Still a great show though, I was surprised at how well they kept the quality from The Boys! The cameos also worked surprisingly well, I really liked Butcher in the ending stinger, clearly setting up his villainous path of mass-genocide for The Boys season 4.
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Solid end and a great set up
eoinageary3 November 2023
As S2 is confirmed I'll do a finale and 1 review now.

The finale was good, a little too short at 30 minutes but effective, after about 5 minutes it gets going and doesn't stop till the credits, some great action and some good twists I wasn't expecting at all.

Looking forward to S2 and for S4 of the boys.

The overall season is decent, starts and ends great but there is a 2-3 episode mid part that just felt meh, if you look at episode 1-8 and see where they went and what they did to get there, not 8 episodes needed.

When it's good though, it's very good, I'm glad prime lets the creators do what they want basically no hold backs. The whole woods thing is the same kind of plot as most movies but the conclusion to that part of the story is different, very effective.

Yea overall enjoyable season, 7.5/10 S1, season finale an 8.5/10.
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Disappointed but not surprised
johndavidson-13 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The problem with any offshoot seriesz I guess is that it is limited in how much it can change the stakes on the larger stage of main series The Boys and Gen V falls right into that trap It didn't need to, it could have kept its focus on the events in the school but as soon as it started to bring in wider characters it doomed itself .

The whole conspiracy of the woods comes to a conclusion when the inmates are released to wreak havoc on the humans on campus and the main characters split between those that want to save the humans and those that don't.

Sam and Cate go rogue while the rest do their best to save the day.

When homelander turns up, for reasons not yet revealed, he attacks Marie who along with Jordan and Andre have fought the bad guys to a standstill.

Meanwhile Emma shrinks without trowing up and takes no part in the battle.

Other than sheer cynicism it's hard to believe that Sam and Cate would be branded as the heroes while the other four end up in a doorless medical room.

Oh and it looks like Karl Urbans Butcher might have stumbled on the anti-supe disease lab.

The result is a messy and unsatisfactory end to the season.
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Solid finale to decent first season
markwha6 November 2023
So I have to admit that I think the best parts of this series are it's ties to the main show and the rich universe that it's happening in. On a few occasions I found that this show pandered a bit to Gen Z viewers and grout along some uninteresting teenage drama with that baggage but overall I've enjoyed the ride.

The acting isn't as good as it is in The Boys, but who could expect it to be when the main show has an absolutely star studded cast. Same goes with the writing, while it's not perfect, it certainly gets the job done and entertains with the same gory, shocking and crude style.

I am glad that season 2 is confirmed but I hope they don't intertwine the shows all that much. I like the idea of having the seasons staggered with the main show as 8 episodes never seem like enough and this will serve as something like a solid appetizer while we're waiting for the main course.
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okay I'm sold
nerrdrage3 November 2023
I'll admit, I wasn't sold on this series at first, especially not in comparison with The Boys. The young cast didn't really seem to "pop" in their roles like the characters on The Boys. There was waaaay too much teen angst romance social media navel gazing stuff for my tastes.

However this episode finally turned it around for me. Now the battle lines have been drawn and we know the good characters and the bad ones (maybe a bit unfair to call them "bad" rather than deranged by their horrific experiences), which is a great setup for S2. If you're following The Boys, this will be required viewing anyway, due to some key plot twists.

The acting standouts are the two star-crossed lovers: Sam (Asa Germann) and Emma (Lizzy Broadway). And I hope they don't kill off Ashley, the Vought CEO, anytime soon. Of all the despicable characters on both series, she is a real standout. And she strikes me as the ultimate survivor.
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SlummyT3 November 2023
Episode from start to finish had me completely engaged what an impressive finale to a series. Currently I have to say I have enjoyed this more then I expected if you haven't been watching this series this episode should be the reason why you do.

The action scenes in this episode were epic to say the least and the final act just seemed very well implemented to the story almost like a payoff for the viewers much like the last episode continuing to introduce it into the wider universe of the boys.

