"The Flash" Crisis on Infinite Earths: Part Three (TV Episode 2019) Poster

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MrCods11 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
WOW, Let me just say, Lucifer fans are gonna love this. Yes, this episode also has a Lucifer crossover. It may only be a 2 minute bit part but it totally stunned the whole family. Well played DC, well played.
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jobrooms11 December 2019
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Ok im gonna keep this short but....

This episode was amazing!!! All the extra characters the show added (inlcuding Lucifer, Black Lightning etc etc) all played their part and also fitted into the story very well. Also you gotta love a bit of Lex at the end of that episode.
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Crisis On Infinite Earths is redeemed!
EddyTheMartian00711 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I was very disappointed with the first 2 episodes of the crossover. I thought they were making terrible decisions, and it was a massive mess. However, I am glad to say this episode was a MASSIVE improvement. This is definitely one of the best crossover episodes. It all came together to make a surprising, touching, and strong conclusion to this first half (well more than half) of Crisis On Infinite Earths.

First I have to thank everyone for making my favorite cameo happen. Lucifer and Constantine meeting is a dream come true. I will never forget this moment. I'm glad he had actual significance to the plot. His cameo was funny, surprising (since his appearance had not been confirmed), and it didn't go on for too long.

Continuing on from that plot thread I am very happy with the direction they took with Oliver's character. I was really hoping after his death he would become the Spectre, and thankfully they did. I still think killing Oliver off in episode 1 was lame. It could've been done much better, and it just felt like a ploy for shock value, but out of the outcomes from that early death, Spectre Oliver is definitely one of the best. I just feel like if they would've revived him to kill him off again normally it just wouldn't have worked. Having him as Spectre from the start works well.

Moving along to the main section of the episode there were many surprisingly touching moments. Mar Novu talking about his family, Ryan Choi's "humanity", Jefferson dealing with the death of his family, and more. I mean these were some really strong slower moments that really added to the episode. I was worried Supergirl was going to save her earth with book of destiny, completely undermining everything that happened earlier. With the death of all the earth's it is obvious that some or at least one of the earths with come back at the end, but I think bringing Earth 38 back like that would've been a massive mistake. On top of that it also brought for one of Kate's strongest scenes.

This episode took a lot of risks. I'm surprised they went with killing off all the earths, and only letting the 7 paragons survive. I mean of course they're coming back, but it's a good way to keep the storyline more concise for the next episodes. There were some real surprises and twists this episode. I have to mention Earth 90's Flash. Since the last crossover I thought either Jay Garrick or he would die instead of Barry. It was pretty obvious to me, but I thought it was really well handled. The old Flash show never got a conclusion to his arc or character, and with this episode we finally got closure to his character. The flashback was definitely touching. Apart from that twist being predictable though, I thought there were some genuinely surprising twists. Evil Harbinger was fairly plausible, but the Anti Monitor actually winning like that, and only the 7 paragons surviving was definitely a surprise. And then what came after. Lex erasing Superman to become a Paragon was an awesome moment, and genuinely shocking. Though I hope this isn't the last we see of Routh's Superman, because that would be disappointing.

Now this episode has it's problems. There are many plot holes from things like the book of destiny or the monitor's powers, but I've come to expect these conveniences, contrivances, and holes from these crossovers, and shows in general. It does bring down the episode and crossover as a whole, but I've come to ignore it with these shows unless it becomes too stupid, or repetitive. There are always cheesy moments, and silliness on these crossovers, but the touching moments really balanced it out well. I mean if I'm being honest the entire episode doesn't make much sense. Like how can you track paragons? Why didn't The Monitor, or for that matter the Anti-Monitor, do this or that. I hope they have proper explanations for these things eventually because this will bring down the entire crossover significantly for me. Although I won't let it hurt this episode too much because of the pleasant surprise it was.

