"Arrow" Eleven-Fifty-Nine (TV Episode 2016) Poster

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danb198215 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Looking through the reviews after this episode I can see it's getting trashed. Personally I actually thought the episode was one of the better ones of this season. It was always going to be hard to top episodes from seasons two and three as they were so good.

Also I see the Olicity relationship isn't popular with a lot of reviewers, many saying it isn't what Arrow is about. Maybe it's because I haven't read the comics myself, but I don't think the Oliver/Felicity relationship ruins the series.

Feel free to call me a olicity fanboy if you want to, but I actually love the interaction between them, and hope they eventually get back together!!

(I'm currently watching the series on Amazon Prime, so have no idea if they do get back together)

On to Laurel/Black Canary. I'm as pissed off as anyone that she's been killed, but I have to hope that somehow she'll be back.
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I find it hard to believe that ''she'' is dead...
sandroj7 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
To all of you who think that Laurel is dead i need you to go on the first page of Arrow on IMDb and look for the cast you'll see that Katie Cassidy has 92 episodes shot so far and that means we'll be seeing her on the rest of the episodes in season 4. They can't just kill off a major character like Black Canary and get away with it.

Just remember we lost Sara twice, I am sure we'll be seeing a lot more of Laurel on this show...

One more thing, I think there is a bigger issue that is about to happen and that is John's and Det. Lance's breakdown, I am sure it's about to go down soon. Thank you all for your time
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Arrow - S04E18 Eleven-Fifty-Nine
j_forbesy7 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Finally, a step up for Arrow. For me this season had been completely fantastic up until the the break, where from there, I thought it's been really flat, especially last weeks episode. There was early rumours that we would see the death for the grave so I was really looking forward to this episode.

The episode did start really flat for me. I thought the acting by Andy Diggel wasn't at all the best. It seemed very forces and there was no really emotion in it, which there should have been. I thought from the start, Andy was always with Darhk. I'm not completely sure if they plotted it this way, but they really wrote it so that we all knew which way Andy was going to go and have a lot of the drama to revolve around Oliver and Diggel and their difference of opinion. I thought that drama was fantastic. It was a bit ironic how usually Diggel is very much the voice of reason for Oliver but in this situation it is the other way around. I thought that was really cool how they flipped that.

I think everything in the prison was really well done. Darhk was back to his evil best after a few weeks down. I really liked how they went with that sort of henchmen route with Darhk having complete control over them. It was like a mini HIVE and I thought it was done really well.

Now to Laurel. This is that moment where I sigh. First of all, the thing that really discredits her death is the mystery around it. To me I think she's dead, but there is always that unsureness. So many times have we seen someone die and then they are alive again. If there is a twist and she indeed is not dead, then it's going to take away so much from what was a really emotional moment. Away from that though, I think something the episode didn't do that well is the set up for the death. Looking back at it, it was spelled out to us. She was going to give up being the Black Canary to be a DA, a position which I think she would of been much suited. Only the other week did we see her be a lawyer again and lawyer Laurel is by far the best Laurel there is. Which leads me to a problem I've always had with Laurel but this week it really worried me. How can she fight so good? I always thought it was unrealistic that she could in the space of a few months and some gym lessons be able to fight as well as she does. For the most part of the series, it only bothered me a little but this episode really blew it out of the water. She fought the League of Assassins. If the early seasons taught us anything, it's that just not anyone fight the League of Assassins. To say she could fight them is to say she could fight and beat Sara. While Sara was the absolute top of the League and there is no way Laurel could actually beat her, this episode managed to either demote the deadliness of the League or pay credited to the gym instructor Laurel had. On the death itself, I really loved the hospital scenes. I really never liked the character of Laurel, ever since day one, she was never the top of my list, but what they did during the hospital scenes brought emotion and a connection to Laurel I thought I wouldn't have. They actually made me care about the character and I think the main reason I did was because of the reactions by the other characters. These scenes, although a bit of a drama soap opera like, were excellently written and acted even better. I must say however, if she does end up being alive, it simple undoes the ending that we just had.

