Ancestral World (2020) Poster

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Not very good...
flickeringstate4 June 2020
Well, this has all the production values of a good modern motion picture, it even has that blue/green tint that most movies these days seem to have. The one thing that lets this whole thing down, is the acting. I guess they spent ALL the budget on special effects, costumes and monster prosthetics. The characters are one dimensional and in reality quite forgettable... I guess the director thought any old acting would do as the special effects would cover it; nah, not good enough.

I give this 2/10 it's not very good, but, if you like modern fantasy movies, you may like this effort.
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Quest to save the world
nogodnomasters12 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The bad guy in a mask using a voice distorter wants to destroy the Ancestral World. Only the King's son can stop him along with an Amazon.

The DVD cover looks good. This was not a backyard film but the acting and plot were as bad as cosplay geeks making a film. We did see a dragon fly by, but that was his cameo. No one could act. Half the dialogue was explaining the past. In one scene the prince places his sword in a demon who falls through a portal and then we see the prince with the sword still in his hand. The sword props looked fake with the rounded tips and the choreography was not good.

Guide: swearing, but no F-word. Implied sex. No nudity.
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theshiptons6 June 2020
Not on to stay in and watch one to put on and go out and play ball with the kids
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not good, but not that bad
Watchable, not great acting CGI is meh, but still better than La La Land!
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You'll laugh because otherwise you'll cry
enjoyablyjiggly8 May 2021
Where to begin with this film...

I bought this film after having a bad day at work and then getting stuck in traffic for an hour. I was looking for something that was both cheap and terrible, this film ticked both those boxes.

I was mildly amused by the fact they use LARP armour and weaponry throughout the film and am still not entirely unconvinced the film crew didn't just tag along at their local larp and then added effects, music and editing later.

The plot is your standard good guy coming of age and learning through sacrifice and adversity.

The female characters all suffer from "Grr! I'm a fierce female warrior but I'm going to leave vital parts of my body exposed so that you know I'm still female and totally attainable. Fear not though, for the power of my womb shall protect me!".

The acting is terrible. The dubbing is worse.

The fight scenes are laughable bad and you can clearly see where they've sped things up, put things in reverse and reused sections of the footage.

The dramatic music is so over used it spends the entire film blaring for your attention over the most mundane scenes like an over-enthusiastic toddler jabbing their fingers into the pre-set buttons of an electric keyboard.

I was not drunk enough for this film.

I was not prepared for this film.

This would be a great film to put when you want to make someone leave or to see who can last the longest without losing the will to live.

All in all a great film if you want to spend time revaluating the events that lead you to watching this film and how "they couldn't really have been all that bad".

PS The best part is the dragon flying over our main character against a star lit sky.

PPS I'm still trying to decide whether this film is bad good or just bad.
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This is so so bad ... that yo u must watch it
ibogev10 July 2020
The worst movie ever made. Thus it must be watched/endured ... at some point you are wondering .... can it get any worst ... Yes it can ... the movie will surprise You the whole time ... by going from bad ... to insanely bad ... and than at the end You are ready to recommend it to all your fiends as the worst movie in history.
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Watchable, but by no means outstanding...
paul_haakonsen28 August 2021
As I sat down to watch the 2020 fantasy movie "Ancestral World", I must admit that my expectations weren't exactly high. Why? Well, because a lot of fantasy movies out there are dubious at best, and with "Ancestral World" having scored only 2.4 here on IMDb as I am writing this review, the odds were not favoring the movie.

But still, with "Ancestral World" being a movie that I hadn't already seen, of course I sat down to watch it here in 2021 as I had the chance to do so.

And I must say that writers Adriano Barone and Enrico De Palo actually managed to surprise me with their movie. Sure, "Ancestral World" wasn't a spectacular tour de force of a fantasy adventure movie. But it proved to be better than what I had assumed a 2.4 IMDb rating would result in.

The storyline told in "Ancestral World", as written by Adriano Barone and Enrico De Palo is a pretty straight forward one, even for a fantasy story. And it feels like it is the story that was concocted by a teenager that first had stumbled upon the world of fantasy. For better or worse, "Ancestral World" was a watchable fantasy movie, albeit a generic one.