Overall, I am really happy with this episode. This is what I wanted Crisis On Infinite Earths to be. The first 2 episodes were definitely weak, and there were a lot of questionable decisions, but it seems they've brought the best outcomes from those decisions. It seems like this crossover is gearing up to be a strong one after that uneven start. The silliness, plot holes, and all those problems are still present in this crossover, but it's definitely made up by some strong emotional scenes, cameos, and big surprises.
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The multiverse as we know it is ending but the crossover grows stronger with an incredible episode
Holt34411 December 2019
The episode begins with another cameo on another earth and its amazing, but the cameo that comes later on is one of the best ones yet and it's Lucifer and they kept the character true to what us fans expect, super cool! Part three is directed by the talented David McWhirter, he delivers some of the best drama in the crossover and its also thanks to the writing and acting, the whole ensemble did their best performances. There were bunch of great character moments and memorable scenes, this episode really show us why the Crisis event is such an extraordinary tale and the writers didn't let down... I liked their take on it and with two episodes left I'm so not sure in what's going to happen.

The whole crossover have had really great special effects and this episode continues in that and gives us visually stunning sequences. The sets and costumes are just incredible!
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Lucifer - Thats all that needs to be said...
morillosoccer13 May 2020
Lucy is back.. Man I truly miss that show. It was so good!!! Thanks Flash!
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Lucifer stole the whole episode.
galaxyharvey5 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
My son was watching this the other evening when all of a sudden Lucifer appeared on screen! I nearly jumped out of my seat. Lucifer/Tom Ellis stole the show with a 90 second appearance. More please.
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Holy Smokes! Lucy is here..........................
DarkAssassin_DA11 December 2019
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Oh My God! They brought Lucifer freaking Morningstar into the arrowverse. Man! this episode has gone so much better than the last 2 episodes!
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Now that is the Crisis
rohithdrpl11 December 2019
Should have been like this from the beginning. Lucifer Morningstar even for 2 minutes was a great addition. Arrow's story ended oddly or is it ? If Arrow doesn't return in Part 3 or Part 4 in that case major part of this episode doesn't even make sense.
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Holy Heaven of DC ! That Was Simply Amazing !
Tv-Addict199111 December 2019
What An Episode, i am in Awe of Everything

Just wow.....
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ge0rge2k1911 December 2019
Truly amazing..just wow. Can't wait for the battle against the Anti-Monitor in the next 2 episodes
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The DC Comics Should Be
nightringer-7684011 December 2019
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For those not familiar with comic books storylining styles from different producers, this is DC style. It's relying on dramatic tragedies and quick turns of events (rather than Marvel's soap opera eye-candy style).

When they described how ambitious Crisis on Infinite Earths is, they literally means ambitious. 5 main episodes, 6 supporting episodes (including Black Lightning season 3 episode 9), and drizzles of revelations throughout the seasons of the main 4 series (Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl, and Batwoman). DC's Legend of Tomorrow will be the closing, which means a 2-hour conclusion (Arrow as the first hour). That is a brave move for DC to build up such elaborate story with multiple branches and possibly after Crisis episodes. Of course, it is not as big as a gamble compared to Marvel's phases on cinemas, but DC finally brings their A games to produce trivia-episodes for years to come.
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An enjoyable mess
aarongnr11 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
It's a total mess, but it's also fun, and that's why I'm giving it a 7. The story is completely idiotic and senseless.

The paragon of humanity would rather save his family than humanity and they spend way to much time resolving that unnecessary conflict.

The Pragon-Finder is also really stupid, like what's the point? It's a machine that can find the face and name of every paragon? And they built it in a few hours, oh cmon xd Couldn't you have come up with a more creative way to do that?

Also there are 7 paragons on infinite earths, but somehow most of them are from earth 1, lol.

About infite earths: You can have 1 earth of infinite earths left, that's a contradiction in itsself. If there are infinite earths, there's always infinkte earths left, unless you just erase everything at once.

The again: Why does the antimonitor destroy the earths 1 by 1 if he onviously has a device that could destroy them all instantly? Seriously?

The Monitor actually had no impact on anything in this crisis, he was just wrong all the time and now he's gone. Yeah, he did bring back vibe etc, but the writer's could've also found another way to do that without the useless presence of the monitor.