On a side note, credit when credit is due. Every week David Ramsey pulls a performance that for me I often say are those 'Diggel Moments'. But in this episode, he had more than a good pep talk or the voice of reason. Ramsey was by far my favourite part of this episode. I thought he took it to another level this week and he really got to show off his drama acting chops.

Overall this was a pretty solid episode. It started a bit flat and had to work its way back and I thought it had a decent recovery. For me if this episode had been placed after a few other solid episodes that had built up to it, it would of been much better. But that's on this season. If this had been a stand out season, this would of been a stand out episode.

7/10 - See more reviews at thenotsonerdynerd.wordpress.com/
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One of the best episode of the season
fennec-3919222 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The episode is amazing,our buddy Darkh finally exploits his potential at the saddistic level. He pressures Amar,one of arrow's old enemies with his mouth shut. The fact that Andy was leading us on from the beginning was an unexpected twist,just why. Darkh allies himself with the prisoners to escape. This work around Diggle's character and his relationship with Arrow is remarkable. Very good work on Laurel's character. The final battle with the prisoners, Amar, Merlyn and Darkh vs. Team Arrow is great, especially Thea vs. Merlyn, and then Darkh in that famous scene that kills Laurel. This scene in the hospital between Laurel and Oliver is amazing and proves that they were meant to be together but their paths were not the same. Then the reaction of everyone when she dies is touching, especially Diggle who blames himself for her death. In the flashback, Taianna and Oliver rescue the prisoners and bury Reiter under the rubble.
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End of an Era
ThomasDrufke6 April 2016
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Well, I think after the events of this episode we can all agree that the writers like to torture the Lance family with as much pain as possible. But all kidding aside, this was a really good episode. And as much as I have ripped on the producers/writers decisions to kill/not kill/resurrect/fake death almost all of the characters, I have to give them credit for handling Laurel's death properly. I honestly would have never guessed her death at any point in the show if it weren't for the leaked pictures last week, but that didn't really temper the quality of the last few scenes tonight. Plus, I'm glad one of my favorite shows this week had the guts to actually show a main character dying (ahem….The Walking Dead).

Tonight had a few things going for it and a few things going against it. I've never been a fan of the Andy Diggle storyline but things went better than I expected. We all knew there was going to be some serious conflict between John Diggle and Oliver tonight as shown in the preview, but I think it was all warranted. Not only are there probably still some emotions left untapped from there fights last year, but the whole Andy side arc has brought a new dynamic within Diggle's psyche. Now knowing that Diggle trusting his brother to come along to the prison played a part in Laurel's death? I don't think that will ever leave Dig.

As a whole though, both sides to the Diggle-Oliver fight had good reason to say what they were saying. Diggle is right in that Oliver also had a blind spot for family for so many episodes with Moira but Oliver also makes a good point about Andy's involvement in the team's adventures tonight felt very convenient. I can't help but think that Dig will be taking a break from the team after the events of tonight. Everyone will likely help Oliver for the remaining 5 episodes or so but season 5 seems to be shaping up to be a lonely one for Ollie. And If any of this episodes material is to be any indication as to the Oliver we will soon see, I think we are in for Oliver to go back to his killing ways next season. The team is literally falling apart left and right. It only seems fitting with Oliver eventually being alone on the island as well.

Even if you didn't see the leaked set photos showing Laurel's name on the grave, you may have seen her death coming with the way her arc was shaping out. She got an unusual offer from Ruve Adams to be the new District Attorney, debated giving up being Black Canary, and she even factored into the flashbacks with Oliver. It was very much a send- off for Katie Cassidy, and it was well deserved. For as many bad episodes her character had in season 2, she had good episodes in the latter half of season 3 and then season 4 as well. If they were looking for a death that would change the dynamic of the show completely, it's definitely Laurel's. My god I can't even fathom how Quentin will go forward.

Malcom was up to no good as per usual. When he wasn't uninviting-ly showing up in the Arrow cave to fight Laurel and Thea, he was giving Darhk the supplies he needed to continue Genesis. Of course he had to have some motivation to help Darhk, and I guess having him and Thea spared when Genesis goes down, was enough. The fight scenes between the two were great, and actually overall the action was quite good. It was supplemented well with some deeply emotional moments towards the end. A well-directed episode overall.