The acting in the movie was mediocre at best. Yeah, you will not be in for a grand display of thespian skills that would put Shakespear himself to shame. I am sure that the actors and actresses were doing the best they could with the limitations of the script and a somewhat shunted and rigid character gallery.

For a fantasy movie, then there was not much of special effects, neither CGI or practical effects throughout the course of the movie. There were the odd bits and pieces of effects here and there, but nothing grand, nor overly impressive. And a fantasy should have a dazzling array of special effects to bring the fantasy world to life. Sadly, "Ancestral World" didn't have that.

"Ancestral World" is by no means an outstanding foray into the fantasy and adventure genre. Director Enrico De Palo managed to deliver a watchable enough movie, though it is a movie that came and went without leaving much of any impression. And I doubt that the movie will be lingering in my memory come next week. This is the type of movie that you will watch once and never again, only to forget about it entirely. And yeah, "Ancestral World" just doesn't have the story contents to support more than a single viewing.

My rating of the 2020 movie "Ancestral World" lands on a surprising four out of ten stars. It wasn't as bad as I had anticipated it to be, given its low IMDb rating. Nor was it a movie that will leave you hoping for more.
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I can't have my time back from watching this
nathangutteridgecom28 May 2023
It watches like a fan-made production by a small group of cosplayers with very little acting, writing and movie making experience.

The prop weapons look like the EVA foam ones you see being carried around at conventions and the armour looks like painted Worbla. They're even wearing plain black boots which can be seen easily in a few places.

The fight choreography has a few big ideas that seem to get recycled and they have clearly watched the combat in 300 as they have copied the slow-fast-slow style to emphasise landed blows.

The CGI is, well... it's also in the film.

Maybe watch when you're drunk instead.
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Laugh riot
desandnate4 November 2020
This stank is so bad. Let's get that out of the way. But it's so bad it's almost good. First off let me list the good things about it. The costume design and character design? Kinda dope. Prosthetics? Super cool. BUT EVERYTHING ELSE? Writing. Animation. Editing. Color correction. Acting. Cinematography. Directing. Music. Choreography. ALL some of the worst you'll ever see. Concept of the story is kinda cookie cutter as well. Narrative and story telling needs a lot of work too. Overall? I still enjoyed watching but sort of as a meme
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Don't waste your time...
Dogtagz19 July 2021
They clearly have money to burn but couldn't get anyone who can act or even sync up the dubbing properly. What a mess.
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Easy watch
rich_roadkill10 June 2020
Not sure what people are expecting. Its not a hollywood blockbuster but they do well the with special effects and production on the budget. It has a fan made film vibe which is pretty cool. If your into the fantasy film genre its worth a watch. The choreography for the fight scenes could be better as they come across a little slow and sometimes like a walk through rather then a real fight sequence a lot of us have come to expect.
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As well acted as a game
Flickeringstars1 March 2021
It feels more like a video game than a movie, even the background music. The story is good, but the execution could not be worse.
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The scenery was nice.
wsskfqy15 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Where DOES one start!

The opening scene is two princes practicing their sword fighting. Naturally, those swords are big and heavy, but they are both pretty much the slowest swordsmen I have seen in movies.

The first facial expression the "hero" made was so odd, I asked my husband if the actor was cross-eyed.

It didn't get any better.

The costume department had a real fixation on sugar candy skulls and huge shoulder adornments., often with 2 ft long spikes. Characters would then have extended fistfights when they could have easily been impaled on a spike. There were also spikes on gloves which didn't seem to do any damage to anyone's face.

The plot was the very very worst which I haven't seen anyone mention yet. Go get some stones and make some armour to save the world. DONT let the bad guy get it. With no explanation as to how, the hero +1 know where to go to get these stones and magically appear walking up to the each of the 4 places. They fight a battle for the stone there and go for the next. Exit stage left. Appear, next place. No explanation as to how they knew the directions or location.

With the last stone's recovery, the ahold of the suit and donned it. Oh no! The Ancient World is lost! But no! Suddenly, the Prince shimmers and shouts something about energy being armour and POOF!! He had this weird black and furry armour with which he bested the Baddie (after the fistfight after their magic ran out).