The wait is now on for the boys season 4 which after for a long time I have been eagerly awaiting much like most fans but after this series I'm excited to see where the characters go and what part they are going to play in the future

Thank you for taking the time to read my review see you in the boys season 4 episode 1...
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Trey_Trebuchet22 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Not sure why so many were so "disappointed" by this show or this finale. It's as bloody, explosive and twisty as a Boys-iverse finale should be if you ask me.

I'm not super familiar with every single event that transpires in the comics, but from what I've read, the ending to this series implies a potential catastrophe/downfall for certain characters in The Boys (and probably this as well) that has me pretty anxious for whatever happens next. Particular in The Boys...

I really liked this show. While Cate and Sam are obviously the antagonists by the end, you still get where they're sort of coming from, mostly Cate. She was a great character!

I also like how the tables have turned. In the Boys, we had primarily evil supes and primarily good humans. In this series, we have primarily good supes and primarily evil humans. And it just worked.

I thought the big fight was really entertaining and genuinely intense and shocking, but not to a point that was totally for shock value either. The final scenes didn't surprise me in the slightest, but I would like to see what happens next sooner rather than in two years from now.

Not gonna lie though... as much as I liked this series, I'm more pumped for The Boys after watching this.

Still, solid first season for Gen V. The show could have possibly been an episode or two shorter, Shelley was miscast and a couple of character choices didn't make total sense to me, but I liked all of the main characters, the mystery was genuinely interesting, and the acting and production was solid. It feels like it belongs in this universe. Good show.
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[7.7] Butchering red "daggers"
cjonesas5 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A superior and very entertaining episode full of crazy actions, horrificly lovely superhero and puny humans' body parts explosions, much to the pleasure of the eyes and awesomely twisted shivering in the guts.

I love Marie Moreau's powers, so red and sensational. Guess Homelander's terrific laser beams just boiled protective layers of hers and others blood combined and that's how she survived. Would have loved to see the protection process graphically boiling and "screaming".

That's a season finale with quality and "leaders". That's how most of the episodes should have been and felt; although, what is poorly suggested in that door-less room and the "crazy" end credits just thrills us with excitement and anticipation for a bloodier season 2.

May the writers' mind restraints go nuts and break all hell loose.

  • Screenplay/storyline/plots: 6.5
  • Development: 7.5
  • Realism: 8
  • Entertainment: 8.5
  • Acting: 7
  • Filming/photography/cinematography: 8.5
  • VFX: 9.5
  • Music/score/sound: 8
  • Depth: 6.5
  • Logic: 6.5
  • Flow: 8.5
  • Action/adventure/comedy: 8
  • Ending: 7.5.
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Way better than expected:
davidschlemminger17 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Way better than expected:

Loved most of the characters and the main plot. If The Boys is a 9/10 show this is a definitely a 7.5 or 8 out of 10. I genuinly don't understand the "hate" for Gen V. In my opinion it was really enjoyable, funny and most of the charackters were really likeable. Especially the last few episodes made it for me, while the first episodes were a good and solid base for the show. Especially Cate and Marie are really well written character and have an amazing character development. Ending was Alright, could've been better, but I am cool with it. I can't wait for S2 and the Boys S4 to see both of the shows connect.
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Underwhelming finale for an otherwise great show
hvanhuysse3 November 2023
I really liked this show and had hoped for an awesome finale to top it off.

Unfortunately, this did not do it for me. The action was there, as was some of the gore you'd expect from a show in this universe, but overall, it was way too predictable. The new 'bad guys' seem to go on a very radical killing spree with no good reason IMO.

Everything kind of played out as I'd expected except for the very ending. But this was not the ending I had hoped for either and it was waaaay too rushed without any explanation for the final twist.

A lot of arcs were also not fully developed in my opinion and I feel this episode was more of a setup for the Boys season 4 than a Gen V finale. They even seem to start a plot point for Andre and his powers, but a series finale is no place for such a development I think.

Anyways, it wasn't awful and maybe I expected too much, but this was the worst episode of the season for me.
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Slightly underwhelming finale to an otherwise great season...
marcus-197435 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So pretty much as per my review title, I found this episode to be a slightly underwhelming finale to an otherwise great season.