As much as people may hate the death of Laurel, I think we can all agree that it felt like the right time thematically to do it. Darhk made Quentin a promise at the beginning of the season and sadly it was fulfilled. The acting of the entire cast should be noted tonight and specifically Amell and Cassidy. Some people may take issue with Laurel holding onto the picture and it being cheesy, but I thought it was a satisfying way of wrapping up their story together. They have gone through so much together. So overall, it was an emotional last fight for Black Canary, and a good send off for Katie Cassidy. Man, what was it that Laurel made Oliver promise?

+Action ramped up

+Dig/Ollie material

+Malcom showing up causing havoc

+Good send off for Cassidy

+Acting all around

+Ramifications for season 5

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OMG - one of the best episodes ever
fannydietschi8 April 2016
Clearly this episode has been one of my favorite so far. The fight scenes were great and longer than usually. Even though the beginning of this episode was slightly less than what one expects from Arrow, the turning point came at the exact right moment. Since this season isn't the best of these four, I have to say, that today's episode proved wrong.The fans of the show have long speculated who may die and it was clear that it had to be someone of Oliver's inner circle. But still, the death came quite unexpected and was very moving. I am looking forward to the next episodes and I hope that the show can keep up its quality now that one of the main characters is missing.
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Really intense episode
jackharry-576677 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers

To start of, this was one of the BEST EPISODES of the season so far and I cannot believe how low the episode is currently rated (7.1 / 10).

The episode should be more like an. 8.9 - 9.5!

Let's now get into the review.

After a nearly season long mystery Arrow sent one of its heroes to the grave in a tragic turn of events for the series.

In the latest episode Laurel Lance (Black Canary) was tragically stabbed by the seasons' main villain, Damien Darhk.

Personally, I was shocked that it was Laurel who wound up in the grave as I was willing to bet Thea or Diggle to take her place.
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Horrific, an insult to fans who have stuck with the show for years
lim_hengyu956 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This show has gone so far downhill from Season 2 it is amazing that Marc Guggenheim is still employed. It is also indicative that no one in the DC hierarchy monitors the progress of its adaptations. It is the single worst case of a TV show failing because of a vocal minority's love for a minor supporting character.

The Olicity ship has ruined the second half of Season 3 and the entirety of Season 4. Not that there's anything inherently bad about Felicity, but her character is so poorly written, all the character drama she created was unbearable to watch.

Tonight, as a final nail in the coffin, the showrunners decided to take a dump on the DC mythos and kill off THE Black Canary. It wasn't even a well written death. She simply got killed because of the actions of her father. She had no character development this season and was put on the sidelines to accommodate Olicity moments, and up till her dying breath she urges Oliver to go for Felicity.

An absolute insult, I am livid. I really hope this comes to the attention of Geoff Johns or someone who knows his stuff
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finally something of concesquence
trichilo7 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
look, if you want to be a critic, yes there's issues. but as a casual follower of this series... what an episode and ending. i didn't see the spoilers online, so i had no idea what to expect, and i must say, after the ending of this episode.. i cannot wait for next weeks episode, which is a great thing. that should be the goal every episode. and this one hit its goal.

look, with all the crime fighting they do, its hard to take in that none of them every get really hurt or die... they always escape or live somehow. the ending of this episode seems genuine, and laurel is dead. i liked her character and the story lines with her and her support of oliver with felicty, but it makes sense for her to die to me.

i just hope they don't try some crap with sarah finding out during legends of tomorrow, and somehow altering what happens to laurel.. or preventing the lazerus pit from being destroyed and bringing her back, that would be super lame and spineless. although at the same time, it could make for a pretty cool final few episodes.

if they leave you wanting more, they have done their jobs. so ignore the super critics in their reviews, i saw some 1s and even negative 2 reviews. like give your head a shake.

solid episode 10 out of 10.
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What an insult!
coolica6 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not even a comic reader but I can smell how bullshit this is. In Laurel's last moments alive, she shipped olicity. Words can't do justice to how much of a soap opera this show has become. s this what you call organic show producers? Sure didn't seem like it to me.

