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Cheating isn't romantic
28 May 2024
If your story involves a spouse cheating you can go ahead and put it under drama. But you have no business putting it under romantic. Cheating isn't romantic. Ending a relationship and moving on isn't either but at least your character isn't unlikable. Cheaters don't deserve to be happy and you can't root for a couple of selfish fools regardless of how much you like the actors. The amount of these films and those that swoon over them is embarrassing at best. Everyone loves love. We love to feel it. We love to see it. Cheating isn't love. And if you know the other person is cheating to be with you, You're as bad as they are.
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A fine movie I'll never watch again.
13 May 2024
I won't give this a lesser score because it's a very good film. I can't give it a higher score because the acting is really pretty bad. Sadly I think they're doing there very best but they just aren't great. Roddy Piper is the best but he's barely in the film. And largely the only reason I watched it. I have a problem with religious films because God is real but religion is largely the biggest problem God has. So I like films about faith that don't push any denomination and that's rare. This one manages it pretty good. Many of the reviews miss the point. Another problem with spiritual films is trying to mix God with anything else. The point of what The Reconciler is doing is the point of the film. Make peace with your friends, family and neighbors. How he does it doesn't really work in real life but it's a movie stop trying to wedge reality into fiction.
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Star Trek: Prodigy (2021–2024)
I can't believe it's fantastic
9 April 2024
After medicore shows like TNG, DS9, Voyager (the best of these 4), and Enterprise. After the embarrassment that is the JJ films. After the abysmal train wreck that is Discovery and Picard, I wrote this off completely just from the images as Barney in space. It whatever popular kids show with zero depth is popular these days.

But omigoodness this is, so far, REALLY good!! The pilot actually hooked me. After three more episodes I absolutely adore this show and can't wait to watch the next episode. This has the adventure and whimsy of ToS. Yeah, it's a little kid oriented at times. The rock creatures voice annoys me. But it is intelligently written and isn't cotton candy empty. This might be my second favorite Star Trek behind ToS. I just hope they don't mess it up.
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Megaboa (2021)
Lol. I love the reviews.
3 February 2024
How are you even going to look at this cover or watch the trailer and think "I'll bet this is one of the greatest movies I'll ever watch!"? No, you should know what you're getting yourself into from the get go so to give it a 1-3 means you really shouldn't have watched it in the first place. It's an Asylum film. It's only going to have one actor you know, if you're lucky, and the graphics will be passable. And what's with the Eric Roberts hate? He's a fantastic actor. This isn't his best work, granted but if you don't like him why would you watch this? Anyway, decent enough if you're honest with yourself.
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May needs to gooooooooooo.
14 January 2024
The Titan/MUTO in this episode is pretty cool. I'm not sure why people complain about the CGI.

This really is a filler episode and I hate that term. But if you cut out the parts that were irrelevant, it's be about 20 minutes long. I believe I can genuinely say NO ONE cares about flashbacks to when Asian Harry met Black Sally. No one. There's giant monsters everywhere, important people and information are missing, and we're supposed to care about an ok dude and a relentlessly unlikable female who have zero chemistry met? No. We do not. At all.

At least a Kurt is here trying to keep all these idiots alive. For people who believe in evolution you think they'd allow natural selection to work things out a little more often.
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There was an opportunity
14 January 2024
Cate is unlikable and May is insufferable. Wyatt and Kurt almost single handedly save the show. Personally I thought the CGI was great. I hear complaints about it and I'm thinking they just want to complain.

Kintaro is pretty solid as well. Dealing with hurdles as if they were hurdles that need to be overcome rather than Cate and May who treat world ending catastrophes as if they were specifically aimed to make their lives difficult.

Thank goodness Kurt was written like an actual human being and Wyatt mimics him almost perfectly in flashbacks.

I like the human stories when it's about the MUTOs and Monarch. Everytime May almost dies you think "Hopefully it finally happens." Part of it is the writing part of it is the atrocious actress.
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Night Court: Justice Buddies (2023)
Season 1, Episode 6
And it finally goes into the garbage
11 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
5 episodes in, and then the agenda hammer goes into full swing.

There was an obnoxious episode in the middle of the season where a bunch of 11 year olds want to tell the judge and lawyers what's wrong with this country and how they're all part of the problem all while causing a mini riot in the court room protesting the ruling against a street "artist" defacing statues of the world's biggest villain, Christopher Columbus.

