
18 Reviews
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Just enjoy this crazy, f'd up ride
18 October 2010
When an idea is thought up that is as messed up as The Human Centipede, the movie itself is almost secondary in nature. Is this a perfect movie? Nope, but irregardless, it is impossible to stop watching for the chance to see, to understand, to experience the idea of The Human Centipede and WTF will happen.

Do you have any idea how many people have "heard" about this movie? It was becoming a cult movie before anyone had even seen it! Some people thought it was a fake trailer, some people loved/hated it, and others were incredibly intrigued by it (as I was). People are talking about this movie in some way, good or bad.

I'm losing my focus a bit, but this movie, by all means, is nothing short of an experience. An event. It is very "tame" by horror standards, yet still holds a sickening grip to your attention. Will it hold up with repeated views, I don't know, but to experience The Human Centipede at least one, is a MUST. Relax and enjoy the F'd up story.
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A good Vince Vaughn movie, a bad Xmas family movie
30 August 2010
After reading good and bad reviews regarding this movie, I see now where the discrepancy lies. If this movie is reviewed on the merits of a classic, feel-good holiday flick, it is going to come up short. If it is viewed as a romantic comedy about a couple having to endure their displeasing family members for the sake of Christmas, I think it works well and is enjoyable. Vince Vaughn and to a lesser extent, Reese Witherspoon bring their usual charm to the movie. Vaughn's usual swagger is present and keeps the movie fresh and fun. Only in the last 20 minutes after some classic, romantic comedy soul-searching, is there some drag. As a romantic comedy goes, this is a movie you can sit down with your girl and it not become a painful experience. For that, it gets a good rating.
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The Collector (I) (2009)
Not Afraid To Be Horror
8 July 2010
I've read reviews off and on that dog this movie. I wonder sometimes if the people that dislike this movie so much, dislike the horror genre. If I were to rate a musical, I would probably give it a low score myself.

This movie is not perfect, but because the horror in it is done well enough, it is worthwhile to suspend some disbelief to go along with the ride. This isn't a PG-13 teen scare. People tote the term "torture-porn" I think because the killing is done is such an unapologetic, organized fashion. Every kill is planned and gruesome. In the horror genre, what actually is wrong with that?

While Rob Zombie and others are destroying monsters (Zombie basically killed the icon of Michael Myers) by humanizing them too much, it is refreshing to have a new killer killing for killing-sake. Isn't that worth a ride (assuming you are into horror)?
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Halloween II (2009)
Why Zombie Why
8 July 2010
I just want to first say that what pisses me off the most about this movie is after the first 10-15 minutes of Myer's murder-rich, beautiful terror, you find out it was just a dream. The opening is horror at it's best and I thought I was in for something special thinking: this is what Myers is all about, this is his definition! *But then, it's like Mr Zombie decided to say "I could do that, but I am not, just listen to his sister cry for the next hour and a half".

And then the story drags to a crawl. Sure there are a couple good Myers moments after that as his kills are brutal (the strip club being the one of the best), but 90% of the story after that startling beginning is about Lil Sis coping with her life after the first Halloween. She has crying fits, is in and out of counseling, and is anti-social. I understand WHY, but it still does not make it FUN.

Also, Sheri Moon, you are adorable, but that weird mother role did nothing to build-up Michael Myers, the icon.

What Zombie did was humanize a horror icon, giving him motives and reasons for him killing. Instead of a killing machine, he turned him into a wandering serial killer. No longer a monster, an icon. Rob Zombie, I am no longer a fan.
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Train (I) (2008)
Pointless Blood N Guts
8 July 2010
This movie was made solely to try to outdo Hostel. The blood and guts are in your face, which in context of a good horror movie, I don't mind, but this movie really has no soul.

A soccer (I think) team misses their first mode of transportation to their upcoming game due to a night of drinking and partying; Therefore they end up taking this train. That's about all the plot there is. The characters are fairly faceless and unmemorable.

