
11 Reviews
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My God this movie is dull.....
24 October 2011
All I can say is, what a waste of good talent. The pacing is brutally slow.

The actors are good, but the script is... uh lackluster, to be charitable. Juliette Binoche is horribly miscast, however, and the lighting make her and Katie Holmes look ghoulish.

Ray Liotta looks swollen, pockmarked and perpetually astonished.

The best acting is delivered by two eleven year olds, which doesn't say much for the rest of the cast. More entertaining than watching paint dry, albeit marginally.

You want a great cop action thriller?

Try Training Day.
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A cinematic mess.....
22 October 2011
It would have been nice if this Mila Jovavich vehicle had anything remotely to do with the original Dumas masterpiece, but alas, it seems too much to ask of Hollywood's dread cash hounds, who, like some sort of anti-Jesus, can magically transform the finest of wine into sh*t.

I hope the angry ghost of Dumas defecates in their mouths as they sleep for foisting this god awful mess upon us. The only reason it merited any stars is because Ms. Jovavich is stunning, and the special effects were pretty. These were barely enough to rescue my PC from death by stomping after watching about half of this outrage.

If you find yourself about to watch - save yourself!
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Absolute Dreck - and Rehashed Dreck at that....
13 October 2011
Wooden acting, laughable dialogue, and a completely implausible and unoriginal plot.

For example: "I'm going to have to ask you to turn in your badge and your gun until we clear things up. I'm sorry."

Given a second star because the photography and lighting met today's general standards, although without any particular effort on the part of the director of photography to strive for any originality or aesthetic quality.

A stinkeroo. A doggie turd painted gold.

You've been warned.
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Slaughter (I) (2009)
Very effective thriller
21 August 2011
This reminded me a lot of Haute Tension, the French thriller.

Miss Shiels is breathtakingly lovely and very understated in her role, which heightened the movie's believability for me. The villain was also superb, and there were a number of surprise twists that kept me on the edge of my seat. Slick writing, beautiful cinematography, great soundtrack.

Miss Holt is also fantastic, and Maxim Knight is wonderful, adding just the right touch of deep pathos to the movie.

I am astounded this movie didn't get better ratings from the viewers; I'd recommend it without hesitation to horror aficionados.

Hope to see much more of Miss Shiels; she's dizzingly gorgeous.
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Necromentia (2009)
Completely Incomprehensible Mess of a "Movie"....
30 November 2010
I've seen virtually every major horror film and a number of B-rated ones as well, so have a pretty good versing in the genre. My tolerance of low budgets and wandering plots is high, but this one is off the charts.

It earns two stars for the lighting and makeup. The cast also does a reasonable job with what they're given, but this meanders between tedious and pointlessly disgusting.

My guess is the "writer" had WAY too much peyote and has lost the ability to write anything remotely comprehensible.

Avoid like the plague.
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Flesh, TX (2009 Video)
Have to strongly disagree for several reasons....
21 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was absolutely a parody and an homage, and, as such, was very well done, I think.

The acting perhaps lacks subtlety, but again, this is not meant to be your standard, dreadfully earnest spooker. If you're looking for a "serious" chiller, this isn't the movie for you.

However, the cinematography is outstanding and the soundtrack is particularly topnotch. Additionally, Miss "Fancy" manages to be simultaneously spooky and tremendously erotic.

Definitely recommendable for those looking for a lighter thriller to while away an hour and a half.
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Spartacus (2010–2013)
16 March 2010
This series is a must-see. Pulls no punches, literally and figuratively. The writing is compelling, the cast unforgettable and brilliant, the sets lush and gorgeous, the costumes and props interesting and realistic, the dialogue rich, sophisticated, and the plots riveting. This is a classic to rival the likes of I, Claudius, The Last Emperor, The Aviator, Master and Commander, The Last Samurai and other classics of historical drama.

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Martyrs (2008)
A veteran horror fan, but this was stomach-wrenching....
3 December 2009
I am a great fan of the horror genre, and have seen hundreds and hundreds of films, many very bloody, violent and graphic, and this is, without a doubt, the worst. There were parts I had to skip past - the violence is gratuitous, i.e. does not advance the plot, and is so brutal it is literally impossible to watch if you have any degree of human empathy.

Literary theory says that you can tell how a writer feels about the types of people in his stories by the fates those characters suffer. If that is true - and I maintain it is - then Mr. Laugier has some serious issues with women that need deep therapy to correct.

This is a deeply unpleasant and disturbing movie. That disturbing quality is not a redeeming factor; that is, it doesn't elicit questions for the viewer or teach anything intellectually or morally valuable. Nor is there the "catharsis" of shedding negative emotions. This is a movie that really did not need to be made. I would avoid it. You have been warned.
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Evil Dead II (1987)
An absolute classic....
13 December 2007
This Sam Raimi big-budget debut is sheer brilliance. Largely a tip of the hat to all the classic scare flicks, with a fair share of black humor, and Lovecraftian overtones.

See why Bruce Campbell is a cult hero. The female cast members are also very hot. The dialogue, special effects, camera work, music, and acting all work pure magic.

This has got to be the only movie I've seen more than five times, with the exceptions of Matrix, Terminator 2, and La Femme Nikita.

This is definitely a "don't miss". If you're a fan of thrillers, this is one you'll want to own.
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Glenn Beck (2006–2010)
Bottom of the barrel
4 June 2007
This guy reeks of desperation in every syllable. He just tries too hard. Nor is he particularly bright. His blinking stare betrays slight fear and a perpetual slight bafflement at the world.

Strikes me as nothing so much as American suburban trailer trash that made good and doesn't quite know how to handle it.

Wouldn't know an honest personal conviction if it stole his John Deere polyester wallet; all his "views are transparently expedient attention-grabbers with little thought to the consequences of foisting them upon the public.

His exchange with Erica Hill was the crowning "glory": (search with the word assclown to see it)

Trust me; like his plummeting ratings, it's all downhill from there....
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Love this movie!
10 May 2007
When I moved to Japan, I saw this in the theater because of the cool poster. Didn't understand a word of what they were saying, but still loved this movie; one of my favorites. It's populated with J-Pop "talento" (actors & actresses) and the heroines is quite striking.

And then, AMAZINGLY, two years after seeing it, I went to work for this small Tokyo company and my manager WAS THE GUY WHO WROTE THE SCREENPLAY!

Very cool. See it. You'll love it.

Other hearty recommendations: Azumi (she is SOOOO hot!!!) Juon 1(you'll poop your pants!) High and Low (Kurasawa based on Ed friggin' McBain! How cool is that!?!)
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