It gets even better when the black balliff abandons her post to join the protest. The writing was spot on unfortunately. These are the people you hear on way too many social medias. Unfortunately it's not ever written correctly with everyone educated appropriately. Instead the black lady lets the white judge know life is unfair sometimes and that can be frustrating. The judge of course realizes that she as the the judge is the real villain in this scenario. Are you kidding me?

The black balliff explains to one kid she took the job so people will see someone from their community and will treat them like people and not just assume they're guilty. Um.... YOU'RE A BALLIFF!! You have no purpose except to say "all rise" and then remove people from the court room. That's it.

Also, IDK if you're all familiar with the original Night Court or this one. But the entire point of this show is she, and her father from the original series, do exactly that. That's why they became judges. To look beyond the lawyers and the papers and see the HUMAN standing before them. That's the entire point of the shows!!!

So in the end, the kids don't get any repercussions, the balliff doesn't either, and no one learns anything about anything.

This is why we can't have nice things.
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Prey (I) (2022)
They just can't get Predator right.
11 December 2023
Frankly it's probably better than Predators or The Predator. It just seems like every attempt lately is half of a good movie and half a complete misstep.

Predator himself they largely get wrong, I almost wonder if they've seen the originals or ever read and of the comics or novels. My guess is no.

The acting is ok. Occasionally not bad but sometimes very bad.

The scenery is beautiful. Pretty solid direction all around. Over all is another decent addition to the franchise. Certainly better than the Alien franchise at this point. But it just pales compared to the first two and Alien vs Predator.
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This episode is crap
5 December 2023
Absolutely the worst episode so far. And I love that this episode is still streaming but the episode where Dee imitates a non white person is not on streaming because THAT would be inappropriate. I think my favorite thing is the hypocrisy.

Seriously, though if you wonder if there's an episode you should just skip, it is 100% this episode. If I never see or hear about this garbage episode again it'll be too soon.

And yes, treating the entire thing as a super mystery is at least in the neighborhood of clever. But feces is never worth a joke much less an entire episode of content. This is why TV is horrible now.
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New Girl: Reagan (2016)
Season 5, Episode 6
I love Megan Fox
26 November 2023
But for some reason she gets cast as just the WORST characters constantly. I really don't know why she doesn't insist on better characters. She needs to pay someone likable like Cece. I loved her in Ninja Turtles. Yes April should be a red head, but she was funny and likable and she needs to play more characters like that.

Reagan is a terrible addition to the show regardless of who played her. For a show about largely likable if not immature characters are sticks out like a sore thumb. The female cop partner to Winston is a much better addition to the show. Love that actress and character!! More of that.
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Shining Vale (2022–2023)
Went downhill fast in season 2
3 November 2023
Season one is GREAT!! I HIGHLY recommend it. Courtney Cox almost never lets you down in successful TV shows and movies. Mira Sorvino is a treasure and very under appreciated. Her performance in season I've is the highlight of every episode. Greg Kinear is always a good bet as well. The actress that plays the daughter has serious acting chops with nuance and timing. The son isn't given much to do and is sort of an after thought.

The show has many references to The Shining, is both eerie and funny.

Unfortunately season 2 is garbage. Though it hasn't ended yet every episode is worse than the one before. Episode one was decent but after that downhill. I'm on episode 5 and I hope it either gets cancelled or season three is nothing like this.
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Dracula 2000 (2000)
Surprisingly really good
1 October 2023
So it's not scary. It has it's share of blood without being relentlessly gory. If you know that ahead of time I truly believe you'll enjoy this film. It's a well written very intelligent film. Perhaps not the only time this idea has been floated regarding Dracula but it is still a fairly unique take.

The cast is fantastic even if the writing is a bit less than your hope for. Some great one liners which I always count as a bonus.

It's not the best version you'll see but I do consider it far more than "dumb fun". But I can't get into that too much without spoilers. You may figure it out beforehand but it's still more fun to go in blind.
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A flamboyant cartoon
29 September 2023
These movies are fine. I find it HILARIOUS when people try to revere them over superhero movies or any other action films. These movies are empty brainless fun action set pieces with AMAZING choreography and beautiful cinematography. But they are NOT high art. It's embarrassing to read the reviews that say otherwise. If you enjoy it more that's great. But Wick falls off three to seven story buildings. He's shot, stabbed, hit by cars!! But he has a bruise and limps so it's super realistic. Not all Batman in a suit with his bulletproof suit.... That isn't knife proof?