The reason the episode didn't get a 1 from me is because of the lack of felicity and because Thea was pretty awesome. The 1st half of the episode would have gotten probably an 8 rating from me, just a shame that the rest of the episode (well the last 10 minutes at least) deserves a -2.

18 episodes in and we still have no idea what genesis is, shows how much thought the writers have put into the non-shipping parts of the season.
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How do you guys not like this ?
davidfink-080659 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I'm usually the type of person to get mad when something doesn't directly follow the source material from books/comics, but I had absolutely no problem with this episode. Killing off the Canary shouldn't get in the way of this episode being great, as it was. Killing her off will probably just make the show better. Easily the best episode of the season: got rid of BY FAR the least likable character on the show,further showing how dark Merlyn still is, Damien Darhk was a badass for the first time since the first episode of the season, and the death scene was well done and acted by the cast. Course it barely makes this disaster of a season any better, and knowing this show Laurel will be back, but let's all just enjoy it while she's gone.
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Great acting and phenomenal episode full of emotions, but still can't believe that they killed ...
Katchem7 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This is my first review. I felt like I had to write this because of people's misjudgment of this episode and the low IMDb rating (7.0/10).

In my opinion this episode was rock solid. I like how they made Andy Damien Darhk's ACE in the hole, and how Oliver sense it out but Diggle was blindfolded by his emotions and by his hope for him to repent. Laurel for obvious reason gets one of the best fight scenes, I really liked the coordinate with present scenes and flashbacks, I loved how Laurel reveals to Oliver that he was always the love of her life and how she made him promise her in her last moments.

This is a time where many fans are ready to tear Arrow apart because of the death of this great character ❤︎ Now there are three weeks off to fully mourn before the show gives Laurel a truly final farewell on April 27, complete with flashbacks and vengeance that threatens to go too far, but apparently not her last words and mission for Oliver. Yet her death is eventually meant to be the healing balm for Oliver, Felicity, Olicity and Team Arrow once they get back to fighting Darhk's team correctly, whether or not it comes too late to stop whatever Project Genesis is.

In conclusion this episode was one of my favorites regardless of my feelings and emotions and it deserve 10 out of 10.
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Really Strong Episode - 9.3 / 10
charliebrown-077897 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
To start of, this was one of the BEST EPISODES of the season so far and I cannot believe how low the episode is currently rated (7.0 / 10). The episode should be rated between an 8.9 - 9.6!


Instead of myself writing a review for this title, I'm going to list below the rating for this episode from other websites/ critics to show just how good this episode is and that people do not know what they are talking about.


4.0/ 5.0 - TVovermind.com

5/5 - Vulture

4.0/ 5.0 (User Rating) - TVfanatic.com

B+ (Equivalent to roughly an 8.7 - 8.9) - avclub.com

8/10 - Joblo.com

9.3 / 10 - My Personal Rating
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May anger some, but really gets the ball rolling Warning: Spoilers
This was one of the most anticipated episodes for me. I actually had a dream about this episode and who was going to be in the grave (luckily my choice wasn't it). But the show finally gets back on track in this episode. They don't shine the light on the "Olicity" drama, and instead focus on what they're supposed to be doing. Dealing with Darhk.

There was some Oliver and Diggle drama that I think was really needed. My only issue was how they played out Laurels death. Though I was spoiled by the internet who was dying, I still saw the the clear hint of her dying. Trying to be the hero in the light, being in almost every scene with a line included, and her literally saying "One last time". Though I was able to look passed that, she really did unify the team. Alive and now in death. This is the most important episode of the series in my opinion because of this.

Everyone on Arrow, The Flash, and Legends have had this bond with Laurel. She was very close to someone on each show. Cisco will most likely hold that picture of himself with her, and Sara will definitely feel the pain. This will resonate hard with everyone and finally give the teams this fighting edge. To not be these vigilantes or legends, but heroes.

In conclusion, there may be some hate for this decision, but at least it's not another Broken Hearts.
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Great start, lazy finish
frostpvnda6 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Incredible first half, Arrow looked back to normal.

