Knight Moves (1992)
19 August 2003
I really liked this movie a lot. Very well written murder mystery with clues that are fair and sort of a scary movie to boot! It really keeps you guessing right to the last scene who is the disturbed murderer. Set on an island off Canada at a world chess tournament, where the killer is murdering his or her (I won't spill the beans!) victims by chess moves taken by the players. Every one and I mean everyone, is a suspect as the cast gets whittled down by the killer leading to a heart pounding climax. Nice photography with a creepy opening scene. If you like to play Sherlock Holmes or just like an edge of your seat mystery thriller you will enjoy this movie a lot. I guarentee you will keep changing your guess to who the killer is many times while watching this.....but use your little gray cells and follow the clues! Neat flick!
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