The killings, however, are definitely harsh and memorable; And I think they were the only catalyst to create this movie. The writers had gruesome ideas for murder and tried to write a story to link them together. They tried to make a better "Hostel" but it comes off shallow because all the gore is just for the gore's sake and not for the sake of the actual story. This is a horror movie without a soul and therefore no feeling.
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How to cut yourself short with a brilliant idea.
21 June 2010
Take a brilliant idea, add in a "poor-me" story, and use that idea sparingly to get Youth In Revolt. I kept waiting for this movie to take off, but it cut itself short at every angle. Spoiler Alert(not really): every funny scene was already in the previews (more or less)! And don't get me wrong, they were funny by all means, but that momentum always stops immediately and goes back to poor Cera trying to cope and prosper in his less-than-stellar life. The impression the previews give you is that Cera develops this alter-persona and then has his influence the rest of the time; had they done this, this movie would have been a classic. Also, how do you have Zach Galifinakis NOT be funny? Another example of cutting yourself short.
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21 (2008)
An average Oceans 11 with highschoolers
26 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was average. It got my interest overall but there were a few things that did not make sense. There was one scene where the "Ocean 11 highschoolers" were power walking in slow motion down the hall of their highschool yet their alliance was supposedly secret. The ending was also a bit cliché' as the main guy took down the main bad guy, I'm guessing he was murdered by the casino thugs although they just kind of swept that part under the rug. So he's a "hero" for getting his evil highschool teacher killed? Anyways, not too bad, not too good. By the way, does every Hollywood movie have to have love interests and do they always have to "get the girl"? Why?
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Extreme Movie (2008)
Could've been worse
26 July 2009
Usually these (insert genre) Movie movies don't appeal to me at all. However after seeing a couple clips of this, it actually looked kind of funny. And in the end it was kind of funny. Sure there were some unfunny, lowest-common-denominator humor, but some parts, Michael Cera's and Andy Milonakis's especially, were very funny. I also liked Matthew Lillard's "And Now You Know-esk" segments. There isn't much story to it, as a lot of it is individual "skits", but the main story is a boy who is trying to reveal his crush/love to a classmate of his. Most of the funniest parts come from the scenes that don't have anything to do with this and the longer musical number makes NO sense. Probably if they stuck to a structured story, the movie would've sucked a lot more. However it could've been a lot worse, and I expected worse.
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Fading attraction: Kristen vs Jason
26 July 2009
This was a decent movie. Not nearly as good as I had hoped, but decent. The funniest part was just the shock of seeing full frontal male nudity! Yes, you see Jason Segel's junk several times. Kristen Bell is gorgeous in this movie as well as Mila Kunis. Jonah Hill (SuperBad, etc) is in this but is used sparingly. His attraction to the weird rocker (I don't know his name) is one of the funniest aspects of this movie. I'm not a fan of Jason Segel (don't like him in How I Met Your Mother) and this movie didn't really change my mind either. 6 stars is a generous rating from me. It's fairly generic in its approach and really nothing in it is surprising or really entertaining.
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Zombies + Strippers-no hidden elements
26 July 2009
This movie includes Jenna after her anorexic, druggy, post extreme facial correction surgery phase which knocks it down a bit. (She used to be so attractive, why she'd mess it up is a shame) The story line is as creative as the title itself. If you like zombies and strippers, it definitely has both. I was expecting a more "tongue-in-check" story, but it's not that funny or creative. I enjoyed the gratuitous, bloody scenes throughout when the "zombie strippers" killed their victims, but other than those few scenes, the half naked strippers were the only thing to keep my interest. This is a "B" movie all the way, just not one of the good ones. Seeing Jenna bite off a "male-member" was a bit entertaining, just not quite as entertaining as what she usually does with them. ;)
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Underwhelmed after the remake
20 July 2009
In the same regards as the Texas Chainsaw Massacre, I was disappointed in the original after witnessing the remake. Granted it is not fair to judge a film released in the 70s by today's standards, but the story-telling in this movie is jumpy at best. There are many aspects that are introduced and go nowhere and you are left wondering why they made a point to include it at all. They introduced and reintroduced the priests too many times with little to no payoff. I understand the contrast of the heaven and hell aspect, but the remake retells this story better and in a more direct and eery way. If you have a choice in Amityville Horror's to watch, check out the latest.
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What bothers me the most is that it is called a "comedy"
17 July 2009
Before I sat down to the dreadful viewing of "Little Miss Sunshine", I contemplated buying this movie after all of the wonderful things I heard regarding it and after wanting to initially see it in the theaters. Luckily I held out and got it free from the library. Had I actually spent money on this movie, I would have hated it even more.

How is this a comedy? This is a dark look at a dysfunctional family, complete with a suicidal uncle and borderline pedophile grandfather. Hilarious stuff.