John Wick is a live action cartoon that runs on everyone's love for the very cool Keanu Reeves. There's is no heart to these films. There is no emotional anchor. There's is only flash.
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Veep (2012–2019)
Dreyfuss worst show
27 September 2023
If West Wing is how we WISH the government worked, VEEP is how it ACTUALLY works and it's horrendously depressing.

The show is filled with juvenile imbeciles with way too much power. You know, like real life. It's far too vulgar. These are people you wouldn't cross the street to spit on and yet all they do is spit on each other treating each other horrendously.

Julia was very good in Seinfeld and at her absolute best in "New Adventures of Old Christine.". Frankly actor you like in the this show has another one that's better. Ever single one of them.

Why I'm putting myself through season 3 instead of just quitting...I don't know.
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Expend4bles (2023)
I'm sorry, Sly. I loved the first three
27 September 2023
..... I was underwhelmed. I wasn't expecting much and it delivered on that. Tony Jaa was one of the best parts of the film. As a character.

The action is what you'd expect. Fists, feet, guns, knives and explosions it was however more visceral than the previous three and whereas I like action, I don't care for violence. When it feels like it's more about shock and less about adrenaline, I check out mentally.

The humor was more juvenile than I care for also. Not all of it. But a few key moments was like "Who wrote this, Judd Apatow?" (the answer is no. Actually very decent writers including ones who wrote Equilibrium.) The cast was all over the place. I get adding Iwo Kuwais and Tony Jaa. But 50 cent, some random Spanish kid, some odd Asian chick and some second random bad guy just don't fit into who this series was for and about. And it's GLARING what they should've done different.

They added Andy Garcia which is a nice old blood touch but come on. He's not Mel Gibson, JCVD, Bruce Willis, etc level .

Megan Fox ... I really like her. I've liked her in many things. But... Not this. Her intro is so shrill it's difficult to care about her later. And she's under about 15lbs of makeup. And you still wonder about more established female action heroes that could've been used. Charlize Theron? Scarlett Johanson? Kim Basinger? Uma Thurman. IDK.

I kinda don't care if they make a part 5 and as hard as this bombed, I'm sure they probably won't.
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Absolute blast
11 August 2023
We watched it in 3D. Sadly the screen was quite small. The opening sequence was pretty great and some incredible scenery shots were beautiful but ultimately it didn't need to be seen in 3D unfortunately.

. I will say, on its own two feet, this film was great. It did this in a completely unexpected way to me. From the trailers I was all geared up for ridiculousness just this side of Sharknado, and I was happy with that!!

However! It turned out to be so much more. I don't mean to say this movie rips off anything. I'd only say parts were familiar simply because they came before. The movie itself retains it's uniqueness.

For me it belongs alongside Leviathan, Jurassic Park, Alien (or maybe Aliens), Pitch Black, Deep Rising and of course Jaws.

It manages to be about the people not the megs. Not bigger more glorious deaths. Though it has those.

Like the aforementioned films it draws you in and makes you care. So the 'beat the clock' moments are really intense... And not everyone works out for the heroes. In fact when one or two does, you get comfortable and then BAM!, one doesn't. But not in a gimmicky way. It really works. I was never taken out of the story.

Also, like the aforementioned movies, the humor is natural. Not necessarily realistic every time I suppose but it never undermined the moment or the movie The men made mistakes but were strong, competent, take charge and caring characters.

The women were strong competent characters who were human and made mistakes.

I... REALLY enjoyed this film. Definitely going to be a purchase. I'm ready for a 3rd. I genuinely don't believe it can be better than this one, but that's ok.
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Twisted Metal (2023– )
Pretty good.
1 August 2023
Should've just let Samoa Joe do the voice. But that's the problem with almost all the shows and movies these days. There's no authenticity. Will Arnett voicing is completely unnecessary and makes a great performance weaker. And Joe is fantastic at this performance. Nuanced yet over the top. But you can feel the disconnect from the dubbing. No offense to Arnett who is great. He's just unnecessary here and hobbling the performance of Sweet Tooth which is the main draw of the show.

There are a few other really solid moments but they're less effective when the actors are so goofy. The way to make something as ridiculous as Twisted Metal work is to NOT have the characters in on the joke. Have them play it real.
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10th Anniversary is superior
20 July 2023
Yeah Colm Wilkinson is the definitive Jean Val Jean. And then Nick Jonas? Seriously? Do yourself a favor and track down the 10th anniversary also known as The Dream Cast. And for very good reason. You're ears and more importantly your very soul will thank you.

