A Field Full of Secrets (2014) Poster

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Certainly NOT a Documentary, but funny Syfy
The_Boxing_Cat28 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
First off several times the background music was so distracting ( like nails on a chalkboard). I ended up muting it then put the closed captions on - it was difficult to hear any dialogue.

Why wasn't there an aerial view of the crop circle created by the Nat Geo people?

Also, after the guy had a dream about a crop circle appearing in a specific area-they CLAIM that one appears in the exact location in his dream, really?!? Also, all the stuff about the nodes could have been staged.

Seems like their need is so great to see a crop circle that they will just make it happen. And perhaps the circle took more than one night to appear?

If nothing else was accomplished by this film at least Charlie came out of the closet to his folks. Ha ha
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what if we .....
ksf-213 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
SPOILERS -- Some beautiful scenes of England at the opening credits... sunrises, countryside, and Stonehenge. Ostensibly the story begins by talking about those durn crop circles, which have dubious origins and explanations, but a title card says "This story is about what happened next." Director Charles Maxwell narrates and talks about researching the early occurrences. They also spend a couple minutes talking about the connection to the circular earth pyramid at Silbury Hill. Apparently, www.English-heritage.org.UK/visit/places/silbury-hill/ was an ancient chalk formation, perhaps a religious symbol or energy source, way back in England's history, similar to Stonehenge. About an hour in, the path switches to building an actual 3D object from the one dimensional lines in the farm field, which looks like a space craft, or UFO, which they call sweet potato. Nikola Romanski used CAD software to draw it out, and then machinery to build parts for the "object". This is where it gets interesting. The film was on a very low simmer until this point. Assembly, curing, and much discussion of deadlines. There is good news, and bad news at the conclusion, sort of a mixed result. Running out of time and money, the last stop is in Hawaii, where another guy has been inspired to try to create objects from the crop circles, if he can raise the funds. I'm guessing that when he does raise the money, Maxwell will be there to film it. The first hour could have been edited to a more interesting 30 minutes, but it kind of gets going for the second hour.
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Biased Rubbish
LouisSyphon13 June 2020
I settled in expecting this to be rubbish and was not disappointed.. Wheeling out Peter Sorensen - who was always at best a stomper rather than a designer - with zany music and still shots was a low blow, especially as the man at least had the courage to admit that he knew the geometrical cc's were all man-made after first thinking it was ET.. Then focusing on Blake and others who run businesses based upon perpetuating the myth of non-human involvement.. The ''looking for hoaxers'' but was a total crock of baloney.. Of all the thousands of fields in Hants and Wilts, why go to that one?? Yawn-inducing bilge
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Going Round In Circles.
laedawson13 June 2020
I stand on a very neutral platform on the subject of crop circles, I've no spiritual feelings about them but think that they are both spectacular and very special things. I also know people who have a completely opposite opinion to my own and I also know of people that this documentary names as 'hoaxers'. So I watched this from the stand point that these circles are art and that the humans (yes, humans) that make them are talented and capable people who never claim ownership. This is not just because what they do can be classed as criminal damage but because the joy they get from watching people's reactions to the masterpieces they have created and that is enough for them.

Sadly the 'secrets' promised in the title of this documentary never materialise. They treat Peter Sorensen (the only maker they could get to actually talk to because no one else involved would even want to broach the subject on camera) as a silly, sad old man. Stick on some comedy music and show footage of him pulling faces all you like, the truth is that he came to Wiltshire to research the subject as a 'believer' but actually found out on his own terms that the patterns are made by people, deciding not to take the road of discarding evidence and blocking out anything that he didn't want to hear.

The resultant film never comes to any any conclusions, spends endless tracts of time padding out their footage with night watches in random fields, uses the phrase '... which was a decision we would later regret' way too much for no good reason and ends with the film makers basically saying 'we've wrung all we could out of it and have come to absolutely no conclusion whatsoever'.

A vanity project that didn't have enough material to fill it's 1hr 22 min runtime.

