The Grinn (2017) Poster


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Single location indie horror
Leofwine_draca8 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
THE GRINN is another one of those indie horrors set inside a single apartment. The protagonist is an amnesic guy who wakes up and must figure out why he's trapped in the building as well as his own past, which is revealed via some flashback footage. Truth be told, the cheapness of this production works against it, with much of the events shot in tight close-ups to hide the lack of money. Don't expect much incident of any kind, or indeed supernatural content.
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Soooooooo bad it hurt me
nathanmanson2 December 2018
Didn't "Grinn" once watching this awful film. It was shocking I'd genuinely rather walk a mile on Lego then watch a second of this film, do the world a favour and delete this film from ever existing and give me my 1 hour and 30 mins back please
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fallu_unu26 December 2018
First time I tried to watch it, I took it off after few minutes. Today I really want my Boxing Day's afternoon back.
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Don't waste your electricity watching this
interfacegaming29 April 2020
The concept was okay. Done with better backing it could have been great. The actor playing Vance hopefully doesn't act as a full time job and has a career to fall back on. The actress playing Vera seemed very stale and unimpressive. Diana was acted possibly the best here but that doesn't mean good. The set up for the ending just seemed to drag on and this film could have been half an hour shorter and marketed as a student indy film and would have been better. The best acting comes from the baby who had no real acting skill, so it was an even playing field.
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More like "the frown"
ttmrtghz24 February 2023
Ever wanted to watch a dude stumble around an apartment, tripping over the furniture while obstinately refusing to close his mouth? Of course you haven't. Some of the other reviewers have called this film's plot and twist "smart." I called the twist from literally the first 5 minutes. It's laughably obvious if you're even mildly familiar with horror movies and games.

If you're anything like me, you love watching "so bad it's good" movies. Sorry to disappoint, but "the Grinn" only bored me to tears. The only tension I felt was my struggle not to fall asleep, the only suspense was in regard to whether or not I'd turn off the film and have a more fulfilling evening watching some paint dry.

As a final note, the Grinn committed one of the most dire sins a low-budget film can; featuring some lame rock song that the director's college roommate wrote. Truly the benchmark that every forgettable straight-to-streaming movie aspires to.
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Surprisingly impressive
drkasparek18 October 2017
There was an intimacy and mystery as a result of the focus on a single character trying to piece together with audience how he got to this point similar to recent blockbuster like girl on a train. Of course it is another genre and misses the fancy transitions that can be found with big budget films. Still I was surprised how well it worked with what it had. The development of characters, lines and cuts were done well.

I am not normally one to watch psychological horrors or movies not previously in cinema but a friend suggested this movie. I think I may try more Indy films in future
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I can respect it. But it's all over the place
danielmanson21 April 2020
Right, my brother decided to make me watch this and I want to punch him because of it. Like I said in the title I can respect this indie film for what it is, but the story is just all over the place. I understood the twists and the ending and so on, but it was just illustrated poorly. Don't want to delve into it in huge depth, but its like the director has tried to make this overly confusing for the sake of it. It's not a spoiler, because the character had no purpose, but there was a bloke in a mask. I can only assume he is representing something, but why? There's no point.
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One of the Best Indie Movies I have seen
captainpass2 July 2019
I was really, really impressed with this title. Granted, this is most definitely a "psychological" style thriller; and if you are just looking to zone out on a good monster flick, this one is not that movie. But, quite honestly, if you enjoy piecing together cinematic clues, the script and cinematography work in such tight unison that I really can say this looks back to the master of the genre, Hitchcock. In that sense, it is old-school "modernist," even if the techniques and overall themes are more contemporary.

The basic premise is that we are introduced to a man putting back together the seemingly traumatic events of a recent past involving his (female) partner. However, rather than resort to the familiar "is it real, or is it imagined" trope that has been done to death, this movie utilizes the more "bookish" technique of the (potentially) unreliable narrator. We soon come to suspect that matters are not as our narrator would have them be, and that he is not the "man" that he represents to himself (and thus, to us).

Overall, the effect is one of confusion, mystery and (perhaps) disappointment with our narrator. The hero may be a zero, the victim an aggressor. Toward the end, there are some wonderful cinematographic vignettes that are quite impressive given the no-dollar budget with which this movie was made.

In sum, this is one of the best "single location" films I have seen since "Craters of the Moon" (2013). At least one commentator has seen a moralizing tale in this movie. I do not agree. I think it is more about the way we, often subconsciously, design and erect memories to preserve our own sense of self-worth. Anyway, bottom line: Highly recommended.
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Incredibly Smart/Good Script/Story
tdwillis-2627318 October 2017
Although this is an independent lower budget movie, and you can tell it is.....the script/story is EXCELLENT and anyone with a heart will be drawn into this characters story. It is a smartly written and thoroughly engaging story full of realism, intense emotions, relationship and mental issues of young adults.

