Good but not great
25 June 2013
Monsters, Inc. was the first Pixar movie where I saw their genius. Such an incredible mix of themes and emotions. From the basic premise of "humanizing" monsters to the tiny details in Boo's behavior that I did not notice until I had a daughter of my own, it was beautiful and original.

My top Pixar movies are (in no particular order) Finding Nemo, Monsters, Inc., Wall-E and The Incredibles. These are movies that actually mean something to me.

Monsters University is definitely better than Cars 2 and Brave, but I did not find that "magic ingredient" in it. If anything, it was formulaic - the same old story retold for the millionth time.

It was certainly nice to see Sully and Mike again and see how they became friends, but the story was rather shallow with little character development (I would have loved to see Randall's evolution for example).
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