Micronauts (2000– )
JJ Abrams & Micronauts = Win!
13 November 2009
Abrams has an amazing ability to develop intelligent and compelling films and if he chooses to develop the Bill Mantlo / Michael Golden scripted first 12 issues of the Marvel comic, I think we'll be in for a fun ride at the movies! The comic series (initially a 12 issue mini-series) was definitely a child of the Star Wars mania. So many elements of the comic were inspired by Star Wars, particularly the "enigma force" and the "time travellers".

The initial 12 issue comic series chronicled the adventures of Arcturus Rann who returns home after a 1000 year deep sleep space voyage to find the home he loved has become a foreign land under the thumb of a tyrant named Baron Karza. The legitimate Royal family is on the run. Allied with an exiled Acroyear prince a bugman thief, a dancer called Marionette with her robot side kick and his robotic co-pilot, Arcturus Rann wages a war across the "Microverse" to free his universe from the iron hand of Baron Karza and his infamous "Bodyworks". He is the "One" the enigmatic "Time Travellers" have been waiting for!

The story is an outstanding yarn and certainly worth of big screen treatment.
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