. And because you HAVE to type 600 characters you can stop here. I'll I have to say now is the Hugh Jackman version is so bad also. Eddie Redmayne was the best singer. Maybe Hugh was good at one time. (He wasn't. He was average. I own his Oklahoma pre-Wolverine) and I hate they made such a beautiful movie with people who can't sing. Russell Crowe? Seriously?
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Terrible season finale
15 July 2023
A few seasons ago Simpsons went from mildly repetitive yet comfortably reliable to absolute garbage. Surprisingly there last couple seasons were a vast improvement I actually, foolishly, got optimistic. I should've known better I guess they had to hit their woke/diversity garbage lack of talent. Reasonably I can't give it a one because there are some great jokes just horribly few and buried under refuse. The intro was fantastic as well. Wish I could watch it in slow mo to catch more of the cameos.

FYI hell isn't real and if it were it wouldn't be populated or emptied by today's standards. But I don't expect today's "writers" to understand competence. I never wanted this show to end.... But now....
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I can't believe I loved this movie
6 July 2023
I'm not exactly a fan of Jennifer Lawrence. And really can't stand her fan base. The story line seemed cheap and ugly and most sex comedies are awful. But I saw the trailer and laughed and thought it might not be too bad.

It was really great. Funny, endearing, character growth, with a great message. Maybe get to know a person instead of having sex with random strangers. I can see why a lot of moral less would hate that.

The young man was a little annoying at first but he grows on you really fast and he does a solid job.

Jennifer Lawrence's character grows and becomes a better person during the film. Your association really does matter. Choose wisely.
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The Flash (I) (2023)
Good bye Ezra Miller
6 July 2023
Thank goodness Michael Keaton was in it or it would've been unwatchable.

Miller is the worst version I've ever seen of The Flash. I'm glad this film bombed. It territory shows you the importance of a director. The performance Snyder got out of Ezra versus this chaotic mess in this twos you plenty about competence.

The cameos were both fun but also glaring about the ones they left out.

Supergirl was surprisingly good in this film. Both the actress and the story. Illustrating how the world needs Superman and nothing else will substitute all while reminding us the big middle finger Gunn is giving everyone with the universe reboot.
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Better than garbage
12 June 2023
I guess if you make garbage like Discovery and Picard, people will celebrate the mediocre when it's presented to them. If this had been the first show since Enterprise (which was also medicore) it wouldn't have nearly the high marks. But everyone is just so thrilled it isn't COMPLETE garbage that they're salivating all over poor writing, medicore acting, lousy characters, incredible CGI, and just all around a depressing attempt at Star Trek.

. I don't have 100 more characters of opinion so I'll say Anson Mount is very good. Spock is pretty bad. Wrong Doctor. Is that REALLY supposed to be Uhura? Etc etc.
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Lousy reviews by people dead inside
29 May 2023
What a great film. What a great sequel. Between the family dynamic and the fear of losing those close to you. The real fear of losing people in death, there's real emotion on display here.

The contention amongst the villains is very real. Wanting to accomplish one thing but not the same way can create real friction. Why do the heroes argue but not the villains? It's great.

The action is great. The humor is balanced rather than off-putting.

This is what super hero movies should be and movies in general. The worst thing is Gunn rebooting this universe when it's so fantastic.

You really shouldn't miss this. It's a real fun film.
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Mad God (2021)
How to waste 2 1/2 decades
6 January 2023
Let me say the talent displayed is incredible. The imagination on display is also rather incredible. But that's it. The film is absolutely nonsensical and BEYOND grotesque. There are incredibly beautiful images that would make terrific screen savers. But many parts may literally have you reaching for a bucket to puke in. The annoyance to that is doubled when basically nothing connects.

You may find yourself looking for metaphors and deeper meaning behind the imagery. There is none. Stupid people will watch this and feel smart. Smart people will watch this and realize it's stupid. Drug addicts will watch this and enter themselves into rehab.
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My Two Dads (1987–1990)
Terrific show about Father's
18 December 2022
The best part of this show is no homosexuality. Truly this show wouldn't be anywhere near as good if they were a gay couple. (I can see all the red faced angry people and that's hilarious too.) Fact is by having them have no connection to each other and equal connection to the daughter creates a dynamic that is truly unique.

It also tackles two different guy types and how they relate to having a daughter, their own friendships and the world in general.

Paul is every bit as good in this as he was on Mad About You. The other day I'm a bit unfamiliar with. Staci is amazing. She was wonderful in Step by Step she she's wonderful in this.
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