Then all the build up to the death this season went to waste when the two most obvious candidates all season (Quentin Lance, John Diggle) lived.

and the least likely (unless you look at behind the scenes leaked photos), Laurel Lance dies.

Insult to the Black Canary fans, Birds of Prey fans, Green Arrow fans, DC fans even.

The show has become something else (no pun intended) with the writing staff and production team pandering to the Olicity fan-base.
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Probably the best episode of Season Four
jasonsumner-5591319 April 2023
Season Four is definitely the worst season of Arrow I have yet seen but this episode is excellent.

I get why fans of the show rate it so low but this is truly great stuff.

The 1 star reviews are just wrong.

This episode shocked me just how well it was done, the acting, directing and the fight scenes are like they are from a completely different season.

I have never got the whole "Olicity" thing and I don't buy it and probably never will but that is beside the point and really shouldn't have anything to do with the review scores of this episode but I think that is why many fans of the show have rated this episode so low.

Coming into Season 4 I knew that it was rated really bad however I am surprised at the quality and intensity of this episode.
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done with the show
mra77 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Arrow was one of my favorite TV shows, and now its not.. everything started great without the Olicity crap, most of the episode was awesome simply because Felicity wasn't in it.

then everything went bad, seriously did they just kill Laurel- THE BLACK CANARY - ?

Just when we finally see her in action, they simply kill her, and why ? just to please the Olicity fan-girls.

this IS NOT a Romantic BS show. this is a show about the Green Arrow

it's pathetic that Laurel's last words were " Olicity is the love of your life " at that moment i knew that the show is not worth watching anymore.

also i wonder what's the" FAVOR " that Laurel asked Oliver to do?

my bet that its something like that " get back with Felicity please " . honestly i wont be surprised if that's the case...

CW is known for their cheesy TV Shows, most of their shows make you feel that they are for teenagers and kids , you would expect that this would be any different but NOPE.

I guess the only show that is worth watching on their network right now is The Flash, everything else is crap.

season 5 will be probably the last season of Arrow, i would be pretty surprised if it gets renewed for 6th season.

I can't believe I'm gonna say this, but I'm DONE with the show for good now.
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Why is she dead?
jojessy30 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The death in this episode hit me hard. I was not expecting the outcome for this character. Laural Lance, AKA Black Canary decides to take the DA job and fight one last time along side her team, Green Arrow, Speedy, and Diggle. Damien Dark has taken over the prison and is helped by Andy, Diggle's brother, who was supposed to be on there side. The Arrow shoots an arrow at Darhk who catches and uses it to kill Laurel. I knew something was going to happen when she was going to put on her mask "one last time" but not to her. I felt Laurel was in the clear because I saw many more future episodes listed next to her name after this one so how can she be dead!
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No plan ended with a lazy & pandering way out
hareoffice7 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I don't have a problem with a TV show killing a character to progress a story, open up new avenues, refresh the energy, or any of the above.

What I do have a problem with is lazy & cheap writing: inserting the grave scene at the beginning of the season with no idea who will be in it. That's sophomoric fan-fiction that violates the rules of good writing (see any expanded discussion on Chekhov's Gun; it's not just the payoff promise, it's also having a defined point A and point B beforehand). It's inserting a scene because "it looks cool". It's amateurish. That's not storytelling, that's brainstorming. i.e., promising to kill someone off with who, how, and why in mind is good, promising to kill someone off and not knowing who, how, and improvising a very general why is bad.

Add to that: there were at least two, arguably three, other characters whose story arcs were more resolved than Canary's. Two or three other characters that would have had more impact; and by that I mean emotional and storytelling impact that would have been pure, undiluted and untainted by nerd-rage.

Add to that: the Canary's last words were to prop up a relationship that has dragged the show into CW teen melodrama. No goodbye to the father, no closure with the other characters (esp. Thea); they gave an underutilized and canon character dialog that they *knew* would enrage the "vocal minority". That had to have been a deliberate insult. Someone had to have expressed doubts about that line and intentionally alienating an entire segment of the fanbase.

Add to that: the stupidity of putting a codename on a tombstone.