Ok, what else. Oh, the emotional depth is about the depth of a childrens pool. Jefferson Pierce looses his entire earth and it takes about 10 seconds to recover from the loss.

I won't judge prematurely about the oliver side-story, but if all the lazarus pit stuff was for nothing, then that was a real waste of time. I mean it was cool to see Tom Ellis in the crossover and all, but they could've also just shown soul Ollie at Purgatory and Spectre show up and it would've had the same result, leaving alot of time for more interesting plots.

That's basically been the theme of all the episodes so far. Pointless side stories: The baby sidestory being the most useless of them.

The Pariah/Nash character makes no sense at all. First he's just a witness, then he's controlled by the Anti-Monitor and then he sends our heroes to the vanishing point.

And please dear god can we get rid of this stupid Lex Luthor, Jesus he's annoying. How did he even get out of his cell to use the Book of Destiny?

This crossover has nowhere near the emotional impact and suspense that previous crossovers had. All it is is a fun wink to what came before, which is the main draw of this crossover. The story itsself is really bland.

Now a few good things: Tom Ellis was excellent, he's always a delight when he's on screen. Much like Tom Welling's in the last episode, his scene was the best of this episode.

And it's fun.

That's it.
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Lucifer: Hello
Abidur-TheChosenOne31 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
How did they bring Lucifer back without anyone knowing! My mind was blown seeing him in Earth- 666 (haha of course) I loved it. He gave a reference to Maze which was cool, and if you told me that Lucifer would be a part of the Arrowverse a few years ago, I wouldn't be so sure. Overall, strong epiode with great cameos. With the second half of The Flash still needing to be shown, I knew he wouldn't die and that it would probably be another Barry Allen which it was (Earth- 90). Also, we knew Oliver would be back but it looks like when he really does go it'll be as a sacrifice to save the whole multiverse.
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tomcode11 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
What an episode!!!!! Every one has died Crazy episode Earth 90 Flash Vanishes!!!! WTF huh wow! Vibe Returns Anti-Monitor controls Harbinger and Kills Almost everyone Oh My God WTF!!!! Great episode 10/10.
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theflashrankings11 December 2019
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So many things happened in this episode from cameos including Huntress, Lucifer and the inclusion of Black Lightning. Earth-90 Flash taking our Barry's place. Oliver becoming the Spectre. The Anti-Monitor taking control of Lyla and killing everybody except the Paragons. And the destruction of Earth-1!! Why are making us wait a whole month to see how this ends?!?!?! 😫
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Everything is gone.....
ninjaboyballer11 December 2019
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This episode was huge improvement over the first two parts, both which I really enjoyed. Everything in this episode felt paced well and every cameo I really enjoyed. But oh boy did the main plot just kick in big time. I am really glad they decided to put Black Lightning in the Arrowverse because I just really like Cress Williams and he does a good job. I also love that the earth-90 flash is the one who was powering the Anti-Matter Wave and once he has control sacrifices himself in Barry's place. I just love the cut to the original show. RIP Barry Allen of earth 90. I also really enjoyed the Oliver subplot and the one with Iris and the scientist. But that ending changes everything. The Monitor is dead, all the earths are gone and the remaining hero's have been teleported to practically in between time and space. What will happen next? Will they survive and beat the Anti-Monitor or is it game over? Really strong episode. Can't wait for the two part finale!

Final rating: 9.7/10
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"Even in the darkest times, hope cuts through"
RobinKarlsson2211 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Wow, this crossover is insane! Black Lightning joins the gang, Earth-90's Flash does a remarkable sacrifice and Tom Ellis gives a helping hand! Love how Lex is just chilling around lol. Also welcome back Vibe! Every character and actor is on point. The soundtrack is spectacular and the directing are wonderful! Everything is just phenomenal, a easy 10/10 this one!
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victoriadeckerstar13 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
What a lovely surprise this episode held! I am a Lucifan ~ a proud one at that ~ and I LOVED seeing our rakish, rogue of a Devil, Lucifer, giving a cameo appearance! I loved the way he gave his classic "HELL-O" greeting, then he eyed Mia when he asked her "what do you desire?" and immediately shifted to his old gleeful self when he quipped, "Daddy issues!?" and called John Diggle a "flirt"! So classic Lucifer!!

