not fantastic but still funny
11 October 2010
Along Came Polly (2004)

Along Came Polly is not Ben Stiller's best film nor his best performance but I really enjoyed it. It's not that original but it is still somehow fresh. It is pretty well written and there are plenty of memorable and distinct moments that make it more recognizable and original than the storyline itself would make it seem like it would. The bathroom scene, the ferret and the basketball scene are a few of these moments.

As far as acting goes, Ben Stiller does what he usually does. He makes you laugh and believe his character but doesn't actually act wonderfully, which doesn't seem to make sense. His performance is similar to that in There's Something About Mary. Jennifer Aniston also gives the same performance as almost everything she's done, which isn't good but it works out fine all together. The best character and performance in the film is Phillip Seymour Hoffman. He has a very strange role in comparison to most of his other work, and he does it great. He was very hilarious and did really good, he kept the film more watchable, though he had a small role. Hank Azaria also had a very funny yet even smaller role that added more character to the otherwise average film.

Any fan of Ben Stiller or Jennifer Aniston will most likely enjoy Along Came Polly. It's nothing extremely special and it's not the funniest movie, but it has a good story and has many good laughs. Definitely worth watching if it's on TV or something, but not really something you need to run out and rent, unless, like I said, you are a big fan of Stiller or Aniston.

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