Don't bother watching it. You'll learn nothing.
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Yes its a waste of time.
torrascotia4 June 2020
We are at a strange time in entertainment. We know have nonsense TV shows which make up facts and stories but are being presented as the truth. Unfortunately some people don't have the education or reasoning skills to identify whats simply garbage opinions and what is real scientific evidence. These people talk about science yet do not understand what it actually is or how it works and in the same breath talk about their rights to believe what they want. This sums up what A Field Full of Secrets is all about. It follows two men who have a belief that crop circles are made by aliens. There is zero evidence they are and lots of evidence they are made by people. In fact the people who make them are quite open about this. This illustrates how wrongheaded these people are. They ignore actual evidence in favour of their fantasies simply because they prefer them. That one is openly smoking cannabis should tell you something. Also the false belief issues leak into other areas of their lives, one is a biological male who says he is a female. Do you see the pattern? Based on these false beliefs the guys in the show decide to make a model of a UFO based on their dreams about crop circles. This is a process which will cost thousands of dollars and take up many years and guess what, it didn't work. The reason this is not a spoiler is that in order for a dreamed up flying machine to actually fly, using technology which doesn't exist, which defies the laws of physics and to be built by people who aren't specialised engineers takes would take a miracle. So the moral is that you can decide to believe what you want however reality doesn't care about your beliefs when they fly in the face of common sense. What is laughable however is that it ends with the incorrect conclusion that "science" isn't a waste of time, which is basically the guys in the movie using their mental gymnastics to protect their egos from the reality they wasted so much time and money on nothing. Its a great example of what drives this kind of thinking. Its done to self soothe. They actually compare themselves to Edison and The Wright Brothers in terms of being scientists which just proves how ignorant they are. Edison and The Wright Brothers were actual scientists who tested hypothesis within their chosen discipline which had a body of evidence to support their work. The guys in this have done the opposite. They based their work on their own beliefs which run counter to all thats known about physics and flight. In short they are science deniers and ended up wasting huge amounts of time and money which could have been spent on real science which could have improved the lives of others. This documentary is a waste of time and pushes an anti science selfish agenda which is believe what you want and call it what you want and out anti science beliefs are just as important as real science. Oh and give us money so we can waste it on our vanity projects because we think the worlds wrong but we are right. The only people who believe this sort of nonsense are conspiracy theorists and we all know how out of touch they are... Two stars if simply for the production value which was adequate.
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A film full of theories
minch0074 May 2015
I like a film that makes you think... though its hard to know just what to think of this film and its subject matter, its power is in not letting you make up your mind too easily. Before I say what I think of its subject, I'll say its an entertaining film that most people would enjoy, even if they decide that the protagonists are simply nutters (as one of Charles' friends suggests). No doubt they put genuine and considerable effort in trying to turn a theory into a reality, and its inspiring to watch this. Their efforts are compared with those of the Wright brothers and with Edison in taking a leap of faith to venture into new fields of science and technology, despite the high risk of failure and the scepticism of others. They are inspired by the designs that appear in crop fields, so the title alludes both to these mysterious phenomena, and the attempt to open up new fields in science. All inventions are inspired by thinking outside the box, they require leaps of faith, and their success is often due to a mixture of persistence and fortuitous accident. The potential of many discoveries and inventions is not realised until much later. Charles and Nikola attempt something so inspired, daring and original, so far beyond our existing technology, that their results should be interpreted in that light. If you gave the ancient Romans a blueprint for creating a helicopter, do you think they could build a working model? I hope this review inspires you to watch this film, its the best I've seen for a while, and it may just make you wonder as well...
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A surprising delight
arcticmelissa12 April 2015
I saw this on Netflix and was curious, as it gives the same blurb it does here. I'm not an avid crop circle researcher, so you're if you're looking for an expose on crop circles, aliens and everything in between, this isn't for you. The film begins with some interesting facts on the crop circle phenomena, especially in regards to hoaxers. There are definite hoaxers, but there are also things they showed that cannot be hoaxed nor explained.

As the story went on what really drew me in was the human interest part of it. The director, Charles Maxwell, was as much a part of this story as he was the one creating it. I really admired his courage to go all in and see just where this was all leading. He became friends with a transsexual, and despite judgment and criticism from his friends, began to build with this woman what might be the secret the crop circles were trying to share. I was really rooting for Charles and Nikola and extremely curious what would happen when their invention was built. Mixed in with this are stories on Nikola and how those closest to her feel about her transition.

I won't tell you what happens in the end. I will only say that Charles is what I would call a dreamer, and it's the dreamers who bring about the most important and revolutionary changes in this world. They also tend to face the roughest path as those who don't believe in their vision want to hold them back. What if what Charles and Nikola built really is a glimpse of future technology? What if it really is something that historians will look back on and say, "Thank God they tried that." We'll never know. All I do know is, the world needs more people like Charles and Nikola. People who will put what society says is rationale aside, knowing full well they could fail, to take a chance on something that expands all of our minds. Charles and Nicola, I salute you. You're two people who won't have to die with regret and the wonder, "What if I'd not cared what people would say and just went for it? What if I'd tried? What if...."