This one episode lends itself to beg the question . . . just what DID John Constantine do for Lucifer that he owed "Johnnie!" ~ and just how does it involve Mazikeen, Maze, Lucifer's protector? Lucifer doesn't "owe" favours; he grants them and asks for one in return.

Not familiar with Lucifer or Mazikeen . . . or their story? Come watch Lucifer and find out!! Who knows . . . you may find yourself falling in love with the charismatic Devil as well, and end up wanting more, and more, and more!
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What can i even say?
Zaid_Khoury12 December 2019
This episode was amazing, Oliver Queen was amazing, John Wesley Ship was amazing, Grant was amazing everything was amazing, truly a crisis, I literally can't wait until they rip the Anti-Monitor a new one, the smugness on him, UGH! Also True Kingdom Superman, WOW! Looks more Superman than Tyler Hoechlins. 1 Month waiting time commencing.
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Holy crimson skies of death!
linussundvall-0522111 December 2019
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This episode was crazy! Omg, all he twists too were some of the best parts. For example i never thought earth-1 would go and all of the characters except for the paragons are dead! That makes for a great climax in the coming parts... are they going to fight at the dawn of time like in the comics? Is reverse-flash gonna show up? Who knows what the crisis has in store for us... great episode though and easily the best of the crossover. 10/10
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featfans-2042028 December 2019
They stretched out what should have been a 3-parter at best, to a 5 parter. So much filler... I knew it was doomed as soon as Harrison Wells showed up.
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Long live the Antimonitor! Let the multiverse die!
andre_carreiro23 December 2019
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Ryan: "I'm no hero, I'm a husband. And if this the end, I need to be with my wife and kid." He has a son/daughter and he sees himself only as a husband? Not a father? And he is a Paragon of Humanity... Ok... Nice going, there. What about saving the Universe? Not important... But your wife and kid will die... This guy is a genius, right? A goofy and pathetic genius, like all other genial men in the series, but still a genius... Yeah, right. Nice going, there, too... Long live the Antimonitor team! Let's end this! There will be no vanishing point in the universe for you guys! ;)
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a crossover with the best of best cameos
muhammedrifas11 December 2019
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I'm shook when I saw Lucifer Morningstar out of nowhere. These past three episodes have been way better than the entire seasons of flash, supergirl, arrow, batwoman etc. More than the story, I'm just loving these cameos.
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The flash vanishes!!!
markq-7565411 December 2019
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Probably the best episode of the crossover, story wise. My favorite part was 90 Flaash sacrificing himself to save earth 1. I enjoyed watching the 90s flash TV show and to see him die as well with a flashback to his first episode was nice to see. This episode was also the craziest with the action and ending. We got a cameo from Lucifer which was cool. We also see the Specter and he tells Oliver to be the new specter and Oliver accepts. So now Oliver is one of the mist powerful beings in the multiverse. Now the ending was crazy, everyone's killed except for the seven people to save the multiverse. The big plot twist is Lex switches places with Brandon Routh's Superman. That has me conflicted, i like this version of Lex. But I really wanted to see more Brandon Superman. But all in all a good episode, now we wait for about a month for the final two episodes.
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Simply just WOW!
sfidogan12 December 2019
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After everything we have heard from Tom Ellis (actor who plays Lucifer), I honestly did not think that we would see him in this year's crossover which made his scene even better than it already was. Moreover, this episode includes lots of thrilling and emotional scenes, e.g. Earth-90 Flash sacrificing himself, Anti-Monitor destroying the whole multiverse except for the paragons (including his own brother), Lex replacing Superman as the new paragon, etc.. All in all it is a great episode which is definetly worth watching a second time!
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