This is a dark drama. Granted there are no killings or relationships gone destructive, but this is not a fun romp in the hay. If you feel anything (other than boredom), then you feel sorry for these people, because although they have a very realistic tone to them, you wish one of them would actually feel happy for awhile. Maybe this is too "real" but I do know that you would have to be sick to find this funny.

Luckily there are some others on this site who actually speak my opinions as well giving the movie a whole 1 * because I would be dumbfounded and am dumbfounded by so many who found joy in this movie. Sad.
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Step Brothers (2008)
"Crack-you-up" kind of movie
2 July 2009
If you like Will Ferrell at all, I suggest you see this movie. I went into this movie expecting to turn it off within 30 minutes. I have been disappointed in many Will Ferrell movies in the past, Blades Of Glory, Elf, Talledega Nights, etc, but this one was a joy to watch! I truly laughed so many times watching this. The idea is funny and it stays funny, except for about a 15 minute time towards the end (which is on par with any comedy movie as they have to "wrap up" the story). See this movie if you like to laugh! Hell, just see it to see Will Ferrell act like he's sleep-walking. That's funny enough in itself. There are plenty hilarious "one-liners" and I could go on and on. After so many "comedies" not actually turning out funny, this one did not let me down.
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Not bad; not what it could've been
2 July 2009
Despite it being a remake of a franchise horror movie, it was fairly generic in its story. There were very few memorable qualities when it came to this movie. It's not bad, but it didn't move the story forward or redirect it in a refreshing way. It plays off the original with the sex and violence, but once a kill happens it immediately turns to another scene rather then develop in the filth of the murder. I want more story and I want to understand the new Jason more. You won't find it in this movie though. Plus, he chose the hockey mask just because after killing someone, he found it in the same room? How about a more momentous moment? Seeing Julianna Guill's sex scene is worth 6 stars in itself (or just find the "edited-together" scene online (metacafe anyone?)). Kudos.
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Funny Games (2007)
Like a "Preppy" Strangers
2 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I wanted to, but couldn't give it a better rating. This movie had a lot of promise to it. I enjoyed the set-up and idea of two "preppy"ish boys as the terrorizers, but it never really payed off. This movie is a lot like The Strangers only the strangers aren't scary until you learn a bit more about them. They always come off as polite and as victims of their own actions, but they are really just desensitized and are in fact, evil human beings. Like The Strangers, **spoiler**it is not a happy ending either, but the path to get there was not as worthwhile as that movie. Not horrible as Funny Games drew me in, but I kept waiting for a payoff that just turned uglier and more depressing.
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Probably more remarkable in the 70s
2 July 2009
After being such a big fan of the remake from 2003 (featuring Jessica Biel), I was anxious to finally see the movie that it was based on. I was surprised though with the lack of actual story in the original. I understand the shock value of it probably in 1974 so I give it props for that, but there simply wasn't much actually explained. It actually made me appreciate the remake even more because of what story it added to it and developed further. In the original,the kids travel, the kids die; and what was with that grandpa?! I give it five starts mainly because of the inspiration it gave to the remake, which despite others opinions of it, remains one of my favorite horror films of all time.
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Original take on the horror genre
2 July 2009
This movie is almost like a parody of the horror genre, in a sense in the same way as the original "Scream". It's also just as enjoyable. The interesting twist in this movie though is that you are presented with the side of the killer and his preparations going into the night of killings. It's so funny when he freaks out (in a good way) when he gets his own physcologist/doctor following him around in similar fashion to the Halloween movies and when he talks openly with his parents about his plans (his father is a retired "killer"). He goes into extensive detail ensuring that when he strikes, the killings go off as planned. Original concept and a fun movie to watch.
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Sue me, I love this movie!
1 July 2009
Over the years, I have grown more and more fond of this Texas Chainsaw remake. Going into it back in 2003, I had never seen the original (I have since checked it out) nor did I know anything about it other than it looked to be a creepy horror movie. I wasn't disappointed then, and I've grown to love it now. I've found myself basing other horror movies against this one because I simply enjoy this one so much. I know the original is a "classic" but this remake takes some ideas from the original and simply tells it better. I love the unsettling characters, the off-putting setting, and the gruesome unapologetic killings. This falls victim to a few horror clichés, but in the end, this is what a horror movie should be, whether it be a remake or not.
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