For me I felt it was a bit too much action just for the sake of it, and there was a rather rushed feel to it all.

After the events of the previous episode, we knew that the group would probably be split over the death of Shetty, and would possibly end up fighting each other over what to do with the inmates of 'The Woods'. Sure enough that's what happened, and chaos ensued as the former lab subjects ran amok outside the campus buildings.

The ending of the episode was clearly setting up for S2 of Gen V, which is fine, and looks like it's going to run straight into S5 of The Boys as well, with Billy discovering The Woods, and no doubt will get hold of the supe virus.

Overall I've enjoyed the season, and I'm looking forward to S2, but for me this episode just felt a bit too much like a 'filler' episode rather than a finale.
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eisbaer_larsi3 November 2023
The story aims to have as much butchery as possible. Very little of it makes sense, but the ending is particularly incomprehensible; it is meant to shock, but above all it disappoints.

  • Lots of loose story ends - Much of the story is left unfinished, but there are no cliffhangers as to what happens next.

  • There is a big cliffhanger, but it is completely incomprehensible
  • A school full of supposed superheroes can't defend itself against a few.

  • Where is the logic? What about all the witnesses? The promises?

All in all, a disappointing end to a season that had a lot of potential in between. It's going to be a tough start for the storytellers to make sense of this again next season.
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Season One Review
southdavid17 January 2024
With "The Boys" being Amazon Prime's biggest cultural hit, it's not surprising that they've mined the source material a few more times, first for "Diabolical" and then for this, "Gen V". Taking its inspiration from one aspect of the graphic novels, "Gen V" is set at superhero college.

Having killed her family when her powers manifested, Marie Moreau (Jaz Sinclair) has spent her young life in a Vought institute. She applies to Godolkin University with the ultimate aim of being the first black woman in The Seven. However, when she's due to be expelled for a small part in a rebellious night out, she is spared when the University's' top ranked student, Golden Boy (Patrick Schwarzenegger) kills a member of the faculty and takes his own life.

Like the main series, "Gen V" is as much an exploration of cultural and societal prejudices, as it is a story about powered individuals. Vought are looking to fill the missing gap in "The Seven" and regardless of the relative powers and attitudes of the students, the debate is about the optics of putting "The first black girl in the seven". It's never better explained than the shift in the final scenes, which I can't talk about without spoilers. The show has exactly the same level of violence, language, and sexual content that the main series has.

Performances from the young cast are good and all of them sell the shifting loyalties and ambitions across the run well. There are a few cameos from characters in the main series and whilst generally it's an independent story, it does seem like the potential to feed back into "The Boys" is possible. The music choices, particularly on the closing credits are great too, each one an absolute banger.

I'm still a little concerned about Amazon spreading this franchise to thin, with the Mexican spinoff also on the horizon, as well as continuing both of the shows - but for now, this is good stuff.
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ladyliliroche17 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Improvement from the last 2 episodes but also like, maybe they ran out of budget lol.

Guess it is bit hard to have a good fighting scene with these many powers, but lol to that "get to the helicopter scene" because inside was on fire... but the building behind them wasn't lol.

I get what they wanted to do with the story line but like, in the end, marie also murder people and didnt feel traumatic at all... the trauma got shifted to blowing cate's hand.

But damn Homelander looks good. Love you Anthony.

