Beautiful. Left Me Speechless and Overwhelmed.
24 March 2013
I do not even know where to begin, so I'm just going to head into this review full steam ahead.

I sat staring at my iO screen for 20 minutes trying to decide between watching this - which I hadn't really heard any review from - and Celeste & Jesse Forever. Instinctively, I went with this; I clicked Order and hoped for the best.

This was by far the most moving film I have ever seen. To give you a quick synopsis, our protagonist, Dodge, teams up with the overly optimistic and happy-go-lucky Penny, a fellow apartment complex resident, to travel to his high school sweetheart's house to tie loose ends before the world comes to an apocalyptic close.

Steve Carell truly nailed his performance. The audience watches his random heartbreak, internal conflict, and journey to love. Other reviewers have stated the film was "dull" and "weak" - but those reviewers also admit to fast forwarding and getting up. If they were smart, they would've waited, because that is all part of the film's magic. As a viewer, I felt like in the first 15 minutes I was at a standstill. I felt like I didn't even know what I was watching, almost uncomfortable. I can now say that was done intentionally. How would we respond to hearing about the world, that we live in, ending in our near future? With dullness, stillness, and discomfort. The weakness is really a success on behalf of the filmmakers; the viewer is a character in this madness. Steve Carell strengthens this to new extremes.

Keira Knightley is stunning. In physicality, but more importantly, in her character, Penny. I was instantly in love with this free willed, uppity character who says no to nothing but stands for everything good in this world: risk, love, spontaneity. Her mixed conflict juggling guilt, confusion, and optimism is portrayed impeccably through Keira's teary-eyed, heartfelt performance is truly astonishing; her ability to make the viewer feel as if they know her and relate to her is so beautiful and overwhelming. Again, the filmmakers did a wonderful job making the viewer feel as in love with her as other characters in the story are.

With these two spot-on, PERFECTLY cast performances, and a phenomenal vintage soundtrack to top it all off, I was left crying multiple times. I kid you not, I am a 16 year old male, cries at basically nothing, and sobbed the last ten minutes of the movie and countless times throughout. I highly recommend this to anyone who understands the underlying beauty in our hectic lives, and appreciates the time to take a step back and realize that life is short - and we are the lucky ones. Love carries us through life, and it is in that state-of-being where we are most in touch with humanity.

Moved. Touched. Overwhelmed. I will never forget watching this movie for the first time.

What would you do with the rest of your life if you had limited time left? After seeing this, I will make every second count.
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