All in all, a movie I would recommend to anyone. Some will like the crop circle stuff, others will like the personal aspects. And some might even get inspired like me.
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So much better than it may first appear
chicallure26 April 2015
Here on IMDb this movie has a 6.1 rating out of 44 users. On Netflix, it has less than 3 stars. This film deserves much more, and you must know that going into it, because crop circles have never held particular fascination to me, but the subject matter is the foundation for a movie that shifts and grows throughout into so much more. It is multi- dimensional, and the people appearing in it are treated with a positive and light-hearted touch that goes beyond your personal beliefs about aliens and crop circles. It's funny at times, and while they do poke fun at some of the people in the film, they do it to themselves as well. It's not meant to change your specific views regarding the extraterrestrial, but to encourage you to see what great potential can come from the work and care you put into whatever drives you, regardless of what others believe is possible.
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Nothing you do is in vain.
astonishing-4146131 January 2016
Great effort trying to show what might be behind the circles that appear on the fields near a small pyramid at the south of England. Thanks to this documentary I could come up with the answer. It's my perception. The circles are done by the planet itself, by mother earth herself and she is showing that the gadget we have to create, cultivate and take care of is ourselves. You can see the figure of a human being in the figures appearing on the fields. The energy they are talking about is in this precious machine already built called human being. The answer is in ourselves not outside. A human being is rounded, when sitting down in meditation position, he becomes a pyramid with six circles showing eternity, no limitations, no laws. Thank you for this documentary and for showing that the most important was the people involved in it and the transformation Nikola had is important to the extent the others respected and accepted that transformation. It is time to cultivate ourselves to get to extend ourselves to maturity.
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Spoiler Alert
mainercawker20 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Yes what they were building is an attractor/repulser engine! That is how saucers move, by attracting or repelling gravity. Thats why the opposite rotating core plates with the magnets to create a magnetic attraction or repulsion! Just like when you put the north and north pole of the second magnet together they repel or the north and south pole of a secondary magnet together they attract. Gravity fields work in the same manner; they are magnetic and found throughout the entire universe . That's why a black hole sucks everything in and can be used to transport in milliseconds to any part of the galaxy!

Simple mathematics and physics. The government has known about this for years. That's why they're funding suddenly stopped.

Because of the information in this review; the government may stop it from being posted!
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enginburnas8 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of the greatest mockumentaries I've ever watched. When you watch the film, you can easily understand that Charles Maxwell built a story on people's most extreme beliefs. It's enough just to look deeply in the dialogues and characters to see this movie is a mock.

The inventor, the hoaxer, the producer... They all make fun of people who see this movie as a real documentary.

Let me give you an example. The inventor of the machine is a real freak (by "freak" I mean it is a fictional fun character) and he just invents a device from the crop circles. There is no scientific source for the device they are talking about. It's just a simple mock. This is a speech from the producer of the film: "I mean, it was a matter of life and death. They were convinced, you know, that they could be killed for trying to create this free- energy device, right? That big oil was somehow gonna send commandoes, you know, um, through the windows with machine guns and..."

I guess they all tell us the story about this movie.

Great mockumentary!
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Genius is tapped then America shows true colors pulls the plug
funeralfortheliving4 February 2018
I don't know why I watched this because I hate documentaries, especially from paranormal (try to find a way to put what they are...) basically paranormal researchers seem to like to make money off other peoples trauma/ experiences, and give little back to the community they take from, but fanaticism, conspiracy theories far far away, and the death cull of self made white coat pig disinformation agents without pay...like Psychiatrists.

This movie says so much about the world we live in and the state of education, when genius comes off as insanity. Basically being yourself, being an individual not caring what people think, true punk rock anarchist"AMERICAT"values, are seen as queer, the original meaning, meaning strange, having unjustly connotation of not being right. There was probably one lone Nicola in Nazi Germany looking at all the German's just doing it to the end of their world, popping till they can't stop into seizers with lust for ADEL, buying all his albums, trying all his words on for size singing them to themselves in the shower, I'm a Nazi, I'm a Nazi, hallalulaaahhhhh.

Then the Nazi gets out of the shower and wipes the scum covered mirror across, and he screams, because he's not a Nazi he's an American? Which is the worst kind of Nazi cause there the religious type. Sitting at the bottom feeding off the glower of a culture machined Apis, knee out with nothing, but ready to come to the aid of ADEL. "How could you say that about ADEL, Adelpho is more beautiful and talented then you'll ever be and he does so much up on that stage for humanity with his beautiful voice....mamamammmmm

DUH....DUH...DUHHHHhhhh eerrrrrrrrrrrrrr....(REAL AMERICATS SWARM IN ON PLANES) Bombs explode, One lone man spots a weeping beautiful soul in the street who doesn't blend in with the rest of the human bland wall paper strewn of dead souls. A glow, a luster, saving her is the most important thing, for saving her we preserve what she has...

"Nicola" I'm on my way to save yo....." (boom) a grenade goes off and the hero is thrown to the floor among incoming enemy fire. He closes his eyes hoping for a quick shot to end him. Then he feels the arms of an angel around him. "What is happening am I in..." "Are you ok?", Nicola asks, "You know why I was sitting there...I had a dream that you were dying, that a good person was...and I came here to save you...I thought I wouldn't find you and I started to weep and their you were like an explosion going off in front of me."

You will find down every avenue, a lull, a congregation eventual leading to one place...It says a lot about our country that the message is loud and clear and nobody wants to hear it, they want to fight, fight against the people who have come to set them free from the identity programming brain damage done by religious Nazi sobs...
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