It was just strangely awful. Critics said it wasn't bad for its budget. That must have been about a tenner.
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eugenmuseba6 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers

Poor storytelling, weak character development, and lackluster special effects.

The plot of the movie revolves around a group of warriors who must embark on a quest to retrieve a sacred artifact that will save their people. However, the plot is poorly executed, and the story lacks depth and originality. The characters are one-dimensional and lack personality, making it difficult for the audience to connect with them.

Furthermore, the special effects in the movie are not up to par with modern standards, and many of the action scenes are poorly choreographed and executed. The overall result is a movie that feels uninspired and unengaging, failing to capture the attention of the audience.

In conclusion, while "Ancestral World" may have had good intentions, it ultimately fails to deliver a compelling and entertaining story.
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You'll Laugh, You'll Cry, You'll Cringe!!!
fluffchop16 July 2021
Review this movie? How? You'll either laugh your ass off at some stupid LARPing idiots or perhaps you'll like it. I just cringed every time they spoke with the most stilted dialog delivery known to man. They walk at normal speed to slow motion and then back over and over yet nothing is happening in the scene to warrant this drama. I felt embarrassed for the film as it was trying so hard but had no clue. It's so bad you won't laugh, you'll cringe.
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I thought it was great fun. Much more enjoyable than most multi million dollar budget films these days
angiris18 June 2020
Just a good fun adventure.

Rating this a 2.7 whilst garbage like justice league or other massive "blockbusters" slip away with a 5-6-7 is absurd.

Rate films for what they are and films they compete with in the genre as opposed to comparing this to a massive budget flick. Anyway, intro rant over.

The film is great fun, great costumes actually. The wardrobe department did damn good and the actors do a great job. The story is quite interesting. A bit by the book and slightly rushed between sections but it cuts to the chase and delivers impactful scenes instead of focusing too much on the traversal between scenes.

Hey, I'll accept that. Keeps things moving and it's fun to explore different approaches. The fight choreography is a little bit wooden but visually this is really well made and effects wise it's not bad at all either. Made me wish they had improved choreography more since the really pumped a lot of work into making sure all their characters look quite damn cool and indimidating.

PLUS we got sexy amazons here. Thats' a whole point in itself in my score. No BS hollywood pandering political nonsense. Just actors looking damn good and acting well.

It also features a heroes journey with struggles as oopposed to being perfect and invincible. We see a believable heroes journey to improve himself and not let his ego and overconfidence get in the way of things. Overall this film is real eye-candy for what it's worth. Comparatively to other lower budget fan-flicks I gotta say this is one of the best ones I've seen.

Very enjoyable and fun to kick back with if you want to explore some fun sword and sorcery action fantasy.

7 out of 10. A damn good and enjoyable film. Held back by some lacking coreography and bit rushed transitions. It would've been better if they had spent maybe 15-20 minutes more just to add to that. Which would've been cool too and explored more dialog between our 2 main characters who's dynamics are very good.

Go watch it fellas and fellaretes. It's well worth your time if you're into exploring lower budget sword and sorcery with an open mind.
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Yers Truly
bemyfriend-4018426 March 2021
Some of the dubbing is in colloquial Great Lakes area, white, working-class English. They use "yer" for your; and "yers" for yours. Otherwise, I liked this. Mostly for the queen. She was nice to look at. The fights were fair; except for the final fight, which was poorer than the rest. Saw this on Tubi; the free streaming site, which has a few better movies, and many much worse.
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Fair Review
sharingan-masterson25 July 2023
For what it was, I will give it a good enough opinion.

Effects: 8/10 (Highly enjoyed throughout) Scenery: 8/10 (Environment was top tier) Actors/Actress: 6/10 (Could have been better) Story: 7/10 (Easy to understand) Ending: 3/10 (Needed to be more natural)

Ryan Phillips: 6/10 (Portrayed the main protagonist well just needed more retakes in some scenes to make his character more dynamic) Jennifer Mischiati: 9/10 (She played her side role to a top tier. I actually think she was the best character in the movie with her acting since she made the character come to life!)

Overall, if you want to watch a movie that has a fan made feel to it then this is a good movie for you.
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