Well, we shall see if s2 will be good / better. Rest in peace Andre though... Ive watched you in Sabrina and really love the character Ambrose, least in s1 before the story went meh as well.
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S1.E8 - Abysmal: Lack of Direction & Boring [4/10]
panagiotis19934 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
(S1. E7) My Reaction / Review for Gen V Season 1 Episode 8 ''Guardians of Godolkin''. Episode 7 was good and I gave it a rating of 7.5/10. Let's see if this one is better or worse. The episode is only 32 minutes long? That sucks. Andre's dad has brain damage? That sucks. Why do they go around killing people? I though the point was to expose what was happening in the secret prison under the school and that's it. So the supes who were in the prisons are now free and they go around killing random people? Why? Arent they happy for being free, why all that rage? Nonsense. What the hell is Cate doing, trying to kill those people in the helicopter? These are not heroes, they are murderers, its like the writers cant decide if Cate is a hero or a villain, same goes for Sam. Homelander shows up? Finally something good about this awful episode. Wow that was chaotic and abysmal. My rating is 4/10.
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Such a disappointment
Superairman6 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The series has been great and most of the final episode followed. Getting to see the supes finally unleashing their full potential and fighting battles against other supes was what the entire series had led up to this point, and was something that The Boys had been lacking. Honestly it was a little too real watching the massacre take place on a school campus, considering the world we live in these days, but it was handled very well. I was really enjoying the episode up until the last 5 minutes or so, when they brought in Homelander. The show has stood on its own so far to this point that it didn't really need a cameo from another show, but I didn't even hate it, and it did actually make sense in the plot of the show. But what happened next was completely incomprehensible. Having Homelander attack the "good" guys and then blaming the whole attack on them didn't make sense from any point of view. And then shoehorning in a cameo by Billy at the end just seemed a little more unnecessary. Honestly the show could have ended very differently and it would have been very good, but ending and how they did just sucked the uniqueness out of it, ending the season on a flat note. Very disappointing.
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Might as well just call this show Gen Z because clearly thats their target demo
mkarnazes4 November 2023
Let me start of by saying I love the Boys. Its story telling, espionage, drama, its a fantastic show and is really funny. This show is basically trying to be that and failing. The dialouge seems like its written by highschoolers, the gore is over done, the story telling is repetitive and nonsensical, the acting is poor and the fights are boring. I think that this show is pandering to gain a younger audience and it forgets its roots of good storytelling and charcter delevolpment like homelander, butcher, starlight, and hughie. There seems to be no real growth. The motivation behind the "bad guys" is utterly confusing and everything seems rushed. If ypur a true fan of the boys, I think you will agree this show is quite lackluster.
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Bit boring
jochemunlimited3 November 2023
After a while all the exploding things and blood are getting boring. For me this epsiode was very compact, short, boring and not a satisfying end. I had the feeling they needed to rush everything, because they need to finish some stories, and make some deeper or renew them. The plot is not very original or new. I was growing into the show and now suddenly it stopped with an easy ending.

Ok it looks good and the acting is also good, but the magic from the previous episodes is gone somehow, I do not believe them anymore. And the writing and the choices are too easy for me.

It's like eating something you really want, but it is like from the microwave. Less taste, more heated snotty blob and the smell is good, but it is not special. It is easy to forget.
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What's with the uneven writing?
koohii9 November 2023
Seriously, what's with the uneven writing?

Mind Control girl gets the Dean to admit to what has been going on under the school, and the true nature of school itself, but doesn't bother to record or post it online, or anything, and then Mind Control Girl makes the Dean kill herself, so that opportunity is closed completely. Then, later, for maximum impact, she delays killing someone until his death is on life feed. What the hell?

Blood Control girl is in the middle of a battlefield full of dead bodies, and it takes her forever to realize that there's a ton of blood for her to use as a weapon, and then she only kills one person with it. Also, when she needs a way to protect someone from a touch-attack, instead of using a lasso or other restraint we've seen her do tons of times, she detonates a limb. WHY???

The Supers vs Normals seems to have just been thrown into the mix without any set-up. Yeah, this is the world with Vought Corporation in charge of Supers, and full of propaganda videos, but we've not seen this anywhere previously, until the riot breaks out.

Why are there even any "Normal" students at this college? Wouldn't it make more sense for them to be studying anywhere else? Literally anywhere else?

Honestly, almost nothing about this episode makes sense.

Personally, I think the "Superpowereds" series by Drew Hayes does a much better job of explaining and exploring the world of supers within a college environment. Not only is the story more compelling, with more interesting characters, but it is also written with better consistency of mood, tone, character integrity, and character development. I'd be much more interested in seeing that series turned into a TV show (just not one produced by the people behind this show).
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