Review of Following

Following (1998)
I'm mystified by the high praise this gets
7 June 2007
People seem to love this film. Reviews talk about its ingenious twists and turns. Well, maybe if I'd never seen "House Of Games" or even "The Usual Suspects" I might have been a bit more surprised. But as it was, I figured out who was pulling the wool over whose eyes pretty much from the word go. Perhaps I've just watched too many double-(or triple-)cross thrillers.

This is basically apprentice work. Nolan wrote a film he could shoot for peanuts. In that respect, there's no denying he's done a great job. Despite the fact you can hear the camera running in most shots, he's put together a well directed film that manages to rise above its zero budget. But the script needs so much more work - it really could've done with a couple of more drafts. It falls into some very basic traps, like characters constantly "explaining" the plot to other characters for the benefit of the audience. The acting is okay, though funnily enough the best performance comes from someone who never had any intention of becoming a professional actor (he's now an architect).

I thought all the twists and turns a bit tiresome. Very much hand-me-down Mamet. The actual idea of "following" complete strangers is quite intriguing. Too bad the movie doesn't bother to pursue it after the first few minutes.

Still, Nolan designed this as a calling card movie. Like an eye-catching student movie, it got him noticed, and he's now working in Hollywood. And I wish him well. In fact, his Director's Commentary on the DVD of "Following" is much more interesting than the film itself.

Watch it if you're a bit curious. But, really, it's no great shakes.
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