Add to that: Beyond crappy editing that muddied the waters about the character being truly dead; shooting so poor that the producers and the actress had to spell it out during exit interviews.

From the amateur writing over the season to the pandering of a subset to the deliberate alienation of the fanbase (who DOES that?!), this was one of the worst. And the last straw.
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I'm out.
matthew_nasa6 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This was the epitome of lazy and shipping driven writing. Laurel was literally the character that it made the least amount of sense to kill. I'm 110% out on this show. To kill off the second biggest DC super-heroine as motivation for a main character who is a shadow of his comic self? This is beyond Fridging. I'm out and I legitimately hope that this show gets canceled.let Dhark destroy Star City for all i care. Marc Guggenhiem and Wendy Mericle have no idea how to write a super hero show and are clearly tow busy writing a soap opera to care. well I'm done, I'll give my time and attention two shows that give a crap about the sauce material like The Flash, Supergirl, Agents of SHIELD and Gotham. I'm out.
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This show is a "city" far from Green Arrow.
ihaveanightmare6 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was written to to fill a plot device, an very unnecessary plot device. Not only was there some gaping plot issues non related to the death of a major character there were some flat out head scratchers.

Like why after Dharks totem (which was broken save for one convenient piece), was it even mostly put back together by the team?, other than plot convenience so Dhark could kill off Laurel Lance. Or the not having the ADA have a larger police presence placed at the prison using her police contacts. Or the horribly blatant setup from Andy. Or how Dhark now could have also killed Oliver right then and there but just decided to nope out.

The horrible foreshadowing that the only character in danger of dying was Laurel. Never in the episode did I feel like another character was in danger. And the very thin attempts to hide the possibility of hear death with the "hanging up of the boots" of the Black Canary made it worse. The music made no attempt to immerse myself into the current plot line of the show but to make me feel like a certain character and only that character was about to die.

And then the fake out death. Atrocious writing attempt to setup the last heart string pull after plucking all of them, and all of them being Laurel Lances death. An unexpected cherished character death should not be water downed if you want lasting resonance.

The episode does have bright moments. Captain Lances moment of shock was the genuine feeling I should of have that I was robbed of thanks to the shows foreshadowing before even the better part of the first quarter. And his foreign language use a nice touch. Laurel was very grounded this episode for me and genuine and her lines with Oliver were some of the great interactions this show often misses. Thea's realization of her loss of hatred hampering her ability to kill her father was a gem for me as well. Thea's and Laurel fight in the Arrow cave also manage to keep me partially interested. This show is a far cry not only from the rich DC material it was based on that it could have drawn more from on but from it's former self. The Green Arrow universe deserves better than to be tarnished in the sake of organic writing.
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how dare they?!?!?!
blueclementinex8 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
this episode is so awful, yet i can't even finish it without being so angry and disappointed.

Let's get to the point, Why on earth would they kill Laurel? First of all, i know many fans (or may i call Olicity fangirls) hate her for being 'annoying', i actually LOVE her. i mean, sure, Sara as black cannary actually kicking ass more than her, but in season 3, the audience started to like her and grow curiosity on her. And, i did. OK, so let's back to season 3. why the season 3 sucked? yes, crappy overwrited romance drama of oliver and felicity. but, we guess they'll try to fix their mistake in the new season, turns out they make it WORSE. they even kill the third wheel, Laurel. This is just a BIG insult to black canary fans, birds of prey fans, the TV show itself ,and especially DC fans. Why would you kill a person that actually had a big part in the comics (and even the TV show) , just for the sake of your cheap romance plot? They even made the last scene just to make Laurel letting go oliver with Felicity.

Even, the ending scene actually bawled the audience, since of course, it's pretty sad to let cannary go. And by the end of this, i may conclude that I had no longer had interest watching this show, even a little of me, inside just wish it got canceled soon.
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not a good episode
bhuvanashankar14 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Arrow from season 3 has had a downfall in its story line basically focusing on one person and her prop by other characters.. even the main character Oliver is treated secondary in front of her.