The main character, Vance, starts out to be seemingly a "good guy" who is in love but hurt,overwhelmed and frustrated with his free spirited girlfriend. The character devolves from there, until he is forced to confront the truth of his own memories.

If you enjoy thrillers,and/or smart character studies and/self exploration stories, you will be able to EASILY disregard the small things (yet I did see flashes of real acting ability with the main actor) that won't hinder your ability to see the diamond under the coal in this wonderful yet sad and intense story.
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The Budget Went On The Strobe Machine.
icocleric30 May 2024
I think they must of spent all their budget on a strobe machine, because it was used a lot. In places it made no sense, to the point it was unwatchable. Even from the start they are pointlessly there. Which over use ruins the effectiveness of any effect.

Like if he gets part of a memory back, it's just filled with strobes for some reason.

But, also the budget didn't seem to be used any where else. Like some of the actors were kind of okay, but overall they were all forgetable. Most of film that I did watch was also boring, and very forgetable. Super natural stuff, where???

I wish I got back the time I spent giving this a chance.
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Surprisingly good and interesting
ghaalakailinaa18 November 2017
When I started watching The Grinn I wasn't entirely sure what to expect, I admit. We are flooded nowadays by expensive but poorly executed, badly written movies of all genres, so sometimes finding a good movie with an interesting story might seem like a challenge. Luckily The Grinn did not disappoint me. Though low budget it focuses strongly on the story and its character, and through that it delivers an experience that a combination of well written script,an interesting story and good film directing should give. Would recommend it to those who expect more from a good movie than just high tech special effects with boring story behind it.
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Grin of death
TheLittleSongbird13 August 2018
2017's 'The Grinn' did intrigue me first hearing of it, when it appeared in my recommended for you section. This was when reviewing another low-budget horror recently as part of one of my many completest quests. The concept was pretty great and could have been quite creative and the cover looked very creepy.

'The Grinn' didn't fully live up to its potential, but it doesn't in any way squander it. To me, and everybody else here, 'The Grinn' does quite well with it, and of my recent low budget viewings it is definitely one of the best of them. Not mind-blowingly great, but there are definitely far worse films, at least 'The Grinn' didn't insult my intelligence or make me regret even watching it. It is uneven perhaps and the low budget does show, but it is creepy, entertaining and engaging and tries to put its own twist on something that sounds very familiar.

Found the villain in personality and how he looked to be unnerving, and the male cast fare quite reasonably. The titular character being especially note-worthy, no over-compensating or lumbering along. The setting and lighting evoke some eeriness and the early parts sees a protagonist that is worth investing in, there have been far worse cases of bland or annoying characters behaving illogically.

Found 'The Grinn' to have some tension and suspense, a few surprising moments and enough moments of creepiness and unsettlement. It does maintain a lot of interest, with some decent pacing and with a sense of what it was trying to be and who to aim the film at.

Not that 'The Grinn' is perfect. It isn't. It does get off to a slightly slow and ordinary start and the tension, suspense and creepiness actually could have been more.

A lot of the dialogue is rather cheesy, if not without its smart moments, and saying that the female leads are subpar is putting it politely, their worst moments painful. Don't expect much depth of characterisation, there is not enough of that with the titular character by far being the most interesting.

Overall, better than expected. 6/10 Bethany Cox
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Good Indie Movie with a fresh perspective and great twist
jessb4197529 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I was pleasantly surprised by this film. I watched it based on the 5.2 IMDb rating, which is decent for the horror genre. The acting, particularly by the female leads, is rather lousy, though it's not so bad that it makes it unbearable.

Here's the spoiler: I did NOT suspect him of being a ghost haunting that house at all. I thought he was being tormented by spirits, which were pushing him to insanity. So great twist there!

I didn't see the need for or even understand how the grinning being fit into the movie at ALL. Its almost like the writer added him just for trailer scares. He served no purpose, unless it was a metaphorical manifestation of Vance's guilt. Idk...they lost me with him. I think the film would've been better off without the grinning being.

Overall, this was a good twist on an expelling a spirit from a haunted house movie. I enjoy those movies, but they are a dime a dozen and very predictable. I also enjoyed the sort of backwards moving story, a la "Memento..

In general, good Indie thriller. I'm not scared by horror/thriller movies at all, so an original, fresh idea is what makes a horror film enjoyable to me. This had that fresh twist on a widely covered subject.

I give it a solid 6/10

Contains strong foul language and thinly veiled sexual situations...not for the kiddies.
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