Everybody Loves Raymond (1996–2005)
among the meanest, most un-funny shows ever
17 February 2009
i've never understood the appeal of this show. there are no sympathetic characters, everyone is yelling all the time, and they all appear to hate each other. perhaps that is the family dynamic of the target audience of the show, and if so, it's just another example of the 'lowest common denominator' thinking of Hollywood. how there were enough people to be duped into watching over 200 episodes of this mean-spirited, dull, repetitive dreck i'll never know. it is as though the writers came up with ONE idea for a pilot: a slow-witted dullard marries a conniving, bitter woman who never stops yelling, then moves next door to his parents--a conniving, bitter woman who hates the other conniving, bitter woman, and a grumpy old man; and then never came up with another one. This show is absolutely the nadir of American comedy.
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