Worst is, she is just a IT nerd who can hack into systems and find information.. which is pretty much done by every character in every show like .. Garcia in Criminal minds, Cisco in flash, Patterson in BlindSpot, Aram in Blacklist etc.. and even Charlie was awesome in supernatural .. but there praise was not to the extent of eating away the value of the show .. in her case, she has become so annoying but still writers are only pandering to one side of fans who tries to raise money for their snacks ... yeah recently when BC was killed in the story line, few felicity fans were so happy that they decided to collect fund for arrow writers snacks for making these people happy .. such has become the quality of the show.... not worth watching until the writers realize their poor judgment of the viewers .. and rewrite their show in a healthy way ..

Again this show may have their own story lines but without respecting the base i.e., comics .. its not worth continuing. Green Arrow without Black Canary is like Arrow without a Bow .. in their own sense and not all people can become Black Canary .. Through the show its always Dinah Laurel Lance ...

Katie Cassidy has put her efforts whole heartedly for this role .. Writers please show some respect to her efforts.. 4 years of patience with you all .. and still hasn't complained. She has shown her class... time for you to show your class
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This show is dead.
hspecials7 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
If I could give this 0 stars I would, but I suppose it should get a 1/10 just because this episode didn't completely revolve around Felicity.

Death. Death of a character, and death of what used to be a relatively good superhero show. So OK, it started off a bit slow. And Andy being on the "Darhk" side was very, very obvious. And Diggle not realizing it was even more stupid. Question: So the totem needs to be whole in order for Darhk to use it's power, right? WHY WASN'T IT BROKEN INTO ABOUT 1000 PIECES? They could've hidden the pieces god knows where, but no, they had to hide it right there. In the hideout. In a glass case for all to see?? Great writing. Totally makes sense. 10/10. (not)

Aaaand then Laurel. OK, so a character who has spent most of each season caring for her father and family, when on her deathbed, doesn't have final words for a) Her father b) Her sister c) Her mother but instead feels the need to bless the crap ship that is "Olicity"??

What happened to this show???? Granted season 1 was not the best, but things were peaking after season 2. Then season 3 happened, where they tried to turn Green Arrow into Batman (crack open a comic book kids, you'll know what I'm talking about), and then season 4, which has literally been all about Olicity. Olicity getting together, Olicity breaking up, Olicity sort of getting back together, then breaking up again. In fact, you've been so distracted by Olicity, you'll have missed these other ridiculous things:

The bad guys are always trying to destroy the city. First Malcolm, then Ras, now Darhk. It's literally the plot of each season. Oliver shoots people in the chest/guts way too often for a guy who apparently doesn't "kill anymore"(and as we've seen with our dear Black Canary, yes, those shots kill people). Felicity has only ever gotten anywhere in the world by riding on the backs(*cough* dicks *cough*) of men she's romantically interested in. She was random IT girl no.1, then Oliver made her secretary, then Ray made her VP, then he "died" and she became CEO. Aaaaand even now, she basically does nothing, and she gets Curtis to do everything. He created the battery that saved the company. He built the device that let Felicity walk again. He's the only reason the company isn't dead(unfortunately, not even Curtis can save this show). For a guy who really didn't trust his brother and was ready to kill him in the beginning of this season, Diggle's absolute outrage at Oliver not trusting Andy after he did a bunch of suspicious things seems a little hard to swallow. Laurel has had almost no screen time as just Laurel for this entire season, except for when the show needed a random lawyer for the Darhk case. And now she never will.

What happened to "Season 4 will be a lighter season"??

I am NOT against character deaths. Definitely not. But it should be meaningful, well written, and bittersweet, or at least make sense. This was just ridiculous, terribly written, and a big kick in the privates to comic book fans.
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I made an account to just to rate this with a 1.
lucaslecompte7 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This show used to be great, but now it is crap. This was the best episode of the season until the last 6 minutes until felicity showed up. They killed off the black canary, one of the biggest and baddest female heroes in all of DC comics and it was done like crap. Does marc and his sorry butt crew even know what they are doing anymore? And with her dying breath, she told oliver to go after felicity? tumbler and the dumb asses who run this show have killed it. Its sad because the actors are amazing. The flash is good still, why? Because it has arrows ex showrunners. Please fire marc.

Please fire marc and the writers.
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